
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [O] Cartographer's Roost; Well of Tales
@Skittles251 Hi! I've recently begun running dnd again and guess which place I'm using as a staring city? Yes, that's right, Lindenfels, the place you made that beauitful map for. I love that map, my players love that map, it's amazing.

So, I've been thinking, why not have more beauyitful maps? Can I order another complex map? I have a sketch, which I'll pm you. It's a village in a canyon on a lake, partly built on a cliff, partly made up of boats. Would you be interested in that comission?
@Skittles251 Hi! I've recently begun running dnd again and guess which place I'm using as a staring city? Yes, that's right, Lindenfels, the place you made that beauitful map for. I love that map, my players love that map, it's amazing.

So, I've been thinking, why not have more beauyitful maps? Can I order another complex map? I have a sketch, which I'll pm you. It's a village in a canyon on a lake, partly built on a cliff, partly made up of boats. Would you be interested in that comission?
I'm so glad you liked that map so much! I would be happy to draw another map for you! I'm about to start a job so it might take me a little bit but I can definitely try to get it done by the end of June, if that works for you! :D Just PM me the details and payment is due after I send you the rough sketch of the map.
I'm so glad you liked that map so much! I would be happy to draw another map for you! I'm about to start a job so it might take me a little bit but I can definitely try to get it done by the end of June, if that works for you! :D Just PM me the details and payment is due after I send you the rough sketch of the map.
BiYzByz.gif6z1gQFM.png FI4rElJ.png asexual_zpscvse3pjl.pngN6rygcH.pngkPMrajo.pnglnrYYwg.pngtumblr_o1cb6f8u9h1unhfhho3_r3_100.png



Type of lore: Prose
The dragon you want the lore for (you can include two for the prose and poetry but the lore will focus on one with the second playing a supporting role- please specify if this is what you want): Amaros
Pre-existing lore (anything you want me to include or expand upon- feel free to send me as much or as little information as you want): Look in Bio
Payment type: Treasure

So glad you finally decided to open a shop. :D You're going to do great! Plus I grabbed your very first slot! ;)
Type of lore: Prose
The dragon you want the lore for (you can include two for the prose and poetry but the lore will focus on one with the second playing a supporting role- please specify if this is what you want): Amaros
Pre-existing lore (anything you want me to include or expand upon- feel free to send me as much or as little information as you want): Look in Bio
Payment type: Treasure

So glad you finally decided to open a shop. :D You're going to do great! Plus I grabbed your very first slot! ;)
BiYzByz.gif6z1gQFM.png FI4rElJ.png asexual_zpscvse3pjl.pngN6rygcH.pngkPMrajo.pnglnrYYwg.pngtumblr_o1cb6f8u9h1unhfhho3_r3_100.png



The hatchling rammed his head against the tough barrier keeping him from... something. What exactly he didn't know. That lack of knowledge didn't make him any less keen to find out. Wings scrambled to expand as the hard shell finally shuddered and cracked. With a faint cry, he tumbled out into the fresh air. This new place was a cold, dark, inhospitable one. Full of unknown dangers and threats. It was better than his cramped confines from earlier though.
Struggling upright, he swung his head this way and that. Large shapes rose all around him almost hiding him entirely from the pale light filtering down from the large disc floating overhead. He stared up at it, mesmerized.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
He squeaked, twirling to face the silky voice head on and overbalancing. Wings flailing at the air, he collapsed in a tangle of limbs to a deep chuckle. He didn’t like that one bit. Not directed at him like that. With as much speed and dignity as he could possibly muster, he hauled himself upright to glower at the… extremely massive teeth inches from his head. His glower faltered.
“You’re an odd one alright.” The strange dragon was hard to make out in detail. His scales sucked in any stray light so that only his white teeth flashed visibly as he spoke. A single, large claw reached out to prod at the hatchling.
Said hatchling hissed. He straightened further, spreading his wings clumsily. The other dragon’s teeth flashed again as he grinned widely, resting his head on the ground in front of the young Noctourne. “I think I’ll keep you.”
Keep? The hatchling tilted his head.
The dragon hummed faintly. “If I just leave you here, something’ll snatch you right up. Not that you’d be much of a meal.” He prodded at the hatchling again, knocking him back on his rear. “My name is Azael.”
“…Azael.” The hatchling sounded out the foreign words carefully, copying the pronunciation the other had used.
“Oh? Very good. Now come along and do try to keep up.” The dragon yawned as he clambered back to his feet. He started off, already starting to disappear among the shadows of the strange new world the hatchling had entered.
He didn’t want to be alone. Tripping over his wings, the hatchling hurried after the larger dragon as he swallowed back a cry. A huge tail swung down out of nowhere to nudge him along.
“How do you like the name Amaros?”
“Amaros.” The mimicry was more confident this time.
“I have a feeling you and I are going to get along just fine, Amaros.” The dragon flashed another smirk of bared white teeth over his shoulder and Amaros mirrored it back. He wasn’t entirely sure what was going on still, but he felt that being with Azael was where he belonged and that was more than enough for now.

Hope you like it! Couldn't resist throwing a little Azael in there.
The hatchling rammed his head against the tough barrier keeping him from... something. What exactly he didn't know. That lack of knowledge didn't make him any less keen to find out. Wings scrambled to expand as the hard shell finally shuddered and cracked. With a faint cry, he tumbled out into the fresh air. This new place was a cold, dark, inhospitable one. Full of unknown dangers and threats. It was better than his cramped confines from earlier though.
Struggling upright, he swung his head this way and that. Large shapes rose all around him almost hiding him entirely from the pale light filtering down from the large disc floating overhead. He stared up at it, mesmerized.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
He squeaked, twirling to face the silky voice head on and overbalancing. Wings flailing at the air, he collapsed in a tangle of limbs to a deep chuckle. He didn’t like that one bit. Not directed at him like that. With as much speed and dignity as he could possibly muster, he hauled himself upright to glower at the… extremely massive teeth inches from his head. His glower faltered.
“You’re an odd one alright.” The strange dragon was hard to make out in detail. His scales sucked in any stray light so that only his white teeth flashed visibly as he spoke. A single, large claw reached out to prod at the hatchling.
Said hatchling hissed. He straightened further, spreading his wings clumsily. The other dragon’s teeth flashed again as he grinned widely, resting his head on the ground in front of the young Noctourne. “I think I’ll keep you.”
Keep? The hatchling tilted his head.
The dragon hummed faintly. “If I just leave you here, something’ll snatch you right up. Not that you’d be much of a meal.” He prodded at the hatchling again, knocking him back on his rear. “My name is Azael.”
“…Azael.” The hatchling sounded out the foreign words carefully, copying the pronunciation the other had used.
“Oh? Very good. Now come along and do try to keep up.” The dragon yawned as he clambered back to his feet. He started off, already starting to disappear among the shadows of the strange new world the hatchling had entered.
He didn’t want to be alone. Tripping over his wings, the hatchling hurried after the larger dragon as he swallowed back a cry. A huge tail swung down out of nowhere to nudge him along.
“How do you like the name Amaros?”
“Amaros.” The mimicry was more confident this time.
“I have a feeling you and I are going to get along just fine, Amaros.” The dragon flashed another smirk of bared white teeth over his shoulder and Amaros mirrored it back. He wasn’t entirely sure what was going on still, but he felt that being with Azael was where he belonged and that was more than enough for now.

Hope you like it! Couldn't resist throwing a little Azael in there.
Type of lore: Prose
The dragon you want the lore for (you can include two for the prose and poetry but the lore will focus on one with the second playing a supporting role- please specify if this is what you want): Inari
Pre-existing lore (anything you want me to include or expand upon- feel free to send me as much or as little information as you want): Look in Bio
Payment type: Treasure
Type of lore: Prose
The dragon you want the lore for (you can include two for the prose and poetry but the lore will focus on one with the second playing a supporting role- please specify if this is what you want): Inari
Pre-existing lore (anything you want me to include or expand upon- feel free to send me as much or as little information as you want): Look in Bio
Payment type: Treasure
BiYzByz.gif6z1gQFM.png FI4rElJ.png asexual_zpscvse3pjl.pngN6rygcH.pngkPMrajo.pnglnrYYwg.pngtumblr_o1cb6f8u9h1unhfhho3_r3_100.png



@Watchers Type of lore: Prose The dragon you want the lore for (you can include two for the prose and poetry but the lore will focus on one with the second playing a supporting role- please specify if this is what you want): [url=][img][/img][/url] and Storm as supporting character [url=][img][/img][/url] Pre-existing lore (anything you want me to include or expand upon- feel free to send me as much or as little information as you want): [quote]If I can not bend heaven then I will raise hell A pretentious sorcerer that can never seem to forget anything, no matter the amount of potions he chugs down. [left]Lore notes: [LIST] [*]attempts to study the shade and is a little unhinged [*]Three pairs of wings: the regular, fairy and feathered ones! [*]sleeps a ton but is still always emotionally exhausted yet lonely [*]can store small objects within smoke and often puts his pearl there (objects retain weight and still take same amount of effort to take with him though) [*]Storm doen't aprove too much of his actions but relates to his anger at the gods so doesn't bug him too much [/LIST][/left][/quote] (Storm is the leader of the clan he ended up residing in) More info about storm can be found in her bio :D Payment type: treasure
Type of lore: Prose
The dragon you want the lore for (you can include two for the prose and poetry but the lore will focus on one with the second playing a supporting role- please specify if this is what you want):
and Storm as supporting character
Pre-existing lore (anything you want me to include or expand upon- feel free to send me as much or as little information as you want):
If I can not bend heaven then I will raise hell

A pretentious sorcerer that can never seem to forget anything, no matter the amount of potions he chugs down.
Lore notes:
  • attempts to study the shade and is a little unhinged
  • Three pairs of wings: the regular, fairy and feathered ones!
  • sleeps a ton but is still always emotionally exhausted yet lonely
  • can store small objects within smoke and often puts his pearl there (objects retain weight and still take same amount of effort to take with him though)
  • Storm doen't aprove too much of his actions but relates to his anger at the gods so doesn't bug him too much
(Storm is the leader of the clan he ended up residing in)
More info about storm can be found in her bio :D
Payment type: treasure

@Andraya, thank you for your order! I will start working and get it to you as soon as possible.
@Andraya, thank you for your order! I will start working and get it to you as soon as possible.
The dragon paused to examine the store in front of them. It was a quaint little thing- a cozy one, story building made of wood with translucent sheet serving as windows. A sakura tree dripping with flowers overhung the stone walkway leading up to the sliding door. The dragon counted the few pieces of treasure clutched in its claws before passing along the path, listening to the faint but lingering sound of some sort of stringed instrument.
As it approached the door, the kitsune which had been curled on the small porch lifted its head. It fixed golden eyes on the dragon. It was an intense, knowing gaze. Then it yawned, settling back down to sleep. The dragon continued cautiously past it. The door slid open easily and quietly. The dragon was glad- they would have hated to disturb the young dragon playing some sort of stringed instrument at one end of the room.
The young pearlcatcher’s head was bowed, eyes closed as their claws danced quickly and delicately over the strings. Notes wafted through the air, soft but impossible to miss in their haunting melody of loneliness. It tugged at the listener’s heart and they sniffed.
“What would you like to drink?”
The dragon blinked, rubbing at its eyes. How long had they been standing there, listening to the song. “Oh, um… what’s your cheapest tea?” The other seemed a bit too young to be working in a shop, but it wasn’t the dragon’s place to say anything.
The pearlcatcher’s large golden eyes (oddly reminiscent of the kitsune’s or perhaps vice versa) stared into them, piercing them in a manner that was unsettling. The young dragon’s smile screamed child yet their eyes screamed adult. It was a bit disconcerting. “I think you’ll like our oolong blend. Please take a seat and I’ll be right back,” the child chirped at them.
The dragon settled down carefully on a cushion beside a low table. They’d barely gotten comfortable before the child carefully set a cup and saucer in front of them. She leaned forward, pouring the tea from the pot in a long, steady stream. Then she set the pot down and perched across from the dragon. She waited expectantly. The dragon took a careful sip.
“Oh! This is good.” Whatever oolong tea was, it was exactly to their taste and surprisingly filling. They cradled the cup carefully in their talons.
“So, what brings you here?” The child smiled brightly at them.
“Er… I was thirsty?”
“Hmm. No, it’s more than that. People always come here because they need something in their life.”
The dragon glanced down at the tea. Shouldn’t people come to a tea shop for tea? Though the music had been good as well.
The child leaned across the table to pat their hand. “Don’t worry. Sometimes it takes a while to figure it out. Stay as long as you like. There’s plenty of tea. And don’t worry about the payment- I have a feeling you’re not going to be in need of treasure for long.” She winked at the dragon before skipping off.
Inari's so mysterious! I just had to write about her from an outsider's perspective. I hope you enjoy it!
The dragon paused to examine the store in front of them. It was a quaint little thing- a cozy one, story building made of wood with translucent sheet serving as windows. A sakura tree dripping with flowers overhung the stone walkway leading up to the sliding door. The dragon counted the few pieces of treasure clutched in its claws before passing along the path, listening to the faint but lingering sound of some sort of stringed instrument.
As it approached the door, the kitsune which had been curled on the small porch lifted its head. It fixed golden eyes on the dragon. It was an intense, knowing gaze. Then it yawned, settling back down to sleep. The dragon continued cautiously past it. The door slid open easily and quietly. The dragon was glad- they would have hated to disturb the young dragon playing some sort of stringed instrument at one end of the room.
The young pearlcatcher’s head was bowed, eyes closed as their claws danced quickly and delicately over the strings. Notes wafted through the air, soft but impossible to miss in their haunting melody of loneliness. It tugged at the listener’s heart and they sniffed.
“What would you like to drink?”
The dragon blinked, rubbing at its eyes. How long had they been standing there, listening to the song. “Oh, um… what’s your cheapest tea?” The other seemed a bit too young to be working in a shop, but it wasn’t the dragon’s place to say anything.
The pearlcatcher’s large golden eyes (oddly reminiscent of the kitsune’s or perhaps vice versa) stared into them, piercing them in a manner that was unsettling. The young dragon’s smile screamed child yet their eyes screamed adult. It was a bit disconcerting. “I think you’ll like our oolong blend. Please take a seat and I’ll be right back,” the child chirped at them.
The dragon settled down carefully on a cushion beside a low table. They’d barely gotten comfortable before the child carefully set a cup and saucer in front of them. She leaned forward, pouring the tea from the pot in a long, steady stream. Then she set the pot down and perched across from the dragon. She waited expectantly. The dragon took a careful sip.
“Oh! This is good.” Whatever oolong tea was, it was exactly to their taste and surprisingly filling. They cradled the cup carefully in their talons.
“So, what brings you here?” The child smiled brightly at them.
“Er… I was thirsty?”
“Hmm. No, it’s more than that. People always come here because they need something in their life.”
The dragon glanced down at the tea. Shouldn’t people come to a tea shop for tea? Though the music had been good as well.
The child leaned across the table to pat their hand. “Don’t worry. Sometimes it takes a while to figure it out. Stay as long as you like. There’s plenty of tea. And don’t worry about the payment- I have a feeling you’re not going to be in need of treasure for long.” She winked at the dragon before skipping off.
Inari's so mysterious! I just had to write about her from an outsider's perspective. I hope you enjoy it!