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TOPIC | Phobias
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I have this thing with finger nails.
I don't know if there's an actual phobia for this, but every time someone opens a package- or whatever it is they may be doing, and their nails start to bend, I get extremely cringy and have to turn away.
Probably the main reason why I keep my nails trimmed as often as possible.
I have this thing with finger nails.
I don't know if there's an actual phobia for this, but every time someone opens a package- or whatever it is they may be doing, and their nails start to bend, I get extremely cringy and have to turn away.
Probably the main reason why I keep my nails trimmed as often as possible.
emetophobia (fear of vomiting), which was almost crippling as a child, but i'm coping better. but if you even insinuate that you're sick to your stomach near me, i will be gone faster then you can finish your sentence.

androphobia (fear of men), usually 99% of men. even tho i'm a guy. and dating a guy. and friends with guys. it's complicated.

fear of heights. specifically walking near or on stairs and escalators and guard rails. especially if guardrails are clear, or the floor is clear.

fear of altered states, hallucinations. mostly due to some dissociation problems.

fear of nudity. again, for obvious reasons.
emetophobia (fear of vomiting), which was almost crippling as a child, but i'm coping better. but if you even insinuate that you're sick to your stomach near me, i will be gone faster then you can finish your sentence.

androphobia (fear of men), usually 99% of men. even tho i'm a guy. and dating a guy. and friends with guys. it's complicated.

fear of heights. specifically walking near or on stairs and escalators and guard rails. especially if guardrails are clear, or the floor is clear.

fear of altered states, hallucinations. mostly due to some dissociation problems.

fear of nudity. again, for obvious reasons.
Ugh oh god. I have trypophobia. Its a fear of a pattern of holes.. mostly on skin. It seems trivial but if you really want to know slap the name into google images. I just cant handle looking at it or thinking about it. Makes my skin crawl.
Ugh oh god. I have trypophobia. Its a fear of a pattern of holes.. mostly on skin. It seems trivial but if you really want to know slap the name into google images. I just cant handle looking at it or thinking about it. Makes my skin crawl.
I have no desire to learn the fancy, complicated names of my phobias, but I have phobias of:

1. Holes and/or small bubbles.
2. Noises in the dark.

Like @BeanNighe, I'm afraid of them mostly on skin. But other places are a problem, too. It's such a stupid thing, being afraid of... that. But I can barely think about it or mention it without getting anxious or extremely nervous. I don't like it. I hate it. It makes me want to scream.

About small bubbles... they look alike. Yeah.

Noises in the dark is another childish phobia, but I can't stand them. My mind always conjures frightening images and every little click and crack and fumble is magnified tenfold and I can't stand it, but I'm working on it. Both my phobias.

I have lesser fears, though. Falling. A mass of maggots. Killing things, like bugs. That sort of stuff. But it doesn't really prevent me from thinking. It just makes me feel bad.
I have no desire to learn the fancy, complicated names of my phobias, but I have phobias of:

1. Holes and/or small bubbles.
2. Noises in the dark.

Like @BeanNighe, I'm afraid of them mostly on skin. But other places are a problem, too. It's such a stupid thing, being afraid of... that. But I can barely think about it or mention it without getting anxious or extremely nervous. I don't like it. I hate it. It makes me want to scream.

About small bubbles... they look alike. Yeah.

Noises in the dark is another childish phobia, but I can't stand them. My mind always conjures frightening images and every little click and crack and fumble is magnified tenfold and I can't stand it, but I'm working on it. Both my phobias.

I have lesser fears, though. Falling. A mass of maggots. Killing things, like bugs. That sort of stuff. But it doesn't really prevent me from thinking. It just makes me feel bad.
I have severe nyctophobia. I can't stand the dark at all. Sometimes not even dimly lighted places. Its a bit more bearable if I'm with someone, but for the most part, it really deters me from having a normal life.
Need to take a **** in the middle of the night? Id either have to wake someone up or run and slam the light switch, which requires a lot of courage on my part and 40% percent of the time i end up breaking down crying and having to hold on till morning.

I have had this since i was a kid and there have been only smalls periods of time in my life in which i was able to sleep without a light.
There have also been times when i was only able to relax if the room was comepletely illuminated, even if that mean it would bother my eyes and i wouldnt sleep well.

I dont really know what started it, but i have always had night terrors, my mom says i used to see lights floating around my room. Basically either im haunted or all my homes have been.

I also have a mild spectrophobia ( fear of mirrors/reflecting surfaces)... its weird. sometimes im not afraid of the mirror itself but of the reflection. sometimes its the mirror itself. Lately i havent been able to sleep because there is this big mirror in my room and i wake up several times at night because i feel watched and threatened and it has something to do with it.

I think its also related to my dermatillomania, not its not so bad, but i used to have anxiety episodes upon seeing my reflection. I had this fixation on my skin and still have, i wanted my pores to be perfect and invisible (stupid, i know) and i felt really ugly too. So seeing myself triggered a lot of hate and despair and this feeling of helplessness and i ended up in a trance in which i would skin my face, i was like hypnotized. I wouldnt feel the pain of the razor. Then when it was over i realized what i had done and that i was ten times uglier and it was just a never ending cycle. The only way to prevent that was avoiding seeing my face.

Not very helpful that i have to stay most of the time at my dad's shop. He sells furniture and there are a lot of mirrors everywhere...
I have severe nyctophobia. I can't stand the dark at all. Sometimes not even dimly lighted places. Its a bit more bearable if I'm with someone, but for the most part, it really deters me from having a normal life.
Need to take a **** in the middle of the night? Id either have to wake someone up or run and slam the light switch, which requires a lot of courage on my part and 40% percent of the time i end up breaking down crying and having to hold on till morning.

I have had this since i was a kid and there have been only smalls periods of time in my life in which i was able to sleep without a light.
There have also been times when i was only able to relax if the room was comepletely illuminated, even if that mean it would bother my eyes and i wouldnt sleep well.

I dont really know what started it, but i have always had night terrors, my mom says i used to see lights floating around my room. Basically either im haunted or all my homes have been.

I also have a mild spectrophobia ( fear of mirrors/reflecting surfaces)... its weird. sometimes im not afraid of the mirror itself but of the reflection. sometimes its the mirror itself. Lately i havent been able to sleep because there is this big mirror in my room and i wake up several times at night because i feel watched and threatened and it has something to do with it.

I think its also related to my dermatillomania, not its not so bad, but i used to have anxiety episodes upon seeing my reflection. I had this fixation on my skin and still have, i wanted my pores to be perfect and invisible (stupid, i know) and i felt really ugly too. So seeing myself triggered a lot of hate and despair and this feeling of helplessness and i ended up in a trance in which i would skin my face, i was like hypnotized. I wouldnt feel the pain of the razor. Then when it was over i realized what i had done and that i was ten times uglier and it was just a never ending cycle. The only way to prevent that was avoiding seeing my face.

Not very helpful that i have to stay most of the time at my dad's shop. He sells furniture and there are a lot of mirrors everywhere...
I forgot to say, im also bothered by anything behind me. its not so much as an specific object behind me. more like that i cant see back there, which makes me anxious. i think its a derivation from my nyctophobia and not being able to see in the dark and feeling vulnerable.

I dont like having my feet near furniture, like when you are about to sleep and jump in your bed instead of standing next to it because yu feel somethings gonna grab you? same but all the time
I forgot to say, im also bothered by anything behind me. its not so much as an specific object behind me. more like that i cant see back there, which makes me anxious. i think its a derivation from my nyctophobia and not being able to see in the dark and feeling vulnerable.

I dont like having my feet near furniture, like when you are about to sleep and jump in your bed instead of standing next to it because yu feel somethings gonna grab you? same but all the time
I have a severe fear of needles/ injections. I'm almost sixteen and just recently I had to get some blood work done. I ended up passing out as soon as they called my name from the waiting room.

I'm also afraid of the dark. I had a nightlight until I was around nine, and the only reason I got rid of it was because I was embarrassed of it. Even now if I have to turn off all of the lights at night I full on run back to my room afterwords.

Also I have a fear of jellyfish??? I think it's mostly because whenever I was younger we would go on vacation to the beach every year and I always managed to get stung by one. Eventually it got to a point where I just flat out refused to go into the ocean.
I have a severe fear of needles/ injections. I'm almost sixteen and just recently I had to get some blood work done. I ended up passing out as soon as they called my name from the waiting room.

I'm also afraid of the dark. I had a nightlight until I was around nine, and the only reason I got rid of it was because I was embarrassed of it. Even now if I have to turn off all of the lights at night I full on run back to my room afterwords.

Also I have a fear of jellyfish??? I think it's mostly because whenever I was younger we would go on vacation to the beach every year and I always managed to get stung by one. Eventually it got to a point where I just flat out refused to go into the ocean.
bugs are my only friends so many of you hate them :-(

aren't phobias diagnosed things? idk, I have screaming phobia, any time someone starts yelling around me I get nervous and a lot of time panic attacks are triggered by it out in public and busy places. People's mouths are truly the most horrifying things in the world
bugs are my only friends so many of you hate them :-(

aren't phobias diagnosed things? idk, I have screaming phobia, any time someone starts yelling around me I get nervous and a lot of time panic attacks are triggered by it out in public and busy places. People's mouths are truly the most horrifying things in the world
I share your phobia of vomiting unfortunately so the feels are strong. It used to be so bad that I would convince myself not to go to the movie theaters on the extremely slim chance someone got sick and I couldn't escape fast enough.

I still refuse to fly anywhere for the above reason.

I also have a pretty extreme phobia of spiders despite how overused the word phobia has gotten with them. I can not sleep on the same house level if I see a spider that was not killed before me eyes.
I share your phobia of vomiting unfortunately so the feels are strong. It used to be so bad that I would convince myself not to go to the movie theaters on the extremely slim chance someone got sick and I couldn't escape fast enough.

I still refuse to fly anywhere for the above reason.

I also have a pretty extreme phobia of spiders despite how overused the word phobia has gotten with them. I can not sleep on the same house level if I see a spider that was not killed before me eyes.
Awww, centipedes are precious! Heh, but to each their own.

Babies (human babies, animal babies are A-okay) freak me out to the point where I have anxiety attacks when in the same room as one for too long X_X Not just baby-babies, but toddlers, too, fahldsjaldjs. Heck, even just hearing a RECORDING of a baby crying will amp up my anxiety. Looking at a picture of one for too long also seriously bothers me.

I'm also scared to death of internal parasites, like tapeworms and the like.

And Black Holes/Meteors/various space catastrophes and the idea that one of those could destroy the earth.

As does the idea of catching/developing a horrible incurable/difficult to cure illness or disease (ironic that I picked Plague, eh?). I can't even watch FAKE medical shows like House cause it makes me ultra paranoid about that stuff, hhhhhhhh.

I am a small fragile and frightened baby bird.
Awww, centipedes are precious! Heh, but to each their own.

Babies (human babies, animal babies are A-okay) freak me out to the point where I have anxiety attacks when in the same room as one for too long X_X Not just baby-babies, but toddlers, too, fahldsjaldjs. Heck, even just hearing a RECORDING of a baby crying will amp up my anxiety. Looking at a picture of one for too long also seriously bothers me.

I'm also scared to death of internal parasites, like tapeworms and the like.

And Black Holes/Meteors/various space catastrophes and the idea that one of those could destroy the earth.

As does the idea of catching/developing a horrible incurable/difficult to cure illness or disease (ironic that I picked Plague, eh?). I can't even watch FAKE medical shows like House cause it makes me ultra paranoid about that stuff, hhhhhhhh.

I am a small fragile and frightened baby bird.
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