As you're out, travelling a bit away from your home one day, you come upon a crashed ship of some kind and a quartet of unfamiliar dragons. The dragons explain that their ship is the [i]Pond Hopper[/i], and that they were attempting to travel through a Stellar Portal of some kind when a rogue solar emission knocked them off course. The tech looks futuristic, to those of you who study such things, and the dragons speak in strange accents, unheard of in this time period. Regardless, the four seem discombobulated from their sudden arrival in an unfamiliar place, and ask you for help repairing the [i]Pond Hopper[/i], keeping themselves safe and fed, and maybe even learning a bit about the strange place they've found themselves in.
As you're out, travelling a bit away from your home one day, you come upon a crashed ship of some kind and a quartet of unfamiliar dragons. The dragons explain that their ship is the
Pond Hopper, and that they were attempting to travel through a Stellar Portal of some kind when a rogue solar emission knocked them off course. The tech looks futuristic, to those of you who study such things, and the dragons speak in strange accents, unheard of in this time period. Regardless, the four seem discombobulated from their sudden arrival in an unfamiliar place, and ask you for help repairing the
Pond Hopper, keeping themselves safe and fed, and maybe even learning a bit about the strange place they've found themselves in.
~Kit~They/Them~Lesbian~Spiral Lover~
This is a coliseum hunt! As such, the crew of the [i]Pond Hopper[/i] will ask you for numerous items, all of which can be found in the coliseum.
Send the requested items to a receiver (preferably one online), and you'll eventually earn a wonderful array of badges!
While this event is intended to encourage you to get into the coliseum and do a little bit of grinding, the crew isn't about to turn down help, regardless of how or when exactly you got the items.
And, for clarity: each set of 1 or 5 items requested by a crew member is a Quest - [i]not[/i] the entire list. So, if you send in 5 Terra Shells and 5 Dodo Legs, you'll have completed 2 Quests, and will be 20% of the way towards earning your first badge! You can only complete a Quest once, so sending in 10 Terra Shells will only count once towards the Helping Hand and Superlative Supporter badges. (Though it would earn you the Double Duty badge!)
To find out who's online, or to check what items you've already sent in, press the button below!
This is a coliseum hunt! As such, the crew of the
Pond Hopper will ask you for numerous items, all of which can be found in the coliseum.
Send the requested items to a receiver (preferably one online), and you'll eventually earn a wonderful array of badges!
While this event is intended to encourage you to get into the coliseum and do a little bit of grinding, the crew isn't about to turn down help, regardless of how or when exactly you got the items.
And, for clarity: each set of 1 or 5 items requested by a crew member is a Quest -
not the entire list. So, if you send in 5 Terra Shells and 5 Dodo Legs, you'll have completed 2 Quests, and will be 20% of the way towards earning your first badge! You can only complete a Quest once, so sending in 10 Terra Shells will only count once towards the Helping Hand and Superlative Supporter badges. (Though it would earn you the Double Duty badge!)
To find out who's online, or to check what items you've already sent in, press the button below!
~Kit~They/Them~Lesbian~Spiral Lover~
The first dragon to approach you is an orange Pearlcatcher, who introduces herself as Charlotte Summers, but says you can just call her Charlie.
She's trying to do something with the wrecked [i]Pond Hopper[/i], and as you inquire, she expresses that she's struggling to repair the ship without enough materials.
"Maybe you could collect some things for me?" she asks.
When you nod, she scribbles down a list of items.
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/19592]5 Augite Fragments[/url], for levitation purposes
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/6351]5 Unstable Serthis Concoctions[/url], to jumpstart the engines
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/183]5 Nickle Ore[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/25775]5 Metal Springs[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/11294]5 Granite Chunks[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/9664]5 Iron Nuggets[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/7568]5 Volt Wiring[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/7570]5 Lumen Wiring[/url], all to try to repair some of the metal components
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/15579]5 Umbral Yarn[/url], to try to keep everything together
[*]and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/13413]5 Pink Chalcedony[/url], also for energy.
List in hand, you're ready to head off when you're stopped by a Mirror. He calls himself James O'Reilly, and he seems to be the leader of this little band.
He's keeping an eye on the wilds near where the ship went down. "I'd feel better about all this if I had some weapons, something to defend us with. And if there weren't so many things, watching us."
When you press him for specifics, he settles on requesting the following items.
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/15119]5 Hardy Antlers[/url] and
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/23884]5 Terra Shells[/url], to try to make some sort of shields
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/34751]5 Field Watchers[/url], as proof that you've cut down on the number of enemies lurking nearby
[*]and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/732]1 Shock[/url]
Almost as soon as O'Reilly has let you go, the Skydancer prances over, introducing himself as Jack Danielson, an archaeologist.
He's overjoyed to have landed on a planet with so many Beastclan cultures, and he asks you for help in collecting some cultural artifacts that he can bring home for study.
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/20122]5 Fluted Seashells[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/21403]5 Antique Oil Lamps[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/10204]5 Mysterious Reliefs[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/6536]5 Rasa Pottery Fragments[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/16490]5 Stag Figurines [/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/4328]5 Otherworldly Collars[/url]
Finally, as you turn to make your way towards the Coliseum, the final member of the band, Teal, approaches you.
He's worried that they'll run out of food soon, and asks if you can collect some while you're out and about. And, he's a bit worried that Charlie has too big a task ahead of her, so he asks if you can bring a familiar as well, to lend her a hand.
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/18451]5 Reverse Silkworm Moths[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/28127]5 Mangled Zeeba Carcasses[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/2777]5 Dodo Legs[/url]
[*][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/game-database/item/11513]5 Rotala[/url]
[*]and 1 of any Familiar
(want the quests organized by zone? check the front page of the spreadsheet!)
The first dragon to approach you is an orange Pearlcatcher, who introduces herself as Charlotte Summers, but says you can just call her Charlie.

She's trying to do something with the wrecked
Pond Hopper, and as you inquire, she expresses that she's struggling to repair the ship without enough materials.
"Maybe you could collect some things for me?" she asks.
When you nod, she scribbles down a list of items.
List in hand, you're ready to head off when you're stopped by a Mirror. He calls himself James O'Reilly, and he seems to be the leader of this little band.

He's keeping an eye on the wilds near where the ship went down. "I'd feel better about all this if I had some weapons, something to defend us with. And if there weren't so many things, watching us."
When you press him for specifics, he settles on requesting the following items.
Almost as soon as O'Reilly has let you go, the Skydancer prances over, introducing himself as Jack Danielson, an archaeologist.

He's overjoyed to have landed on a planet with so many Beastclan cultures, and he asks you for help in collecting some cultural artifacts that he can bring home for study.
Finally, as you turn to make your way towards the Coliseum, the final member of the band, Teal, approaches you.

He's worried that they'll run out of food soon, and asks if you can collect some while you're out and about. And, he's a bit worried that Charlie has too big a task ahead of her, so he asks if you can bring a familiar as well, to lend her a hand.
(want the quests organized by zone? check the front page of the spreadsheet!)
~Kit~They/Them~Lesbian~Spiral Lover~
There are 5 badges that can be earned in this event!
[b]Helping Hand[/b]
[i]Earned By:[/i] Completing 10 Quests
[b]Superlative Supporter[/b]
[i]Earned By:[/i] Completing all 25 Quests
[b]Double Duty[/b]
[i]Earned By:[/i] Sending twice the required items for a Quest (and noting that you're doing so in the PM or CR!)
[b]Story Scribe[/b]
[i]Earned By:[/i] Sending in five food, materials, or trinkets, or one of anything else that we didn't ask for, with a description of how it might be useful! (and noting that you're doing it for this badge in the PM or CR!)
[b]Star Traveller[/b]
[i]Earned By:[/i] Earning all four of the badges listed above.
There are 5 badges that can be earned in this event!
Helping Hand
Earned By: Completing 10 Quests
Superlative Supporter
Earned By: Completing all 25 Quests
Double Duty
Earned By: Sending twice the required items for a Quest (and noting that you're doing so in the PM or CR!)
Story Scribe
Earned By: Sending in five food, materials, or trinkets, or one of anything else that we didn't ask for, with a description of how it might be useful! (and noting that you're doing it for this badge in the PM or CR!)
Star Traveller
Earned By: Earning all four of the badges listed above.
~Kit~They/Them~Lesbian~Spiral Lover~
Thanks to...
Moonichrome, for doing a very similar event last push and inspiring me
Lissy, for doing the spreadsheet for that event and letting me use the spreadsheet as a base
DuskAwakening, for all their hard work coordinating this entire push
nataliaryker and Cannot, for being great receivers
The Shadom Treasury, Battlestone Bank, Hibernal Hub, Food Kitchen, and Familiar Swap for putting all the stuff you guys send in to excellent use
and finally, You, for all of your donations to the Shadom effort!
Thanks to...
Moonichrome, for doing a very similar event last push and inspiring me
Lissy, for doing the spreadsheet for that event and letting me use the spreadsheet as a base
DuskAwakening, for all their hard work coordinating this entire push
nataliaryker and Cannot, for being great receivers
The Shadom Treasury, Battlestone Bank, Hibernal Hub, Food Kitchen, and Familiar Swap for putting all the stuff you guys send in to excellent use
and finally, You, for all of your donations to the Shadom effort!
~Kit~They/Them~Lesbian~Spiral Lover~
The spaceship has crashed! I repeat, the spaceship has crashed!
Which is to say, we're officially open!
The spaceship has crashed! I repeat, the spaceship has crashed!
Which is to say, we're officially open!
~Kit~They/Them~Lesbian~Spiral Lover~
This. This is based off of Stargate SG-1, isn’t it? :D This is amazing, you can be sure I’m gonna help out (as soon as I get to my computer)!
I am DYING over the SG-1 tribute - it's beautiful. I see what you did there with Pond Hopper, too, and love it.
Off to the Coliseum for parts!
I am DYING over the SG-1 tribute - it's beautiful. I see what you did there with Pond Hopper, too, and love it.
Off to the Coliseum for parts!
I love....all these dragons' names. They're amazing. O'Reilly with two l's. Jack Danielson. Charlie. Just plain Teal. The badges. This is perfect <3
I love....all these dragons' names. They're amazing. O'Reilly with two l's. Jack Danielson. Charlie. Just plain Teal. The badges. This is perfect <3