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TOPIC | Things to Do To Get Through a School Day
Hello yes I am VERY BORED. This school day, we're doing nothing in class, but we're not allowed to be on our phones or computers. Any ideas of what I should do to pass the time? We don't have any papers either, so drawings not possible T_T

Before you ask, yes, I did sneak on my phone to type this
Hello yes I am VERY BORED. This school day, we're doing nothing in class, but we're not allowed to be on our phones or computers. Any ideas of what I should do to pass the time? We don't have any papers either, so drawings not possible T_T

Before you ask, yes, I did sneak on my phone to type this
Ask to go to the bathroom then disappear into the night
Ask to go to the bathroom then disappear into the night
Take a nap maybe? Or if that doesn't work, chat up the teacher in hopes of having them hit you up with some paper. ^^
Take a nap maybe? Or if that doesn't work, chat up the teacher in hopes of having them hit you up with some paper. ^^
A good book can go a long way.
A good book can go a long way.