[center]In need of more space. Feel free to make me an offer on these close XYY's!
Just need them gone. I would like to avoid having to exalt them
He looks so good with capsule!
Male, Light Uncommon
Ice Skink/Robin Constellation/Azure Stained
5 off XYY!
[quote]With Capsule:
Female, Light Unusual
8 off XYY
[quote]With Stained
Swamp girl!
Male, Light Common
7 off XYY
[quote]With Opal
In need of more space. Feel free to make me an offer on these close XYY's!
Just need them gone. I would like to avoid having to exalt them
He looks so good with capsule!

Male, Light Uncommon
Ice Skink/Robin Constellation/Azure Stained
5 off XYY!
With Capsule:

Female, Light Unusual
8 off XYY
With Stained
Swamp girl!

Male, Light Common
7 off XYY
With Opal