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I keep meaning to get stuck into plot research for my historical stories but never quiet get round to actually doing it.
It's really not that bad once you get into it and it's a topic I find fascinating (RAF in WW2, rn I'm working on research for a section of the plot that's about a Lancaster crew), it's just getting into it to start with. :'D

I got a head start by making notes when I was on holiday and had nothing else to do but now I'm home I keep meaning to finish what I started because I need a good base guide before I can even start work on developing the plot.

Since coming home from holiday I keep telling myself I'm gonna get stuck into it and see how much research I can get done over October and I'm sure you can guess the answer. Not much.

Though yesterday I spent a lot of time tidying up the notes I'd taken as well as poking through the national archives and imperial war museum website for more info so that's something I guess?
I keep meaning to get stuck into plot research for my historical stories but never quiet get round to actually doing it.
It's really not that bad once you get into it and it's a topic I find fascinating (RAF in WW2, rn I'm working on research for a section of the plot that's about a Lancaster crew), it's just getting into it to start with. :'D

I got a head start by making notes when I was on holiday and had nothing else to do but now I'm home I keep meaning to finish what I started because I need a good base guide before I can even start work on developing the plot.

Since coming home from holiday I keep telling myself I'm gonna get stuck into it and see how much research I can get done over October and I'm sure you can guess the answer. Not much.

Though yesterday I spent a lot of time tidying up the notes I'd taken as well as poking through the national archives and imperial war museum website for more info so that's something I guess?
tumblr_pquf5x7lT91soemy4_250.png 27 / ISTJ / NB / FR+8

I draw things!
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Coli grinding & fodder leveling
The biggest mood. For me, it's executive dysfunction. If I can even start the Thing in the first place, I rarely finish it unless it has a grade attached. :/
The biggest mood. For me, it's executive dysfunction. If I can even start the Thing in the first place, I rarely finish it unless it has a grade attached. :/
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@RUHX that's actually really fascinating; I always find it awesome the way people do research for stories taking place during historical events and don't just seek the first sources available to them. That being said, it must take a lot of effort. I hope the research (and execution) process goes well for you.

@Hawktalon yep :(
It's especially difficult when you have an idea that you really wanna put down but have no idea how to put it to a plotline.
@RUHX that's actually really fascinating; I always find it awesome the way people do research for stories taking place during historical events and don't just seek the first sources available to them. That being said, it must take a lot of effort. I hope the research (and execution) process goes well for you.

@Hawktalon yep :(
It's especially difficult when you have an idea that you really wanna put down but have no idea how to put it to a plotline.


I do start with Wikipedia to get an idea of dates and other stuff I need to look into but once I've done the initial wiki walk I start looking at websites, history books (including biographies) and documentaries to build on what I have. I was always told to cross check against at least 2 other sources if possible and that's something that's always stuck with me. It's pretty involved and time consuming because of the amount of material I need to read through and watch to get a good base down but it's worth it to get the level of authenticity and accuracy I want.

I've got most of the material I need to read and watch to hand now (I'm missing a couple of biographies about certain positions within the crew but it's not enough to hold me back from writing), it's just a case of actually making myself sit down to read it and take notes. Then to make the notes into something portable for easy reference so I have something to refer to when I'm not on a computer/don't have an internet connection.

I find the subject matter fascinating so I don't mind taking the time to research it properly, I just have a hard time getting started on writing/research.

I do start with Wikipedia to get an idea of dates and other stuff I need to look into but once I've done the initial wiki walk I start looking at websites, history books (including biographies) and documentaries to build on what I have. I was always told to cross check against at least 2 other sources if possible and that's something that's always stuck with me. It's pretty involved and time consuming because of the amount of material I need to read through and watch to get a good base down but it's worth it to get the level of authenticity and accuracy I want.

I've got most of the material I need to read and watch to hand now (I'm missing a couple of biographies about certain positions within the crew but it's not enough to hold me back from writing), it's just a case of actually making myself sit down to read it and take notes. Then to make the notes into something portable for easy reference so I have something to refer to when I'm not on a computer/don't have an internet connection.

I find the subject matter fascinating so I don't mind taking the time to research it properly, I just have a hard time getting started on writing/research.
tumblr_pquf5x7lT91soemy4_250.png 27 / ISTJ / NB / FR+8

I draw things!
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Coli grinding & fodder leveling
@RUHX ahh, I see; a very time consuming, but interesting process! I can understand that authenticity is very important with non fiction pieces based in real events, however.

I hope you don't mind me asking (and I hope I don't sound stupid for asking) but what kind of information do you hold priority when taking notes? And how do you go about making them readable for later?
@RUHX ahh, I see; a very time consuming, but interesting process! I can understand that authenticity is very important with non fiction pieces based in real events, however.

I hope you don't mind me asking (and I hope I don't sound stupid for asking) but what kind of information do you hold priority when taking notes? And how do you go about making them readable for later?

This sounds like me trying to write because I've always liked writing.

I've never managed to finish anything what I started. Sad, tbh.
This sounds like me trying to write because I've always liked writing.

I've never managed to finish anything what I started. Sad, tbh.
I don't mind you asking and it doesn't sound stupid at all!

I'm usually looking for the following info:

1) Basics. Dates of major operations, events and an overview of roles, technology, other equipment the characters would of had available to them in their time period. If any specific terms come up I log it for further reading. I'm already familiar with ranks and structure of the RAF in WW2 but if I wasn't I'd be looking up and cross-checking those details too.

2) Technical information. Role details, tactics/evasion and training. I make a note of any procedures explained and figures given as well as any terms/slang and nicknames given to kit/aircraft. Things that can and do go wrong and what causes these things to happen/how to prevent them (for potential plot drama).

3) Personal. Daily lives, living conditions and what it was like to actually be there experiencing the thing I'm writing. Anything that might annoy or distract a crew member during flight. I may also log specific descriptive words that come up a lot when talking about specific job roles or tasks (like how the rear gunner would of been freezing cold and isolated). Note I'm logging a few words not the entire description.

Getting stuff into readable notes is tbh it's something I'm still working on learning so I'm afraid I can't answer this well. I'm sure there's a proper technique for good note taking but if there is I haven't found it yet. My current process is re-phrase a concept I learnt about it in a way that makes sense to me then spend a while condensing it down into a simple sentence or two or a simple bullet point list that (hopefully) still makes sense.
I don't mind you asking and it doesn't sound stupid at all!

I'm usually looking for the following info:

1) Basics. Dates of major operations, events and an overview of roles, technology, other equipment the characters would of had available to them in their time period. If any specific terms come up I log it for further reading. I'm already familiar with ranks and structure of the RAF in WW2 but if I wasn't I'd be looking up and cross-checking those details too.

2) Technical information. Role details, tactics/evasion and training. I make a note of any procedures explained and figures given as well as any terms/slang and nicknames given to kit/aircraft. Things that can and do go wrong and what causes these things to happen/how to prevent them (for potential plot drama).

3) Personal. Daily lives, living conditions and what it was like to actually be there experiencing the thing I'm writing. Anything that might annoy or distract a crew member during flight. I may also log specific descriptive words that come up a lot when talking about specific job roles or tasks (like how the rear gunner would of been freezing cold and isolated). Note I'm logging a few words not the entire description.

Getting stuff into readable notes is tbh it's something I'm still working on learning so I'm afraid I can't answer this well. I'm sure there's a proper technique for good note taking but if there is I haven't found it yet. My current process is re-phrase a concept I learnt about it in a way that makes sense to me then spend a while condensing it down into a simple sentence or two or a simple bullet point list that (hopefully) still makes sense.
tumblr_pquf5x7lT91soemy4_250.png 27 / ISTJ / NB / FR+8

I draw things!
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Coli grinding & fodder leveling
@RUHX Ohhhh those categories make a lot of sense! Thank you so much for the help! Your way of re-phrasing learnt ideas into something more understandable makes sense as well :D

@Hoshi95 That really sucks :( I hope that changes for you. Have you perhaps tried any different drafting techniques?
@RUHX Ohhhh those categories make a lot of sense! Thank you so much for the help! Your way of re-phrasing learnt ideas into something more understandable makes sense as well :D

@Hoshi95 That really sucks :( I hope that changes for you. Have you perhaps tried any different drafting techniques?

this whole threadb e big mood
this whole threadb e big mood

No, because I was lazy. I could write one shots, but if I were about to write something in a long term, then it's not gonna be finished, not even a single chapter will be written properly.

Now I don't even do writting anymore. I m just as lazy. However, I do other things and finish it regularly.

Why is it writing, then? I know I am dedicated once I get into stuff, but seems like writing is one thing that I cannot finish even if i tell myself what to write.

The worst thing of all is that I have so many ideas but they burn out quickly.

No, because I was lazy. I could write one shots, but if I were about to write something in a long term, then it's not gonna be finished, not even a single chapter will be written properly.

Now I don't even do writting anymore. I m just as lazy. However, I do other things and finish it regularly.

Why is it writing, then? I know I am dedicated once I get into stuff, but seems like writing is one thing that I cannot finish even if i tell myself what to write.

The worst thing of all is that I have so many ideas but they burn out quickly.