
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Bunlux's Deluxe Icon Shop [CLOSED]
[center][color=#871d18][b][url=]About[/url] | [url=]Ordering[/url] | [url=]Gallery[/url][/b][/color] ----- [img][/img] { [s]OPEN[/s] | [S]WORKING[/S] | [color=red][b]CLOSED[/b][/color] } [size=2]unsure when I'll re-open; watch this space![/size] Hello! I'm bun, and I'm taking commissions for [b]small, fully colored[/b] and [b]shaded[/b] dragon icons (around the 100x100 px range) [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] I may expand the amount of artistic services I'm willing to provide in the future (half-bodies, full-bodies, etc.), [s]but for now I'll only be taking dragon icon commissions;[/s] keep an eye out! I now have a thread for Chibi Dragon Adopts! Check it out ([url=]here[/url])! ----- [center][b]Current Slots:[/b] 1.) pending 2.) pending 3.) pending ----- No need to ping; I'm subscribed (but no harm done if you ping anyway!)[/center]
About | Ordering | Gallery


unsure when I'll re-open; watch this space!

Hello! I'm bun, and I'm taking commissions for small, fully colored and shaded dragon icons (around the 100x100 px range)

jupiter_button.png anya_button.png tulex_icon.png clementine_button.png

I may expand the amount of artistic services I'm willing to provide in the future (half-bodies, full-bodies, etc.), but for now I'll only be taking dragon icon commissions; keep an eye out!

I now have a thread for Chibi Dragon Adopts!
Check it out (here)!

Current Slots:

1.) pending
2.) pending
3.) pending

No need to ping; I'm subscribed (but no harm done if you ping anyway!)
bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!
[center][color=#871d18][b][url=]About[/url] | [url=]Ordering[/url] | [url=]Gallery[/url][/b][/color] ----- [img][/img] [b][u]RULES & GUIDELINES[/u][/b][/center] [LIST] [*]I will draw [b]all breeds, genes, and apparel[/b] to the best of my ability [*]1 slot = up to 2 dragons [*]At the moment, users may only [b]order 1 slot at a time[/b] [*]Please [b]do not edit my art[/b] in any way; if you need something fixed, let me know [*]Please [b]do not remove my signature[/b] [*]Please [b]credit me[/b] (linking to my art shop is appreciated!) [*][b]I retain the right to refuse a commission[/b] for any reason [*][b]No refunds[/b] [/LIST] [center][b][u]ORDERING[/u] [size=2]Gem to Treasure ratio: 1:1000[/size][/center] [LIST] [*]Base Price is [b]400g[/b] or [b]400,000t[/b] [*]Mixed payment is welcome [*]Complex apparel or accents may cost an additional fee; I'll let you know beforehand if your dragon counts as "complex" [*]Please send payment in a 1-way CR after the price is confirmed; I'll accept when I send you the finished product [/LIST] [center][b][u]ORDER FORM[/u][/b][/center] [quote name="Order Form"]@bunlux [b]Username:[/b] (your user) [b]Dragon:[/b] (image, link, or both) [b]Apparel?:[/b] (Y/N) (if Y, all apparel or select items?) [b]Skin/Accent?:[/b] (Y/N) [b]Details:[/b] (expression, bg gradient color, different eye-type, etc.) [b]Payment:[/b] (gem, treasure, or mixed) [b]Giftee:[/b] username of giftee (delete this row if not a gift; does not have to be an @/them if you want it to be a surprise)[/quote]
About | Ordering | Gallery

  • I will draw all breeds, genes, and apparel to the best of my ability
  • 1 slot = up to 2 dragons
  • At the moment, users may only order 1 slot at a time
  • Please do not edit my art in any way; if you need something fixed, let me know
  • Please do not remove my signature
  • Please credit me (linking to my art shop is appreciated!)
  • I retain the right to refuse a commission for any reason
  • No refunds

Gem to Treasure ratio: 1:1000
  • Base Price is 400g or 400,000t
  • Mixed payment is welcome
  • Complex apparel or accents may cost an additional fee; I'll let you know beforehand if your dragon counts as "complex"
  • Please send payment in a 1-way CR after the price is confirmed; I'll accept when I send you the finished product
Order Form wrote:

Username: (your user)
Dragon: (image, link, or both)
Apparel?: (Y/N) (if Y, all apparel or select items?)
Skin/Accent?: (Y/N)
Details: (expression, bg gradient color, different eye-type, etc.)
Payment: (gem, treasure, or mixed)
Giftee: username of giftee (delete this row if not a gift; does not have to be an @/them if you want it to be a surprise)
bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!
[center][color=#871d18][b][url=]About[/url] | [url=]Ordering[/url] | [url=]Gallery[/url][/b][/color] ----- [img][/img] [b][u]GALLERY[/u][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center]
About | Ordering | Gallery


richard_icon.png haley_button.png tulex_icon.png aruna_icon.png gelato_button.png
clementine_button.png anya_button.png calea_icon.png vega_icon.png jupiter_button.png baldur_icon.png satsuki_icon.png
bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!
[center][img][/img] [b][u]PINGLIST[/u][/b] For openings, sales, other services offered, etc. ----- [u]Other Services[/u] [size=2]@UnicornChild132[/size][/center]


For openings, sales, other services offered, etc.

Other Services

bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!
bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!
and I'd say we're about ready to open!
and I'd say we're about ready to open!
bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!
@bunlux [b]Username:[/b] ddaredevil [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Apparel?:[/b] yes if you think itll fit! [b]Skin/Accent?:[/b] yes....... [b]Details:[/b] i trust you 100% you can add/leave whatever you feel is best [b]Payment:[/b] treasure base price w gem tip......... i love u

Username: ddaredevil


Apparel?: yes if you think itll fit!
Skin/Accent?: yes.......
Details: i trust you 100% you can add/leave whatever you feel is best
Payment: treasure base price w gem tip......... i love u
@ddaredevil i would Actually Die for you Edit: your order is complete! [img][/img] Also sent the icon over PM, thank you!
@ddaredevil i would Actually Die for you

Edit: your order is complete!


Also sent the icon over PM, thank you!
bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!
bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!
bun | she/they | FR +3
probably a horse
arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png famicon.png arcane_rune.png
looking for any XYZ combo of flaxen/cottoncandy/lavender!