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TOPIC | Crystalline Gala 2021
Happy gala
Happy gala
mnsEPCR.png P • E • R • Y • T • O • N
Omg the familiar is adorable, absolute chonker of a friend.

Everyone complaining about them needs to shut up bc I will smoosh the chubby seadoggo pudgeball and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Omg the familiar is adorable, absolute chonker of a friend.

Everyone complaining about them needs to shut up bc I will smoosh the chubby seadoggo pudgeball and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
[center][quote name="BlackStatic" date="2021-01-29 01:57:35" ] Omg the familiar is adorable, absolute chonker of a friend. [s]Everyone complaining about them needs to shut up bc I will smoosh the chubby seadoggo pudgeball and there is nothing you can do to stop me.[/s] [/quote] I agree [img][/img] Either way, Aquarose says happy gala to the first flight she lived under! (she is one of my progens) [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]
BlackStatic wrote on 2021-01-29 01:57:35:
Omg the familiar is adorable, absolute chonker of a friend.

Everyone complaining about them needs to shut up bc I will smoosh the chubby seadoggo pudgeball and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
I agree
Either way, Aquarose says happy gala to the first flight she lived under!
(she is one of my progens)
FObX7rS.png DxCICZ1.png
Windexx | They/he/xe/it/dragos
Add me on genshin! my uid is 641815069 :D

Check out my Dragon Cave profile!
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Lets GOOO i got like 3 new skins in the past week [img]http://[url=][img][/img][/url][/img] My girl moon likes it very much
Lets GOOO i got like 3 new skins in the past week
My girl moon likes it very much
Woo! Am a bit late but woooo! Time to go kill my hands in coli! xD
Woo! Am a bit late but woooo! Time to go kill my hands in coli! xD
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[quote name="XCloudyMiMiX" date="2021-01-29 07:29:22" ] Woo! Am a bit late but woooo! Time to go kill my hands in coli! xD [/quote] same
XCloudyMiMiX wrote on 2021-01-29 07:29:22:
Woo! Am a bit late but woooo! Time to go kill my hands in coli! xD
Call me Soli!
I'm always subbed
Fr +0
1rAc41Y.gif Art Shop
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Offtopic but still important:
why there's no "Relist All" option in Activity Ledger of AH? ;-;
Offtopic but still important:
why there's no "Relist All" option in Activity Ledger of AH? ;-;
lol ♥
I've had my dragons dig/gather every day, and didn't wind up getting enough snow to buy one of everything in the shop. If I hadn't had some stored and bought some on auction I wouldn't have all the event items.
I've had my dragons dig/gather every day, and didn't wind up getting enough snow to buy one of everything in the shop. If I hadn't had some stored and bought some on auction I wouldn't have all the event items.
Delete this account, thank you. I don't want my information on the net for creepers to gank.
[quote name="@Tokusa" date="2021-01-29 11:02:48" ] Offtopic but still important: why there's no "Relist All" option in Activity Ledger of AH? ;-; [/quote] I don't have an official quote, but I [i]think[/i] the answer is server strain - it's a complex operation and you can be asking the site to relist 500 items/quantities/prices/durations at once. If you want to speed up relisting and you're on desktop, hold the enter key and then just keep clicking; you can eat through ten listings in a second, and all you have to do is manually change the page. [quote name="@UtterlyWeird" date="2021-01-29 13:25:35" ] I've had my dragons dig/gather every day, and didn't wind up getting enough snow to buy one of everything in the shop. If I hadn't had some stored and bought some on auction I wouldn't have all the event items. [/quote] Are you brewing them in Baldwin? One melted familiar and one melted apparel equals twenty fest currency, and there's a pretty cheap recipe for five that just needs common gatherable materials. Even if you can't coli, it's pretty accessible to get a few festival items.
@Tokusa wrote on 2021-01-29 11:02:48:
Offtopic but still important:
why there's no "Relist All" option in Activity Ledger of AH? ;-;
I don't have an official quote, but I think the answer is server strain - it's a complex operation and you can be asking the site to relist 500 items/quantities/prices/durations at once. If you want to speed up relisting and you're on desktop, hold the enter key and then just keep clicking; you can eat through ten listings in a second, and all you have to do is manually change the page.
@UtterlyWeird wrote on 2021-01-29 13:25:35:
I've had my dragons dig/gather every day, and didn't wind up getting enough snow to buy one of everything in the shop. If I hadn't had some stored and bought some on auction I wouldn't have all the event items.
Are you brewing them in Baldwin? One melted familiar and one melted apparel equals twenty fest currency, and there's a pretty cheap recipe for five that just needs common gatherable materials. Even if you can't coli, it's pretty accessible to get a few festival items.
@Laluzi , no. I've never really gotten into the craftin side of the game, so I didn't know that was an option. I've been able to do the events without it before now.
@Laluzi , no. I've never really gotten into the craftin side of the game, so I didn't know that was an option. I've been able to do the events without it before now.
Delete this account, thank you. I don't want my information on the net for creepers to gank.