
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Greenskeeper Gathering
[url][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/url]

[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Bitters is a dragon whose flesh is made of citrus, she helps Marlow oversee the crops in the clan, even if she doesn't get on with him well. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Tarnish is the clan herbalist, but her main job is to wander across the lands and gather samplings both to grow in the home gardens, and to create remedies and tinctures. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Pinefang make leaf go cronch
Bitters is a dragon whose flesh is made of citrus, she helps Marlow oversee the crops in the clan, even if she doesn't get on with him well.
Tarnish is the clan herbalist, but her main job is to wander across the lands and gather samplings both to grow in the home gardens, and to create remedies and tinctures.
Pinefang make leaf go cronch
First up is Kiri, a desert/forest hybrid dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and then as a bonus here's Ambroisie ^^ [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
First up is Kiri, a desert/forest hybrid dragon:


and then as a bonus here's Ambroisie ^^

63siggy.png aKsWI7Z.png We are all that we have on this Earth.
Be kind.
It's my Clan's time to SHINE [url=] [img][/img] [/url] My Clan matriarch, the Lady of the Glade, Ayella! She's my custom progen, and just needs Trail to complete her gene journey. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Numen is all Peridot, a healer [i]and[/i] a Wildclaw so she fits all the criteria for "Nature dragon". [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ajala is a nonviolent Nature wizard, keeping the forest healthy and camouflaging buildings with new growth. She also has flowers growing out of her body.
It's my Clan's time to SHINE


My Clan matriarch, the Lady of the Glade, Ayella! She's my custom progen, and just needs Trail to complete her gene journey.


Numen is all Peridot, a healer and a Wildclaw so she fits all the criteria for "Nature dragon".


Ajala is a nonviolent Nature wizard, keeping the forest healthy and camouflaging buildings with new growth. She also has flowers growing out of her body.
Dragons r my passion :) she/her

I'm working on a wiki for my Clan, here!

[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]





[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]


[img][/img] This is an undead dragon who explores the opposite side of life - death. Upon her rotten form trees take root and animals make their homes. [emoji=treefrog size=1]

This is an undead dragon who explores the opposite side of life - death. Upon her rotten form trees take root and animals make their homes.
My nature rep url=] [img][/img] [/url] Another naturey dragon url=] [img][/img] [/url]
My nature rep
Another naturey dragon
[color=#9778BE][size=4][font=Consolas]This is Ural!! Xe's my second ever dragon and I love xem very much. I was so happy when the recent festival item fit xem and xir theme so well. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [color=#757ADB] [b]Name:[/b] Ural [b]Pronouns:[/b] xe/xem [b]Description:[/b] Despite having family from the[url=] The Southern Icefield[/url], life in [url=]The Viridian Labyrinth[/url] is all xe has ever known. Ural loves collecting whatever plants xe can manage in an among the aquaducts and waterfalls in The Gladeveins, aquatic flowers being xir most favorite. Despite Ural's calm and loving demeanor, it would be unwise to underestimate xir's strength. Xe is wonderful protector of the clan, though granted Ural would sooner hold down an attacker and inquire about their health and situation than hurt them. Ural is the first dragon to ever closely befriend [url=]Vesicle[/url]. And the two have been tight-nit ever since. Regardless, even within the presence of its heartwarming companion, Vesicle still feels out of place in The Viridian Labyrinth. The question is: will Ural join xir friend as it continues its trek for a home? Strengths: Defense and Vitality, with a dash of Intellect. Weaknesses: Strength, with a bit Mind and Agility. [/color] [/font][/size][/color]
This is Ural!! Xe's my second ever dragon and I love xem very much. I was so happy when the recent festival item fit xem and xir theme so well.


Name: Ural
Pronouns: xe/xem

Description: Despite having family from the The Southern Icefield, life in The Viridian Labyrinth is all xe has ever known. Ural loves collecting whatever plants xe can manage in an among the aquaducts and waterfalls in The Gladeveins, aquatic flowers being xir most favorite. Despite Ural's calm and loving demeanor, it would be unwise to underestimate xir's strength. Xe is wonderful protector of the clan, though granted Ural would sooner hold down an attacker and inquire about their health and situation than hurt them.

Ural is the first dragon to ever closely befriend Vesicle. And the two have been tight-nit ever since.

Regardless, even within the presence of its heartwarming companion, Vesicle still feels out of place in The Viridian Labyrinth. The question is: will Ural join xir friend as it continues its trek for a home?

Strengths: Defense and Vitality, with a dash of Intellect.
Weaknesses: Strength, with a bit Mind and Agility.

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

