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TOPIC | Dev Update: Reward Delivery Changes
Galore is BEAUTIFUL [emoji=fae love size=2]
Ah, this seems like a good idea overall! I do kind of think that seven days may be a bit too short a time period for some occasions, though. If you made it something like fourteen days instead, that would probably be better.

Also, Galore looks very cool! I'm looking forward to seeing her join the other dragons at the Trading Post!
Ah, this seems like a good idea overall! I do kind of think that seven days may be a bit too short a time period for some occasions, though. If you made it something like fourteen days instead, that would probably be better.

Also, Galore looks very cool! I'm looking forward to seeing her join the other dragons at the Trading Post!
Galore is a good boi. Gorgeous good boi. Cool update but I think the frame could be extended to 14 days maybe? I feel like 7 days just isn't enough and a month is a little too long.
Galore is a good boi. Gorgeous good boi. Cool update but I think the frame could be extended to 14 days maybe? I feel like 7 days just isn't enough and a month is a little too long.
Click them! --> Christmas Dragons! | Wishlist!
My FR memes!! | Dragon Sales!!!

I don't mind pings or messages :) I would be glad to be an Arcane nest for free! Lvl 18 free brewing. Just send materials + treasure.
I dislike this change a lot.

This not only affects people who aren't active all the time because of losing interest or life getting busy, but it punishes anybody without set schedules, or whose work takes them away from steady internet access (having to be deployed overseas, or working in remote areas, for example).

I wish that "rewarding one set of players" didn't also mean "punishing this other set of players." - It would be okay if active players were able to get more or special versions of an item, but treating older players that can't log in for a while the same as people that have never even signed up is pretty mean.

If I come back from a period of inactivity to find I've missed out on a cool exclusive item, I'm likely to turn off the game in a huff. Whereas when I've come back to a neat present/Marva item in my inventory, even if it's April 15th or whatever, I'm way more likely to engage with the game and be active again for a while.
I dislike this change a lot.

This not only affects people who aren't active all the time because of losing interest or life getting busy, but it punishes anybody without set schedules, or whose work takes them away from steady internet access (having to be deployed overseas, or working in remote areas, for example).

I wish that "rewarding one set of players" didn't also mean "punishing this other set of players." - It would be okay if active players were able to get more or special versions of an item, but treating older players that can't log in for a while the same as people that have never even signed up is pretty mean.

If I come back from a period of inactivity to find I've missed out on a cool exclusive item, I'm likely to turn off the game in a huff. Whereas when I've come back to a neat present/Marva item in my inventory, even if it's April 15th or whatever, I'm way more likely to engage with the game and be active again for a while.
Sounds like a great idea!
Seven days is a good span in which to allow people to pick up items, while still being short enough to effectively reward regular players.
Sounds like a great idea!
Seven days is a good span in which to allow people to pick up items, while still being short enough to effectively reward regular players.
A great idea! But I generally agree with the sentiment that a week is not enough. Vacations often last for ten days or two weeks; not everyone is able to get online while they travel. Two weeks seems more than fair.
A great idea! But I generally agree with the sentiment that a week is not enough. Vacations often last for ten days or two weeks; not everyone is able to get online while they travel. Two weeks seems more than fair.
Galore is here to help the team!! What a champ. I also like his beard [emoji=guardian tongue size=1]
Galore is here to help the team!! What a champ.

I also like his beard
A logo with two small green sprouts and the title Spontaneous Sprouts
I am frequently on hiatus lately and am not overly happy about this. That being said I know I am not a frequent presence on the website and a low priority and understand why you do what you do.

That being said "one whole week" is not a lot of time. I wish it was held for a month at least
I am frequently on hiatus lately and am not overly happy about this. That being said I know I am not a frequent presence on the website and a low priority and understand why you do what you do.

That being said "one whole week" is not a lot of time. I wish it was held for a month at least
4qcj.png tumblr_inline_njucf1YnRj1r7wjf7.png ~They/Them
~+3 hours FR Time
~Shameless Fan Dragon Lair
~I Love Friend Requests
~Need cheap fodder? Pre-order a nest full! 1 gem down, 3 gems per egg
tumblr_inline_njucf2ZZft1r7wjf7.png tumblr_p6un9pL5QF1utez9io3_100.png
umf i loveeeee galore's design this sounds like a good idea to me! however: i agree that one week seems too short, vacations i take often go up to two weeks or more, and internet access is variable and it doesn't apply to me but some people have irregular access to internet, too-- and not just holidays, but things like important exams, job interviews, etc: often i might force myself to stop playing FR (or play minimally, so not checking forums and announcements and such) for maybe the week before exams? if i missed a surprise limited item i'd be [i]so[/i] mad at myself i'd like a two week window? preferably longer, really, but i understand that that might be pushing it. two weeks seems a good compromise vs the 'rewarding active players' and the 'making it fair' sides of the argument and finally, i have a suggestion to make-- announce these items (or the windows to get an item) ahead of time so people can plan accordingly to try get online, not just drop them out of nowhere. and when they do arrive, shoot us a notification similar to baldwin so we can't miss it. personally i always forget to check the announcements page because i stay logged in and hardly ever see the homepage. that said, i really like this idea! and the idea of putting it in the trading post. thanks, staff [emoji=fae happy size=2]
umf i loveeeee galore's design
this sounds like a good idea to me! however:
i agree that one week seems too short, vacations i take often go up to two weeks or more, and internet access is variable
and it doesn't apply to me but some people have irregular access to internet, too--
and not just holidays, but things like important exams, job interviews, etc: often i might force myself to stop playing FR (or play minimally, so not checking forums and announcements and such) for maybe the week before exams? if i missed a surprise limited item i'd be so mad at myself
i'd like a two week window? preferably longer, really, but i understand that that might be pushing it. two weeks seems a good compromise vs the 'rewarding active players' and the 'making it fair' sides of the argument
and finally, i have a suggestion to make-- announce these items (or the windows to get an item) ahead of time so people can plan accordingly to try get online, not just drop them out of nowhere.
and when they do arrive, shoot us a notification similar to baldwin so we can't miss it. personally i always forget to check the announcements page because i stay logged in and hardly ever see the homepage.
that said, i really like this idea! and the idea of putting it in the trading post. thanks, staff

__snek, snek, let down your necc
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I’m in love with this art! And I agree with a lot of other people; 1 week seems a bit too short. I’ve definitely been pulled away from the site for up to a week at a time due to work or school, but I’ve only ever been off the site for more than 2 weeks once or twice. While that’s just me, I’m seeing many people suggesting a 14-day period as well. I don’t really have anything against the update (I feel it’s a little bit pointless- why should it matter if rare items exist in abandoned accounts? If they’re never accessed again, the item essentially doesn’t exist anyway since it can’t impact the economy. And if a player who’s been gone comes back, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be allowed to have the items- they’re back, after all. Maybe I do have something against this update? I didn’t realize I did before typing all that. But I digress). Overall: beautiful art, and I’m with many others in suggesting the period gets extended to 14 days! [emoji=spiral happy size=1]
I’m in love with this art!

And I agree with a lot of other people; 1 week seems a bit too short. I’ve definitely been pulled away from the site for up to a week at a time due to work or school, but I’ve only ever been off the site for more than 2 weeks once or twice. While that’s just me, I’m seeing many people suggesting a 14-day period as well. I don’t really have anything against the update (I feel it’s a little bit pointless- why should it matter if rare items exist in abandoned accounts? If they’re never accessed again, the item essentially doesn’t exist anyway since it can’t impact the economy. And if a player who’s been gone comes back, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be allowed to have the items- they’re back, after all. Maybe I do have something against this update? I didn’t realize I did before typing all that. But I digress).

Overall: beautiful art, and I’m with many others in suggesting the period gets extended to 14 days!
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