
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Advertising Report Thread
Staples is trying to mooch into FR territory. [img][/img] As you can see, it's stepping out of it's boundaries, stretching into where it shouldn't be. Back STAPLES! *pulls out a whip to crack at the rogue ad* Back! Though if you click the X, it does retreat. But I figure this should be brought up. Since it's breaking the rules.
Staples is trying to mooch into FR territory.


As you can see, it's stepping out of it's boundaries, stretching into where it shouldn't be.

Back STAPLES! *pulls out a whip to crack at the rogue ad* Back!

Though if you click the X, it does retreat. But I figure this should be brought up. Since it's breaking the rules.
The League of Angels ad is really starting to annoy me. I can ignore it if it's in the sidebar or at the bottom of the page, but recently (at least 5 times now) a pop-up window keeps opening, with a bigger version of the ad.
The League of Angels ad is really starting to annoy me. I can ignore it if it's in the sidebar or at the bottom of the page, but recently (at least 5 times now) a pop-up window keeps opening, with a bigger version of the ad.
Thanks for the reports! We're going to begin trying to removing one entire ad-network at a time from our site's possible choices to see if we can narrow down which one is the problem child. Thanks for hanging in there.

I'll let you know when the first switch has happened so we can see if it resolves the problem ads for people or not.
Thanks for the reports! We're going to begin trying to removing one entire ad-network at a time from our site's possible choices to see if we can narrow down which one is the problem child. Thanks for hanging in there.

I'll let you know when the first switch has happened so we can see if it resolves the problem ads for people or not.
Like @lovedless I get the same thing too. They pop up several times a day, and I have to close the window and open FR again several times before it stops. Its really annoying
Like @lovedless I get the same thing too. They pop up several times a day, and I have to close the window and open FR again several times before it stops. Its really annoying

I had a similar one to Demos -- I think it pops out on any mouse over (in my case, I was going from an email window to my coli. It also obnoxiously starts talking upon expansion (blockin' out my morning Daily Show, the horrible chicken place!).


I had a similar one to Demos -- I think it pops out on any mouse over (in my case, I was going from an email window to my coli. It also obnoxiously starts talking upon expansion (blockin' out my morning Daily Show, the horrible chicken place!).

Lightning retiree, Dom Dormer
I just noticed, like @theladyems - the League of Angels tower advert running under the left-hand menus has one of their characters increasing her bra size by about a half-dozen cup measurements in a slow pulse. Pretty offensive.

Given that it's that game's ads that have been forcing open new tabs, too....
I just noticed, like @theladyems - the League of Angels tower advert running under the left-hand menus has one of their characters increasing her bra size by about a half-dozen cup measurements in a slow pulse. Pretty offensive.

Given that it's that game's ads that have been forcing open new tabs, too....
I opened five tabs. Two of them gave me (possibly malicious) pop-ups and one included an embedded video ad with auto-playing sound. - I couldn't get a URL but this is what it looks like.
I opened five tabs. Two of them gave me (possibly malicious) pop-ups and one included an embedded video ad with auto-playing sound. - I couldn't get a URL but this is what it looks like.
I am on an android phone and keep getting popups from ib.adnxs(dot)com telling me my phone is infected with viruses and that I have to do a scan by clicking OK in the popup. Obviously I have not done that; my antivirus app is running fine, but less wary or tech inclined people might fall for that kind of scare tactic. Really awful marketing strategy, and intrusive as all get out.
I am on an android phone and keep getting popups from ib.adnxs(dot)com telling me my phone is infected with viruses and that I have to do a scan by clicking OK in the popup. Obviously I have not done that; my antivirus app is running fine, but less wary or tech inclined people might fall for that kind of scare tactic. Really awful marketing strategy, and intrusive as all get out.
haao.png shows ladies in lingerie, and Wartune shows a lady wearing nothing but a fabric bra where *erm* her "lungs" are falling out, and a see-through scarf around her lower regions. For some reason her lower arms are well covered in thick gloves... some clothes designer needs to get his priorities straight :P It says "male gamers only, warning ADULT content".

... there's a snake in the picture that look like it's trying to bite her butt, for some reason I find this hilarious. But still, the ad doesn't belong here. shows ladies in lingerie, and Wartune shows a lady wearing nothing but a fabric bra where *erm* her "lungs" are falling out, and a see-through scarf around her lower regions. For some reason her lower arms are well covered in thick gloves... some clothes designer needs to get his priorities straight :P It says "male gamers only, warning ADULT content".

... there's a snake in the picture that look like it's trying to bite her butt, for some reason I find this hilarious. But still, the ad doesn't belong here.
still getting random auto-redirects to full-page ads when I change pages (or even just tabs in the market or AH or my PMs) on this site.

Latest one went here

I don't click any ad. Only way out of this when it happens is to hit the back button.

Virus scans have picked up nothing, and I am usually behind a corporate-strength firewall when this happens. It only happens on this site too, no matter where else I go online, and even when I use different browsers. It's gotta be something here on FR...

Estimating I'd say it happens about once every... four hours-ish or so. Since I am automatically redirected without clicking anything or even seeing the page I was supposed to be going to, I do not know what ad might be doing it. I'm gonna try putting on my block list and see if that helps.
still getting random auto-redirects to full-page ads when I change pages (or even just tabs in the market or AH or my PMs) on this site.

Latest one went here

I don't click any ad. Only way out of this when it happens is to hit the back button.

Virus scans have picked up nothing, and I am usually behind a corporate-strength firewall when this happens. It only happens on this site too, no matter where else I go online, and even when I use different browsers. It's gotta be something here on FR...

Estimating I'd say it happens about once every... four hours-ish or so. Since I am automatically redirected without clicking anything or even seeing the page I was supposed to be going to, I do not know what ad might be doing it. I'm gonna try putting on my block list and see if that helps.
Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)