
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | {S/T} Some real good dragons
[center] [color=blue]~~~~~~~~~~~[/color][/center] [center][color=brown]got a bunch of dragons i'd love to see go to new homes! feel free to PM or comment ping me if you have an offer. along with treasure or gems, i am also interested in art! if you wanna offer art, just show me some examples! i'd mostly be after simpler things like headshots/chibis or sketchy fullbodies of humanoid characters you can offer any amount of gems/treasure/art or a combination of those things! an instant buyout would be the current auction listings but you can offer under that! thanks for looking! :D ___________________________________________ [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [b]Buyout[/b]: 300g // 250k [img][/img] ------------------------------- [LIST][*][b]7 digit ID[/b]! [*][b]triple gened![/b] [*]Imperial [*]Level 9 [*]Light ------------------------------- [*][b]Primary [/b]|| Obsidian Tiger [*][b]Secondary[/b] || Tomato Seraph [*][b]Tertiary[/b] || Maize Underbelly [/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [b]Buyout[/b]: 250g // 200k [img][/img] ------------------------------- [LIST][*][b]7 digit ID[/b]! [*]Imperial [*]Level 3 [*]Nature ------------------------------- [*][b]Primary[/b] || Ice Iridescent [*][b]Secondary[/b] || Sunshine Seraph [*][b]Tertiary[/b] || Splash Basic [/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [b]Buyout[/b]: 500g // 415k [img][/img] ------------------------------- [LIST][*][b]Triple Gened[/b]! [*]Skydancer [*]Ice ------------------------------- [*][b]Primary[/b] || Sapphire Iridescent [*][b]Secondary[/b] || Orchid Shimmer [*][b]Tertiary[/b] || Cyan Ghost [/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [b]Buyout[/b]: 40g // 30k [img][/img] ------------------------------- [LIST][*][b]XXY[/b] [*][b]Triple Gened[/b]! [*]Nocturne [*]Ice ------------------------------- [*][b]Primary[/b] || Midnight Iridescent [*][b]Secondary[/b] || Midnight Shimmer [*][b]Tertiary[/b] || Iris Runes [/columns] [center] [color=blue]~~~~~~~~~~~[/color][/center]
got a bunch of dragons i'd love to see go to new homes! feel free to PM or comment ping me if you have an offer.

along with treasure or gems, i am also interested in art! if you wanna offer art, just show me some examples! i'd mostly be after simpler things like headshots/chibis or sketchy fullbodies of humanoid characters

you can offer any amount of gems/treasure/art or a combination of those things! an instant buyout would be the current auction listings but you can offer under that!

thanks for looking! :D


Buyout: 300g // 250k icon_treasure.png
  • 7 digit ID!
  • triple gened!
  • Imperial
  • Level 9
  • Light
  • Primary || Obsidian Tiger
  • Secondary || Tomato Seraph
  • Tertiary || Maize Underbelly

Buyout: 250g // 200k icon_treasure.png
  • 7 digit ID!
  • Imperial
  • Level 3
  • Nature
  • Primary || Ice Iridescent
  • Secondary || Sunshine Seraph
  • Tertiary || Splash Basic

Buyout: 500g // 415k icon_treasure.png
  • Triple Gened!
  • Skydancer
  • Ice
  • Primary || Sapphire Iridescent
  • Secondary || Orchid Shimmer
  • Tertiary || Cyan Ghost

Buyout: 40g // 30k icon_treasure.png
  • XXY
  • Triple Gened!
  • Nocturne
  • Ice
  • Primary || Midnight Iridescent
  • Secondary || Midnight Shimmer
  • Tertiary || Iris Runes

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it's dragon time
it's dragon time
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