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TOPIC | Genshin Impact
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Only a few days ... So many stuff to farm *running around and crying*
At least I got a garanteed Zhongli! ... Thanks to Keqing, who showed up when I just wanted a few more pulls for another 4*. At least Not Diluc again. I Love hin, don't get me wrong and he IS my main but out of five possible characters I'm only getting hin - accidental C3 ....

Currently running around with Childe and Albedo to get there Friendship up - and the murder everything! XD I don't know of my Childe is just weak or my Albi super strong because they deal the same numbers - with a tendency for high numbers ... 50k Crit from Childe. I'm so done with these dude. <3

So for the next seven days its Geo Hypostatis and Ley lines - I'm out of Mora, EXP books and enchantment Ores ... Last one being the biggest problem. But other then that I'm prepared for Geo Dad! I guess ... Please come Home qwq
Only a few days ... So many stuff to farm *running around and crying*
At least I got a garanteed Zhongli! ... Thanks to Keqing, who showed up when I just wanted a few more pulls for another 4*. At least Not Diluc again. I Love hin, don't get me wrong and he IS my main but out of five possible characters I'm only getting hin - accidental C3 ....

Currently running around with Childe and Albedo to get there Friendship up - and the murder everything! XD I don't know of my Childe is just weak or my Albi super strong because they deal the same numbers - with a tendency for high numbers ... 50k Crit from Childe. I'm so done with these dude. <3

So for the next seven days its Geo Hypostatis and Ley lines - I'm out of Mora, EXP books and enchantment Ores ... Last one being the biggest problem. But other then that I'm prepared for Geo Dad! I guess ... Please come Home qwq
[quote name="Rib" date="2021-04-20 11:33:13" ] > rolled for rosaria > childe came home > sit in a corner and cry my guaranteed 5* roll that i was saving for xiansheng... i hope he likes me enough to come home on 50/50 at least this overgrown puppy didn't waste too many rolls, came home on roll 12 so I'll give him that [/quote] i wouldve suggested waiting for standard banner!! ik how tempting it is to roll but rolling someone you didn't want with guaranteed lim chara hurts more than 'winning' (not really winning in this case) the 50/50... i [i]really[/i] want yanfei. ive loved her since [spoiler]her first datamines<3 i thought she was a bunny character and was a bit disappointed when she was revealed to not be one but shes still so adorable![/spoiler] i doubt she'll be on my team but i just love having her!! to be honest i think i overhyped rosaria for myself. i wanted her for the cryo resonance w/ my qiqi and the night walk but i've gotten so used to my diluc "warming the bench" that i rely on him far too much (especially for mining... idk how i did it with my xiao and patience tbh i was weird.) so i guess for now my team is xiao/venti/qiqi/diluc! sad that venti had to be bribed with $30 but at least hes home<3
Rib wrote on 2021-04-20 11:33:13:
> rolled for rosaria
> childe came home
> sit in a corner and cry

my guaranteed 5* roll that i was saving for xiansheng... i hope he likes me enough to come home on 50/50

at least this overgrown puppy didn't waste too many rolls, came home on roll 12 so I'll give him that
i wouldve suggested waiting for standard banner!! ik how tempting it is to roll but rolling someone you didn't want with guaranteed lim chara hurts more than 'winning' (not really winning in this case) the 50/50...

i really want yanfei. ive loved her since her first datamines<3 i thought she was a bunny character and was a bit disappointed when she was revealed to not be one but shes still so adorable! i doubt she'll be on my team but i just love having her!!

to be honest i think i overhyped rosaria for myself. i wanted her for the cryo resonance w/ my qiqi and the night walk but i've gotten so used to my diluc "warming the bench" that i rely on him far too much (especially for mining... idk how i did it with my xiao and patience tbh i was weird.)

so i guess for now my team is xiao/venti/qiqi/diluc! sad that venti had to be bribed with $30 but at least hes home<3
[quote name="Despairing" date="2021-04-20 14:37:28" ] i wouldve suggested waiting for standard banner!! ik how tempting it is to roll but rolling someone you didn't want with guaranteed lim chara hurts more than 'winning' (not really winning in this case) the 50/50... [/quote] honestly i didn't expect to get a 5* at all since i had only 10 rolls on event banner and rosaria was rate up and the only 4* that i'm missing... childe was just too eager... good luck getting yanfei though, her design is cute
Despairing wrote on 2021-04-20 14:37:28:
i wouldve suggested waiting for standard banner!! ik how tempting it is to roll but rolling someone you didn't want with guaranteed lim chara hurts more than 'winning' (not really winning in this case) the 50/50...

honestly i didn't expect to get a 5* at all since i had only 10 rolls on event banner and rosaria was rate up and the only 4* that i'm missing... childe was just too eager...

good luck getting yanfei though, her design is cute

light in the dark

Hehe came searching for people here that play Genshin. I’m going a little nuts waiting for 1.5...
Hehe came searching for people here that play Genshin. I’m going a little nuts waiting for 1.5...
[quote name="Baehee" date="2021-01-14 11:03:25" ] Anyone been playing Genshin Impact recently? If so, who’s your favorite character so far? Hhueduhedjisd I need a friend to gush to about Genshin impact [/quote] I haven't met Xinyan yet, but she makes a lovely impression as a main character. I also adore Venti and Xiao, impatiently waiting for a Hu Tao story quest!
Baehee wrote on 2021-01-14 11:03:25:
Anyone been playing Genshin Impact recently? If so, who’s your favorite character so far?
Hhueduhedjisd I need a friend to gush to about Genshin impact
I haven't met Xinyan yet, but she makes a lovely impression as a main character. I also adore Venti and Xiao, impatiently waiting for a Hu Tao story quest!
1.5 is nearly upon us. is everyone ready for azhdaha? he uses a lot of aoe attacks, and i don't use a shield, so i'm rather nervous. anything for companionship exp, though! [quote name="Zocha" date="2021-04-26 02:03:05" ] I haven't met Xinyan yet, but she makes a lovely impression as a main character. I also adore Venti and Xiao, impatiently waiting for a Hu Tao story quest! [/quote] there is in fact a hu tao story quest! :D it's unlockable with a story key at ar40 after completing act 2 of liyue's archon quest. xinyan has yet to show up in any quests, but i'm hoping that she will soon. she's a wonderful character.
1.5 is nearly upon us. is everyone ready for azhdaha? he uses a lot of aoe attacks, and i don't use a shield, so i'm rather nervous. anything for companionship exp, though!
Zocha wrote on 2021-04-26 02:03:05:
I haven't met Xinyan yet, but she makes a lovely impression as a main character. I also adore Venti and Xiao, impatiently waiting for a Hu Tao story quest!

there is in fact a hu tao story quest! :D it's unlockable with a story key at ar40 after completing act 2 of liyue's archon quest. xinyan has yet to show up in any quests, but i'm hoping that she will soon. she's a wonderful character.
@Capricat yep, ready! :D i'm getting the sinking feeling that i'm going to hate actually having to face azhdaha, but like, i need his materials man. at least, i can have some comfort in finally being able to use albedo on something rather major this time around.

v1.6 leaks and spoilers, read at your own risk!
i am so, so excited for kazuha! :D he's really cute, and his kit looks fun to play with! i'm still kind of bummed that we're not going to really get to inazuma at this point, if the lack of electro traveler leaks are anything to go by, but knowing that kazuha is just a patch away kind of takes the sting off of waiting.

kazuha has successfully converted my zhongli funds to his funds, damn him. i'll still probably try to get zhongli and eula, though!
@Capricat yep, ready! :D i'm getting the sinking feeling that i'm going to hate actually having to face azhdaha, but like, i need his materials man. at least, i can have some comfort in finally being able to use albedo on something rather major this time around.

v1.6 leaks and spoilers, read at your own risk!
i am so, so excited for kazuha! :D he's really cute, and his kit looks fun to play with! i'm still kind of bummed that we're not going to really get to inazuma at this point, if the lack of electro traveler leaks are anything to go by, but knowing that kazuha is just a patch away kind of takes the sting off of waiting.

kazuha has successfully converted my zhongli funds to his funds, damn him. i'll still probably try to get zhongli and eula, though!
Cursed Die
Hi, I'm Steffon.

Saving up: 1,830/7,000 G
- 11 * (530 - 250) = 3,080 G
- Accent Blueprint (10) + Accent Blueprint = 3,500 G
Taran's wondrous figurines
Hestia's brood
Guild Wars 2 fandragons
[size=1](big eyes I’m terrible at discussion but might just sub to this thread?? ;;[/size] [quote name="Steffon" date="2021-04-26 09:19:30" ] [b]v1.6 leaks and spoilers, read at your own risk![/b] [spoiler]i am so, so excited for kazuha! :D he's really cute, and his kit looks fun to play with! i'm still kind of bummed that we're not going to really get to inazuma at this point, if the lack of electro traveler leaks are anything to go by, but knowing that kazuha is just a patch away kind of takes the sting off of waiting. kazuha has successfully converted my zhongli funds to his funds, damn him. i'll still probably try to get zhongli and eula, though![/spoiler] [/quote] [spoiler] GOD yeah!! I’m so excited for him too his aesthetics and colour palette are! just! so good!! ;-; tbh I thought he was going to be pyro but anemo fits so much better as autumn winds <33 [/spoiler] Now I’m so torn on saving for Scaramouche to be “potentially added”, or for [spoiler]Kazuha[/spoiler]... the last 5* I got was Venti on his banner and gosh I don’t know if I can get them both [emoji=spiral sad size=1] May RNG be on your side pulling for them !!! 1.5 hypeeee !!
(big eyes I’m terrible at discussion but might just sub to this thread?? ;;
Steffon wrote on 2021-04-26 09:19:30:

v1.6 leaks and spoilers, read at your own risk!
i am so, so excited for kazuha! :D he's really cute, and his kit looks fun to play with! i'm still kind of bummed that we're not going to really get to inazuma at this point, if the lack of electro traveler leaks are anything to go by, but knowing that kazuha is just a patch away kind of takes the sting off of waiting.

kazuha has successfully converted my zhongli funds to his funds, damn him. i'll still probably try to get zhongli and eula, though!

GOD yeah!! I’m so excited for him too his aesthetics and colour palette are! just! so good!! ;-; tbh I thought he was going to be pyro but anemo fits so much better as autumn winds <33

Now I’m so torn on saving for Scaramouche to be “potentially added”, or for Kazuha... the last 5* I got was Venti on his banner and gosh I don’t know if I can get them both

May RNG be on your side pulling for them !!! 1.5 hypeeee !!
[quote name="Zocha" date="2021-04-26 02:03:05" ] I haven't met Xinyan yet, but she makes a lovely impression as a main character. I also adore Venti and Xiao, impatiently waiting for a Hu Tao story quest! [/quote] I main Xinyan and I love her so so much! I want her to have a hangout event soon ahh.
Zocha wrote on 2021-04-26 02:03:05:
I haven't met Xinyan yet, but she makes a lovely impression as a main character. I also adore Venti and Xiao, impatiently waiting for a Hu Tao story quest!

I main Xinyan and I love her so so much! I want her to have a hangout event soon ahh.
[quote name="Steffon" date="2021-04-26 09:19:30" ] @/Capricat yep, ready! :D i'm getting the sinking feeling that i'm going to hate actually having to face azhdaha, but like, i need his materials man. [/quote] honestly same... i rely on dodging a lot, so azhdaha will be a terrible pain. [spoiler]kazuha,, pretty,,,, once yanfei comes home, i'm saving for him. anemo best element, and his kit looks really interesting! i'm more interested in its non combat applications, though. if his skill pulls in items and enemies, could it pull in those boars at brightcrown mountains? all of my hunting needs would be satisfied [emoji=ridgeback love size=1][/spoiler]
Steffon wrote on 2021-04-26 09:19:30:
@/Capricat yep, ready! :D i'm getting the sinking feeling that i'm going to hate actually having to face azhdaha, but like, i need his materials man.

honestly same... i rely on dodging a lot, so azhdaha will be a terrible pain.

kazuha,, pretty,,,,
once yanfei comes home, i'm saving for him. anemo best element, and his kit looks really interesting! i'm more interested in its non combat applications, though. if his skill pulls in items and enemies, could it pull in those boars at brightcrown mountains? all of my hunting needs would be satisfied
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