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TOPIC | Flight Rising OCT interest check?
I'd be interested even though I've never even heard of an OCT before owo
I would join if it happen!
I'd be interested even though I've never even heard of an OCT before owo
I would join if it happen!
Eee, it's good to see that so many people would be interested in participating! ouo
I've actually been brainstorming a few plot ideas for it haha~ Nothing concrete yet, but I've got a few ideas in the ol' noggin!~

Out of curiosity, which of your dragons would y'all be likely to enter as a combatant? ouo
Eee, it's good to see that so many people would be interested in participating! ouo
I've actually been brainstorming a few plot ideas for it haha~ Nothing concrete yet, but I've got a few ideas in the ol' noggin!~

Out of curiosity, which of your dragons would y'all be likely to enter as a combatant? ouo
...If I enter as a combatant I would have no idea who to choose. :'D And I don't want to spam my possible candidates on my comment thing so...XD Also, are you still looking for judges? Because if you are, can I volunteer as one for any writings out there! ; w;/
...If I enter as a combatant I would have no idea who to choose. :'D And I don't want to spam my possible candidates on my comment thing so...XD Also, are you still looking for judges? Because if you are, can I volunteer as one for any writings out there! ; w;/
Pfhehe, I hear ya- I'd have such a hard time choosing just one of my dragons to fight. Good job I'd be hosting and not competing, eh? ;u;
Eee, I'll certainly be looking for some close to the OCTs opening (if it happens |D)!~
Pfhehe, I hear ya- I'd have such a hard time choosing just one of my dragons to fight. Good job I'd be hosting and not competing, eh? ;u;
Eee, I'll certainly be looking for some close to the OCTs opening (if it happens |D)!~
I've done one of these before! I would love to participate, if you have a pinglist for updates or whatever can you add me to it?

As for which dragon, probably one of my progens. More likely Twilit than Nightwing, but who knows?
I've done one of these before! I would love to participate, if you have a pinglist for updates or whatever can you add me to it?

As for which dragon, probably one of my progens. More likely Twilit than Nightwing, but who knows?

@Coldblooded Excellent!~
I plan to ping everyone who has expressed interest once I get this thing ready for auditions, or for when I want to get some questions answered. So uh... I suppose you're on it by default, haha |D

Oooh, you have such pretty progens!~ Nightwing is very fitting for an Ice lair, haha |D
@Coldblooded Excellent!~
I plan to ping everyone who has expressed interest once I get this thing ready for auditions, or for when I want to get some questions answered. So uh... I suppose you're on it by default, haha |D

Oooh, you have such pretty progens!~ Nightwing is very fitting for an Ice lair, haha |D
@ClosetFurry Oh haha okay. xD

Thank you! That was my intention. c: And I got really lucky with Twilit, to get a nice color scheme and all instead of.. well, ugliness. xD
@ClosetFurry Oh haha okay. xD

Thank you! That was my intention. c: And I got really lucky with Twilit, to get a nice color scheme and all instead of.. well, ugliness. xD

*gasps* I WANT IN!!!!
I've always wanted to join the OCTs going on over at Deviantart (mostly the Pokemon tournament ones) but they were always closed or in session by the time I actually found out about most of them ;A;
This seems like a super idea! Will there be any particular guidelines in terms of stories? Since the Pokemon OCTs I saw were based off of Battle Frontier, etc. And is it single dragon vs single dragon or can there be teams like what we have in the Coli?
*gasps* I WANT IN!!!!
I've always wanted to join the OCTs going on over at Deviantart (mostly the Pokemon tournament ones) but they were always closed or in session by the time I actually found out about most of them ;A;
This seems like a super idea! Will there be any particular guidelines in terms of stories? Since the Pokemon OCTs I saw were based off of Battle Frontier, etc. And is it single dragon vs single dragon or can there be teams like what we have in the Coli?
@dioptasy Ahhh god I know how that feels ;u; I'm only really comfortable joining beast-only OCTs but I usually find out about them too late haha
There'd be a plot and prompts for each round, but people are free to do whatever they'd like within reason I think. I'd have to flesh things out a little more to know what'll happen for sure.
I was thinking of allowing a maximum of two characters per entrant- with either both being combatants or just one being there as a companion- or just a single character alone, of course |D I think I'd like to gather opinions on that, though~
@dioptasy Ahhh god I know how that feels ;u; I'm only really comfortable joining beast-only OCTs but I usually find out about them too late haha
There'd be a plot and prompts for each round, but people are free to do whatever they'd like within reason I think. I'd have to flesh things out a little more to know what'll happen for sure.
I was thinking of allowing a maximum of two characters per entrant- with either both being combatants or just one being there as a companion- or just a single character alone, of course |D I think I'd like to gather opinions on that, though~