TOPIC | Most intimidating derg above you!

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This girl is pretty intimidating...those eyes!
This guy is definitely going to chase me down at 3am
definitely an intimidating boy!!
The color combo, the genes, the apparel - I can't help but be reminded of the Taken from Destiny 2, a terrifying faction if ever there was one. Not to mention that even without that she'd be a gorgeous and intimidating dragon.

The color combo, the genes, the apparel - I can't help but be reminded of the Taken from Destiny 2, a terrifying faction if ever there was one. Not to mention that even without that she'd be a gorgeous and intimidating dragon.

The color combo, the genes, the apparel - I can't help but be reminded of the Taken from Destiny 2, a terrifying faction if ever there was one. Not to mention that even without that she'd be a gorgeous and intimidating dragon.
BloodedBlade would definitely give me a heart attack. just look at his cleaver, it's big and blood stained.

BloodedBlade would definitely give me a heart attack. just look at his cleaver, it's big and blood stained.

BloodedBlade would definitely give me a heart attack. just look at his cleaver, it's big and blood stained.

Looks like the wandering spirit of an old fallen warrior, I won't mess with this guy...[/center]
Ohohonononoooo I won't get nowhere NEAR close to this thing[/center]
Oops I accidentally deleted my post lol
Shibo looks like someone I would not want to turn my back on.
Oops I accidentally deleted my post lol

Shibo looks like someone I would not want to turn my back on.

Shibo looks like someone I would not want to turn my back on.
Mistress Falkora aka Julia or Mom (she, her) +3 FR time
Lu's Journal, or Tales From Exile my creative writing project
Lu's Journal, or Tales From Exile my creative writing project
Mistress Falkora aka Julia or Mom (she, her) +3 FR time
Lu's Journal, or Tales From Exile my creative writing project
Lu's Journal, or Tales From Exile my creative writing project
Ok, I’m not actually sure who was next in the order of things, so I’ll try and get both of you?
First off, @falkora this boyo is really stealing the show in style, when it comes to intimidation. I mean come on, he’s literally named Lucifer!
Ok, and @hululuco wow, this fellow is incredible! He’s definitely not the aesthetic I usually expect to find intimidating, but he’s just so elegant and powerful looking!
Ok, I’m not actually sure who was next in the order of things, so I’ll try and get both of you?
First off, @falkora this boyo is really stealing the show in style, when it comes to intimidation. I mean come on, he’s literally named Lucifer!

Ok, and @hululuco wow, this fellow is incredible! He’s definitely not the aesthetic I usually expect to find intimidating, but he’s just so elegant and powerful looking!

First off, @falkora this boyo is really stealing the show in style, when it comes to intimidation. I mean come on, he’s literally named Lucifer!

Ok, and @hululuco wow, this fellow is incredible! He’s definitely not the aesthetic I usually expect to find intimidating, but he’s just so elegant and powerful looking!

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