

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Hidden City (Open!)
A lush forest seeming to be completely out of reach of human growth. No human city for miles and even hikers would be foolish to venture that far into the wilderness. The area looks completely untouched without even a single little, lonely cabin in sight. Well, looks can certainly be deceiving. Protected by many wards and spells to both hide and turn people away, a small but bustling city sits nestled into the forested expanse. However, it's inhabitants aren't anything so mundane as your average humans. No, they are something more unique. Those beings who have no place in the modern age where humans rule and such fantastical beings are confined to mythology and popular culture. this city is a sanctuary for a wide variety of creatures just trying to live normal lives away from a world that would never accept them. Werewolves wanting to be orthodontists, an ogre who owns a coffee shop, a demonic aerobics instructor, and many more. The town is not limited to so called monsters either. Humans blessed with magic or otherworldly powers find refuge within the town as well, living a life where their talents aren't belittled.

Protected, they live out their daily lives in peace, aside from the normal trials and drama that comes along with living. What might await those within the city of Forest Nook?

(Just a chill Slice of Life rp with some fantasy aspects)
Ping List:
A lush forest seeming to be completely out of reach of human growth. No human city for miles and even hikers would be foolish to venture that far into the wilderness. The area looks completely untouched without even a single little, lonely cabin in sight. Well, looks can certainly be deceiving. Protected by many wards and spells to both hide and turn people away, a small but bustling city sits nestled into the forested expanse. However, it's inhabitants aren't anything so mundane as your average humans. No, they are something more unique. Those beings who have no place in the modern age where humans rule and such fantastical beings are confined to mythology and popular culture. this city is a sanctuary for a wide variety of creatures just trying to live normal lives away from a world that would never accept them. Werewolves wanting to be orthodontists, an ogre who owns a coffee shop, a demonic aerobics instructor, and many more. The town is not limited to so called monsters either. Humans blessed with magic or otherworldly powers find refuge within the town as well, living a life where their talents aren't belittled.

Protected, they live out their daily lives in peace, aside from the normal trials and drama that comes along with living. What might await those within the city of Forest Nook?

(Just a chill Slice of Life rp with some fantasy aspects)
Ping List:

1. No GMing/PPing. (Basically, don't use overpowered characters and don't control other people's characters without their permission.)
2. No one liners. Please, have your post be at least a decent-sized paragraph.
3. If you know that you will be gone, please let me know.
4. Follow normal FR rules.
5. Please, try to not flood the roleplay with too many of the same kind of fantasy creature. Like if two people have a vampire, try to use something different.
6. Make sure to not pick the same career for your characters if someone else has already chosen that one. Some exceptions can happen.
7. Maximum of 2 characters per person.
8. Humans with magic/psychic abilities are allowed. Fantasy creatures must be either humanoid or be able to take on a humanoid/human form.
9. If you have any questions, please, ask me!

Character Sheet Format:

Species: (If human please specify the magic or ability they have.)

List of Characters:
- Alaric Thompson (AbyssRanger)
- Cat (AaaaaBut Forever)
- Averi (DancingSkye)
-Luca Lovana (SuddenShimmer)

List of Locations in Forest Nook:
- Rusted Memories Antique Shop
- The Witch's Brew Coffee Shop
- Eyes of Avarice
- Postal Service

Current Time/Weather:
- Winter
- Cold and looks like it could snow at any time

1. No GMing/PPing. (Basically, don't use overpowered characters and don't control other people's characters without their permission.)
2. No one liners. Please, have your post be at least a decent-sized paragraph.
3. If you know that you will be gone, please let me know.
4. Follow normal FR rules.
5. Please, try to not flood the roleplay with too many of the same kind of fantasy creature. Like if two people have a vampire, try to use something different.
6. Make sure to not pick the same career for your characters if someone else has already chosen that one. Some exceptions can happen.
7. Maximum of 2 characters per person.
8. Humans with magic/psychic abilities are allowed. Fantasy creatures must be either humanoid or be able to take on a humanoid/human form.
9. If you have any questions, please, ask me!

Character Sheet Format:

Species: (If human please specify the magic or ability they have.)

List of Characters:
- Alaric Thompson (AbyssRanger)
- Cat (AaaaaBut Forever)
- Averi (DancingSkye)
-Luca Lovana (SuddenShimmer)

List of Locations in Forest Nook:
- Rusted Memories Antique Shop
- The Witch's Brew Coffee Shop
- Eyes of Avarice
- Postal Service

Current Time/Weather:
- Winter
- Cold and looks like it could snow at any time
[b]Name:[/b] Alaric Thompson [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender/Pronouns:[/b] Male, He/Him [b]Sexuality:[/b] Pansexual [b]Species:[/b] Human (Psychic ability to see the past of items by touching them as well as lesser telekinetic abilities) [b]Occupation:[/b] Owns and runs the Rusted Memories antique store in town [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Alaric is about 6'0" and his left arm was actually lost in an accident. His prosthetic one is a made with the same magic used to animate golems. However, since he has no natural magic of his own, he must go to the doctor once a month for a magic infusion. His hair is dyed pink which, originally, was a mistake but the look grew on him and he has kept it ever since. [b]Personality:[/b] Alaric is someone who will never shut up if you get him talking about something he is interested in. Primarily, his interests fall into history and antiques. Not difficult to guess since he does run an antique store. He is the type of person who goes all in when he decides on something. Decides he likes antique weaponry? Well, he's going to do his best to collect all he can. Finds a band he likes? He will have all of their songs. Get into a relationship with someone? He will give his all towards the relationship even if the other person doesn't. The latter has often ended in more heartbreak than anything else, though. Oh, well. At least he still has the swords. Generally, he is a friendly guy and will not try to start any trouble, tending to like to go with the flow rather than standing against someone else. That's not true when it comes to business, however. You won't see him just laying down and letting you rip him off on the price of something he is buying or selling. He's going to show his stern side whenever he is haggling with someone over prices. Which can sometimes seem to come out of nowhere if you are used to just speaking with him normally. When it comes to friends, his habit of going all in comes into play once more, doing almost anything for a friend to help them out even to the point of being taken advantage of. You need someone to bring you Chinese food at 3 am for no particular reason? He's your guy and he is bringing extra egg rolls. [b]Backstory:[/b] Alaric's family first came to Forest Nook a couple generations ago starting with his grandparents. They were tired of how their abilities were viewed by society as well as the scorn they usually received; usually in the form of being called freaks or frauds. Having heard about a sanctuary for those who were beyond the norm, his grandparents soon move to the town to start their new lives. Finding a welcoming community worlds away from the rest of the world, they decided to stay and start putting down roots. They had a daughter, his mother, and she grew up in the town. Eventually meeting a telekinetic powered psychic who would one day be his father. Honestly, his early life was mostly uneventful but he did have a good childhood. Nice parents, grandparents, and his favorite (adoptive) aunt Tania. So, he definitely had people around him who loved him and showed him there support for whatever he wanted to do as long as it wasn't dangerous. Well, save for that one time that Tania gave a twelve year old Alaric an antique sword as a gift. Needless to say, his parents did not let him run around with said sword. Still, that moment is probably what got him so interested in antiques and the memories they could behold if he used his powers. Other than that, the other most notable event in his childhood was what led up to him losing his arm. It was during the dead of winter and, like most children do, Alaric decided to go out and play. Now, he had been warned not to play on a nearby rock pile that was just a mound of large rocks because it was obviously dangerous. However, knowing no fear, he decided that was exactly where he was going to play. Upon reaching the rock pile, it did not take long for one misstep to cause a rock slide that left his right arm crushed under the weight of the rocks. In pain and stuck out in the freezing cold, he called out as loudly as he could for the first hour but his voice soon turned too hoarse to speak. Hours passed and his parents had gotten worried and put together a small search party. Some of the species helping who had a better nose were finally able to find him. Suffering from hypothermia, it would take him almost a week to recover. His arm however had been crushed and exposed to the cold for too long and it had to be removed just below his shoulder. The solution decided upon was to give him a golem hand. It took him a while to get used to and the monthly magic infusions are rather annoying, but it is better than living lift without an arm. Spending his time growing up mainly focused on collecting and his interest in antiques, it did not take him long after high school to set up his own antique shop. Alaric wasn't rich by any standard and his living space was cramped, but he was and is happy. [b]Other: [/b] - Lives in a very small apartment above his shop. It's made up of a small bedroom linked to an even smaller kitchen area and a small bathroom to one side. He has a washer and dryer in the basement of his shop. His living space is a bit cramped but pretty cozy, honestly. - His golem arm is actually controlled by his telekinetic powers, while the magic just keeps the arm functional and in one piece. - Collects pins and actually made a board to pin them to and display them on. Old pins, new ones from places he visits, and other such pins all mixed together, almost like a collage of his life and interests. It hangs proudly above his bed. - Loves video games even if he can't always afford to buy the latest and greatest games. - Must have coffee to survive mornings (If anyone wants to be an employee at Alaric's shop, send me a PM and we can talk!)
Name: Alaric Thompson

Age: 26

Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human (Psychic ability to see the past of items by touching them as well as lesser telekinetic abilities)

Occupation: Owns and runs the Rusted Memories antique store in town


Alaric is about 6'0" and his left arm was actually lost in an accident. His prosthetic one is a made with the same magic used to animate golems. However, since he has no natural magic of his own, he must go to the doctor once a month for a magic infusion. His hair is dyed pink which, originally, was a mistake but the look grew on him and he has kept it ever since.

Alaric is someone who will never shut up if you get him talking about something he is interested in. Primarily, his interests fall into history and antiques. Not difficult to guess since he does run an antique store. He is the type of person who goes all in when he decides on something. Decides he likes antique weaponry? Well, he's going to do his best to collect all he can. Finds a band he likes? He will have all of their songs. Get into a relationship with someone? He will give his all towards the relationship even if the other person doesn't. The latter has often ended in more heartbreak than anything else, though. Oh, well. At least he still has the swords. Generally, he is a friendly guy and will not try to start any trouble, tending to like to go with the flow rather than standing against someone else. That's not true when it comes to business, however. You won't see him just laying down and letting you rip him off on the price of something he is buying or selling. He's going to show his stern side whenever he is haggling with someone over prices. Which can sometimes seem to come out of nowhere if you are used to just speaking with him normally. When it comes to friends, his habit of going all in comes into play once more, doing almost anything for a friend to help them out even to the point of being taken advantage of. You need someone to bring you Chinese food at 3 am for no particular reason? He's your guy and he is bringing extra egg rolls.

Alaric's family first came to Forest Nook a couple generations ago starting with his grandparents. They were tired of how their abilities were viewed by society as well as the scorn they usually received; usually in the form of being called freaks or frauds. Having heard about a sanctuary for those who were beyond the norm, his grandparents soon move to the town to start their new lives. Finding a welcoming community worlds away from the rest of the world, they decided to stay and start putting down roots. They had a daughter, his mother, and she grew up in the town. Eventually meeting a telekinetic powered psychic who would one day be his father.

Honestly, his early life was mostly uneventful but he did have a good childhood. Nice parents, grandparents, and his favorite (adoptive) aunt Tania. So, he definitely had people around him who loved him and showed him there support for whatever he wanted to do as long as it wasn't dangerous. Well, save for that one time that Tania gave a twelve year old Alaric an antique sword as a gift. Needless to say, his parents did not let him run around with said sword. Still, that moment is probably what got him so interested in antiques and the memories they could behold if he used his powers. Other than that, the other most notable event in his childhood was what led up to him losing his arm.

It was during the dead of winter and, like most children do, Alaric decided to go out and play. Now, he had been warned not to play on a nearby rock pile that was just a mound of large rocks because it was obviously dangerous. However, knowing no fear, he decided that was exactly where he was going to play. Upon reaching the rock pile, it did not take long for one misstep to cause a rock slide that left his right arm crushed under the weight of the rocks. In pain and stuck out in the freezing cold, he called out as loudly as he could for the first hour but his voice soon turned too hoarse to speak. Hours passed and his parents had gotten worried and put together a small search party. Some of the species helping who had a better nose were finally able to find him. Suffering from hypothermia, it would take him almost a week to recover. His arm however had been crushed and exposed to the cold for too long and it had to be removed just below his shoulder. The solution decided upon was to give him a golem hand. It took him a while to get used to and the monthly magic infusions are rather annoying, but it is better than living lift without an arm.

Spending his time growing up mainly focused on collecting and his interest in antiques, it did not take him long after high school to set up his own antique shop. Alaric wasn't rich by any standard and his living space was cramped, but he was and is happy.

- Lives in a very small apartment above his shop. It's made up of a small bedroom linked to an even smaller kitchen area and a small bathroom to one side. He has a washer and dryer in the basement of his shop. His living space is a bit cramped but pretty cozy, honestly.
- His golem arm is actually controlled by his telekinetic powers, while the magic just keeps the arm functional and in one piece.
- Collects pins and actually made a board to pin them to and display them on. Old pins, new ones from places he visits, and other such pins all mixed together, almost like a collage of his life and interests. It hangs proudly above his bed.
- Loves video games even if he can't always afford to buy the latest and greatest games.
- Must have coffee to survive mornings

(If anyone wants to be an employee at Alaric's shop, send me a PM and we can talk!)
(Without their patroness, familiars are nameless, so the locals have taken to simply calling her Cat, or The Cat)




Animal familiar (in the shape of a big and fluffy black cat)

Barista and manager at The Witch's Brew Coffee Shop after the previous owner (the witch) left town and never returned.

Cat is often referred to as a tall (and chubby) drink of water. She has an aptly latte-colored skin with freckles along her cheeks and long, shiny black curls that fluff up in every direction. She keeps it in a ponytail that often comes undone on its own around the end of her work day.

She wears a collar around her neck. The collar once had a symbol of devotion to the witch she formerly served, but now that space is blank, and she's not made a contract with any magical entity since.

For her uniform, her work clothes are expectedly tidy, yet stylish and casual. She wears an apron over a buttoned shirt, accompanied by a matching pencil-skirt and whatever flavor of wedged boots she decided on that day. It should be noted that Cat walks much more gracefully on her toes than she does on her heels.

Her casual attire consists of soft sweaters and scarves, skirts and heeled shoes. Occasionally, she'll work a cat-themed look into her outfit, like a cat-eared headband, or a t-shirt just covered in cutesy prints of kitties. She truly owns that part of her identity unabashedly, despite not being named by anyone at the time.

As a cat, Cat resembles a large and chubby black maine-**** with blue eyes and long fluffy fur. Like her ponytail, the fur on her tail puffs up in every direction and defies all laws of gravity.

Cat is a gentle girl, soft-spoken and easily startled. She's good at keeping a professional front, but there have been days she's closed shop and napped on the counter of her store for no other reason than the fact that she wanted to. Overall though, she's warm and kind... with the occasional deadpan streak in her.

She enjoys long walks to nowhere in particular in the middle of the night, and though she's a little quiet herself, she enjoys conversations with others, physical contact and of course, food! Her ideal evening is spent at home, playing video-games or watching a movie, munching take-out and falling asleep in the middle of the whole ordeal.

When we die, our spirits return to a truer and more neutral form. We're simply spheres of light, floating around and looking for a purpose, without any memories of our past selves, even though they're still deep inside of us somewhere.

That was all Cat was when her witch found her and gave her a name. Once given a name, the witch is free to shape a spirit into their familiar - a conduit for their magic to strengthen it and to filter out any impurities in their casting. Familiars are pure spirits, and easily able to dispel anything unwanted out of a witch's magic. In return, the familiar is loved, taken care of and given a home and a purpose. This symbiotic bond is a close one, and it hurts to break from both sides, but it can be done...

After many years in service of her patroness, the bond was cut and the witch just disappeared from Cat's life, never to be seen again. Cat waited for years, taking care of the apartment they shared and the coffee shop they served in, but as time flew, she gave up and accepted that she'd been abandoned. Ever since, Cat's been more introverted and slower to open up to others.

*Cat lives in a cozy apartment for two above the coffee shop, effectively making Alaric her neighbor, as her shop is right beside his.
*Cat enjoys catnip, even in her human form, and a whiff of the stuff is a good cure for when she feels anxious.
*Cat's apartment is full of magical books that she's read back to front. She's also able to read tarot and palms, and has an unnecessarily extensive knowledge of the zodiac.
*Her star-sign, by the way, is Taurus.
(Without their patroness, familiars are nameless, so the locals have taken to simply calling her Cat, or The Cat)




Animal familiar (in the shape of a big and fluffy black cat)

Barista and manager at The Witch's Brew Coffee Shop after the previous owner (the witch) left town and never returned.

Cat is often referred to as a tall (and chubby) drink of water. She has an aptly latte-colored skin with freckles along her cheeks and long, shiny black curls that fluff up in every direction. She keeps it in a ponytail that often comes undone on its own around the end of her work day.

She wears a collar around her neck. The collar once had a symbol of devotion to the witch she formerly served, but now that space is blank, and she's not made a contract with any magical entity since.

For her uniform, her work clothes are expectedly tidy, yet stylish and casual. She wears an apron over a buttoned shirt, accompanied by a matching pencil-skirt and whatever flavor of wedged boots she decided on that day. It should be noted that Cat walks much more gracefully on her toes than she does on her heels.

Her casual attire consists of soft sweaters and scarves, skirts and heeled shoes. Occasionally, she'll work a cat-themed look into her outfit, like a cat-eared headband, or a t-shirt just covered in cutesy prints of kitties. She truly owns that part of her identity unabashedly, despite not being named by anyone at the time.

As a cat, Cat resembles a large and chubby black maine-**** with blue eyes and long fluffy fur. Like her ponytail, the fur on her tail puffs up in every direction and defies all laws of gravity.

Cat is a gentle girl, soft-spoken and easily startled. She's good at keeping a professional front, but there have been days she's closed shop and napped on the counter of her store for no other reason than the fact that she wanted to. Overall though, she's warm and kind... with the occasional deadpan streak in her.

She enjoys long walks to nowhere in particular in the middle of the night, and though she's a little quiet herself, she enjoys conversations with others, physical contact and of course, food! Her ideal evening is spent at home, playing video-games or watching a movie, munching take-out and falling asleep in the middle of the whole ordeal.

When we die, our spirits return to a truer and more neutral form. We're simply spheres of light, floating around and looking for a purpose, without any memories of our past selves, even though they're still deep inside of us somewhere.

That was all Cat was when her witch found her and gave her a name. Once given a name, the witch is free to shape a spirit into their familiar - a conduit for their magic to strengthen it and to filter out any impurities in their casting. Familiars are pure spirits, and easily able to dispel anything unwanted out of a witch's magic. In return, the familiar is loved, taken care of and given a home and a purpose. This symbiotic bond is a close one, and it hurts to break from both sides, but it can be done...

After many years in service of her patroness, the bond was cut and the witch just disappeared from Cat's life, never to be seen again. Cat waited for years, taking care of the apartment they shared and the coffee shop they served in, but as time flew, she gave up and accepted that she'd been abandoned. Ever since, Cat's been more introverted and slower to open up to others.

*Cat lives in a cozy apartment for two above the coffee shop, effectively making Alaric her neighbor, as her shop is right beside his.
*Cat enjoys catnip, even in her human form, and a whiff of the stuff is a good cure for when she feels anxious.
*Cat's apartment is full of magical books that she's read back to front. She's also able to read tarot and palms, and has an unnecessarily extensive knowledge of the zodiac.
*Her star-sign, by the way, is Taurus.

This seems very interesting! Would it be ok if I joined?
This seems very interesting! Would it be ok if I joined?
55073809p.png |
adverb (ARCHAIC)
long ago; formerly.
"the friends whom erst you knew"

columns can suck my butt
it is just me here
Do you love the color of the sky?
Looks good! I will add her to the main post list!

You are more than welcome to join in!
Looks good! I will add her to the main post list!

You are more than welcome to join in!
Hello again! Room for one more?

Name: Averi

Age: 53 (appears around age 20)

Gender/Pronouns: They/them

Sexuality: Demiace

Species: Chimera

Occupation: Jeweler and metalworker who enchants and sells accessories from their business, Eyes of Avarice. They get all of the metals and gems required from a personal mine not too far from the outskirts of Forest Nook, and sell any additional resources such as local cave flora and fauna that they find there as well.

Appearance: Averi has olive green eyes with snakelike pupils and a willowy build that often causes others to underestimate their strength. Their skin has a blue-grey sort of tint to in, and is scattered with scales of a swampy blue-green color. Their hair grows in a wavy sort of mane in a deep navy color, kept just short of shoulder length and too unruly to cooperate with any sort of attempt to style it. Their tongue is forked and accompanied by a sharp set of teeth, two of which resemble snake fangs, and they have a long scaly tail with barbs resembling porcupine quills running atop it. Both their quills and fangs are venomous.

Their typical outfit is a practical one of black leggings, monochrome colored shirts, hiking boots and gloves used for handling metal when at work. However the accessories Averi wears more than makes up for the plain outfit. They often wear elaborate necklaces, bracelets, and earrings of their own design, the style and color changing from day to day depending on their mood.

Personality: Averi is a critical, standoffish sort of person at first glance but with a keen eye for detail. They have a taste for the finer things that can be found in Forest Keep, and prides themself in quality of their craftsmanship. Despite this, Averi is genuinely mindful and courteous. They will gladly invest the time and effort it takes to get to know someone, often leading an ear to listen free of judgement if needed. Being a tolerant, no pressure sort of person who enjoys quiet time getting to know others, Averi would make a good friend if it wasn't for their unfortunate tendency to keep people at arm's length.

Averi often lets others do all the talking upon first getting to know them, quietly going about their day to day business and pursuing hobbies that take them deep into the forest. However they have a certain ambitious streak to them that isn't normally shown and will tirelessly pursue any goal they may have in mind, sometimes to the point of obsession until their objective is reached. They enjoy travel as well, being one of the few people who explore the deep woodland and mountain areas around Forest Keep. They enjoy telling of their many discoveries to any friends they might have, finding enjoyment from discovering something new and figuring out a use and classification for it. They also have an interest in architecture, although their building designs remain unshared. Averi views the world like it's a sort of puzzle that can be solved one day at a time, and will gladly give thoughtful advice and constructive criticism to those who ask for it.

Backstory: When we die, our spirits fade into a memory of what once was. We're simply spheres of bejeweled nostalgia, stripped bear of all desire and set free to seek another purpose - but what if such a purpose, rather than found by the spirit in question was forced upon an unwilling soul? Such creations are unnatural, mere puppets of the necromancers who dare to call such a warped thing back into life.

Averi is one of these unfortunate beings, a floating spirit that was compelled by dark magic to reanimate the form of a cave nymph that had been modified with traits of three other animals: a crocodile, a porcupine, and a rattlesnake. Averi was then made the familiar of the mage who had orchestrated their creation, hoping that this custom pet would put their dangerous gifts to good use and aid in their sinister plans for sinister things like world domination and cutting in line for morning coffee. Averi gladly obliged, being new to the world and lacking a will of their own. But as the years went by, Averi managed to form some semblance of a conscious mind and started studying scrolls secret, learning to master their own abilities both arcane and otherwise. When they had learned enough to surpass the mage in strength, Averi rebelled and in the conflict severed the bond of master and familiar.

Two decades before present day, Averi found themselves free but unused to such freedom. People both normal and supernatural alike already looked on them as a monster, and they were unsure what came next for them. As soon as Averi heard rumors of Forest Nook, the hidden city that allowed anyone and most importantly anything through its doors, they left the ruins of their former home to pursue a new life halfway across the globe. Averi discovered much about themselves during that journey, learned the art and joys of metalworking, and for the most part managed to join the ranks of Forest Nook without incident. It took awhile for them to settle into their place within the city and still remains rather keen for new adventures, but otherwise has lived happily in Forest Nook ever since.

- Averi's shop is in the same market area as Alaric and Cat's, although it's across the street and down the road a ways. They don't live in their shop however, but had a stylish sort of custom home built in one of the nicer parts of town.
- They have a keen sense of direction when navigating caves, and is occasionally called to explore cave systems or other remote places with resources and draw up maps of their findings. They gather hard-to-get resources on request as well.
Hello again! Room for one more?

Name: Averi

Age: 53 (appears around age 20)

Gender/Pronouns: They/them

Sexuality: Demiace

Species: Chimera

Occupation: Jeweler and metalworker who enchants and sells accessories from their business, Eyes of Avarice. They get all of the metals and gems required from a personal mine not too far from the outskirts of Forest Nook, and sell any additional resources such as local cave flora and fauna that they find there as well.

Appearance: Averi has olive green eyes with snakelike pupils and a willowy build that often causes others to underestimate their strength. Their skin has a blue-grey sort of tint to in, and is scattered with scales of a swampy blue-green color. Their hair grows in a wavy sort of mane in a deep navy color, kept just short of shoulder length and too unruly to cooperate with any sort of attempt to style it. Their tongue is forked and accompanied by a sharp set of teeth, two of which resemble snake fangs, and they have a long scaly tail with barbs resembling porcupine quills running atop it. Both their quills and fangs are venomous.

Their typical outfit is a practical one of black leggings, monochrome colored shirts, hiking boots and gloves used for handling metal when at work. However the accessories Averi wears more than makes up for the plain outfit. They often wear elaborate necklaces, bracelets, and earrings of their own design, the style and color changing from day to day depending on their mood.

Personality: Averi is a critical, standoffish sort of person at first glance but with a keen eye for detail. They have a taste for the finer things that can be found in Forest Keep, and prides themself in quality of their craftsmanship. Despite this, Averi is genuinely mindful and courteous. They will gladly invest the time and effort it takes to get to know someone, often leading an ear to listen free of judgement if needed. Being a tolerant, no pressure sort of person who enjoys quiet time getting to know others, Averi would make a good friend if it wasn't for their unfortunate tendency to keep people at arm's length.

Averi often lets others do all the talking upon first getting to know them, quietly going about their day to day business and pursuing hobbies that take them deep into the forest. However they have a certain ambitious streak to them that isn't normally shown and will tirelessly pursue any goal they may have in mind, sometimes to the point of obsession until their objective is reached. They enjoy travel as well, being one of the few people who explore the deep woodland and mountain areas around Forest Keep. They enjoy telling of their many discoveries to any friends they might have, finding enjoyment from discovering something new and figuring out a use and classification for it. They also have an interest in architecture, although their building designs remain unshared. Averi views the world like it's a sort of puzzle that can be solved one day at a time, and will gladly give thoughtful advice and constructive criticism to those who ask for it.

Backstory: When we die, our spirits fade into a memory of what once was. We're simply spheres of bejeweled nostalgia, stripped bear of all desire and set free to seek another purpose - but what if such a purpose, rather than found by the spirit in question was forced upon an unwilling soul? Such creations are unnatural, mere puppets of the necromancers who dare to call such a warped thing back into life.

Averi is one of these unfortunate beings, a floating spirit that was compelled by dark magic to reanimate the form of a cave nymph that had been modified with traits of three other animals: a crocodile, a porcupine, and a rattlesnake. Averi was then made the familiar of the mage who had orchestrated their creation, hoping that this custom pet would put their dangerous gifts to good use and aid in their sinister plans for sinister things like world domination and cutting in line for morning coffee. Averi gladly obliged, being new to the world and lacking a will of their own. But as the years went by, Averi managed to form some semblance of a conscious mind and started studying scrolls secret, learning to master their own abilities both arcane and otherwise. When they had learned enough to surpass the mage in strength, Averi rebelled and in the conflict severed the bond of master and familiar.

Two decades before present day, Averi found themselves free but unused to such freedom. People both normal and supernatural alike already looked on them as a monster, and they were unsure what came next for them. As soon as Averi heard rumors of Forest Nook, the hidden city that allowed anyone and most importantly anything through its doors, they left the ruins of their former home to pursue a new life halfway across the globe. Averi discovered much about themselves during that journey, learned the art and joys of metalworking, and for the most part managed to join the ranks of Forest Nook without incident. It took awhile for them to settle into their place within the city and still remains rather keen for new adventures, but otherwise has lived happily in Forest Nook ever since.

- Averi's shop is in the same market area as Alaric and Cat's, although it's across the street and down the road a ways. They don't live in their shop however, but had a stylish sort of custom home built in one of the nicer parts of town.
- They have a keen sense of direction when navigating caves, and is occasionally called to explore cave systems or other remote places with resources and draw up maps of their findings. They gather hard-to-get resources on request as well.
"Alas, love cannot be cured by herbs!"
Quite possibly just a moth with internet access.
autumn_sphinx.png lamp.gif
I’m gonna pop this up for now, and since it’s early I apologize if I missed any typos ^^’

Name: Luca Lovana

Age: 23

Gender/Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Aasimar, unless he’s just using the wrong terminology for the subrace of celestial/mortal he is

Occupation: Mailman / Delivery Man for everyone in town, or more officially the Forest Nook Postal Service and Local Folk Hero

Appearance: Despite having celestial heritage, Luca is only about 5’9 and most of the time lacks any super defining traits like wings, a halo, or glowing aura, but he does have the mettalic tinted hair and eyes resembling gemstones. Short hair hangs down slightly with a natural minor wave to the left, light in color to the point of almost being white if not for the golden undertones. Eyes are a gradient of blues, and like his hair contrast against naturally tan toned skin. Ears are pointed and on the longer side, but still not quite a sharp as that of an elf. Overall built with lean muscle, features that lean towards the sharp and pointy side, and a small scar that cuts across the top and bottom of his lips just before the left corner of his mouth. The mark can be owed to an incident of ‘don’t throw rocks’ in his childhood, and aside from the pale mark now there doesn’t seem to have caused to much damage aside from very slightly tugging at his upper lip.

While hardly ever seen, an odd set of nearly white markings wrap around his left hand, primarily on the back and about halfway past his wrist with the occasional like cutting across his palm and the lower parts of his fingers. There is a pair of large ‘birthmarks’ on his back near his shoulder blades where wings would probably connect on a humanoid, but truthfully the primary part of those looks more like scars. He has no clue where they came from and has chalked it up to his bloodlines, none of it leaving any strong physical trauma that might connect it to this lifetime.

His work clothes consist of plain button up shirts with a styled roc on the back, fairly comfortable fitted pants, and a set of boots, with his own opt-in of leather fingerless gloves. Outside of that he defaults more to the style of a tired-but-sorta-trying college student: jeans, hoddies with or without sleeves, a vast array of jackets, colorful socks, and high top shoes or boots. Even then he has a tendency to wear gloves— mostly without his fingertips covered— or at least a single one over his lift hand while in public.

Personality: Most people in town would probably joke that Luca is actually a good natured fae than a celestial, known well at face value even if the more personal parts of his life remain a mystery to the public. Overall he comes across as kind, awkward or endearing being more ‘eye of the beyholder’ as he does his best to assist others in whatever way he agreed to. It’s not to hard to take advantage of him if you’re a good natured personal overall— even for those who may be ‘rough around the edges’— to the point of him just driving himself to exhaustion after a day of perusing favors. He’ll keep others company and is someone to vent to even if you’re not looking for advice, though when it comes to himself he’s much more hesitant in ‘burdening’ others. He tries to keep his problems as just that: problems that are his.

Despite his normal disposition it is not all sunshine and rainbows, the right sort of person able to stir up his ire. While he’s not against negotiation and will almost always try that first, he’s not above picking a fight with someone who won’t leave the peace. Even in these moments he keeps a level air about him though not quite ‘calm’ per say, but enough pushing in the wrong direction may be able to crack it.

It can’t be denied that the Aasimar has a bit of a lazy streak, mixed in with an enjoyment of food, and collective curiosity. In moments when he can actually relax it doesn’t take much to accidentally nap in odd places, and it’s no secret your can probably bribe him with food or trinkets even if he’s not keen on accepting money in return for jobs and favors that aren’t his ‘offical’ work. Safe to say that even with as sweet as he can be, it would take nothing short of a miracle for him to actually deliver the mail on time.

Backstory: The family he grew up in had a long standing history in Forest Nook, supposedly having been there since the town was constructued seeing as how they ran the postal services. Some time after the disappearance of her spouse, the elvish woman running the post office found a small child in the woods just outside town. That hand honestly been the last thing she was expecting on what was just supposed to be a walk, but of course with her excellent judgement she took it upon herself to take him in and raise her as one of her own. Who knew that what he barley remembered as the begining of his childhood would be about the weirdest thing of it? The years were spent as normal as things could be in Forest Nook when attempting to master ones inate magic and growing up with four siblings.

Their family continues to run the post office to this day with his mother and oldest sister mostly running the actual office, the next two older brother and sister assisting in bringing things into town, and his only younger sibling happily diving into a life of alchemy and artificers.

Being an Aasimar he’s gained a nack for finding ‘trouble’ as he’s gotten older, and as a result doing more than few odd jobs in exchange for cookies. Sure it may not be fighting monsters or fiends like his predissessors, but saving priceless merchandise from crashing to the ground seems like a more relevant task now adays.

  • Luca lives in a cozy house on the outskirts of town without neighbors, mostly because of of Eos. The yards covered heavily in an assortment of relitivly well tended plant life and a handful of large trees for the bird.
  • His job is done with assistance from avian beast named Eos, an oversized bird he’d met as a teen and has since become his partner in crime when it comes to deliveries. She’s a decent size even if not outright giant, eagle like with hints of corvid and stork as far as features go, feathers pale and close in color to Luca’s hair in the sun though silvery or greyish when overcast or otherwise out of the sun. Some might believe her to be a type of Roc, but those with a magical sense for the nature of things would probably disagree even despite being unable to pinpoint a different answer.
  • Anyone who’d lived there longer than a year probably has at least one story involving him, anything ranging from stoping a display from toppling over to something more mundane like helping them get a raccoon out of their attic.
  • Likes gardening and archery, being oddly good at the later. Video games is the favorite indoor activity, but doodling and movies are also up there.
  • Knows Celestial and Sign Language
  • Doesn’t hate coffee, but would definitely prefer cocoa over it, and tea after that.

((Edit: Fixed up some wording and typos))
I’m gonna pop this up for now, and since it’s early I apologize if I missed any typos ^^’

Name: Luca Lovana

Age: 23

Gender/Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Aasimar, unless he’s just using the wrong terminology for the subrace of celestial/mortal he is

Occupation: Mailman / Delivery Man for everyone in town, or more officially the Forest Nook Postal Service and Local Folk Hero

Appearance: Despite having celestial heritage, Luca is only about 5’9 and most of the time lacks any super defining traits like wings, a halo, or glowing aura, but he does have the mettalic tinted hair and eyes resembling gemstones. Short hair hangs down slightly with a natural minor wave to the left, light in color to the point of almost being white if not for the golden undertones. Eyes are a gradient of blues, and like his hair contrast against naturally tan toned skin. Ears are pointed and on the longer side, but still not quite a sharp as that of an elf. Overall built with lean muscle, features that lean towards the sharp and pointy side, and a small scar that cuts across the top and bottom of his lips just before the left corner of his mouth. The mark can be owed to an incident of ‘don’t throw rocks’ in his childhood, and aside from the pale mark now there doesn’t seem to have caused to much damage aside from very slightly tugging at his upper lip.

While hardly ever seen, an odd set of nearly white markings wrap around his left hand, primarily on the back and about halfway past his wrist with the occasional like cutting across his palm and the lower parts of his fingers. There is a pair of large ‘birthmarks’ on his back near his shoulder blades where wings would probably connect on a humanoid, but truthfully the primary part of those looks more like scars. He has no clue where they came from and has chalked it up to his bloodlines, none of it leaving any strong physical trauma that might connect it to this lifetime.

His work clothes consist of plain button up shirts with a styled roc on the back, fairly comfortable fitted pants, and a set of boots, with his own opt-in of leather fingerless gloves. Outside of that he defaults more to the style of a tired-but-sorta-trying college student: jeans, hoddies with or without sleeves, a vast array of jackets, colorful socks, and high top shoes or boots. Even then he has a tendency to wear gloves— mostly without his fingertips covered— or at least a single one over his lift hand while in public.

Personality: Most people in town would probably joke that Luca is actually a good natured fae than a celestial, known well at face value even if the more personal parts of his life remain a mystery to the public. Overall he comes across as kind, awkward or endearing being more ‘eye of the beyholder’ as he does his best to assist others in whatever way he agreed to. It’s not to hard to take advantage of him if you’re a good natured personal overall— even for those who may be ‘rough around the edges’— to the point of him just driving himself to exhaustion after a day of perusing favors. He’ll keep others company and is someone to vent to even if you’re not looking for advice, though when it comes to himself he’s much more hesitant in ‘burdening’ others. He tries to keep his problems as just that: problems that are his.

Despite his normal disposition it is not all sunshine and rainbows, the right sort of person able to stir up his ire. While he’s not against negotiation and will almost always try that first, he’s not above picking a fight with someone who won’t leave the peace. Even in these moments he keeps a level air about him though not quite ‘calm’ per say, but enough pushing in the wrong direction may be able to crack it.

It can’t be denied that the Aasimar has a bit of a lazy streak, mixed in with an enjoyment of food, and collective curiosity. In moments when he can actually relax it doesn’t take much to accidentally nap in odd places, and it’s no secret your can probably bribe him with food or trinkets even if he’s not keen on accepting money in return for jobs and favors that aren’t his ‘offical’ work. Safe to say that even with as sweet as he can be, it would take nothing short of a miracle for him to actually deliver the mail on time.

Backstory: The family he grew up in had a long standing history in Forest Nook, supposedly having been there since the town was constructued seeing as how they ran the postal services. Some time after the disappearance of her spouse, the elvish woman running the post office found a small child in the woods just outside town. That hand honestly been the last thing she was expecting on what was just supposed to be a walk, but of course with her excellent judgement she took it upon herself to take him in and raise her as one of her own. Who knew that what he barley remembered as the begining of his childhood would be about the weirdest thing of it? The years were spent as normal as things could be in Forest Nook when attempting to master ones inate magic and growing up with four siblings.

Their family continues to run the post office to this day with his mother and oldest sister mostly running the actual office, the next two older brother and sister assisting in bringing things into town, and his only younger sibling happily diving into a life of alchemy and artificers.

Being an Aasimar he’s gained a nack for finding ‘trouble’ as he’s gotten older, and as a result doing more than few odd jobs in exchange for cookies. Sure it may not be fighting monsters or fiends like his predissessors, but saving priceless merchandise from crashing to the ground seems like a more relevant task now adays.

  • Luca lives in a cozy house on the outskirts of town without neighbors, mostly because of of Eos. The yards covered heavily in an assortment of relitivly well tended plant life and a handful of large trees for the bird.
  • His job is done with assistance from avian beast named Eos, an oversized bird he’d met as a teen and has since become his partner in crime when it comes to deliveries. She’s a decent size even if not outright giant, eagle like with hints of corvid and stork as far as features go, feathers pale and close in color to Luca’s hair in the sun though silvery or greyish when overcast or otherwise out of the sun. Some might believe her to be a type of Roc, but those with a magical sense for the nature of things would probably disagree even despite being unable to pinpoint a different answer.
  • Anyone who’d lived there longer than a year probably has at least one story involving him, anything ranging from stoping a display from toppling over to something more mundane like helping them get a raccoon out of their attic.
  • Likes gardening and archery, being oddly good at the later. Video games is the favorite indoor activity, but doodling and movies are also up there.
  • Knows Celestial and Sign Language
  • Doesn’t hate coffee, but would definitely prefer cocoa over it, and tea after that.

((Edit: Fixed up some wording and typos))
You all have been accepted!

@DancingSkye @SuddenShimmer
You all have been accepted!

@DancingSkye @SuddenShimmer
The gang's all here lol xD
The gang's all here lol xD
