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TOPIC | Theme Week: Average Alchemists
Here are my decent enough but nothing to write a book on alchemists Cryo [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kei [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kyros [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Here are my decent enough but nothing to write a book on alchemists





[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Dirtwyrm![/b] She uses alchemy for explosive assistance when digging tunnels!



She uses alchemy for explosive assistance when digging tunnels!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Eris used to create poisons and drugs of war, but lately she's been refocusing her efforts to antivenoms, and different tonics and elixirs. They aren't perfect, but is [i]anyone [/i]really? [s][i]And who's to say she doesn't keep some nasty brews around for aggressors?[/i][/s] She's kept her private business since being found by the clan, she loves traveling with the roaming parties to try and sell what she has (or, more often, use it on the reckless crew she comes with)


Eris used to create poisons and drugs of war, but lately she's been refocusing her efforts to antivenoms, and different tonics and elixirs. They aren't perfect, but is anyone really? And who's to say she doesn't keep some nasty brews around for aggressors?
She's kept her private business since being found by the clan, she loves traveling with the roaming parties to try and sell what she has (or, more often, use it on the reckless crew she comes with)
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] yeah he's an alchemist [b]a[/b]-wanted [b]l[/b]- in [b]c[/b]- 15 different [b]h[/b]-states [b]e[/b]-for [b]m[/b]-tax [b]i[/b]-fraud [b]s[/b]-and [b]t[/b]-money laundering


yeah he's an alchemist

l- in
c- 15 different
t-money laundering
I suppose Constantan is closer to an "average" alchemist than my other alchemist, Tsillah. She takes things in a more flippant and experimental manner than Tsillah and hasn't really done as much for the clan, but of course, is valued all the same. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I suppose Constantan is closer to an "average" alchemist than my other alchemist, Tsillah. She takes things in a more flippant and experimental manner than Tsillah and hasn't really done as much for the clan, but of course, is valued all the same.

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[center]Ah, another day in Sornieth. Another festival dedicated to the Shade, with ongoing travel of the fairgrounds. Pitching up his tented booth would be Blunder, the self-declared witch and potion-mixer. [/center] [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [i]"Come one, come all! Experience the science of magic; see the mystery of alchemy unravel before you! Feast your eyes on phials of embellishing mutagens, flasks of unsurpassable health, decanters of unimaginable wealth! I have it all right here, and you too can have the power of the world in your very claws, for only 10 gems a bottle. Right from the cauldron of--no, [b]NO![/b] Tricky, do [b]NOT[/b] juggle the poisons! You entertain the guests, not spoil the riches!"[/i] [/columns] [center]The witch's jester jokes on, as the mimics grow restless. The Faire of Wispwillow Grove hums with activity through the longest night of the year, with the weary Ridgeback talking up his risky goods. In all attempts to make a name for himself, he's just another fool of the fairground--another trickster in the bramble, calling to passersby for another chance, for a taste and a test! [i]What a blunder, a dreadful blunder. . .[/i] It's back to the books and the cauldron, with nothing but chump change in his coin purse. [/center]
Ah, another day in Sornieth. Another festival dedicated to the Shade, with ongoing travel of the fairgrounds. Pitching up his tented booth would be Blunder, the self-declared witch and potion-mixer.

"Come one, come all! Experience the science of magic; see the mystery of alchemy unravel before you! Feast your eyes on phials of embellishing mutagens, flasks of unsurpassable health, decanters of unimaginable wealth! I have it all right here, and you too can have the power of the world in your very claws, for only 10 gems a bottle. Right from the cauldron of--no, NO! Tricky, do NOT juggle the poisons! You entertain the guests, not spoil the riches!"
The witch's jester jokes on, as the mimics grow restless. The Faire of Wispwillow Grove hums with activity through the longest night of the year, with the weary Ridgeback talking up his risky goods. In all attempts to make a name for himself, he's just another fool of the fairground--another trickster in the bramble, calling to passersby for another chance, for a taste and a test!

What a blunder, a dreadful blunder. . .

It's back to the books and the cauldron, with nothing but chump change in his coin purse.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Yona! The lovely and free spirited alchemist. She loves her job but definitely doesnt try her absolute best in it. If she had any sort of focus, maybe she would stop exploding things all the time.


Yona! The lovely and free spirited alchemist. She loves her job but definitely doesnt try her absolute best in it. If she had any sort of focus, maybe she would stop exploding things all the time.
I know this can be frustrating… And it can feel like so much effort to progress such a small amount, but I want you to know that I’m proud of you.
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Jerald here is a guard/scout for the clan. He constantly lives in the shadow of his sister who is a renowned mage, but he is ok with that. As long as he tries his best and does his duty to the clan, he's content. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] RoseRun has nothing special in particular going for her. She started off as the baby of the clan in the early days until she grew to the size she is now. She spends her days brightening up the lives of her clan mates and overall spreading good cheer and positive vibes [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Monty is a gem prospector hailing from the earth domain. He visited the clan looking to sell his wares and property and somehow ended up as an official elemental representative of the clan. Other than being a dry, cutthroat businessman, he's not all that special, so I think he fits. Greed and money can be very boring vices for a dragon.

Jerald here is a guard/scout for the clan. He constantly lives in the shadow of his sister who is a renowned mage, but he is ok with that. As long as he tries his best and does his duty to the clan, he's content.

RoseRun has nothing special in particular going for her. She started off as the baby of the clan in the early days until she grew to the size she is now. She spends her days brightening up the lives of her clan mates and overall spreading good cheer and positive vibes

Monty is a gem prospector hailing from the earth domain. He visited the clan looking to sell his wares and property and somehow ended up as an official elemental representative of the clan. Other than being a dry, cutthroat businessman, he's not all that special, so I think he fits. Greed and money can be very boring vices for a dragon.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]It was Brimstone's fault.[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]My machine worked perfectly, it's Asaflur who added too much powder![/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b][i]sigh[/i] back to the drawing board[/b] Mercury, Brimstone, and Asaflur, the dragons responsible for 70% of explosions in the lair ^^,

It was Brimstone's fault.

My machine worked perfectly, it's Asaflur who added too much powder!

sigh back to the drawing board

Mercury, Brimstone, and Asaflur, the dragons responsible for 70% of explosions in the lair ^^,
Nightshade here is somewhat of an alchemist, she's the clan healer but that doesn't mean she has any skill in healing, she's just very skilled at mixing up different potions and balms from the plants in the garden that seem to do the trick. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Elinor is a skilled mage, but she likes to dabble in all sorts of things including alchemy. She enjoys it, but isn't always the best at it. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
Nightshade here is somewhat of an alchemist, she's the clan healer but that doesn't mean she has any skill in healing, she's just very skilled at mixing up different potions and balms from the plants in the garden that seem to do the trick.

Elinor is a skilled mage, but she likes to dabble in all sorts of things including alchemy. She enjoys it, but isn't always the best at it.
~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
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