
General Discussion

Discuss your favorites: TV shows, music, games and hobbies.
TOPIC | Some get-to-know-you questions!
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
Dogs! Westley, Petey, Dexter, and DeeDee(Deandra when she's naughty).

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
When I had Pneumonia over christmas a few years back my blood vessels started bursting and trying to get out of my body and that hurt a lot! (I almost died o3o )

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
All the sodas, all of them! But I don't drink even a drop anymore C:

Ever touch a dolphin before?
WHen I was little! I can't remember it though.

How tall are you?
5" 5

How much do you weigh?
uhhh last I checked 125lbs!

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
There's no way I could pick just one! I love suspenseful genres though.

What's your favorite movie?
Pacific Rim oh yes.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
Uhhh, I'm not sure exactly what this is referring to? But if it's FMA then Envy.

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I'd say I'm about average!

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!

Worst nightmare?
That's classified ;3

Best dream ever?
Always gotta be the flying ones!

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
There is NO BOOK within 5 feet of me I am a SHAM.

Where did you grow up?
The tundra Minnesota

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

What is most important in life?

What inspires You?
T.V shows B)

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Many many jobs! mostly sales positions.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
My hands are always cold ):

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
SURE. I think.

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Joltik or Luxray I can't decide!

-high five-

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Catch that sucker!

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
One sister, she's a brat when she doesn't get her way but otherwise pretty swell!

Tell me about your parents?
They're DA BOMB.

How much do you take after them?
My dad a lot, almost everything. My mom not so much.

Which are your top bands or singers?
Florence + the Machine, Chevelle, A Day to Remember

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Hmm, probably all the little fairs we'd host for the neighborhood.

Is there a key to your heart?
Go home yer drunk~

What do you wear to bed?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
oh gosh who knows!

Do you truly hate anyone?
Oh yes.

Can I hold your hand?
If you buy me dinner first!

What was the last lie you said?
That it didn't matter.

We're no strangers to love?
stranger danger

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
Only if I'm feeling down!

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?
You betcha.

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Urge it to start again, always move forward!

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
I DONT NEED NO TEAM. BUT @hooden14 , @Danizaurs , @Ethirium are welcome to come along for the ride!
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
Dogs! Westley, Petey, Dexter, and DeeDee(Deandra when she's naughty).

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
When I had Pneumonia over christmas a few years back my blood vessels started bursting and trying to get out of my body and that hurt a lot! (I almost died o3o )

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
All the sodas, all of them! But I don't drink even a drop anymore C:

Ever touch a dolphin before?
WHen I was little! I can't remember it though.

How tall are you?
5" 5

How much do you weigh?
uhhh last I checked 125lbs!

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
There's no way I could pick just one! I love suspenseful genres though.

What's your favorite movie?
Pacific Rim oh yes.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
Uhhh, I'm not sure exactly what this is referring to? But if it's FMA then Envy.

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I'd say I'm about average!

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!

Worst nightmare?
That's classified ;3

Best dream ever?
Always gotta be the flying ones!

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
There is NO BOOK within 5 feet of me I am a SHAM.

Where did you grow up?
The tundra Minnesota

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

What is most important in life?

What inspires You?
T.V shows B)

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Many many jobs! mostly sales positions.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
My hands are always cold ):

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
SURE. I think.

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Joltik or Luxray I can't decide!

-high five-

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Catch that sucker!

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
One sister, she's a brat when she doesn't get her way but otherwise pretty swell!

Tell me about your parents?
They're DA BOMB.

How much do you take after them?
My dad a lot, almost everything. My mom not so much.

Which are your top bands or singers?
Florence + the Machine, Chevelle, A Day to Remember

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Hmm, probably all the little fairs we'd host for the neighborhood.

Is there a key to your heart?
Go home yer drunk~

What do you wear to bed?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
oh gosh who knows!

Do you truly hate anyone?
Oh yes.

Can I hold your hand?
If you buy me dinner first!

What was the last lie you said?
That it didn't matter.

We're no strangers to love?
stranger danger

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
Only if I'm feeling down!

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?
You betcha.

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Urge it to start again, always move forward!

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
I DONT NEED NO TEAM. BUT @hooden14 , @Danizaurs , @Ethirium are welcome to come along for the ride!
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
Cats: Cheeky, Chrissie, Muffin
Dogs: Sheppy, Sheeba, Ruby, Roxy
Stick insects: Tibs and Bobby
Hamster: Chalky
Zebra Finches: [Zeb]edy and [Ra]phael
Guiniea Pigs: Penny, Tempara, Shirley, Mono
Turantula: Speedy
Not counting my many dead bugs I like to encase in resin. cus dey ded

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
My teeth have lots of issues. I had to get 11 teeth out when I was younger cause they weren't falling out on their own, they were growing in underneath my baby ones.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
Powerade, blue

Ever touch a dolphin before?
I wish.

How tall are you?
5" something, I forgot.

How much do you weigh?
6 stone or something... I'm underweight but have been gaining since moving to a new family past few months with proper food.

What's your favorite color?
Red, black

What's your favorite number?
13, 3

What's your favorite book?
The Big Book of Death

What's your favorite movie?
Panna a Netvor

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I'm physically quite weak, I'm a total stick. But I can run about alright.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
I have, a few. All but one I ignored and tried to just walk away, the one I didn't I stopped before anything bad really happened. It was essentially years of ignoring people bullying me and I had finally gotten sick of it. I know how to control myself, I wouldn't actually hurt anyone unless it was in defense.

Worst nightmare?
I had a nightmare all the worlds pets were sent to a gigantic factory to be used as emergency food supply for humans as we were running out. They took my cat and I had to try save him but it was too late.

Best dream ever?
It will sound nightmarish, but I have a lot of dreams I'm killed or killing others, in varieties of ways. I'm a huge gore fan and I love those dreams! I also dream in whichever fursona form I feel closest to at the time. Sometimes I manage to be lucid, which usually results in me exploring worlds and singing to weird things I see.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
The closest thing near me which is a book is my sketchpad, it has a bunch of scribbly monsters on that page.

Where did you grow up?
Glasgow, Scotland.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The egg!

What is most important in life?
Being happy and healthy.

What inspires You?
Art, music and writing, I love making it on my own but love looking at friends stuff too. I Draw a lot based on real life events.

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
It wasn't paid jobs, but I did volunteering at two primary schools and a daycare. The kids liked me.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
Yeah they are. They're getting a good workout from typing all of this though. Maybe it'll warm them up by the end.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Dark mage would be better!

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Entei. I see my 'fursona' as an imaginary friend, and so I feel connected to him by the movie he was in.


A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Duck?! Shield my head with my drawing pad ?

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
A big brother I don't get on with, but his kid is nice and great at gaming.

Tell me about your parents?
Father is not nice, mother is timid. Mainly negative things.

How much do you take after them?
I am timid but try my best not to be like my dad. He is the complete opposite of me in terms of views, so there was much conflict. I'm glad I'm in foster care.

Which are your top bands or singers?
The Residents, Kramer, Nurse with Wound, Current 93, The Tear Garden, AGHAST, oOoOO, Hatsuiku Status, Ikd-Sj, Ladiorowm, Ufomammut, SPK, Whitehouse, Meniscus, Negativland, Paper Tiger, Severed Heads, Lodestar Supernumerary, Joyless, Matmatah, Les rallizes denudes, Lifelover, Brighter Death now, Forma Tadre, Dream Dance Alliance, Neurosis, Jarboe, Caspar Brotzmann Massaker, Third Eye Foundation, Morcheeba, Bikini Kill, The Delicious Bread Collection, The Myrrors, Kamni, Coil, Crippled Black Phoenix, Haus Arafna, Farshid Aerabi, Maybeshewill, Another Moon, Metric, Bat for Lashes, Shock Headed Peters, Lunetia, Project Pitchfork, GGFH, Cathy Davey, Boris, Sun O))), Lake of Tears, Kwoon, Mysterious Art, Nym, Aether, Katatonia, Tomahawk, Aktivehate.... Much more. I copied from a big list I have generally put on a few profiles, it'd be hard to single out just a couple!

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Perhaps getting my cat, he's great.

Is there a key to your heart?
Yes... If you're a passionate artist with humor I will love it. Especially if we get to draw together, art is my bridge to others.

What do you wear to bed?
Fluffy cat face hoodie pyjamas.

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
I honestly haven't screamed since I was tiny kid, fifteen years.

Do you truly hate anyone?
One person.

Can I hold your hand?
As long as they aren't sweaty.

What was the last lie you said?
Yes, I had a good sleep... Not really, I am a raccoon.

We're no strangers to love?
There is no rules out here!

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
I will try harder, it isn't satisfactory.

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
No. I enjoy time alone and respect is equally.

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Go Casper mode and run around messing with things, create the worlds largest Glitch in the Matrix moment.

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
I only know two... The ones on my friendlist. Because they're all I have!
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
Cats: Cheeky, Chrissie, Muffin
Dogs: Sheppy, Sheeba, Ruby, Roxy
Stick insects: Tibs and Bobby
Hamster: Chalky
Zebra Finches: [Zeb]edy and [Ra]phael
Guiniea Pigs: Penny, Tempara, Shirley, Mono
Turantula: Speedy
Not counting my many dead bugs I like to encase in resin. cus dey ded

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
My teeth have lots of issues. I had to get 11 teeth out when I was younger cause they weren't falling out on their own, they were growing in underneath my baby ones.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
Powerade, blue

Ever touch a dolphin before?
I wish.

How tall are you?
5" something, I forgot.

How much do you weigh?
6 stone or something... I'm underweight but have been gaining since moving to a new family past few months with proper food.

What's your favorite color?
Red, black

What's your favorite number?
13, 3

What's your favorite book?
The Big Book of Death

What's your favorite movie?
Panna a Netvor

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I'm physically quite weak, I'm a total stick. But I can run about alright.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
I have, a few. All but one I ignored and tried to just walk away, the one I didn't I stopped before anything bad really happened. It was essentially years of ignoring people bullying me and I had finally gotten sick of it. I know how to control myself, I wouldn't actually hurt anyone unless it was in defense.

Worst nightmare?
I had a nightmare all the worlds pets were sent to a gigantic factory to be used as emergency food supply for humans as we were running out. They took my cat and I had to try save him but it was too late.

Best dream ever?
It will sound nightmarish, but I have a lot of dreams I'm killed or killing others, in varieties of ways. I'm a huge gore fan and I love those dreams! I also dream in whichever fursona form I feel closest to at the time. Sometimes I manage to be lucid, which usually results in me exploring worlds and singing to weird things I see.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
The closest thing near me which is a book is my sketchpad, it has a bunch of scribbly monsters on that page.

Where did you grow up?
Glasgow, Scotland.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The egg!

What is most important in life?
Being happy and healthy.

What inspires You?
Art, music and writing, I love making it on my own but love looking at friends stuff too. I Draw a lot based on real life events.

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
It wasn't paid jobs, but I did volunteering at two primary schools and a daycare. The kids liked me.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
Yeah they are. They're getting a good workout from typing all of this though. Maybe it'll warm them up by the end.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Dark mage would be better!

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Entei. I see my 'fursona' as an imaginary friend, and so I feel connected to him by the movie he was in.


A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Duck?! Shield my head with my drawing pad ?

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
A big brother I don't get on with, but his kid is nice and great at gaming.

Tell me about your parents?
Father is not nice, mother is timid. Mainly negative things.

How much do you take after them?
I am timid but try my best not to be like my dad. He is the complete opposite of me in terms of views, so there was much conflict. I'm glad I'm in foster care.

Which are your top bands or singers?
The Residents, Kramer, Nurse with Wound, Current 93, The Tear Garden, AGHAST, oOoOO, Hatsuiku Status, Ikd-Sj, Ladiorowm, Ufomammut, SPK, Whitehouse, Meniscus, Negativland, Paper Tiger, Severed Heads, Lodestar Supernumerary, Joyless, Matmatah, Les rallizes denudes, Lifelover, Brighter Death now, Forma Tadre, Dream Dance Alliance, Neurosis, Jarboe, Caspar Brotzmann Massaker, Third Eye Foundation, Morcheeba, Bikini Kill, The Delicious Bread Collection, The Myrrors, Kamni, Coil, Crippled Black Phoenix, Haus Arafna, Farshid Aerabi, Maybeshewill, Another Moon, Metric, Bat for Lashes, Shock Headed Peters, Lunetia, Project Pitchfork, GGFH, Cathy Davey, Boris, Sun O))), Lake of Tears, Kwoon, Mysterious Art, Nym, Aether, Katatonia, Tomahawk, Aktivehate.... Much more. I copied from a big list I have generally put on a few profiles, it'd be hard to single out just a couple!

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Perhaps getting my cat, he's great.

Is there a key to your heart?
Yes... If you're a passionate artist with humor I will love it. Especially if we get to draw together, art is my bridge to others.

What do you wear to bed?
Fluffy cat face hoodie pyjamas.

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
I honestly haven't screamed since I was tiny kid, fifteen years.

Do you truly hate anyone?
One person.

Can I hold your hand?
As long as they aren't sweaty.

What was the last lie you said?
Yes, I had a good sleep... Not really, I am a raccoon.

We're no strangers to love?
There is no rules out here!

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
I will try harder, it isn't satisfactory.

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
No. I enjoy time alone and respect is equally.

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Go Casper mode and run around messing with things, create the worlds largest Glitch in the Matrix moment.

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
I only know two... The ones on my friendlist. Because they're all I have!
Things will change.
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
I've have very overweight cat named Tom.

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
I had a period in my life where I starved myself, I managed to get menstruation cramps during that period and that was the most intense and painful cramps that I've ever had. I almost fainted on the sidewalk on my way home from school that day and I've a pretty high pain tolerance.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
I only drink water or milk.

Ever touch a dolphin before?
No, but I want to! :c

How tall are you?
160 cm

How much do you weigh?
I've no idea and I don't care. I'm comfortable the way I am and look, no matter how much or little I may weigh today.

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?
I don't have any favorite number, but it would probably be 8 if I had to choose one.

What's your favorite book?
Swedish translated version of The Silver Brumby.

What's your favorite movie?
I can't choose between Secretariat and Spirited Away, I love them both.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
Pride? What.?

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
Hella out of shape, but going to get fit this summer yo

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
HA YES. I usually win, I'm small but I'm like a small tank! And also because I used to train boxing.

Worst nightmare?
That something terrible would happen to my siblings.

Best dream ever?
Finding a time traveling machine and end up in the future where everything is sci-fi and spacey, and I get to ride around in spaceships across the galaxy and interact with aliens.

Where did you grow up?
Middle Sweden and partly on the Swedish west coast.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Your mom

What is most important in life?
Be happy, enjoy life and fulfill your dreams!

What inspires You?
Art, independent women, science-fiction.

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Daycare for demented women. It was a great experience and I think I grew a lot as a person after working there.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
My hands are always cold, haha.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Yeah, I think it would go great with my red hair.

Sword, lances, or axes?
Axes! Gotta do it Viking style, yo.

What's your favorite Pokemon?


A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Snap a picture of it? Try not to get scratched on the head?

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
I've two brothers, one is 14 and the other one is 16. Then I got a 6 year old younger sister who is complete nuts.

Tell me about your parents?
I've a gamer-dad loves junk food and a mother obsessed with working out and eating healthy diets. They're like day and night.

How much do you take after them?
In hobbies I only take after my dad, but in personality I sometimes take after my mothers. She and I are also both redheads.

Which are your top bands or singers?
Cobra Starship

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Meeting and spending time with my current best friend.

Is there a key to your heart?
Yes, if you enjoy talking about Mass Effect and concept art till sun goes down, I'm yours every day of the week.

What do you wear to bed?
Panties, t-shirt?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
In a dream actually, I dreamed I screamed at my principle and my grandfather. What the hell.

Do you truly hate anyone?
No, I don't think I do. I've my share of evil exes and ex-friends, but I would never say I truly hate any of them.

Can I hold your hand?
Ahh, maybe?

What was the last lie you said?
"I really like you."

We're no strangers to love?

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
Yes, if I'm actually in love with that person I'm extremely clingy.

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?
YES, I NEVER EVER MISS WASHING MY HANDS. I even wash my hands without having any reason to, I just like when my hands feels clean.

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
I've no friends, don't make me do this.
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
I've have very overweight cat named Tom.

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
I had a period in my life where I starved myself, I managed to get menstruation cramps during that period and that was the most intense and painful cramps that I've ever had. I almost fainted on the sidewalk on my way home from school that day and I've a pretty high pain tolerance.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
I only drink water or milk.

Ever touch a dolphin before?
No, but I want to! :c

How tall are you?
160 cm

How much do you weigh?
I've no idea and I don't care. I'm comfortable the way I am and look, no matter how much or little I may weigh today.

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?
I don't have any favorite number, but it would probably be 8 if I had to choose one.

What's your favorite book?
Swedish translated version of The Silver Brumby.

What's your favorite movie?
I can't choose between Secretariat and Spirited Away, I love them both.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
Pride? What.?

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
Hella out of shape, but going to get fit this summer yo

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
HA YES. I usually win, I'm small but I'm like a small tank! And also because I used to train boxing.

Worst nightmare?
That something terrible would happen to my siblings.

Best dream ever?
Finding a time traveling machine and end up in the future where everything is sci-fi and spacey, and I get to ride around in spaceships across the galaxy and interact with aliens.

Where did you grow up?
Middle Sweden and partly on the Swedish west coast.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Your mom

What is most important in life?
Be happy, enjoy life and fulfill your dreams!

What inspires You?
Art, independent women, science-fiction.

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Daycare for demented women. It was a great experience and I think I grew a lot as a person after working there.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
My hands are always cold, haha.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Yeah, I think it would go great with my red hair.

Sword, lances, or axes?
Axes! Gotta do it Viking style, yo.

What's your favorite Pokemon?


A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Snap a picture of it? Try not to get scratched on the head?

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
I've two brothers, one is 14 and the other one is 16. Then I got a 6 year old younger sister who is complete nuts.

Tell me about your parents?
I've a gamer-dad loves junk food and a mother obsessed with working out and eating healthy diets. They're like day and night.

How much do you take after them?
In hobbies I only take after my dad, but in personality I sometimes take after my mothers. She and I are also both redheads.

Which are your top bands or singers?
Cobra Starship

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Meeting and spending time with my current best friend.

Is there a key to your heart?
Yes, if you enjoy talking about Mass Effect and concept art till sun goes down, I'm yours every day of the week.

What do you wear to bed?
Panties, t-shirt?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
In a dream actually, I dreamed I screamed at my principle and my grandfather. What the hell.

Do you truly hate anyone?
No, I don't think I do. I've my share of evil exes and ex-friends, but I would never say I truly hate any of them.

Can I hold your hand?
Ahh, maybe?

What was the last lie you said?
"I really like you."

We're no strangers to love?

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
Yes, if I'm actually in love with that person I'm extremely clingy.

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?
YES, I NEVER EVER MISS WASHING MY HANDS. I even wash my hands without having any reason to, I just like when my hands feels clean.

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
I've no friends, don't make me do this.
What's your real name?
Call me Voodoo!

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
Two dogs, Todd and Paige. Todd is a mutt and Paige is a goldendoodle
One bird, Jade. Jade is my lovely little parakeet

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
I am a very clumsy person leaving it at this...

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
Use to not anymore!

Ever touch a dolphin before?

How tall are you?
5ft 4 I think? I'm that ok short height. Like to call myself vertically challenged

How much do you weigh?
Never ask a lady this (aka I have no idea its been awhile since I checked)

What's your favorite color?
Don't make me pick D:

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Anything with a good plot.

What's your favorite movie?
How to train your dragon

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?

-stares at blankly...-

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I am hyperactive... but im also anti social? so depending on what time of year.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
Kinda? And yes and no, we both ended up just laughing.

Worst nightmare?
Drowning in green jello

Best dream ever?
I was a pink dolphin that solved crimes...

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
"Don't touch me there" ...

Where did you grow up?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
who cares it is food one way or the other?

What is most important in life?
Accepting ones self

What inspires You?
The uncertainty of the world

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
eh... I am trying to forget about all that

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.


Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Does it come with the powers...?

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
I refuse to pick only one. -cough- Pidgeot- cough-

-High fives my screen-!!

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Stand there like a goofy goof

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
I has none T-T

Tell me about your parents?
Loud, Pushy, Loveable.

How much do you take after them? rather shy, and silent.. but I am loveable!

Which are your top bands or singers?
I have no idea I listen to so much

What is your happiest childhood memory?
When I got my first bird Teddy.

Is there a key to your heart?
somewhere inside of a box that you need another key to

What do you wear to bed?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
About 3 in the morning when I saw a new trailer for how to train your dragon two.

Do you truly hate anyone?

Can I hold your hand?
Only if we can skip down the road.

What was the last lie you said?
I liked my roomies cooking.

We're no strangers to love?
you know the rules, and so do i.

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you a dog or cat person?
Both :D

Are you clingy in a relationship?

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?
I wash them twice, its a weird habit I have.

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
-puts plastic wrap on everything-

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
ah no! um, um
What's your real name?
Call me Voodoo!

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
Two dogs, Todd and Paige. Todd is a mutt and Paige is a goldendoodle
One bird, Jade. Jade is my lovely little parakeet

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
I am a very clumsy person leaving it at this...

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
Use to not anymore!

Ever touch a dolphin before?

How tall are you?
5ft 4 I think? I'm that ok short height. Like to call myself vertically challenged

How much do you weigh?
Never ask a lady this (aka I have no idea its been awhile since I checked)

What's your favorite color?
Don't make me pick D:

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Anything with a good plot.

What's your favorite movie?
How to train your dragon

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?

-stares at blankly...-

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I am hyperactive... but im also anti social? so depending on what time of year.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
Kinda? And yes and no, we both ended up just laughing.

Worst nightmare?
Drowning in green jello

Best dream ever?
I was a pink dolphin that solved crimes...

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
"Don't touch me there" ...

Where did you grow up?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
who cares it is food one way or the other?

What is most important in life?
Accepting ones self

What inspires You?
The uncertainty of the world

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
eh... I am trying to forget about all that

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.


Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Does it come with the powers...?

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
I refuse to pick only one. -cough- Pidgeot- cough-

-High fives my screen-!!

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Stand there like a goofy goof

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
I has none T-T

Tell me about your parents?
Loud, Pushy, Loveable.

How much do you take after them? rather shy, and silent.. but I am loveable!

Which are your top bands or singers?
I have no idea I listen to so much

What is your happiest childhood memory?
When I got my first bird Teddy.

Is there a key to your heart?
somewhere inside of a box that you need another key to

What do you wear to bed?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
About 3 in the morning when I saw a new trailer for how to train your dragon two.

Do you truly hate anyone?

Can I hold your hand?
Only if we can skip down the road.

What was the last lie you said?
I liked my roomies cooking.

We're no strangers to love?
you know the rules, and so do i.

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you a dog or cat person?
Both :D

Are you clingy in a relationship?

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?
I wash them twice, its a weird habit I have.

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
-puts plastic wrap on everything-

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
ah no! um, um
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
I have a very spoiled cat named Leonidus Marie Von Cuddlebutt, or Leon for short

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
Oh god I was an extraordinarily stupid kid when I was 8~9ish years old. Um let's see, it's either when I dislocated my elbow by riding down a steep hill on my bike (and then doing the exact same thing when I got home from the hospital) orrrr when I was riding my bike and crashed on freshly pour black top and got a not quite 3rd Degree but slightly worse than 2nd Degree burn on my hand. Needless to say, it's a wonder my parents ever let me back on that bike haha

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
I don't really drink soda, but I do like birch beer.

Ever touch a dolphin before?

How tall are you?
5'5"/165 cm

How much do you weigh?
a certain amount

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?
Uhhhhhh let's go with 13?

What's your favorite book?
Pride and Prejudice c:

What's your favorite movie?
Good god I don't even know ummmm Lord of the Rings

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
What even is this

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I'd survive a zombie apocalypse fo sho

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
There was one time in the 2nd grade where a guy touched my butt and I punched him in the face hard enough to give him a black eye. Does that count? 8D;;

Worst nightmare?
Financial insecurity

Best dream ever?
Well there was the flying pirate zombie one that I had a couple of weeks ago that was pretty hilarious

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
"If you have ever seen a dragon in a pinch, you will realize that this was only poetical exaggeration applied to any hobbit, even to Old Took's great-grand-uncle Bullroarer, who was so huge (for a hobbit) that he could ride a horse."

Where did you grow up?
Cincinnati, Ohio + Boone County, Kentucky + North Wales, Pennsylvania + Cheshire, Connecticut

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

What is most important in life?

What inspires You?
Nature, loud angry music

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Uhh I was a bra-fitter for 2ish years at Hanes and then I worked at Sunglass Hut

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Lol no

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Arcanine or Eevee c:


A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Freeze like a deer in the headlights like the idiot I am

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
1 younger brother

Tell me about your parents?
I have a mom and a dad

How much do you take after them?
My dad and I have the same horrible, horrible, horrible sense of humor

Which are your top bands..
OH GOD why are you doing this to me UM Nightwish, Kamelot, 30 Seconds to Mars, L'arc en Ciel, Relient K, Jaurim, Lacuna Coil, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, MCR, Flyleaf, Trading Yesterday -- to name a few

or singers?
P!nk, LDR, Shakira, Serj Tankian, Lee Hyori, the list goes onnnn

What is your happiest childhood memory?
There are so many ummm probably seeing Lord of The Rings or the new Star Wars in theaters with my besties

Is there a key to your heart?
Honesty is something I place a great value on

What do you wear to bed?
Oversized shirt and boxers in the summer, oversized sweater and flannel pants in the winter

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
Uhhhhhhhh I don't know

Do you truly hate anyone?
Not that I can think of

Can I hold your hand?

What was the last lie you said?
I'm fine

We're no strangers to love?
you know the rules and so do I~~~~

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
Sure why not

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
Actually I have a problem of being too distant 8D;;;

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Sleep ; v ;
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
I have a very spoiled cat named Leonidus Marie Von Cuddlebutt, or Leon for short

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
Oh god I was an extraordinarily stupid kid when I was 8~9ish years old. Um let's see, it's either when I dislocated my elbow by riding down a steep hill on my bike (and then doing the exact same thing when I got home from the hospital) orrrr when I was riding my bike and crashed on freshly pour black top and got a not quite 3rd Degree but slightly worse than 2nd Degree burn on my hand. Needless to say, it's a wonder my parents ever let me back on that bike haha

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
I don't really drink soda, but I do like birch beer.

Ever touch a dolphin before?

How tall are you?
5'5"/165 cm

How much do you weigh?
a certain amount

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?
Uhhhhhh let's go with 13?

What's your favorite book?
Pride and Prejudice c:

What's your favorite movie?
Good god I don't even know ummmm Lord of the Rings

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
What even is this

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I'd survive a zombie apocalypse fo sho

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
There was one time in the 2nd grade where a guy touched my butt and I punched him in the face hard enough to give him a black eye. Does that count? 8D;;

Worst nightmare?
Financial insecurity

Best dream ever?
Well there was the flying pirate zombie one that I had a couple of weeks ago that was pretty hilarious

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
"If you have ever seen a dragon in a pinch, you will realize that this was only poetical exaggeration applied to any hobbit, even to Old Took's great-grand-uncle Bullroarer, who was so huge (for a hobbit) that he could ride a horse."

Where did you grow up?
Cincinnati, Ohio + Boone County, Kentucky + North Wales, Pennsylvania + Cheshire, Connecticut

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

What is most important in life?

What inspires You?
Nature, loud angry music

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Uhh I was a bra-fitter for 2ish years at Hanes and then I worked at Sunglass Hut

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Lol no

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Arcanine or Eevee c:


A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Freeze like a deer in the headlights like the idiot I am

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
1 younger brother

Tell me about your parents?
I have a mom and a dad

How much do you take after them?
My dad and I have the same horrible, horrible, horrible sense of humor

Which are your top bands..
OH GOD why are you doing this to me UM Nightwish, Kamelot, 30 Seconds to Mars, L'arc en Ciel, Relient K, Jaurim, Lacuna Coil, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, MCR, Flyleaf, Trading Yesterday -- to name a few

or singers?
P!nk, LDR, Shakira, Serj Tankian, Lee Hyori, the list goes onnnn

What is your happiest childhood memory?
There are so many ummm probably seeing Lord of The Rings or the new Star Wars in theaters with my besties

Is there a key to your heart?
Honesty is something I place a great value on

What do you wear to bed?
Oversized shirt and boxers in the summer, oversized sweater and flannel pants in the winter

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
Uhhhhhhhh I don't know

Do you truly hate anyone?
Not that I can think of

Can I hold your hand?

What was the last lie you said?
I'm fine

We're no strangers to love?
you know the rules and so do I~~~~

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
Sure why not

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
Actually I have a problem of being too distant 8D;;;

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Sleep ; v ;
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
Yes, two dogs; Blaze and Patches, and a female betta named Wonder Woman.

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
Falling on a heater isn't fun.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
Ew no.

Ever touch a dolphin before?

How tall are you?

How much do you weigh?

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Right now; Angelfall and World After.

What's your favorite movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier ATM.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
Who now?

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
Many-a times with my brother.

Worst nightmare?

Best dream ever?
Strangely enough, it was about the zombie apocalypse.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
"Some of the people were on their decks having late barbecues, but most everyone else was in front of their houses, like we were."-Life As We Knew It.

Where did you grow up?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

What is most important in life?
Video games, internet, fandoms.

What inspires You?
Lots of things.

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
I've had quite a few.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Not really.

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Leafeon and Tauros.

NO! Just kidding.

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Hello Mr. Eagle, don't poop on me.

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
21 year old brother.
3 year old brother.
4 year old sister.

Tell me about your parents?
My mom is cool.
My dad not so much.
Stepdad is okay.

How much do you take after them?
Not much.

Which are your top bands or singers?
Linked Horizon.
A Skylit Drive.
Daniel Ingram.
Any Trotstep.

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Riding horses when i was 8.

Is there a key to your heart?
Fandom stuff.

What do you wear to bed?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
No idea.

Do you truly hate anyone?
A few people.

Can I hold your hand?

What was the last lie you said?
I don't know.

We're no strangers to love?
You know the rules and so do i.

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
Not really.

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Mess with ALL the people.

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them? I have no idea.
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
Yes, two dogs; Blaze and Patches, and a female betta named Wonder Woman.

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
Falling on a heater isn't fun.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
Ew no.

Ever touch a dolphin before?

How tall are you?

How much do you weigh?

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Right now; Angelfall and World After.

What's your favorite movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier ATM.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
Who now?

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
Many-a times with my brother.

Worst nightmare?

Best dream ever?
Strangely enough, it was about the zombie apocalypse.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
"Some of the people were on their decks having late barbecues, but most everyone else was in front of their houses, like we were."-Life As We Knew It.

Where did you grow up?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

What is most important in life?
Video games, internet, fandoms.

What inspires You?
Lots of things.

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
I've had quite a few.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Not really.

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Leafeon and Tauros.

NO! Just kidding.

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Hello Mr. Eagle, don't poop on me.

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
21 year old brother.
3 year old brother.
4 year old sister.

Tell me about your parents?
My mom is cool.
My dad not so much.
Stepdad is okay.

How much do you take after them?
Not much.

Which are your top bands or singers?
Linked Horizon.
A Skylit Drive.
Daniel Ingram.
Any Trotstep.

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Riding horses when i was 8.

Is there a key to your heart?
Fandom stuff.

What do you wear to bed?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
No idea.

Do you truly hate anyone?
A few people.

Can I hold your hand?

What was the last lie you said?
I don't know.

We're no strangers to love?
You know the rules and so do i.

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
Not really.

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Mess with ALL the people.

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them? I have no idea.
What's your real name?
My real name is the name that my parents gave to mearound th timeI was born. My real name is nerdy and I don't wnt to shareit =P

How old are you again? I forget.
I never told you therefore you could of never forgotton. 23

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
I have a 6 yr old German Shephard named Audio which we shorten to Auddy. I don't like his real name but his nickname sounds cool.

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
Getting my wisdom tooth extracted and the dentist using the wrong kind of anestheticon me. We sued.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
I'm rpoud to cut off soda as a new year'sresolution last year.

Ever touch a dolphin before?
Nope. I'm deathly afraid of the ocean.

How tall are you?
How much do you weigh?

What's your favorite color?
Navy Blue

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

What's your favorite movie?
Fight Clubjust because I read the book, but they cut off some scenes important to Jack/protagonists' character.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
I have to say you by default

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
Vastly out of shape, but not heavy at the same time. I get tired for walking starught for 2 hours.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
I scratched my sister's face one time. Does that count?

Worst nightmare?
I can't remember any.

Best dream ever?
Same as the previus queston.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
Save 15% off lunch Special in China Garden (Coupon Book)

Where did you grow up?
In the Adirondack mountains

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
If you really want to go philosophical, then it's the egg that hacthed the chicken.

What is most important in life?

What inspires You?
People trying very hard despite having some handicapable obstalces.

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Not a real job, no.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
it's warm where i live

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Don't get Final Fantasy on me. I cosplayed as Zell from FF8

Sword, lances, or axes?
Lances *boop*

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Just like Dugtrio's lower half, i'm a muystery


A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
hide my bacon.

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?

Tell me about your parents?
they're okay

How much do you take after them?
hatred for humanity and undying love for hummus

Which are your top bands or singers?
Katy Perry and Panic!

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Winning a squirt gun game against college students

Is there a key to your heart?
In my langauge, that would be called bacon.

What do you wear to bed?
boxers and a tee?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
3 weeks ago? My friend had to make a terrible movie for school and I had to act out as the first victim.

Do you truly hate anyone?
No really. My hatred is often confused with disdain.

Can I hold your hand?

What was the last lie you said?
I agreed to hold your hand/

We're no strangers to love?
Is that a song reference?

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
I could have turned out worse.

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
Nope. I'm the opposite

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Figure out how to turn the time back on.

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
I'm too new to have friends T_T
What's your real name?
My real name is the name that my parents gave to mearound th timeI was born. My real name is nerdy and I don't wnt to shareit =P

How old are you again? I forget.
I never told you therefore you could of never forgotton. 23

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
I have a 6 yr old German Shephard named Audio which we shorten to Auddy. I don't like his real name but his nickname sounds cool.

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
Getting my wisdom tooth extracted and the dentist using the wrong kind of anestheticon me. We sued.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
I'm rpoud to cut off soda as a new year'sresolution last year.

Ever touch a dolphin before?
Nope. I'm deathly afraid of the ocean.

How tall are you?
How much do you weigh?

What's your favorite color?
Navy Blue

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

What's your favorite movie?
Fight Clubjust because I read the book, but they cut off some scenes important to Jack/protagonists' character.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
I have to say you by default

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
Vastly out of shape, but not heavy at the same time. I get tired for walking starught for 2 hours.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
I scratched my sister's face one time. Does that count?

Worst nightmare?
I can't remember any.

Best dream ever?
Same as the previus queston.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
Save 15% off lunch Special in China Garden (Coupon Book)

Where did you grow up?
In the Adirondack mountains

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
If you really want to go philosophical, then it's the egg that hacthed the chicken.

What is most important in life?

What inspires You?
People trying very hard despite having some handicapable obstalces.

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Not a real job, no.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
it's warm where i live

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Don't get Final Fantasy on me. I cosplayed as Zell from FF8

Sword, lances, or axes?
Lances *boop*

What's your favorite Pokemon?
Just like Dugtrio's lower half, i'm a muystery


A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
hide my bacon.

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?

Tell me about your parents?
they're okay

How much do you take after them?
hatred for humanity and undying love for hummus

Which are your top bands or singers?
Katy Perry and Panic!

What is your happiest childhood memory?
Winning a squirt gun game against college students

Is there a key to your heart?
In my langauge, that would be called bacon.

What do you wear to bed?
boxers and a tee?

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
3 weeks ago? My friend had to make a terrible movie for school and I had to act out as the first victim.

Do you truly hate anyone?
No really. My hatred is often confused with disdain.

Can I hold your hand?

What was the last lie you said?
I agreed to hold your hand/

We're no strangers to love?
Is that a song reference?

Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
I could have turned out worse.

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?
Nope. I'm the opposite

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Figure out how to turn the time back on.

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
I'm too new to have friends T_T
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
5 dogs and 2 turtles Dogs: marina, candy, chiba, patches,and dutch. Turtles: Squrtile and Turtwig.

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
falling out of a tree

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
yes, mountain dew.

Ever touch a dolphin before?
In a dream i had

How tall are you?

How much do you weigh?
100 pounds (I am A lady)

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Love Sucks

What's your favorite movie?
Lion King (Haters can Hate)

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
-Just Stares into distance- -_-

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I am Fit and can almost run a mile and a half so not much stamina.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
A lot of times, and yes. (did not start them)

Worst nightmare?
My best friend died, i was crying when I woke up.

Best dream ever?
I was inside the book/anime series I am writing

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
"Last time it had been a crystal bird in a gold cage that thrilled a shrilled whistle.."

Where did you grow up?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
I do not care as long as i get to eat it

What is most important in life?
My Friends

What inspires You?
Drawings, and life

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
landscaper, and still holding it.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
yes as long as I get some magic powers with it.

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?

Bring it here! *High Five*

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
run and a circle or pull a rat magically out of my pocket and hold it in the air.

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
got none

Tell me about your parents?
over protective and evil but i know they care...

How much do you take after them?
I have the temper but I am very nice

Which are your top bands or singers?
Thousand Foot Krutch

What is your happiest childhood memory?
do not have one

Is there a key to your heart?
Locked in a cage far far away in the elder dragon my dragonborn can find it, (skyrim reference)
What do you wear to bed?
tank and shorts

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
when I saw the slender man outside an elementary school

Do you truly hate anyone?

Can I hold your hand?
only if you like video games

What was the last lie you said?
I do not like you

We're no strangers to love?

The rules man the rules
Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
put shaving cream or marker one everyone face

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
@Soggy because she cool
@VoodooMagic Got to bring her
@Zrcalo for some laughter
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
5 dogs and 2 turtles Dogs: marina, candy, chiba, patches,and dutch. Turtles: Squrtile and Turtwig.

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
falling out of a tree

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
yes, mountain dew.

Ever touch a dolphin before?
In a dream i had

How tall are you?

How much do you weigh?
100 pounds (I am A lady)

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Love Sucks

What's your favorite movie?
Lion King (Haters can Hate)

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
-Just Stares into distance- -_-

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
I am Fit and can almost run a mile and a half so not much stamina.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
A lot of times, and yes. (did not start them)

Worst nightmare?
My best friend died, i was crying when I woke up.

Best dream ever?
I was inside the book/anime series I am writing

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
"Last time it had been a crystal bird in a gold cage that thrilled a shrilled whistle.."

Where did you grow up?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
I do not care as long as i get to eat it

What is most important in life?
My Friends

What inspires You?
Drawings, and life

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
landscaper, and still holding it.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
yes as long as I get some magic powers with it.

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?

Bring it here! *High Five*

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
run and a circle or pull a rat magically out of my pocket and hold it in the air.

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?
got none

Tell me about your parents?
over protective and evil but i know they care...

How much do you take after them?
I have the temper but I am very nice

Which are your top bands or singers?
Thousand Foot Krutch

What is your happiest childhood memory?
do not have one

Is there a key to your heart?
Locked in a cage far far away in the elder dragon my dragonborn can find it, (skyrim reference)
What do you wear to bed?
tank and shorts

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
when I saw the slender man outside an elementary school

Do you truly hate anyone?

Can I hold your hand?
only if you like video games

What was the last lie you said?
I do not like you

We're no strangers to love?

The rules man the rules
Are you happy with the person you are becoming?

Are you a dog or cat person?

Are you clingy in a relationship?

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
put shaving cream or marker one everyone face

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?
@Soggy because she cool
@VoodooMagic Got to bring her
@Zrcalo for some laughter
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.


Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
2 cats named Sylar & Melody

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
My Chihuahua was killed right before my eyes. Some big dog came out of nowhere and wanted to play with her but he was too big and broke her neck. Before i knew what was happening she was already dead :( Oh wait physical! When i was 5 i had my feet between the wheel of my fathers bike.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?

I like to drink water or tea ;p

Ever touch a dolphin before?
No :(

How tall are you?

I don't know in english

How much do you weigh?

I don't know and i don't want to know because i might stop eating if i think i weight to much.

What's your favorite color?

Pink & black

What's your favorite number?


What's your favorite book?
A sookie Stackhouse novel. (The books from True Blood)

What's your favorite movie?

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
I don't know

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
Outta shape

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
With my brother. I only won because my nails were so long and sharp hahaha

Worst nightmare?
That i can't have kids

Best dream ever?

Become my boyfriends wife, have kids and a lot of cool pets and just be happy for the rest of ours lives.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
I don't want to leave my bed :$

Where did you grow up?
The Netherlands, Leeuwarden.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The Chicken. I think whatever created all creatures, created also the Chicken. And the Chicken lay eggs just like a lot of other animals.

What is most important in life?
Uhm ,,
Family, friends and love. Real friends seems to be hard to find these days.

What inspires You?
It can be everything. Sometimes it's something i see outside and other times it's something i see/read on internet

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
No :$

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
Yes. Always :(

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?

Just a little ;p

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?

Sure ^^ *high five*

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Start screaming xD

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?

2 brothers 1 sister. I don't know what to say about them ;p

Tell me about your parents?
I have the best mom i could wish for ♥
I don't really like my father. It's a little mean to post awful things about him on the internet so i keep that for myself :)

How much do you take after them?
I don't know o.O

Which are your top bands or singers?
Good Charlotte
From First To Last
Another Rising
Sonny Moore (Not his Skrillex music)

What is your happiest childhood memory?
I don't remember much of my childhood

Is there a key to your heart?

What do you wear to bed?

Pyjamas. Sometimes i like to sleep in a dress o.O

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
I don't remember

Do you truly hate anyone?

There is someone who have hurt me so much i really wanted to die. Some times i think i hate him and other times i just don't like him. I don't think i can truly hate someone.

Can I hold your hand?


What was the last lie you said?
I told my little brother i have plans for Saturday but i don't have plans yet. My bed feels so good right now i want to stay in bed forever. So i don't like to make plans right now xD

We're no strangers to love?


Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
I think so

Are you a dog or cat person?
I used to be a cat person but then i got a Chihuahua and she was my everything. I like how much a dog loves his owner and a cat only likes you because you give him food. Oke that is not totally true cats can love their owners too xD

Are you clingy in a relationship?

I think so

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?
Yes. I wash my hands too many times a day :o

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Stay in bed all day

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?

I don't know anyone on here. Not good enough to know who is going to save my life. I would probably be dead before i can pick someone ;p
What's your real name?

How old are you again? I forget.


Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
2 cats named Sylar & Melody

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
My Chihuahua was killed right before my eyes. Some big dog came out of nowhere and wanted to play with her but he was too big and broke her neck. Before i knew what was happening she was already dead :( Oh wait physical! When i was 5 i had my feet between the wheel of my fathers bike.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?

I like to drink water or tea ;p

Ever touch a dolphin before?
No :(

How tall are you?

I don't know in english

How much do you weigh?

I don't know and i don't want to know because i might stop eating if i think i weight to much.

What's your favorite color?

Pink & black

What's your favorite number?


What's your favorite book?
A sookie Stackhouse novel. (The books from True Blood)

What's your favorite movie?

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?
I don't know

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
Outta shape

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
With my brother. I only won because my nails were so long and sharp hahaha

Worst nightmare?
That i can't have kids

Best dream ever?

Become my boyfriends wife, have kids and a lot of cool pets and just be happy for the rest of ours lives.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
I don't want to leave my bed :$

Where did you grow up?
The Netherlands, Leeuwarden.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The Chicken. I think whatever created all creatures, created also the Chicken. And the Chicken lay eggs just like a lot of other animals.

What is most important in life?
Uhm ,,
Family, friends and love. Real friends seems to be hard to find these days.

What inspires You?
It can be everything. Sometimes it's something i see outside and other times it's something i see/read on internet

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
No :$

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
Yes. Always :(

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?

Just a little ;p

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?

Sure ^^ *high five*

A eagle is soaring down upon your head. Wat do?
Start screaming xD

Tell me about your siblings if you've got em?

2 brothers 1 sister. I don't know what to say about them ;p

Tell me about your parents?
I have the best mom i could wish for ♥
I don't really like my father. It's a little mean to post awful things about him on the internet so i keep that for myself :)

How much do you take after them?
I don't know o.O

Which are your top bands or singers?
Good Charlotte
From First To Last
Another Rising
Sonny Moore (Not his Skrillex music)

What is your happiest childhood memory?
I don't remember much of my childhood

Is there a key to your heart?

What do you wear to bed?

Pyjamas. Sometimes i like to sleep in a dress o.O

When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
I don't remember

Do you truly hate anyone?

There is someone who have hurt me so much i really wanted to die. Some times i think i hate him and other times i just don't like him. I don't think i can truly hate someone.

Can I hold your hand?


What was the last lie you said?
I told my little brother i have plans for Saturday but i don't have plans yet. My bed feels so good right now i want to stay in bed forever. So i don't like to make plans right now xD

We're no strangers to love?


Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
I think so

Are you a dog or cat person?
I used to be a cat person but then i got a Chihuahua and she was my everything. I like how much a dog loves his owner and a cat only likes you because you give him food. Oke that is not totally true cats can love their owners too xD

Are you clingy in a relationship?

I think so

Did you wash your hands after using the bathroom today?
Yes. I wash my hands too many times a day :o

Time has stopped for you for one day. What do you do?
Stay in bed all day

ZOMBIE AHPAHKOLYPSE! Pick 3 FR members to partner up with you. Ping 'em. Why'd you pick them?

I don't know anyone on here. Not good enough to know who is going to save my life. I would probably be dead before i can pick someone ;p
What's your real name?
Connie! (Although if you go to my art tumblr, you'll actually see my complete full name, so.)

How old are you again? I forget.
24, going on 25 this summer. :x

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
I have a cat of my very own, who is a 4-year-old brown tabby DSH - her name is Psyche, named for Eros & Psyche. And then the two family dogs, Adhara (shiba inu/husky) and Pollux (plott hound mix).

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
Dislocating my shoulder in a skiing accident. When the ski patrol tried to lift me up while the shoulder was still dislocated.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb! And Mountain Dew.

Ever touch a dolphin before?
No, but I would love to.

How tall are you?
Five feet flat.

How much do you weigh?
Toooo much, but not WAY too much. I'm more comfortable with my appearance right now than I was when I was thinner and younger, though. So I'm okay with it.

What's your favorite color?
Yellow. :]

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Harry Potter, obvs. The Discworld books by Terry Pratchett.

What's your favorite movie?
Labyrinth. The one with David Bowie. And the codpiece.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
Out of shape. :x I do walk several miles a day for work, though.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
I have not, but I'm damn scrappy, so I'd like to think that I'd win.

Best dream ever?
Mads Mikkelsen, wearing tight red jeans, hanging out in my family room and coaching my sisters on marching band color guard.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
lmao okay. "'The girl sniffled. "Yes. We… we went places.'" This is the book Dangerous Secrets by Audry Barcus, which I bought when I was like 10, and was hella into cheap murder/horror books.

Where did you grow up?
In Connecticut 'til I was 6, then northern Virginia.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The egg. Which was laid by something that was very very close to a chicken, and the egg has the genetic mutation that makes it a chicken. (So, you know. Evolution.)

What is most important in life?

What inspires You?

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Umpiring girls' softball. Secretarial stuff and photo editing in an architect's office. Data entry in a doctor's office. And currently, professional dog walking and pet setting.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
Nope, mine are fine.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Why not.

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?


What's your real name?
Connie! (Although if you go to my art tumblr, you'll actually see my complete full name, so.)

How old are you again? I forget.
24, going on 25 this summer. :x

Do you have pets? If so what are they and what are their names?
I have a cat of my very own, who is a 4-year-old brown tabby DSH - her name is Psyche, named for Eros & Psyche. And then the two family dogs, Adhara (shiba inu/husky) and Pollux (plott hound mix).

What's the most physical painful event you've ever encountered?
Dislocating my shoulder in a skiing accident. When the ski patrol tried to lift me up while the shoulder was still dislocated.

Do you dig soda? If so which ones?
Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb! And Mountain Dew.

Ever touch a dolphin before?
No, but I would love to.

How tall are you?
Five feet flat.

How much do you weigh?
Toooo much, but not WAY too much. I'm more comfortable with my appearance right now than I was when I was thinner and younger, though. So I'm okay with it.

What's your favorite color?
Yellow. :]

What's your favorite number?

What's your favorite book?
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Harry Potter, obvs. The Discworld books by Terry Pratchett.

What's your favorite movie?
Labyrinth. The one with David Bowie. And the codpiece.

Who's your favorite UnforgivenSyns?

How much stamina are you packin' there? Are you fit or outta shape?
Out of shape. :x I do walk several miles a day for work, though.

Ever got into a physical fight? If so, DID YOU WIN?!
I have not, but I'm damn scrappy, so I'd like to think that I'd win.

Best dream ever?
Mads Mikkelsen, wearing tight red jeans, hanging out in my family room and coaching my sisters on marching band color guard.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. WHAT DOES IT SAY?!
lmao okay. "'The girl sniffled. "Yes. We… we went places.'" This is the book Dangerous Secrets by Audry Barcus, which I bought when I was like 10, and was hella into cheap murder/horror books.

Where did you grow up?
In Connecticut 'til I was 6, then northern Virginia.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The egg. Which was laid by something that was very very close to a chicken, and the egg has the genetic mutation that makes it a chicken. (So, you know. Evolution.)

What is most important in life?

What inspires You?

Ever held a job? If so what was it?
Umpiring girls' softball. Secretarial stuff and photo editing in an architect's office. Data entry in a doctor's office. And currently, professional dog walking and pet setting.

Are your hands cold right now? Cause mines are freezing.
Nope, mine are fine.

Don't you think you'd look good in a white mage's outfit?
Why not.

Sword, lances, or axes?

What's your favorite Pokemon?


art tumblr!