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[center]I'm gonna put these 5 in for this week.
Puttign these beauties in here this week! ^_^
My two for the week.
I'll give this a go!
Send 'Unnamed' to AdventureTiger, 'Unnamed' to Caige, ToastedBaguette to Solstices, LakeSerpent to Garion, and Siren to Garion
Send 'Unnamed' to AdventureTiger, 'Unnamed' to Shyia, 'Unnamed' to Garion, 'Unnamed' to DarkPuffin, and 'Unnamed' to Griffen7232
Send Yarrah to AdventureTiger, Lazza to BlueStopSigns, Eclara to Shyia, and Jack to KsanaC
Send 'Unnamed' to BlueStopSigns, Johann to AdventureTiger, and Benjamin to CrackPanda
Send 'Unnamed' to Zikul, 'Unnamed' to Griffen7232, 'Unnamed' to Caige, 'Unnamed' to CrackPanda, and owo to Caige
Send Syksy to Caige and Marshmallow to Shyia
Send Iskam to Solstices
Send Mahina to Griffen7232, Anabel to Meadbhb, Crescent to Shyia, Augustus to AdventureTiger, and Elijah to BlueStopSigns
Send Trundle to CrackPanda, Taruskith to CrackPanda, Amber to Shyia, Murdoc to Solstices, and Thugra to Zikul
Send 'Unnamed' to Zikul and 'Unnamed' to BlueStopSigns
Send Grove to Zikul, Nolan to Garion, Calantha to Caige, Scarlet to Zikul, and Silas to Meadbhb
Send Rockspine to Solstices, Lambda to Solstices, Kenta to Garion, Gracie to BlueStopSigns, and Chokecherry to KsanaC
Send 'Unnamed' to AdventureTiger, 'Unnamed' to Caige, ToastedBaguette to Solstices, LakeSerpent to Garion, and Siren to Garion
Send 'Unnamed' to AdventureTiger, 'Unnamed' to Shyia, 'Unnamed' to Garion, 'Unnamed' to DarkPuffin, and 'Unnamed' to Griffen7232
Send Yarrah to AdventureTiger, Lazza to BlueStopSigns, Eclara to Shyia, and Jack to KsanaC
Send 'Unnamed' to BlueStopSigns, Johann to AdventureTiger, and Benjamin to CrackPanda
Send 'Unnamed' to Zikul, 'Unnamed' to Griffen7232, 'Unnamed' to Caige, 'Unnamed' to CrackPanda, and owo to Caige
Send Syksy to Caige and Marshmallow to Shyia
Send Iskam to Solstices
Send Mahina to Griffen7232, Anabel to Meadbhb, Crescent to Shyia, Augustus to AdventureTiger, and Elijah to BlueStopSigns
Send Trundle to CrackPanda, Taruskith to CrackPanda, Amber to Shyia, Murdoc to Solstices, and Thugra to Zikul
Send 'Unnamed' to Zikul and 'Unnamed' to BlueStopSigns
Send Grove to Zikul, Nolan to Garion, Calantha to Caige, Scarlet to Zikul, and Silas to Meadbhb
Send Rockspine to Solstices, Lambda to Solstices, Kenta to Garion, Gracie to BlueStopSigns, and Chokecherry to KsanaC
Send 'Unnamed' to AdventureTiger, 'Unnamed' to Caige, ToastedBaguette to Solstices, LakeSerpent to Garion, and Siren to Garion
Send 'Unnamed' to AdventureTiger, 'Unnamed' to Shyia, 'Unnamed' to Garion, 'Unnamed' to DarkPuffin, and 'Unnamed' to Griffen7232
Send Yarrah to AdventureTiger, Lazza to BlueStopSigns, Eclara to Shyia, and Jack to KsanaC
Send 'Unnamed' to BlueStopSigns, Johann to AdventureTiger, and Benjamin to CrackPanda
Send 'Unnamed' to Zikul, 'Unnamed' to Griffen7232, 'Unnamed' to Caige, 'Unnamed' to CrackPanda, and owo to Caige
Send Syksy to Caige and Marshmallow to Shyia
Send Iskam to Solstices
Send Mahina to Griffen7232, Anabel to Meadbhb, Crescent to Shyia, Augustus to AdventureTiger, and Elijah to BlueStopSigns
Send Trundle to CrackPanda, Taruskith to CrackPanda, Amber to Shyia, Murdoc to Solstices, and Thugra to Zikul
Send 'Unnamed' to Zikul and 'Unnamed' to BlueStopSigns
Send Grove to Zikul, Nolan to Garion, Calantha to Caige, Scarlet to Zikul, and Silas to Meadbhb
Send Rockspine to Solstices, Lambda to Solstices, Kenta to Garion, Gracie to BlueStopSigns, and Chokecherry to KsanaC
Send 'Unnamed' to AdventureTiger, 'Unnamed' to Caige, ToastedBaguette to Solstices, LakeSerpent to Garion, and Siren to Garion
Send 'Unnamed' to AdventureTiger, 'Unnamed' to Shyia, 'Unnamed' to Garion, 'Unnamed' to DarkPuffin, and 'Unnamed' to Griffen7232
Send Yarrah to AdventureTiger, Lazza to BlueStopSigns, Eclara to Shyia, and Jack to KsanaC
Send 'Unnamed' to BlueStopSigns, Johann to AdventureTiger, and Benjamin to CrackPanda
Send 'Unnamed' to Zikul, 'Unnamed' to Griffen7232, 'Unnamed' to Caige, 'Unnamed' to CrackPanda, and owo to Caige
Send Syksy to Caige and Marshmallow to Shyia
Send Iskam to Solstices
Send Mahina to Griffen7232, Anabel to Meadbhb, Crescent to Shyia, Augustus to AdventureTiger, and Elijah to BlueStopSigns
Send Trundle to CrackPanda, Taruskith to CrackPanda, Amber to Shyia, Murdoc to Solstices, and Thugra to Zikul
Send 'Unnamed' to Zikul and 'Unnamed' to BlueStopSigns
Send Grove to Zikul, Nolan to Garion, Calantha to Caige, Scarlet to Zikul, and Silas to Meadbhb
Send Rockspine to Solstices, Lambda to Solstices, Kenta to Garion, Gracie to BlueStopSigns, and Chokecherry to KsanaC
This week's entries:
This sounds like a cool idea so I'll join in with these two:
[center]For this week:
(5 year old!)
oooOO theres some nice dragons this week!! Both of mine are G1s and have example scrys but I'm not a big fan of their colours ^^;

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