

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1: Augury and lefraise
Charlie quite literally slid back into the room when she heard the call for dinner. She looked a bit sweaty after her workout, but took her chair with glee all the same. "So what kind of soup you make, anyway?"

"Man, it smells amazing," Lucas chimed in. It was hard to hear him enter, as he always seemed to do so quietly. But here he stood, covered in car grease and oil as always. At least he gave of the pretense that he had made an effort to clean up for the meal, but as usual, he seemed to never quite be able to get the grease and grime off completely. But he was still smiling his trademark friendly smile as he took his seat.

If Lucas was quiet, Becky was completely silent. The mouse-like girl slipped in almost unnoticed, save her commenting as well on the wonderful scent of the soup.

And Bridget entered last, having traveled the furthest distance on the ship. She seemed a bit more relaxed now. The time to herself definitely had its effects on her stress levels. Her shoulders were more laid-back and her smile was much easier. She turned over to Vya.

"Looks great as always. Need any help passing it out?" she offered, just as she did every time someone made a meal.
Charlie quite literally slid back into the room when she heard the call for dinner. She looked a bit sweaty after her workout, but took her chair with glee all the same. "So what kind of soup you make, anyway?"

"Man, it smells amazing," Lucas chimed in. It was hard to hear him enter, as he always seemed to do so quietly. But here he stood, covered in car grease and oil as always. At least he gave of the pretense that he had made an effort to clean up for the meal, but as usual, he seemed to never quite be able to get the grease and grime off completely. But he was still smiling his trademark friendly smile as he took his seat.

If Lucas was quiet, Becky was completely silent. The mouse-like girl slipped in almost unnoticed, save her commenting as well on the wonderful scent of the soup.

And Bridget entered last, having traveled the furthest distance on the ship. She seemed a bit more relaxed now. The time to herself definitely had its effects on her stress levels. Her shoulders were more laid-back and her smile was much easier. She turned over to Vya.

"Looks great as always. Need any help passing it out?" she offered, just as she did every time someone made a meal.
Beaming at the compliments, the pilot turned to her captain and shook her head. "I think it's just about done. Seeing as how Caellum is late as usual, I figured he could serve himself up. There's enough for everyone to have seconds even if he does decide to be a pig." Grinning, she passed a bowl to the woman before taking her own, though she didn't head towards the table. Hopping onto the counter and crossing her legs, she hunched over the bowl, shoveling the soup into her mouth. It was indeed delicious and had turned out much better than she thought it would. Which was always a good thing.

"I'll have you know that I am not always late," a voice sounded, the owner following soon after. He stuck his tongue out at Avyanna before taking his bowl to dish himself up dinner. "Though I will admit to being a pig, with pride." The young man headed towards the table now, sitting himself in between Becky and the other fighter. He had smelled the soup long before dinner had been announced, seeing as how his quarters were closer to the kitchen than the others were. Even Caellum didn't fully understand why he was always late.
Beaming at the compliments, the pilot turned to her captain and shook her head. "I think it's just about done. Seeing as how Caellum is late as usual, I figured he could serve himself up. There's enough for everyone to have seconds even if he does decide to be a pig." Grinning, she passed a bowl to the woman before taking her own, though she didn't head towards the table. Hopping onto the counter and crossing her legs, she hunched over the bowl, shoveling the soup into her mouth. It was indeed delicious and had turned out much better than she thought it would. Which was always a good thing.

"I'll have you know that I am not always late," a voice sounded, the owner following soon after. He stuck his tongue out at Avyanna before taking his bowl to dish himself up dinner. "Though I will admit to being a pig, with pride." The young man headed towards the table now, sitting himself in between Becky and the other fighter. He had smelled the soup long before dinner had been announced, seeing as how his quarters were closer to the kitchen than the others were. Even Caellum didn't fully understand why he was always late.
Charlie was chuckling under her breath, which earned her an eye roll from the captain. Once everyone was seated, Bridget eyed her crew. She knew each one of them, and having them all together filled her with happiness. She cared for them, she really did, despite it being frowned upon by most other pirate captains. She'd do anything to make them happy, and she knew it, which was why the subject was so hard to bring up. Her voice was strong, but deep down, her heart was uneasy as she spoke.

"So, has anyone thought over our most recent offer? Any new insights?"

"I still say we go for it," Lucas, her husband, piped up between mouthfuls of delicious stew. "Unless something comes up as convicting evidence that this guy's gonna stab us in the back, I don't see how this could affect us negatively."

"Speaking of which," Becky added quietly, "I did some research." All eyes turned to her, which made her a bit uncomfortable, despite knowing well everyone in the room. "I... think this guy's legit. It took some digging, but everything on him seems like he wants peace. This could... this could be our big break." Bridget leaned back in her chair, hand on her chin and contemplation in her eyes. After a few brief moments of silence, she turned to Caellum.

"And if I know you, and I do, I'd say you probably did some digging of your own. Did you find anything, Caellum?"
Charlie was chuckling under her breath, which earned her an eye roll from the captain. Once everyone was seated, Bridget eyed her crew. She knew each one of them, and having them all together filled her with happiness. She cared for them, she really did, despite it being frowned upon by most other pirate captains. She'd do anything to make them happy, and she knew it, which was why the subject was so hard to bring up. Her voice was strong, but deep down, her heart was uneasy as she spoke.

"So, has anyone thought over our most recent offer? Any new insights?"

"I still say we go for it," Lucas, her husband, piped up between mouthfuls of delicious stew. "Unless something comes up as convicting evidence that this guy's gonna stab us in the back, I don't see how this could affect us negatively."

"Speaking of which," Becky added quietly, "I did some research." All eyes turned to her, which made her a bit uncomfortable, despite knowing well everyone in the room. "I... think this guy's legit. It took some digging, but everything on him seems like he wants peace. This could... this could be our big break." Bridget leaned back in her chair, hand on her chin and contemplation in her eyes. After a few brief moments of silence, she turned to Caellum.

"And if I know you, and I do, I'd say you probably did some digging of your own. Did you find anything, Caellum?"

*pokes you gently* just wanna make sure you haven't forgotten about this! You still interested in continuing?

*pokes you gently* just wanna make sure you haven't forgotten about this! You still interested in continuing?