
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue

Because people want to make money this is why I don't trust people with my dragons because I been lied to alot of times

Because people want to make money this is why I don't trust people with my dragons because I been lied to alot of times
Seeking Coatls and Currency for Forum Games
Saving up for lair expansion
@Nivinti could I get Rhett for treasure, please
I scryed her as an Obelisk, and now I need her in my life :)
@Nivinti could I get Rhett for treasure, please
I scryed her as an Obelisk, and now I need her in my life :)
sure! I'll pluck her off out of the hibden and send her your way!
sure! I'll pluck her off out of the hibden and send her your way!
@Lycoriae Other than making money the only thing I can think of is that they were exalting dragons with those colors. Sometimes people try to lower the amount of dragon with certain colors so their dragon, with the same colors, looks more rare.
@Lycoriae Other than making money the only thing I can think of is that they were exalting dragons with those colors. Sometimes people try to lower the amount of dragon with certain colors so their dragon, with the same colors, looks more rare.
That or they are a exalter
That or they are a exalter
Seeking Coatls and Currency for Forum Games
Saving up for lair expansion
I exalt dragons so I get that, what I don’t really get is where there’s money to be made exalting dragons that you paid more for than you’re going to get back by exalting. If I’m going to level and exalt then I just buy whatever’s cheapest.

Wow, that’s interesting. It wasn’t even a particularly attractive combination of colors though…but I guess that’s a possibility?? o-o
I exalt dragons so I get that, what I don’t really get is where there’s money to be made exalting dragons that you paid more for than you’re going to get back by exalting. If I’m going to level and exalt then I just buy whatever’s cheapest.

Wow, that’s interesting. It wasn’t even a particularly attractive combination of colors though…but I guess that’s a possibility?? o-o
@odakotarose @AlvildaBright @Whoviana @ARabbitOnTheMoon @Yamigiri @MysteryGyn @PipDragon40 @Taurpy @philodendron @LagiaCrusoe @Karresh @PurpleTartan @Azurenight @Dracogenius @Hashakgig @songofzandar @ErraticPulse @redpunch @n02x @Noddddd @Cha0ticNeutral @Silverbolt1159 @Saraceaser @eloquentspeeches @WildFireStar @Sunlitsecrets @Hellnokitty @sunnydaysss @Handdrawnviolist @pilotbites @TimedSun @CoyoteFlowers @SabrinaB @RoseMagic @Winterize @Deltazz @kleighmcgee @Saphira455 @Spinyax @Tynethyne @Woohoorandom @VivaPinata @Teletraan @andersbegabt @kiwisun @wickedgarden @Petall @astcrkit @Aavinox @Svarog @BunnySox @SweetClovers @pythonesque @Megamind @elysifish @Skogur @Phoenyxx @Sofia007 @Kuyoo @Perrydotto @ute @suncodex @borrowedphrases @makyroll @Vrtra @planttkid @Courter @Blushunt @jinu @DemonHearts @fredddio @OperatorEvil @Realcottoncat @Rainilith @Raestrao @spudzy @Mindrop @Tropickle @Haldana @Silversahde @LKF @HoneyedBee @AlexRobins @Meowruff @xaz @theroiprocepios @AlphaSnowdust @FunkyFlower @LadyBee @Ginbet @GrumpyLocks

@Rowdy @neondinosaur @IndigoCat @JayChirps @evermagical @gbot13 @sybretooth @Kaibutsu @Annxxo @Industry @LordQube @pilotbites @samc18 @HenryJekyll @GrimdarkRoxy @SleepyDrago @NaoNao @DreamlightPegasi @Dulcia @collude @Sofia007 @jinu @Kuyoo @EnglishRose @xxDoxxie @BeingOfSalt @AlvildaBright @NeroDrag @RootsforLeaves @HoneyedBee @AttilaThePun @8v3c
@Catrisa @KingMTT @Rouke @Alamort @Natta @Phoenyxx @Sofia007 @minervamaga @jinu @Roamer @Puggles @Hounds @Moonsight @Sleepyflower @cvthedral @LadyBee @a8247

hi! someone just apparently purged their entire 6 and 7 digit lair at 7kt each on the ah?? i was able to snag most (but not all :( ) of them and am in the process of moving them to my appropriate lair tabs. i'm now very very broke, so if you see anyone that interests you after nereus on pg. 2 (rn) of my main lair or before sundancer on my old oaks tab (where i'm moving them to), please let me know and we can figure out appropriate pricing for these oldies!
@odakotarose @AlvildaBright @Whoviana @ARabbitOnTheMoon @Yamigiri @MysteryGyn @PipDragon40 @Taurpy @philodendron @LagiaCrusoe @Karresh @PurpleTartan @Azurenight @Dracogenius @Hashakgig @songofzandar @ErraticPulse @redpunch @n02x @Noddddd @Cha0ticNeutral @Silverbolt1159 @Saraceaser @eloquentspeeches @WildFireStar @Sunlitsecrets @Hellnokitty @sunnydaysss @Handdrawnviolist @pilotbites @TimedSun @CoyoteFlowers @SabrinaB @RoseMagic @Winterize @Deltazz @kleighmcgee @Saphira455 @Spinyax @Tynethyne @Woohoorandom @VivaPinata @Teletraan @andersbegabt @kiwisun @wickedgarden @Petall @astcrkit @Aavinox @Svarog @BunnySox @SweetClovers @pythonesque @Megamind @elysifish @Skogur @Phoenyxx @Sofia007 @Kuyoo @Perrydotto @ute @suncodex @borrowedphrases @makyroll @Vrtra @planttkid @Courter @Blushunt @jinu @DemonHearts @fredddio @OperatorEvil @Realcottoncat @Rainilith @Raestrao @spudzy @Mindrop @Tropickle @Haldana @Silversahde @LKF @HoneyedBee @AlexRobins @Meowruff @xaz @theroiprocepios @AlphaSnowdust @FunkyFlower @LadyBee @Ginbet @GrumpyLocks

@Rowdy @neondinosaur @IndigoCat @JayChirps @evermagical @gbot13 @sybretooth @Kaibutsu @Annxxo @Industry @LordQube @pilotbites @samc18 @HenryJekyll @GrimdarkRoxy @SleepyDrago @NaoNao @DreamlightPegasi @Dulcia @collude @Sofia007 @jinu @Kuyoo @EnglishRose @xxDoxxie @BeingOfSalt @AlvildaBright @NeroDrag @RootsforLeaves @HoneyedBee @AttilaThePun @8v3c
@Catrisa @KingMTT @Rouke @Alamort @Natta @Phoenyxx @Sofia007 @minervamaga @jinu @Roamer @Puggles @Hounds @Moonsight @Sleepyflower @cvthedral @LadyBee @a8247

hi! someone just apparently purged their entire 6 and 7 digit lair at 7kt each on the ah?? i was able to snag most (but not all :( ) of them and am in the process of moving them to my appropriate lair tabs. i'm now very very broke, so if you see anyone that interests you after nereus on pg. 2 (rn) of my main lair or before sundancer on my old oaks tab (where i'm moving them to), please let me know and we can figure out appropriate pricing for these oldies!
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!

project search || [lf] skin: my heart (52034)
@hatesprit I'd love to pick up [url=][img][/img][/url]

I'd love to pick up

@hatesprit I would love to buy Seanan for gems [url=][img][/img][/url]

I would love to buy Seanan for gems


i appreciate it!! sending you a cr now

i appreciate it!! sending you a cr now
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!

project search || [lf] skin: my heart (52034)