

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [private] the war
Ruchiru watched the words floating around her head.

"Ruchiru," she read. "Kitsune. Strengths..." she squinted even more. "This is awfully blurry handwriting." The kitsune was squinting so much that she looked like she rubbed two slices of lemon in her eyes, which knowing her level of intelligence, was not a highly unlikely possibility.

"Uh, I don't think anything is written here. Is this a polite way of saying that I'm weak?"
Ruchiru watched the words floating around her head.

"Ruchiru," she read. "Kitsune. Strengths..." she squinted even more. "This is awfully blurry handwriting." The kitsune was squinting so much that she looked like she rubbed two slices of lemon in her eyes, which knowing her level of intelligence, was not a highly unlikely possibility.

"Uh, I don't think anything is written here. Is this a polite way of saying that I'm weak?"
nK1fyjz.png astramaru


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“I-I didn’t do anything!!!” Amatsu stuttered as she looked at the shiny, golden words again.

“These just randomly appeared!!! I don’t have anything to do with this...” Amatsu explained as she slowly watched the words fade away into nothingness. Amatsu felt something warm behind her, and turned around to see a tiny, golden glowing wisp-like creature.

“Hello, Amatsu.” The wisp said.

“You must be confused if you haven’t figured it out alread, but that was YOUR power Amatsu.” It continued as Amatsu tilted her head, confused.

“Your emotional power is curiosity. This power is not exactly the right one for attacking. However, it shows you and whoever else you allow to see the status’ of each other and the enemy. Pretty useful if I do say so myself.” The wisp explained.

“So this power is all mine?” Amatsu asked.

“At a cost. You see, your tiny body may not be able to handle a lot of this knowledge at a time. So, whenever you use it, just like your mana, you need to charge it.” The wisp explained again.

“In addition, you are weak to some other emotions...such as patience.” The wisp said.

“I hope you take care of this power well, and make us proud.” The wisp beamed as it have a little kiss on Amatsu’s forehead, leaving a little golden dot.

And as soon as the wisp appeared, it was gone.
“I-I didn’t do anything!!!” Amatsu stuttered as she looked at the shiny, golden words again.

“These just randomly appeared!!! I don’t have anything to do with this...” Amatsu explained as she slowly watched the words fade away into nothingness. Amatsu felt something warm behind her, and turned around to see a tiny, golden glowing wisp-like creature.

“Hello, Amatsu.” The wisp said.

“You must be confused if you haven’t figured it out alread, but that was YOUR power Amatsu.” It continued as Amatsu tilted her head, confused.

“Your emotional power is curiosity. This power is not exactly the right one for attacking. However, it shows you and whoever else you allow to see the status’ of each other and the enemy. Pretty useful if I do say so myself.” The wisp explained.

“So this power is all mine?” Amatsu asked.

“At a cost. You see, your tiny body may not be able to handle a lot of this knowledge at a time. So, whenever you use it, just like your mana, you need to charge it.” The wisp explained again.

“In addition, you are weak to some other emotions...such as patience.” The wisp said.

“I hope you take care of this power well, and make us proud.” The wisp beamed as it have a little kiss on Amatsu’s forehead, leaving a little golden dot.

And as soon as the wisp appeared, it was gone.
Ruchiru continued to wave her arms around.

"Ha ha, very funny," she said as sarcastically as she could. "My strength is definitely not eating nachos!" The kitsune swung her body around angrily and clumsily. The words rearranged themselves to say "Strength: Being an idiot"

Ruchiru continued to wave her arms around.

"Ha ha, very funny," she said as sarcastically as she could. "My strength is definitely not eating nachos!" The kitsune swung her body around angrily and clumsily. The words rearranged themselves to say "Strength: Being an idiot"

nK1fyjz.png astramaru


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Amatsu giggled at Ruichiru’s anger as she sat down again.
“So I guess I have an emotional power” Amatsu shrugged as she sat down.
“Can I FINNALY help in battle now??” She asked, desperately.
Amatsu giggled at Ruichiru’s anger as she sat down again.
“So I guess I have an emotional power” Amatsu shrugged as she sat down.
“Can I FINNALY help in battle now??” She asked, desperately.
"PrrttffffttrrrrAGHGHHGHHG" Ruchiru said (?) as she shoved her head weirdly into the ground. But she shoved too hard, and now Ruchiru was going to get bruises on her cheeks in a couple of minutes. She looked up, rubbing her cheeks like a weird chipmunk.

"You know," she said, now considering punching her cheeks to dull the pain (and stupidly giving herself more bruises), "You would've been able to fight much earlier if you don't whine so much."
"PrrttffffttrrrrAGHGHHGHHG" Ruchiru said (?) as she shoved her head weirdly into the ground. But she shoved too hard, and now Ruchiru was going to get bruises on her cheeks in a couple of minutes. She looked up, rubbing her cheeks like a weird chipmunk.

"You know," she said, now considering punching her cheeks to dull the pain (and stupidly giving herself more bruises), "You would've been able to fight much earlier if you don't whine so much."
nK1fyjz.png astramaru


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Arrya snarled in disbelief.

"Yes. It means you can help as a sacrifice."

Meeting Ruchiru's gaze, she pleaded silently. Go.


"I have to talk.", she snapped at Amatsu.

"Your power is a curse."
Arrya snarled in disbelief.

"Yes. It means you can help as a sacrifice."

Meeting Ruchiru's gaze, she pleaded silently. Go.


"I have to talk.", she snapped at Amatsu.

"Your power is a curse."
imageedit-1-4146692772.png s h a l t

» she/her/they
» fr +3, but not always active *cough* school
» no random friend requests
"Can I have a chicken nugget?" Ruchiru asked. "I'm hungry."
"Can I have a chicken nugget?" Ruchiru asked. "I'm hungry."
nK1fyjz.png astramaru


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"No." The dracon flicked her tail irritatedly. She paused, hesitating.

"What is a chicken nugget, anyways?"
"No." The dracon flicked her tail irritatedly. She paused, hesitating.

"What is a chicken nugget, anyways?"
imageedit-1-4146692772.png s h a l t

» she/her/they
» fr +3, but not always active *cough* school
» no random friend requests
"Uh," Ruchiru was not used to needing to use this many braincells. "Gold nugget, but chicken?"
"Uh," Ruchiru was not used to needing to use this many braincells. "Gold nugget, but chicken?"
nK1fyjz.png astramaru


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Amatsu walked over to Arrya.

“Curse? What do you mean? This seems more like a blessing to me. I mean, knowing everyone’s status and powers seems to be invincible!” Amatsu beamed.
Amatsu walked over to Arrya.

“Curse? What do you mean? This seems more like a blessing to me. I mean, knowing everyone’s status and powers seems to be invincible!” Amatsu beamed.