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Im once again summoning you, wise FR people, for suggestions on podcasts-

The ones Ive listened to and enjoyed so far
-The adventure zone (balance and amnesty, Im not following the 3rd season)
-The bright sessions
-Ars paradoxica got me lost sometimes but it was...nicr
-The magnus archives (just got up to date damn I love this)
-I like critical role but Im stuck on ep 12 bc eps are too long for my non-native English attention span

Im currently considering checking wolf359 and Dos: after you

Bonus points for diversity in cast (sp. LGBTQ) but ofc not needed

I prefer podcasts that tell me stories rather than informative or humor ones (tho feel free to suggest those too!). Also got to say TMA is an exception: Im usually not in for horror but the type of horror/mystery in TMA was really enjoyable (+ character interactions always gold)

Spanish and English welcome. Tho eps 1h or shorter or I will cry :") I can binge watch 20-30 min eps but not follow a 4h ep like critical role
Im once again summoning you, wise FR people, for suggestions on podcasts-

The ones Ive listened to and enjoyed so far
-The adventure zone (balance and amnesty, Im not following the 3rd season)
-The bright sessions
-Ars paradoxica got me lost sometimes but it was...nicr
-The magnus archives (just got up to date damn I love this)
-I like critical role but Im stuck on ep 12 bc eps are too long for my non-native English attention span

Im currently considering checking wolf359 and Dos: after you

Bonus points for diversity in cast (sp. LGBTQ) but ofc not needed

I prefer podcasts that tell me stories rather than informative or humor ones (tho feel free to suggest those too!). Also got to say TMA is an exception: Im usually not in for horror but the type of horror/mystery in TMA was really enjoyable (+ character interactions always gold)

Spanish and English welcome. Tho eps 1h or shorter or I will cry :") I can binge watch 20-30 min eps but not follow a 4h ep like critical role
They/them | FR+9 | ASD Adult
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Oh BOY i'm always happy to rec podcasts!!

- Definitely seconding Wolf 359, that's an old favorite.

- Among the Stars and Bones, 10 20-40 min episodes, 1 season (but it's a complete and satisfying story!), pretty decent lgbt+ rep! It's the audio reports of a whole team of xenoarcheologists as they study an alien archeological site, trying to figure out what happened to the former inhabitants. Follows several people whose stories start out separate, but begin to coincide as odd things start happening, and even more odd things stop adding up. Hit me with a great plot twist that I could've seen coming, but didn't, so it ranks very highly on my personal list of faves.

- The Earth Collective Podcast, currently releasing season 4, fairly short episodes but no real lgbt rep (i only forgive it out of sentimentality, it was one of the first pods I got into). Follows humanity's last historian as he tells the story of the Earth Collective, a long (LONG) line of cars on which humanity resides, because to stop moving is to fall prey to the darkness that is constantly chasing them on the new planet we all call home. Tricky to explain, honestly, but it's quite thorough in setting the scene itself. Goes from in-universe infodumping to actual high-stakes plot in season 2 and beyond, and has some interesting twists and a very nice outlook on humanity that i haven't really found elsewhere.

- Unwell is good, two full seasons and a third in the works, 20-40 minute episodes. Great lgbt+ rep. Takes place in a small midwestern town and really leans into the aspect of history, both in truth and in what people in power want to rewrite it into, and also ghosts?? lots of ghosts. Lowkey horror I think, but nothing bad (certainly nothing at magnus archives levels, hah) and they thoroughly trigger warning each episode on their site, along with providing transcripts! Release of season 3 has been delayed a bit since...yknow...[gestures at 2020] but what's there is pretty solid already and I'm excited to see what happens next.

- Zero Hours, 10 (? I don't actually remember how many, hah) 40-ish minute episodes, each telling the story of two different people at different points in earth's past, present, and future. Decent rep! Each episode works on its own, with different dynamics and messages to draw from, and then the last one in the series comes around and ties everything together in a way that, personally, threw me for a delighted loop. It's made by the same folks who did Wolf 359, and I believe has guest voices from a few of the podcasts you mentioned.

I'm a horror podcast fiend, so I don't have much else in the way of things that might interest you, but hopefully one or two of these strikes your fancy!

editing to also add Welcome to Night Vale! horror/comedy (you get used to the horror pretty quick, it's certainly played for laughs), 20-30 minute episodes, SUPERB representation and has a lot of wonderful takes on love and community that I've ever seen. Lots of episodes, since it's been going bimonthly since 2012, but it's not important to listen from the start or even listen in order. Set in a small desert community somewhere in the United States, and is the in-universe broadcast of a radio station, reporting on the day-to-day going-ons of the town and inhabitants. Starts out feeling very random, but never drops a plot thread (even 150+ episodes later. i am NOT exaggerating) and develops even minor side characters as time passes within the show. Not everyone's cup of tea, but if you haven't checked it out, I'd highly recommend!
Oh BOY i'm always happy to rec podcasts!!

- Definitely seconding Wolf 359, that's an old favorite.

- Among the Stars and Bones, 10 20-40 min episodes, 1 season (but it's a complete and satisfying story!), pretty decent lgbt+ rep! It's the audio reports of a whole team of xenoarcheologists as they study an alien archeological site, trying to figure out what happened to the former inhabitants. Follows several people whose stories start out separate, but begin to coincide as odd things start happening, and even more odd things stop adding up. Hit me with a great plot twist that I could've seen coming, but didn't, so it ranks very highly on my personal list of faves.

- The Earth Collective Podcast, currently releasing season 4, fairly short episodes but no real lgbt rep (i only forgive it out of sentimentality, it was one of the first pods I got into). Follows humanity's last historian as he tells the story of the Earth Collective, a long (LONG) line of cars on which humanity resides, because to stop moving is to fall prey to the darkness that is constantly chasing them on the new planet we all call home. Tricky to explain, honestly, but it's quite thorough in setting the scene itself. Goes from in-universe infodumping to actual high-stakes plot in season 2 and beyond, and has some interesting twists and a very nice outlook on humanity that i haven't really found elsewhere.

- Unwell is good, two full seasons and a third in the works, 20-40 minute episodes. Great lgbt+ rep. Takes place in a small midwestern town and really leans into the aspect of history, both in truth and in what people in power want to rewrite it into, and also ghosts?? lots of ghosts. Lowkey horror I think, but nothing bad (certainly nothing at magnus archives levels, hah) and they thoroughly trigger warning each episode on their site, along with providing transcripts! Release of season 3 has been delayed a bit since...yknow...[gestures at 2020] but what's there is pretty solid already and I'm excited to see what happens next.

- Zero Hours, 10 (? I don't actually remember how many, hah) 40-ish minute episodes, each telling the story of two different people at different points in earth's past, present, and future. Decent rep! Each episode works on its own, with different dynamics and messages to draw from, and then the last one in the series comes around and ties everything together in a way that, personally, threw me for a delighted loop. It's made by the same folks who did Wolf 359, and I believe has guest voices from a few of the podcasts you mentioned.

I'm a horror podcast fiend, so I don't have much else in the way of things that might interest you, but hopefully one or two of these strikes your fancy!

editing to also add Welcome to Night Vale! horror/comedy (you get used to the horror pretty quick, it's certainly played for laughs), 20-30 minute episodes, SUPERB representation and has a lot of wonderful takes on love and community that I've ever seen. Lots of episodes, since it's been going bimonthly since 2012, but it's not important to listen from the start or even listen in order. Set in a small desert community somewhere in the United States, and is the in-universe broadcast of a radio station, reporting on the day-to-day going-ons of the town and inhabitants. Starts out feeling very random, but never drops a plot thread (even 150+ episodes later. i am NOT exaggerating) and develops even minor side characters as time passes within the show. Not everyone's cup of tea, but if you haven't checked it out, I'd highly recommend!
dungeon master
Wolf 359 is AMAZING I cannot stress enough how much I recommend it.

I’ve listened and loved a lot of the ones that you already have and I’m currently obsessed with The Penumbra Podcast. It’s an LGBT focused story podcast with two main storylines and a couple of side stories. I’m going to speak on the Juno Steel storyline, because it’s my favorite of the two. It’s about a noir detective and an homme fatal (a male twist on the femme fatale trope) in the distant future, after humanity has colonized the solar system. It takes place on Mars, the main character’s home planet. It’s very funny and very fun and it breaks your heart sometimes.
Wolf 359 is AMAZING I cannot stress enough how much I recommend it.

I’ve listened and loved a lot of the ones that you already have and I’m currently obsessed with The Penumbra Podcast. It’s an LGBT focused story podcast with two main storylines and a couple of side stories. I’m going to speak on the Juno Steel storyline, because it’s my favorite of the two. It’s about a noir detective and an homme fatal (a male twist on the femme fatale trope) in the distant future, after humanity has colonized the solar system. It takes place on Mars, the main character’s home planet. It’s very funny and very fun and it breaks your heart sometimes.
have you not listened to welcome to night vale? this was The big podcast to be listening to a few years back. i see @/interestingword above me has also recc'd it but i'd like to add it's gay from episode 1.

i may also recommend alice isn't dead from the writer as night vale!
here's the synopsis: 'A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.'
have you not listened to welcome to night vale? this was The big podcast to be listening to a few years back. i see @/interestingword above me has also recc'd it but i'd like to add it's gay from episode 1.

i may also recommend alice isn't dead from the writer as night vale!
here's the synopsis: 'A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman.'

+Old Gods of Appalachia is a cosmic horror anthology podcast set in, well, Appalachia. I think it's real great, and the outro theme song is like incredible
+Brimstone Valley Mall is about demons in a mall looking 4 their missing friend before New Years. it's funny and p queer
+Death by Dying and Wooden Overcoats are both about being in the funeral business in small towns. DBD is short (save all the bonus material) and both funny and sad while WO is just humour and found family trope.
+Tides! i'm not finished it yet but its good so far, its about a scientist getting emo about the bugs and rocks she finds on the ****** space beach she's trapped on

+Old Gods of Appalachia is a cosmic horror anthology podcast set in, well, Appalachia. I think it's real great, and the outro theme song is like incredible
+Brimstone Valley Mall is about demons in a mall looking 4 their missing friend before New Years. it's funny and p queer
+Death by Dying and Wooden Overcoats are both about being in the funeral business in small towns. DBD is short (save all the bonus material) and both funny and sad while WO is just humour and found family trope.
+Tides! i'm not finished it yet but its good so far, its about a scientist getting emo about the bugs and rocks she finds on the ****** space beach she's trapped on
Seconding Alice isn't Dead. Two of the main characters are lesbians! It's EXTREMELY well-written with wonderful voice acting and a perfectly spooky soundtrack. Lots of suspense and intense moments but no jumpscares and pretty mild on the actual horror elements, it's more about mystery than actual blood and gore. I absolutely love it, the ending is so wonderful too.
Seconding Alice isn't Dead. Two of the main characters are lesbians! It's EXTREMELY well-written with wonderful voice acting and a perfectly spooky soundtrack. Lots of suspense and intense moments but no jumpscares and pretty mild on the actual horror elements, it's more about mystery than actual blood and gore. I absolutely love it, the ending is so wonderful too.
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Guys just wanted to say even if I take a bit to reply or whatever I am reading your suggestions and noting down some!! also its funny bc I know a few mentioned bc of a good friend who enjoys podcasts haha
Guys just wanted to say even if I take a bit to reply or whatever I am reading your suggestions and noting down some!! also its funny bc I know a few mentioned bc of a good friend who enjoys podcasts haha
They/them | FR+9 | ASD Adult
Creativity raffle! - Dress, scry,
doodle or write to enter!

FR Adopt shop (Pinglist)

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If you like short stories, I recommend Short Science Fiction Collection by Librivox. It's a huge collection of public domain Scifi short stories, many of which still hold up nowadays.

Also for short stories, LeVar Burton Reads. Haven't listened to that one yet. But LeVar is a very wholesome guy who likes stories, so I can say with certainty that this is very likely great.
If you like short stories, I recommend Short Science Fiction Collection by Librivox. It's a huge collection of public domain Scifi short stories, many of which still hold up nowadays.

Also for short stories, LeVar Burton Reads. Haven't listened to that one yet. But LeVar is a very wholesome guy who likes stories, so I can say with certainty that this is very likely great.
Do Go On: An Australian podcast with three hosts. Each week one of them does a report on a subject. There are over 250 episodes. Comedy.

Book Cheat: The host does a report on a book with two guests. (Australian. The host is one of the guys from Do Go On - Comedy)

Four Finger Discount and No Money Down: Simpsons episode review Podcasts

Black Box: Two hosts do reports on plane crashes and plane malfunctions.

Casefile: True Crime that often focuses on Australian cases.

No Such Thing as a Fish: Trivia podcast

Something rhymes with purple: an etymology podcast

Cults: name says it all

The British History Podcast: Mostly covers ancient British history.
Do Go On: An Australian podcast with three hosts. Each week one of them does a report on a subject. There are over 250 episodes. Comedy.

Book Cheat: The host does a report on a book with two guests. (Australian. The host is one of the guys from Do Go On - Comedy)

Four Finger Discount and No Money Down: Simpsons episode review Podcasts

Black Box: Two hosts do reports on plane crashes and plane malfunctions.

Casefile: True Crime that often focuses on Australian cases.

No Such Thing as a Fish: Trivia podcast

Something rhymes with purple: an etymology podcast

Cults: name says it all

The British History Podcast: Mostly covers ancient British history.
seconding old gods od appalachia!!! seriously i cannot recommend it enough! i absolutely adore TMA but i think Old Gods is my true favorite. it's just. so good. amazing soundscaping. episode 0.5? when (redacted) appears? the low grumble that rises into a growl gives me chills EVERY time. some lgbt rep as well, though more subtle as it does take place in early america. it's horror but feels more like you're listening to a grizzled old miner tell you folk tales at a campfire. personally, i dont find it scary at all, but i am a horror buff so it takes a lot to get to me!

the black tapes is also good! it's well done in a way that makes you think it's very real. it's horror but not... scary imo. TMA is more unsettling than this.

i know you said no horror, but snap judgement's spooked is THE best true ghost story podcast I've ever listened to. some are genuinely creepy, others are actually heartwarming. for creepy but heartwarming, i recommend the episodes the watcher (first story), a friend in the forest, lost (second story :'] ), final act (first story), and creepy crawly (first). It is a limited series, though.
seconding old gods od appalachia!!! seriously i cannot recommend it enough! i absolutely adore TMA but i think Old Gods is my true favorite. it's just. so good. amazing soundscaping. episode 0.5? when (redacted) appears? the low grumble that rises into a growl gives me chills EVERY time. some lgbt rep as well, though more subtle as it does take place in early america. it's horror but feels more like you're listening to a grizzled old miner tell you folk tales at a campfire. personally, i dont find it scary at all, but i am a horror buff so it takes a lot to get to me!

the black tapes is also good! it's well done in a way that makes you think it's very real. it's horror but not... scary imo. TMA is more unsettling than this.

i know you said no horror, but snap judgement's spooked is THE best true ghost story podcast I've ever listened to. some are genuinely creepy, others are actually heartwarming. for creepy but heartwarming, i recommend the episodes the watcher (first story), a friend in the forest, lost (second story :'] ), final act (first story), and creepy crawly (first). It is a limited series, though.
NOTE: my username is quinceLy, not quincy/quincey --- den/lair cleanout!!
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