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[quote name="iiSwizzle" date="2019-02-15 04:43:24" ] mememmeme I do [/quote] Good. These will be the first Soap-Flight babies (Using my White male because of the Soap-Vinny-males no one is ready yet XD)
iiSwizzle wrote on 2019-02-15 04:43:24:
mememmeme I do

Good. These will be the first Soap-Flight babies (Using my White male because of the Soap-Vinny-males no one is ready yet XD)
@AoiNoRyuu I want one!!! [emoji=coatl happy]

I want one!!!
[quote name="@HoodieCat" date="2019-02-15 07:10:09" ] @/AoiNoRyuu I want one!!! [emoji=coatl happy] [/quote] Good. Then both eggs are claimed now XD
@HoodieCat wrote on 2019-02-15 07:10:09:

I want one!!!

Good. Then both eggs are claimed now XD
See this dragon? She's triple Wine with Capsule. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I just got the best Lore idea for her! This dragon is triple Wine with Capsule. Therefore I imagine her being an alcoholic and always drunk, because she has Wine with her all the time and even her body produces it. Also she can "barf"/spit high procentical Wine on her enemies and make them drunk and weak/harmless in a second. However on the other side she only can eat fermented Grapes, getting more drunk because of their alcohol. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Also him. I imagine him being the only dragon she let's near him, but then accidentally barfed Wine on him and the stains never get out again (Which gives him his colors and genes XD). But he doesn't care about because he loves her. Is that too stupid? XD Oh, so don't let her go near Vinny of course or stop Vinny from getting close to her XD
See this dragon? She's triple Wine with Capsule.


I just got the best Lore idea for her!
This dragon is triple Wine with Capsule. Therefore I imagine her being an alcoholic and always drunk, because she has Wine with her all the time and even her body produces it. Also she can "barf"/spit high procentical Wine on her enemies and make them drunk and weak/harmless in a second. However on the other side she only can eat fermented Grapes, getting more drunk because of their alcohol.


Also him. I imagine him being the only dragon she let's near him, but then accidentally barfed Wine on him and the stains never get out again (Which gives him his colors and genes XD). But he doesn't care about because he loves her.

Is that too stupid? XD

Oh, so don't let her go near Vinny of course or stop Vinny from getting close to her XD
[quote name="Ketchalin" date="2019-02-13 17:38:11" ] Well getting lost in the shrieking wilds is a bad idea... [img][/img] But he makes stellar silk now! [/quote] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] I have a Vinny too and he wanted to share a fluffernutter sandwich with his new friend. Umm... why is he covered in marshmallow fluff and peanut butter? [img][/img] What do you mean you don’t know?! [i]Facepaw[/i] Okay Buddy, let’s get you cleaned up... Does anyone have soap?
Ketchalin wrote on 2019-02-13 17:38:11:
Well getting lost in the shrieking wilds is a bad idea...

But he makes stellar silk now!
I have a Vinny too and he wanted to share a fluffernutter sandwich with his new friend.

Umm... why is he covered in marshmallow fluff and peanut butter?

What do you mean you don’t know?! Facepaw
Okay Buddy, let’s get you cleaned up...

Does anyone have soap?
Don't fear, Purecleaner is here! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Don't fear, Purecleaner is here!

where did we go wrong
where did we go wrong
[s]how did baby nocturne turn into adult Imp?[/s] [emoji=coatl confused]
how did baby nocturne turn into adult Imp?
[quote name="Niathria" date="2019-02-17 13:08:35" ] [s]how did baby nocturne turn into adult Imp?[/s] [emoji=coatl confused] [/quote] Thats little Noc-Vinnies deity, the mighty Purecleaner^^
Niathria wrote on 2019-02-17 13:08:35:
how did baby nocturne turn into adult Imp?

Thats little Noc-Vinnies deity, the mighty Purecleaner^^
Purecleaner to cleanse us of our sins
Purecleaner to cleanse us of our sins
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