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TOPIC | [WC] Sybil Isle - Real-Life Divination
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=2]Off the coast of the Starfall Isles lies a nondescript little island. It has a great number of shrubs, to be sure, and a higher-than-usual amount of rocks, but neither of these seem like good reasons for an entire ship to peel off from Water's fleet to stop there. "What do you mean?" a Pearlcatcher says when you ask about it. "We've detected a huge pool of spiritual energy right here! Maybe it's from the Arcanist's experiments, or something, but it's definitely the right place." You feel nothing at all. "It is-- I mean it! We're gonna claim it for Water and name it Sybil Isle. That's pretty clever, right? It rhymes and everything." It doesn't quite rhyme. You don't say this. You do, however, marvel at the bright tents that are springing up by the seacliffs. Fortune tellers, oracles, and diviners of all stripes appear to be setting up shop here. Will you purchase their wares? [/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=4]Water is known for its talented dragon diviners, but we're also home to a whole bunch of real ones! If you're interested in having your [i]real-life[/i] fortune told, check out one of the shops below. Prices and rules are set by each participant, so make sure to read their instructions.[/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img] [/url] [url=][img][/img] [/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] [img][/img][/center] [b]Disclaimer[/b]: [size=2]It is very hard to do readings for people we have never met before. Readings are also never an exact science. They should always be taken metaphorically before literally and with a grain of salt. While we will offer one interpretation of the reading, it is not necessarily the right one for you. Think on the answer you are given and the possible meanings-often that is as good a purpose to the reading as the reading itself.[/size]

Off the coast of the Starfall Isles lies a nondescript little island. It has a great number of shrubs, to be sure, and a higher-than-usual amount of rocks, but neither of these seem like good reasons for an entire ship to peel off from Water's fleet to stop there.

"What do you mean?" a Pearlcatcher says when you ask about it. "We've detected a huge pool of spiritual energy right here! Maybe it's from the Arcanist's experiments, or something, but it's definitely the right place."

You feel nothing at all.

"It is-- I mean it! We're gonna claim it for Water and name it Sybil Isle. That's pretty clever, right? It rhymes and everything."

It doesn't quite rhyme. You don't say this. You do, however, marvel at the bright tents that are springing up by the seacliffs. Fortune tellers, oracles, and diviners of all stripes appear to be setting up shop here. Will you purchase their wares?

Water is known for its talented dragon diviners, but we're also home to a whole bunch of real ones! If you're interested in having your real-life fortune told, check out one of the shops below. Prices and rules are set by each participant, so make sure to read their instructions.








Disclaimer: It is very hard to do readings for people we have never met before. Readings are also never an exact science. They should always be taken metaphorically before literally and with a grain of salt. While we will offer one interpretation of the reading, it is not necessarily the right one for you. Think on the answer you are given and the possible meanings-often that is as good a purpose to the reading as the reading itself.
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=9370D8][font=Gabriola][size=7]SlipperySylveon's Tarot & Pendulum Readings[/color][/center][/font] [quote name=Disclaimer]Please do take all of these readings with a grain of salt. I can only offer an interpretation of the future, not cold hard facts.[/quote] [center][img],20829,20831,20830,20832,20834,20835,20833&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] [center][font=Gabriola][size=5]A Skydancer sits in front of a table, cards laid out in front of her. "Come in, come in," she says. "Take a seat and let the oracle work her magic."[/center] [b][size=6][font=Gabriola][color=00008B]Rules:[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Please send all payments and shop requests via private message, I'd much rather have them all in my inbox than lose the requests in the thread! [*]If you do not feel comfortable sending it via PM then please send it through a 1-way Crossroads, I will not accept until I get to your reading. [*]If you'd like to request multiple readings please send them in separate private messages or CR's so that I can get to them one at a time! [*]If you would like a picture of your tarot reading please say so in your initial message! Also please tell me which of my decks you'd like me to use for the reading! (See below.) [*]If you'd like a short message from Selena (pictured above) reading your cards to you, please add an additional 3kt/g or 5FC to your payment! [*]FC stands for Festival Currency and I will only be taking Giant Sand Dollars at this time! [/LIST] As I stated in my rules, I have three separate tarot decks! Each customer may choose which they would like me to use though it is not required. My decks include a [b]Hobbit[/b] themed tarot deck, a [b]Homestuck[/b] tarot deck (Acts 6 & 7), and my [b]Deviant Moon[/b] tarot deck. If you do not specify which deck you'd like then I'll simply use whichever I want to. [b][size=6][font=Gabriola][color=006400]Types of Readings: [indent]Tarot [LIST] [*][u]1-Card 5kt/5g/10FC[/u] [center]You'll want this reading if you have a question that can be answered simply! Please come to me with a clear question! [*][u]3-Card 10kt/10g/25FC[/u] [center]This spread is best used for general life advice pertaining to your present and near to far future (depending on the card pulls). Explaining your current situation will help me interpret your reading but it isn't necessary! If the cards aren't terribly clear, I will pull a fourth card at no additional charge. [*][u]Horseshoe Spread 35kt/35g/75FC[/u] [center]This is a common 7-Card tarot spread! If you don't have a particular situation in mind, this spread will cover all your bases. [/list][/indent] [indent]Pendulum [LIST] [*][u]One Yes/No Question 3kt/3g/10FC[/u] [center]This will be a simple yes or no question. Feel free to order more than one of these at once; however, the questions may not be related or build off of the answers you get from the previous question. [*][u]Decision Question 15kt/15g/35FC[/u] [center] You can come to me with up to four different options you are torn between and I'll ask my pendulum which route you should pursue! [/LIST] [/indent]
SlipperySylveon's Tarot &
Pendulum Readings

Disclaimer wrote:
Please do take all of these readings with a grain of salt. I can only offer an interpretation of the future, not cold hard facts.
A Skydancer sits in front of a table, cards laid out in front of her. "Come in, come in," she says.
"Take a seat and let the oracle work her magic."

  1. Please send all payments and shop requests via private message, I'd much rather have them all in my inbox than lose the requests in the thread!
  2. If you do not feel comfortable sending it via PM then please send it through a 1-way Crossroads, I will not accept until I get to your reading.
  3. If you'd like to request multiple readings please send them in separate private messages or CR's so that I can get to them one at a time!
  4. If you would like a picture of your tarot reading please say so in your initial message! Also please tell me which of my decks you'd like me to use for the reading! (See below.)
  5. If you'd like a short message from Selena (pictured above) reading your cards to you, please add an additional 3kt/g or 5FC to your payment!
  6. FC stands for Festival Currency and I will only be taking Giant Sand Dollars at this time!

As I stated in my rules, I have three separate tarot decks! Each customer may choose which they would like me to use though it is not required. My decks include a Hobbit themed tarot deck, a Homestuck tarot deck (Acts 6 & 7), and my Deviant Moon tarot deck. If you do not specify which deck you'd like then I'll simply use whichever I want to.

Types of Readings:
  • 1-Card 5kt/5g/10FC
    You'll want this reading if you have a question that can be answered simply! Please come to me with a clear question!
  • 3-Card 10kt/10g/25FC
    This spread is best used for general life advice pertaining to your present and near to far future (depending on the card pulls). Explaining your current situation will help me interpret your reading but it isn't necessary! If the cards aren't terribly clear, I will pull a fourth card at no additional charge.
  • Horseshoe Spread 35kt/35g/75FC
    This is a common 7-Card tarot spread! If you don't have a particular situation in mind, this spread will cover all your bases.
  • One Yes/No Question 3kt/3g/10FC
    This will be a simple yes or no question. Feel free to order more than one of these at once; however, the questions may not be related or build off of the answers you get from the previous question.
  • Decision Question 15kt/15g/35FC
    You can come to me with up to four different options you are torn between and I'll ask my pendulum which route you should pursue!
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center][font=Freestyle Script][size=7][u]Tarot[/u][/size][/font][/center] [b][u]1 Card Reading:[/u][/b] A question/answer sort of thing. Any question works, but it's best if you keep it down to something than can be answered by a single card. [u]Price: 5kt.[/u] [b][u]3 & 4 Card Readings:[/u][/b] There's a lot of ways this can go. Options below. [u]All card readings in this section are 11kt.[/u] [i]Past, Present, Future: I'll ask the cards about something that happened in the past, what you should be aware of in the present, and what you should be looking for in the future.[/i] [i]Situation, What to do, What not to do: Something about the situation you are in, the challenge before you, some advice from the cards about it, and a potential outcome.[/i] [i]The opportunities before you, encouragement towards one, and the challenges of another: What lies before you, which one the cards think you should take, and the difficulties behind another path.[/i] [i]Calm Down: What you're currently stressed about, how to calm down, how to prevent melting down, and something good that will come from the situation.[/i] [b][u]+5 Card Spreads:[/u][/b] [b]Universe Spread:[/b] Inspired by the Homestuck Godtiers, this 12-card spread is an analysis of the path before you. The things within your control, the things outside of it, the resources available to you, how you are working towards a goal, and so on. [u]Price: 30kt.[/u] [b]Creativity Spread:[/b] For insight into one's creative abilities and how to improve. Current state, what inspires you, etc. [u]Price: 20kt.[/u] [center][font=Freestyle Script][size=7][u]Rules, Disclaimer, Exchange Rate, & Order Form[/u][/size][/font][/center] [b][u]Rules:[/b][/u] Be polite, please deliver payment promptly, and kindly consider that I am only the messenger for the cards and can only tell you what they tell me. [b][u]Disclaimer:[/b][/u] [quote]Please take these readings with a grain of salt. I can only provide one interpretation, and I do not pretend to know what the actual future holds, only possibilities. [/quote] [b][u]Exchange Rate:[/b][/u] 800t = 1g 600t = 1 Giant Sand Dollar [b][u]Order Form:[/b][/u] [quote]@Aquacoral Username: Reading: Question: Notes/Background:[/quote] [b]You must ping me, otherwise there is a high chance I will not see your request.[/b]

1 Card Reading: A question/answer sort of thing. Any question works, but it's best if you keep it down to something than can be answered by a single card. Price: 5kt.

3 & 4 Card Readings: There's a lot of ways this can go. Options below. All card readings in this section are 11kt.

Past, Present, Future: I'll ask the cards about something that happened in the past, what you should be aware of in the present, and what you should be looking for in the future.

Situation, What to do, What not to do: Something about the situation you are in, the challenge before you, some advice from the cards about it, and a potential outcome.

The opportunities before you, encouragement towards one, and the challenges of another: What lies before you, which one the cards think you should take, and the difficulties behind another path.

Calm Down: What you're currently stressed about, how to calm down, how to prevent melting down, and something good that will come from the situation.

+5 Card Spreads:

Universe Spread: Inspired by the Homestuck Godtiers, this 12-card spread is an analysis of the path before you. The things within your control, the things outside of it, the resources available to you, how you are working towards a goal, and so on. Price: 30kt.

Creativity Spread: For insight into one's creative abilities and how to improve. Current state, what inspires you, etc. Price: 20kt.

Rules, Disclaimer, Exchange Rate, & Order Form

Be polite, please deliver payment promptly, and kindly consider that I am only the messenger for the cards and can only tell you what they tell me.

Please take these readings with a grain of salt. I can only provide one interpretation, and I do not pretend to know what the actual future holds, only possibilities.

Exchange Rate:
800t = 1g
600t = 1 Giant Sand Dollar

Order Form:

You must ping me, otherwise there is a high chance I will not see your request.
[size=7][color=blue][font=Baskerville Old Face]Tidelord's Prophecies[/font][/color][/size] [b]Tarot Reading![/b] In honor of the festival I will be conducting 3 card readings for 30kt or 20g! These can be done for IC dragons or IRL situations as I've found it works either way! Please specify! I am obligated to say that this is for entertainment purposes only :) [img][/img] [font=Baskerville Old Face][color=blue][size=5]How does it work?[/font][/color][/size] I will pull 3 cards. You are welcome to specify a question or a topic for each card or I can default to a Past/Present/Future outlook! I will post which cards and my thorough interpretation for them in a post or a PM, whatever your preference. Due to technological constraints I won't be posting pictures of the reading. [font=Baskerville Old Face][color=blue][size=6] Ping me and I will get back to you as soon as I can![/font][/color][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Tidelord's Prophecies

Tarot Reading!

In honor of the festival I will be conducting 3 card readings for 30kt or 20g! These can be done for IC dragons or IRL situations as I've found it works either way! Please specify!

I am obligated to say that this is for entertainment purposes only :)


How does it work?

I will pull 3 cards. You are welcome to specify a question or a topic for each card or I can default to a Past/Present/Future outlook! I will post which cards and my thorough interpretation for them in a post or a PM, whatever your preference. Due to technological constraints I won't be posting pictures of the reading.

Ping me and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

[font=garamond][size=5]"Oh! A visitor!" A facet eyed Imperial bounds up to you, looking hopeful. "Hello, stranger! Wanna help me be better at rune scrying?" She digs in her backpack and pulls out a velveteen pouch, something clinking inside.[/font] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center][u][font=garamond][size=5] What is rune scrying? What does this stand do?[/font][/center][/u] [font=garamond][size=4]Rune scrying is the act of calling upon knowledgeable spirits or gods through runestones, and communicating with them. They can answer questions about your future, with more runes used for questions giving way to more detailed answers, though even the gods are not always right, nor is this chosen method of communication clear cut. I encourage you to come to your own conclusions as to what the runes mean, I will provide one of my own for you.[/size] ----- [font=garamond][size=5][b]FIRST, some rules to make this go smoother: [LIST=1] [*][font=Garamond][size=4]Specify what you want to learn from the runes and which spread you desire by pinging me in this thread or PMing me [*][font=garamond][size=4]Also specify if you want a picture of your spread, I will provide one with no extra charge [*][font=Garamond][size=4]I ask that a CR containing payment be sent before I pull the runes, don't worry, I will not accept the CR until I am done. If you prefer a PM, attach the payment to the initial message. Either way I will respond via PM as to not clog up the thread [*][font=Garamond][size=4]You may get as many scries as you like from me, but please only one request per person at a time, I can only do so much at once [*][font=Garamond][size=4]If my stand gets enough attention, I may add more spreads! Ask to be pinged if/when this happens [*][font=Garamond][size=4]If you want your responses from me in the character of the Imperial baby shown at the top of this post, that will be 2kt/2g/4SD extra [/LIST] [font=Garamond][size=5]Order form: [quote]@WavesOfPeace Username: Spread type: Question: Extra info/notes:[/quote] [font=garamond][size=5][b][u]One Rune spread:[/u] 5kt/5g/10SD [/b][/size] [size=4]A spread with one rune, sometimes called Odin's Rune, is typically used to know how a particular event is going to go, and how to prepare yourself. I usually use this spread to know, for example, how my shift at work will go. This spread can also be used as a sort of "lucky rune" to foretell how a day will go.[/size] [font=garamond][size=5][b][u]Three Rune spreads:[/u]15kt/15g/30SD[/size] [size=4]I offer two types of three rune spreads, both the same price. -Traditional Three Rune: this spread is used to determine your relation to a given subject. For instance, this rune spread can tell you how a relationship between you and someone else is at the moment. This rune spread goes in order of [b]yourself[/b], usually representing how you're adding to the situation or your attitude, [b]the subject[/b], usually representing the subject's role or feelings in the situation, and [b]the solution[/b], how you or both of you can change to better fit the situation, or the current relation between you and the subject, depending on the question. -Is This A Three Rune Scry?: yes, based on the meme, I devised a rune spread. It seems silly but it actually does work! It's used to determine if you are looking at something the wrong way and, if you are, what the subject actually is. This has proved useful for me in helping determine how I feel about someone. This spread goes in the order of [b]yourself[/b], which I already explained above, [b]the pigeon[/b], what you think the subject to be or how you think you feel about the subject, and [b]the butterfly[/b], what the subject actually is, or a more accurate depiction of the emotion being felt. Happy customers: @/Voronwis, it's best they play it safe this year
"Oh! A visitor!" A facet eyed Imperial bounds up to you, looking hopeful. "Hello, stranger! Wanna help me be better at rune scrying?" She digs in her backpack and pulls out a velveteen pouch, something clinking inside.
What is rune scrying? What does this stand do?

Rune scrying is the act of calling upon knowledgeable spirits or gods through runestones, and communicating with them. They can answer questions about your future, with more runes used for questions giving way to more detailed answers, though even the gods are not always right, nor is this chosen method of communication clear cut. I encourage you to come to your own conclusions as to what the runes mean, I will provide one of my own for you.

FIRST, some rules to make this go smoother:
  1. Specify what you want to learn from the runes and which spread you desire by pinging me in this thread or PMing me
  2. Also specify if you want a picture of your spread, I will provide one with no extra charge
  3. I ask that a CR containing payment be sent before I pull the runes, don't worry, I will not accept the CR until I am done. If you prefer a PM, attach the payment to the initial message. Either way I will respond via PM as to not clog up the thread
  4. You may get as many scries as you like from me, but please only one request per person at a time, I can only do so much at once
  5. If my stand gets enough attention, I may add more spreads! Ask to be pinged if/when this happens
  6. If you want your responses from me in the character of the Imperial baby shown at the top of this post, that will be 2kt/2g/4SD extra
Order form:
Spread type:
Extra info/notes:

One Rune spread: 5kt/5g/10SD
A spread with one rune, sometimes called Odin's Rune, is typically used to know how a particular event is going to go, and how to prepare yourself. I usually use this spread to know, for example, how my shift at work will go. This spread can also be used as a sort of "lucky rune" to foretell how a day will go.

Three Rune spreads:15kt/15g/30SD
I offer two types of three rune spreads, both the same price.

-Traditional Three Rune: this spread is used to determine your relation to a given subject. For instance, this rune spread can tell you how a relationship between you and someone else is at the moment. This rune spread goes in order of yourself, usually representing how you're adding to the situation or your attitude, the subject, usually representing the subject's role or feelings in the situation, and the solution, how you or both of you can change to better fit the situation, or the current relation between you and the subject, depending on the question.

-Is This A Three Rune Scry?: yes, based on the meme, I devised a rune spread. It seems silly but it actually does work! It's used to determine if you are looking at something the wrong way and, if you are, what the subject actually is. This has proved useful for me in helping determine how I feel about someone. This spread goes in the order of yourself, which I already explained above, the pigeon, what you think the subject to be or how you think you feel about the subject, and the butterfly, what the subject actually is, or a more accurate depiction of the emotion being felt.

Happy customers:
@/Voronwis, it's best they play it safe this year
gtyhuj_100x100.png Autmn_forest_2_3.jpg t-e-e-th-j-a-r.gif
[center][color=2b338F][size=6] [emoji=water rune] [b]Banded's Bewitched Readings [/b][emoji=water rune][/color][/size][/center] [center] [img][/img][/center] [emoji=crystal ball] [b]How to order[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Tell me what you would like to learn and which method you will be using [*]I ask that payment be sent before the cards are pulled. Both CR or PM are welcome. I will not accept the payment until the reading is finished. [/LIST] [emoji=crystal ball] [b]Readings: Pokemon[/b] This works by me choosing a pokemon game (I have almost all generations available) choosing a route, and running into the tall grass. The first pokemon that appears is how I interpret your readings. If choosing more than one, different games or routes may be loaded, depending on what feels correct. Pokemon are actually choc full of symbolism in terms of their uniqueness, stats, type matchups, and real life counterparts. Partner Pokemon (1 encounter) 5k treasure or 2 gem payment Competition Bound (3 encounters) 8k treasure or 6 gems Full Party (6 encounters) 11k treasure or 10 gems But? More old fashioned? [emoji=crystal ball] [b]Readings: Tarot[/b] My deck is the Animal Wise Tarot Deck 1 Card readings: 5k treasure or 2 gem payment 5 Card readings: 8k treasure or 6 gems 7 Card Readings: 11k treasure or 10 gems Please Ping me to order!
Banded's Bewitched Readings

How to order
  1. Tell me what you would like to learn and which method you will be using
  2. I ask that payment be sent before the cards are pulled. Both CR or PM are welcome. I will not accept the payment until the reading is finished.

Readings: Pokemon

This works by me choosing a pokemon game (I have almost all generations available)
choosing a route, and running into the tall grass. The first pokemon that appears is how I interpret your readings. If choosing more than one, different games or routes may be loaded, depending on what feels correct. Pokemon are actually choc full of symbolism in terms of their uniqueness, stats, type matchups, and real life counterparts.

Partner Pokemon (1 encounter) 5k treasure or 2 gem payment
Competition Bound (3 encounters) 8k treasure or 6 gems
Full Party (6 encounters) 11k treasure or 10 gems

But? More old fashioned?

Readings: Tarot

My deck is the Animal Wise Tarot Deck

1 Card readings: 5k treasure or 2 gem payment
5 Card readings: 8k treasure or 6 gems
7 Card Readings: 11k treasure or 10 gems

Please Ping me to order!
[center][font=calibri][size=7][color=#1524B0][b][emoji=water rune] Mystic Depths Tarot [emoji=water rune][/b][/color][/size] [img][/img] [size=5]the [url=][color=#475EA7]two[/color][/url] [url=][color=#475EA7]fae[/color][/url] look up when you enter the seaside cave they call home. the lighter of the two, tiamat, is leaning over the other dragon, taniwha, who was in the middle of shuffling cards when you showed up. "hey!" tiamat says, her crests lifted up in happiness. "nice to meet you. want a reading?"[/size] ----- [emoji=seafood][b][size=4] guidelines [/size][/b][emoji=seafood][/center] [LIST] [*]please send payments through 1-way CR! (i won't accept until i've sent the reading to you) [*]i'm usually on FR anywhere between ~15:00 and ~20:00 FRT, although i'm able to do readings outside of that zone (those are just my regular posting/CR accepting/etc. hours) [*]if you'd like a picture of the cards, let me know and i will include it for free! [*]you can order these for yourself or, if you'd like, your dragons! [*]extra cards pulled as clarifiers are free. you only pay for the amount listed in the menu. [emoji=guardian happy] [*]please refrain from asking yes-or-no questions. tarot works best with open-ended ones. [*][b]the most important part: no predictions are guaranteed.[/b] you have free will! personal readings that relate to the future are only giving an idea of what might happen, no promises. [*]overall, take it with the usual grain of salt. [/LIST] ----- [center][b][size=4][emoji=crystal ball] options [emoji=crystal ball][/size][/b][/center] [b]one card - 5kt/5g/5GSD[/b] a simple, one-card answer to any question you have, a situation you're in, etc. better for less complex stuff. [b]3 cards - 12kt/12g/12GSD[/b] there are a million different ways to do a 3-card spread - the classic past/present/future, problem/cause/solution, mind/body/spirit, and others. feel free to ping or PM me for more info on variations of these! [b]splay - prices vary[/b] one of my personal favorites, this one literally just involves you asking a question and me pulling as many cards are needed. could end up with 1 or 2, could end up with 8, and there's usually no particular spread or arrangement. very useful for more complex questions/situations. *the price depends on how complicated the reading ends up being. for the sake of tracking orders, please send a CR with 5kt/5g/5GSD and i'll let you know the extra once it's done. [b]other - prices vary[/b] want something you don't see on this menu? maybe a 2 card reading or a reading on a specific topic? let me know and i'll gladly arrange it! [emoji=guardian happy] [center][emoji=water rune] thanks for stopping by! [emoji=water rune][/center]
Mystic Depths Tarot

the two fae look up when you enter the seaside cave they call home. the lighter of the two, tiamat, is leaning over the other dragon, taniwha, who was in the middle of shuffling cards when you showed up.

"hey!" tiamat says, her crests lifted up in happiness. "nice to meet you. want a reading?"

  • please send payments through 1-way CR! (i won't accept until i've sent the reading to you)
  • i'm usually on FR anywhere between ~15:00 and ~20:00 FRT, although i'm able to do readings outside of that zone (those are just my regular posting/CR accepting/etc. hours)
  • if you'd like a picture of the cards, let me know and i will include it for free!
  • you can order these for yourself or, if you'd like, your dragons!
  • extra cards pulled as clarifiers are free. you only pay for the amount listed in the menu.
  • please refrain from asking yes-or-no questions. tarot works best with open-ended ones.
  • the most important part: no predictions are guaranteed. you have free will! personal readings that relate to the future are only giving an idea of what might happen, no promises.
  • overall, take it with the usual grain of salt.


one card - 5kt/5g/5GSD
a simple, one-card answer to any question you have, a situation you're in, etc. better for less complex stuff.

3 cards - 12kt/12g/12GSD
there are a million different ways to do a 3-card spread - the classic past/present/future, problem/cause/solution, mind/body/spirit, and others. feel free to ping or PM me for more info on variations of these!

splay - prices vary
one of my personal favorites, this one literally just involves you asking a question and me pulling as many cards are needed. could end up with 1 or 2, could end up with 8, and there's usually no particular spread or arrangement. very useful for more complex questions/situations.
*the price depends on how complicated the reading ends up being. for the sake of tracking orders, please send a CR with 5kt/5g/5GSD and i'll let you know the extra once it's done.

other - prices vary
want something you don't see on this menu? maybe a 2 card reading or a reading on a specific topic? let me know and i'll gladly arrange it!
thanks for stopping by!
[img][/img] [center][img][/img] Please choose from the following what you want! [img][/img] Tarot Reading [indent]Payment varies on card amount and what you have! [b]3 [/b]card spread is 5k treasure (2 gems), [b]7[/b] card spread is 8k treasure (6 gems) and [b]10+[/b] card spread is 11k treasure (10 gems).[/indent] [img][/img] Tea Leaf Reading [indent]10k treasure per reading! There are lots of varying shapes and details so it takes time to read into it![/indent] [center][b]FAQ[/b] [/center] [u]Can I ask yes/no questions?[/u] [img][/img] Not really. Both Leaf and Tarot readings are very descriptive. You'll get more than just one "yes" or "no." [u]Can I get a picture of the spread?[/u] [img][/img] You sure can! It'll look a little off though and it might take me a bit, but yeah! [u]What's your deck?[/u] [img][/img] Illuminati Tarot Deck! A gift from my mother when I was 19. [u]Can I get a reading for my dragon?[/u] [img][/img] Well, that's a little difficult. My cards recognize [i]you[/i], not so much your dragon. [center][img][/img][/center] [center]A sparkling Tundra of ocean blues and obsidian sits before you in a small stall, a kind smile etched onto his face. "Hello! What would you like to hear about today?"[/center]

Please choose from the following what you want!

tumblr_lfhu0q0Kdd1qzvcyt.gif Tarot Reading
Payment varies on card amount and what you have!
3 card spread is 5k treasure (2 gems), 7 card spread is 8k treasure (6 gems) and 10+ card spread is 11k treasure (10 gems).
tumblr_lfhu0q0Kdd1qzvcyt.gif Tea Leaf Reading
10k treasure per reading! There are lots of varying shapes and details so it takes time to read into it!

Can I ask yes/no questions?
tumblr_lfhu0q0Kdd1qzvcyt.gif Not really. Both Leaf and Tarot readings are very descriptive. You'll get more than just one "yes" or "no."

Can I get a picture of the spread?
tumblr_lfhu0q0Kdd1qzvcyt.gif You sure can! It'll look a little off though and it might take me a bit, but yeah!

What's your deck?
tumblr_lfhu0q0Kdd1qzvcyt.gif Illuminati Tarot Deck! A gift from my mother when I was 19.

Can I get a reading for my dragon?
tumblr_lfhu0q0Kdd1qzvcyt.gif Well, that's a little difficult. My cards recognize you, not so much your dragon.
A sparkling Tundra of ocean blues and obsidian sits before you in a small stall, a kind smile etched onto his face. "Hello! What would you like to hear about today?"
Sybil Isle is open for business!
Sybil Isle is open for business!

Username: Solstices
Reading: Calm Down
Question: Am I going to finish this project in time?
Notes/Background: There's a research project I have to do and I've been really slack about it lately. I have about a week to finish it and I'm kind of freaking out about it.

Username: Solstices
Reading: Calm Down
Question: Am I going to finish this project in time?
Notes/Background: There's a research project I have to do and I've been really slack about it lately. I have about a week to finish it and I'm kind of freaking out about it.