
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Throne of IceFire Hatchery (hiatus)
I can take care of the Light nest o7
I can take care of the Light nest o7

I can get you for lightning!
I can get you for lightning!
@FireStorm3719 I can handle your Shadow nest!
@FireStorm3719 I can handle your Shadow nest!
Garden-of-Shadows-Signature.png X9XFFVl.png

hi, can i please buy this baby? i qualify for the friend rising discord and newbie discounts ^^

hi, can i please buy this baby? i qualify for the friend rising discord and newbie discounts ^^
@Hydrostatic - you also get the everyone discount! So thats 40% total off bringing the babys price down to 30g/kt! Sending her over now. Thank you for giving her a home!
@Hydrostatic - you also get the everyone discount! So thats 40% total off bringing the babys price down to 30g/kt! Sending her over now. Thank you for giving her a home!
[center][b]Affiliate Bump![/b] [emoji=heart size=1][/center]
Affiliate Bump!
[center][font=gabriola][size=7][color=navy][b]November 16th - 17th Update[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] ----- [font=gabriola][size=5][color=navy][b]Hatched Since Last Update:[/b][/color][/size][/font] [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [b]General Pinglist:[/b] [sniped General Pinglist pings] [b]Newest Hatchlings Pinglist:[/b] [list][*]Scorching #12 - @gayzashi @macabrePuck @Joule [*]Biosphere #1 - @macabrePuck [*]Grey Scale #10 - @macabrePuck [*]Biosphere #7 - @macabrePuck [*]Grey Scale #20 - @macabrePuck [*]Grey Scale #13 - @macabrePuck [/list] [color=transparent]line break[/color] ----- [font=gabriola][size=5][color=navy][b]Hatchery Updates:[/b][/color][/size][/font] Hello everyone. Apologies for the mass ping but just wanted to let everyone know that [color=red]I'll be closing the hatchery again soon[/color]. Fiance lost his job and with all this covid nonsense, bills and saving for the wedding that we JUST started planning, I will have to get a second job. So I will have absolutely no time for FR now. I will keep it open until I get the remaining nests in and once those babies age up. So I will not be sending any new pairs out until I can play more steadily again. I may nest my project pairs in the meantime to see if I can get the last few color ranges I need. If you wish to be removed from any of the ping lists, just let me know or check out the Self-Editing Pinglist. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope that I will be able to play again soon. [color=transparent]line break[/color] ----- [font=gabriola][size=5][color=navy][b]Nesters Needed for Tomorrow:[/b][/color][/size][/font] [i]Due to my schedule, I will not be nesting any pairs for the foreseeable future.[/i] [sniped Nester & Specific Pair Pinglist pings]
November 16th - 17th Update

Hatched Since Last Update:
65165527.png 65165528.png 65165529.png 65165530.png 65168723.png 65168724.png 65168725.png 65174639.png 65174640.png 65174641.png 65155072.png 65155073.png 65155074.png 65181066.png 65181067.png 65181068.png 65181070.png 65181071.png 65181072.png 65181073.png 65181074.png

General Pinglist:
[sniped General Pinglist pings]

Newest Hatchlings Pinglist: line break

Hatchery Updates:

Hello everyone. Apologies for the mass ping but just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be closing the hatchery again soon. Fiance lost his job and with all this covid nonsense, bills and saving for the wedding that we JUST started planning, I will have to get a second job. So I will have absolutely no time for FR now.

I will keep it open until I get the remaining nests in and once those babies age up. So I will not be sending any new pairs out until I can play more steadily again. I may nest my project pairs in the meantime to see if I can get the last few color ranges I need.

If you wish to be removed from any of the ping lists, just let me know or check out the Self-Editing Pinglist. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope that I will be able to play again soon.

line break

Nesters Needed for Tomorrow:

Due to my schedule, I will not be nesting any pairs for the foreseeable future.

[sniped Nester & Specific Pair Pinglist pings]
@FireStorm3719 Oof, I wish you and your fiance the best of luck in job hunting and wedding planning!
@FireStorm3719 Oof, I wish you and your fiance the best of luck in job hunting and wedding planning!
Garden-of-Shadows-Signature.png X9XFFVl.png
Good luck with everything! I hope it all works out smoothly. Times are rough
Good luck with everything! I hope it all works out smoothly. Times are rough
hey man, gl with all that stuff goin on
hey man, gl with all that stuff goin on