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TOPIC | [Sunset XXY/XXX] imp/wc
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Hi :) @Kissie and I are going to cooperate on a breeding pair. We may have to breed/gene them forth ourselves or at least in part.

The goal:
2 unrelated
fire dragons
who are XXY or XXX sunset/sunset/saffron to fire
python/morph/any except basic
imperial and wildclaw of opposite genders

They will be of the fire subspecies Sacrificial Flames :)
We are not subscribed, so please ping either of us!
Hi :) @Kissie and I are going to cooperate on a breeding pair. We may have to breed/gene them forth ourselves or at least in part.

The goal:
2 unrelated
fire dragons
who are XXY or XXX sunset/sunset/saffron to fire
python/morph/any except basic
imperial and wildclaw of opposite genders

They will be of the fire subspecies Sacrificial Flames :)
We are not subscribed, so please ping either of us!
Need more den tasks and den gem slots. Too many pretty dragons and I'm all maxed out. I have a dragon hoarding problem.
[b]Examples: [/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Need more den tasks and den gem slots. Too many pretty dragons and I'm all maxed out. I have a dragon hoarding problem.
I'm in FIRE, so we use my nest unless you want us to use yours. We are looking to buy or rent dragons from you. [b]We currently own these project parents: [/b] want to breed with a wildclaw [url=][img][/img][/url]#48457560 want to breed with an imperial [url=][img][/img][/url]#60340612
I'm in FIRE, so we use my nest unless you want us to use yours. We are looking to buy or rent dragons from you.

We currently own these project parents:
want to breed with a wildclaw

want to breed with an imperial
glimmer, preferred
@Quiscalus, @MaximPotato, @Avier, @Sommer, @Amnesia, @Duessa, @Merlenyn, @BlueQuail, @Atanabi, @PsiRockin, @Akamina, @usedasskid, @VoyagerII, @HereBeeDragons, @micahjaguar,

peacock, reserves to ping if all glimmers say no
DragonCatLuna, MissLysander, Scooby66,

Hi :)
You have been pinged because you own a male WC with sunset python, sunset morph and yellow to orange range glimmer. We are wondering if you would like to help us achieve a breeding pair? You can choose any alternative below!

Alternative A: we would like to buy your dragon! If it does not have fire eyes, we would like to pay 30kt. If it does, we are paying 50kt! If it is fire and 4 years or older, we are paying +10kt for each year! This means a 5 year old would be 100kt. If it is as old as 2013 we will add another 50kt. If more people wants to sell, we will go for the oldest with fire eyes!

Alternative B: Doesn't want to sell? That's fine! We would like to rent your dragon to be bred with ours to create the perfect baby. If you don't have a fire nest, Kissie does! We will pay 20kt for the perfect hatchling (in your case a WC of any gender, with python and morph). And all other hatchlings in the clutch will be sent back to you, so you can sell them too for profit, keep them or exalt them. It's your choice! If we are using Kissie's nest and you feel like you need collateral, we can fix that.

Alternative C: You don't want to take part in this? That's also ok. Many don't want to lend out their dragons or breed them at all. You don't have to feel bad for it. Just ping one of us and say you choose alternative c and we won't ask any questions.

Please keep in mind that I have not checked if your dragon is compatible with our lady. Thank you so, so much for reading, and I really hope for a reply!
glimmer, preferred
@Quiscalus, @MaximPotato, @Avier, @Sommer, @Amnesia, @Duessa, @Merlenyn, @BlueQuail, @Atanabi, @PsiRockin, @Akamina, @usedasskid, @VoyagerII, @HereBeeDragons, @micahjaguar,

peacock, reserves to ping if all glimmers say no
DragonCatLuna, MissLysander, Scooby66,

Hi :)
You have been pinged because you own a male WC with sunset python, sunset morph and yellow to orange range glimmer. We are wondering if you would like to help us achieve a breeding pair? You can choose any alternative below!

Alternative A: we would like to buy your dragon! If it does not have fire eyes, we would like to pay 30kt. If it does, we are paying 50kt! If it is fire and 4 years or older, we are paying +10kt for each year! This means a 5 year old would be 100kt. If it is as old as 2013 we will add another 50kt. If more people wants to sell, we will go for the oldest with fire eyes!

Alternative B: Doesn't want to sell? That's fine! We would like to rent your dragon to be bred with ours to create the perfect baby. If you don't have a fire nest, Kissie does! We will pay 20kt for the perfect hatchling (in your case a WC of any gender, with python and morph). And all other hatchlings in the clutch will be sent back to you, so you can sell them too for profit, keep them or exalt them. It's your choice! If we are using Kissie's nest and you feel like you need collateral, we can fix that.

Alternative C: You don't want to take part in this? That's also ok. Many don't want to lend out their dragons or breed them at all. You don't have to feel bad for it. Just ping one of us and say you choose alternative c and we won't ask any questions.

Please keep in mind that I have not checked if your dragon is compatible with our lady. Thank you so, so much for reading, and I really hope for a reply!
Need more den tasks and den gem slots. Too many pretty dragons and I'm all maxed out. I have a dragon hoarding problem.

Replies: 2/15

A: VoyagerII (light)

B: Merlenyn, MaximPotato


Replies: 2/15

A: VoyagerII (light)

B: Merlenyn, MaximPotato

I choose Alternative B because I want to help if I can but I don't want to sell my baby boy. lol I've only had one clutch from him myself and he's too pretty to lose. :) Also I'm a Nature person and my boy is from a Light nest.
I choose Alternative B because I want to help if I can but I don't want to sell my baby boy. lol I've only had one clutch from him myself and he's too pretty to lose. :) Also I'm a Nature person and my boy is from a Light nest.
@Merlenyn Wow, thank you for the quick reply! My girl is ready to breed in 16 days, so we have plenty of time! And since we have the time, compliments on your gorgeous tundra Storm, and Neon (tundra) is oddly satisfying. I think she reminds me of a popsickle I used to eat. It would twist in colours of pink, green and yellow.

I took a look at Regis' previous nest, and I must say his mate was really pretty too! Akakia looks a little like a banana split. It's a miracle they hatched an XXY with that range!

edit: and their grandkids resemble Akakia :)
@Merlenyn Wow, thank you for the quick reply! My girl is ready to breed in 16 days, so we have plenty of time! And since we have the time, compliments on your gorgeous tundra Storm, and Neon (tundra) is oddly satisfying. I think she reminds me of a popsickle I used to eat. It would twist in colours of pink, green and yellow.

I took a look at Regis' previous nest, and I must say his mate was really pretty too! Akakia looks a little like a banana split. It's a miracle they hatched an XXY with that range!

edit: and their grandkids resemble Akakia :)
@lisegathe i did not expect a sudden ping but i'd be glad to lend you Solaris! i will take alternative B, as he has lore and i am not quite willing to let him go forever.
@lisegathe i did not expect a sudden ping but i'd be glad to lend you Solaris! i will take alternative B, as he has lore and i am not quite willing to let him go forever.
Fun facts:

- On a scale of light dragon to lightning dragon, arcane dragon is right in the middle
- A group of Spirals is called a ramen
@Kissie You're welcome! lol And thanks! :D I love my Tundras whether I bred them for their colors/genes or bought them. lol The two you mentioned were ones I picked up either in the AH or from people offering them in discord. And I loooove the Lionfish on them despite complaints of others that it's 'unfinished' because their fluffy front coats are mostly bare of pattern. lol I think it breaks up the sometimes overwhelming color combos of the gene when they cover the whole body of most every other dragon.

I believe Regis was one I picked from someone selling babies in discord because I wanted the sunset python/morph for my collection as well and I love him. And yea, the chances of getting an XXY between him and Akakia was just crazy! XD I never thought of her being a "banana split" though but I can totally see it! I bought her for her genes. lol

Now to go back to earning treasure to buy more food and stuff... and to prepare for festival time. XD And wait for the 16 days to pass.
@Kissie You're welcome! lol And thanks! :D I love my Tundras whether I bred them for their colors/genes or bought them. lol The two you mentioned were ones I picked up either in the AH or from people offering them in discord. And I loooove the Lionfish on them despite complaints of others that it's 'unfinished' because their fluffy front coats are mostly bare of pattern. lol I think it breaks up the sometimes overwhelming color combos of the gene when they cover the whole body of most every other dragon.

I believe Regis was one I picked from someone selling babies in discord because I wanted the sunset python/morph for my collection as well and I love him. And yea, the chances of getting an XXY between him and Akakia was just crazy! XD I never thought of her being a "banana split" though but I can totally see it! I bought her for her genes. lol

Now to go back to earning treasure to buy more food and stuff... and to prepare for festival time. XD And wait for the 16 days to pass.
@lisegarthe, @kissie: Is this who you wanted? If he is, and you still want him, I'm happy to take option A. He's been sitting in my hiberneal den because I don't have a lot of use for him right now, and I'd love to see him go somewhere he's going to be actively bred and a part of things. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@lisegarthe, @kissie:

Is this who you wanted? If he is, and you still want him, I'm happy to take option A. He's been sitting in my hiberneal den because I don't have a lot of use for him right now, and I'd love to see him go somewhere he's going to be actively bred and a part of things.

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