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TOPIC | Dev Update: Reward Delivery Changes
I don't mind the new system to actively claim presents and rewards, but I do agree with many others that seven days might be too short. Two to three weeks feels more fair, especially if the entire point of the extension is to help less active players.

Thank you for the update!
I don't mind the new system to actively claim presents and rewards, but I do agree with many others that seven days might be too short. Two to three weeks feels more fair, especially if the entire point of the extension is to help less active players.

Thank you for the update!
This is awesome.
This is awesome.
Galore, saving FR's stressed systems, one gift at a time
Galore, saving FR's stressed systems, one gift at a time
kudos to the person on the team/folks on the team who designed Galore. such a neat lil design.

i think the dropbox system for limited items is a nice change but i do think 1 week might be a tad bit short. I think a month/4 weeks is a bit more fair but i totally understand why 1 week is chosen. it probably puts strain on the servers or more complicated for the FR team and ,again, the change is made to make it easier for the FR team

either way this is a nice change
kudos to the person on the team/folks on the team who designed Galore. such a neat lil design.

i think the dropbox system for limited items is a nice change but i do think 1 week might be a tad bit short. I think a month/4 weeks is a bit more fair but i totally understand why 1 week is chosen. it probably puts strain on the servers or more complicated for the FR team and ,again, the change is made to make it easier for the FR team

either way this is a nice change
As far as I can tell, a longer time window would be beneficial to those who miss out for more than a week. I guess the backup choice for getting missed items and such would be the AH, though prices could be pretty high, and from Roundsey's Raffle Roulette, though chances are low (and buying many tickets is pricy). If an occassional past-event item could be collected/picked-up, I'd go for that.
As far as I can tell, a longer time window would be beneficial to those who miss out for more than a week. I guess the backup choice for getting missed items and such would be the AH, though prices could be pretty high, and from Roundsey's Raffle Roulette, though chances are low (and buying many tickets is pricy). If an occassional past-event item could be collected/picked-up, I'd go for that.
Pyercé | they/them
mini gap links TBA
So do you have to be subscribed to Flight Rising via email to get these reminders , or is there some private messaging system that will remind you when there are items available at Galores (by the way she is faaaabulooousss), could you please elaborate a little on that?
So do you have to be subscribed to Flight Rising via email to get these reminders , or is there some private messaging system that will remind you when there are items available at Galores (by the way she is faaaabulooousss), could you please elaborate a little on that?
I really had to read/reread this carefully and I don't like the seven day system as I understand it. I'd prefer to have seven days to acquire the items from Galore upon logging in. [indent]Say I had to stop playing in March (because life happens, ya know?) and missed April Fool's and stayed offline until June. In June, starting from the first day I log in again, I should have seven days to pick up my April Fool's item. [i]And[/i] there should be a notification that I have a surprise waiting for me at Galore's.[/indent] Or just have him hold the items indefinitely. And the items given out for events like April Fool's don't have to get to us [i]exactly[/i] on the day of that holiday. I'm okay receiving (or in this case, collecting?) things [b]a day or two late[/b] and at [b]a reasonable hour.[/b] You don't have to go in on a day off to send out items if you don't set that expectation. Hand the items out on a work day during normal work hours. Nobody wants you guys to stay until after midnight or go in to work in the wee hours of the morning to fix things, much less on a weekend or a work holiday. That's unreasonable and unhealthy, two things you're trying to avoid. Hopefully I'm making sense but it's late and I'm grumpy. [emoji=guardian sleepy size=1]
I really had to read/reread this carefully and I don't like the seven day system as I understand it. I'd prefer to have seven days to acquire the items from Galore upon logging in.

Say I had to stop playing in March (because life happens, ya know?) and missed April Fool's and stayed offline until June. In June, starting from the first day I log in again, I should have seven days to pick up my April Fool's item. And there should be a notification that I have a surprise waiting for me at Galore's.

Or just have him hold the items indefinitely.

And the items given out for events like April Fool's don't have to get to us exactly on the day of that holiday. I'm okay receiving (or in this case, collecting?) things a day or two late and at a reasonable hour. You don't have to go in on a day off to send out items if you don't set that expectation. Hand the items out on a work day during normal work hours. Nobody wants you guys to stay until after midnight or go in to work in the wee hours of the morning to fix things, much less on a weekend or a work holiday. That's unreasonable and unhealthy, two things you're trying to avoid.

Hopefully I'm making sense but it's late and I'm grumpy.
+3 FR time
Imo (that's i m o)
she/her or they/them
[quote name="titanninja" date="2019-05-07 22:09:19" ] So do you have to be subscribed to Flight Rising via email to get these reminders , or is there some private messaging system that will remind you when there are items available at Galores (by the way she is faaaabulooousss), could you please elaborate a little on that? [/quote] You technically can't be subscribed via email. These are announcement posts, found in the Announcements forum (so they're not sent by email). Also, there is a private messaging system, PM for short, but it won't be used for reminders, so you'll have to check Galore's every now and then. [s]I think Galore is a male Guardian, but I can't be too sure.[/s]
titanninja wrote on 2019-05-07 22:09:19:
So do you have to be subscribed to Flight Rising via email to get these reminders , or is there some private messaging system that will remind you when there are items available at Galores (by the way she is faaaabulooousss), could you please elaborate a little on that?
You technically can't be subscribed via email. These are announcement posts, found in the Announcements forum (so they're not sent by email). Also, there is a private messaging system, PM for short, but it won't be used for reminders, so you'll have to check Galore's every now and then.

I think Galore is a male Guardian, but I can't be too sure.
Pyercé | they/them
mini gap links TBA
[quote name="Xhaztol" date="2019-05-06 10:37:38" ] As some may remember, when the site was young, these items were attached to private messages. As time went on and the player base grew, that became more and more taxing on the messaging system. We moved to performing that functionality on the backend, but the player population has again grown so vast that it [b]results in considerable strain to the system to deliver these items simultaneously to hundreds of thousands of inventories[/b]. It also requires manual work by the engineering team to make these deliveries possible, often requiring they be present at odd hours and off-days.[/quote] After reading through some of the replies again, a thought occurred. If this is REALLY the reason Galore is necessary then... I wonder why they don't just change the distribution system to not do all the deliveries at once. Unless the birth of Galore brings more gifts to the table. We can only 100% be guaranteed of two (if even that really) each year. The one we (usually) get for the Anniversary event and the April Fools day gift. If the strain comes form the fact that all items NEED to be distributed all at once during the 30 minute rollover period... why not just make it standard to have an increased rollover period on or during the day of the event? I understand the part about staff needing to be present but even then, why not just have an extended maintenance period that ends with the announcement going up. Be it at standard Rollover (00:00 - 00:30) or another one entirely an hour to thirty minutes before the announcement is posted. So that way, even if the item isn't distributed AT rollover, the site is still in prime condition to have the back-end systems deliver the items in batches over the course of a longer period of time? I have to assume we'll be getting more event gifts based purely on the fact that having an NPC only be necessary two times out of the year seems excessive but I suppose it would also not be viable to extend or schedule extended maintenance periods if we're getting more than what we normally do. [rule] While it's sorta too late for other ideas, I feel, with the art and update already being posted. But another idea would be to skip the maintenance period entirely - in the sense that you could release items in batches over the course of the day. It would be easy enough to stop them from being 'spoilery' by just making it a like present box that pops up a lot like Marva's stuff does. When you try to open it, it cycles through more versions of itself (all being the same thing even) or isn't open-able at all until it's 'activated'. Whether that be after rollover the next day or during the event itself. I guess it could be confusing to have some people with a gift and some without as they're slowly distributed but I imagine it would become something people get used too. Especially if things are communicated in the status box or with full blown advisory updates. It's of course a spur of the moment idea though and again, probably already obsolete considering but it felt worth mentioning I suppose. [rule] Either way, I do enjoy Galore but it just seems odd that this is the solution. Granted, I don't know how the back-end operates but it just seems like if the problem is that it's a strain to do the job in that timeframe.. that the timeframe isn't just increased or moved to accommodate. Rather than rolling out a whole NPC for something that only happens two or three times a year.
Xhaztol wrote on 2019-05-06 10:37:38:
As some may remember, when the site was young, these items were attached to private messages. As time went on and the player base grew, that became more and more taxing on the messaging system.

We moved to performing that functionality on the backend, but the player population has again grown so vast that it results in considerable strain to the system to deliver these items simultaneously to hundreds of thousands of inventories.

It also requires manual work by the engineering team to make these deliveries possible, often requiring they be present at odd hours and off-days.

After reading through some of the replies again, a thought occurred.

If this is REALLY the reason Galore is necessary then... I wonder why they don't just change the distribution system to not do all the deliveries at once.

Unless the birth of Galore brings more gifts to the table. We can only 100% be guaranteed of two (if even that really) each year. The one we (usually) get for the Anniversary event and the April Fools day gift.

If the strain comes form the fact that all items NEED to be distributed all at once during the 30 minute rollover period... why not just make it standard to have an increased rollover period on or during the day of the event?

I understand the part about staff needing to be present but even then, why not just have an extended maintenance period that ends with the announcement going up. Be it at standard Rollover (00:00 - 00:30) or another one entirely an hour to thirty minutes before the announcement is posted.

So that way, even if the item isn't distributed AT rollover, the site is still in prime condition to have the back-end systems deliver the items in batches over the course of a longer period of time?

I have to assume we'll be getting more event gifts based purely on the fact that having an NPC only be necessary two times out of the year seems excessive but I suppose it would also not be viable to extend or schedule extended maintenance periods if we're getting more than what we normally do.

While it's sorta too late for other ideas, I feel, with the art and update already being posted. But another idea would be to skip the maintenance period entirely - in the sense that you could release items in batches over the course of the day. It would be easy enough to stop them from being 'spoilery' by just making it a like present box that pops up a lot like Marva's stuff does. When you try to open it, it cycles through more versions of itself (all being the same thing even) or isn't open-able at all until it's 'activated'. Whether that be after rollover the next day or during the event itself.

I guess it could be confusing to have some people with a gift and some without as they're slowly distributed but I imagine it would become something people get used too. Especially if things are communicated in the status box or with full blown advisory updates.

It's of course a spur of the moment idea though and again, probably already obsolete considering but it felt worth mentioning I suppose.

Either way, I do enjoy Galore but it just seems odd that this is the solution. Granted, I don't know how the back-end operates but it just seems like if the problem is that it's a strain to do the job in that timeframe.. that the timeframe isn't just increased or moved to accommodate. Rather than rolling out a whole NPC for something that only happens two or three times a year.

I love the idea, however I worry about those taking extended leaves beyond 1 week being off-site. I'm one who has taken a year out or more from FR due to life and other reasons and I wonder if there should be a means to set Galore at least to a "holiday mode"

Allow each account to enable Galore items in reserve for them, however limit it rather like the hibernation den is limited. So Galore can be set to hoard things, but you can't disable it for a long period of time (say 3 or 4 weeks). That would give people who know they will be away for a long time a chance to not avoid things, esp since many of the random gifts can sometimes appear at-random or not on planned event days - not to mention not everyone keeps a calendar marked with all the FR special event days pinned to their wall.

If accounts have to enable hoarding that would mean there's no additional strain on the back-end having to automatically monitor account activity levels; and it means those going on planned longer than 1 week trips can be safe in the knowledge that they won't miss out.
I love the idea, however I worry about those taking extended leaves beyond 1 week being off-site. I'm one who has taken a year out or more from FR due to life and other reasons and I wonder if there should be a means to set Galore at least to a "holiday mode"

Allow each account to enable Galore items in reserve for them, however limit it rather like the hibernation den is limited. So Galore can be set to hoard things, but you can't disable it for a long period of time (say 3 or 4 weeks). That would give people who know they will be away for a long time a chance to not avoid things, esp since many of the random gifts can sometimes appear at-random or not on planned event days - not to mention not everyone keeps a calendar marked with all the FR special event days pinned to their wall.

If accounts have to enable hoarding that would mean there's no additional strain on the back-end having to automatically monitor account activity levels; and it means those going on planned longer than 1 week trips can be safe in the knowledge that they won't miss out.
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