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TOPIC | Ready Player One RP
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Hey peoples!! I've just finished reading and watching Ready Player One, is anyone interested in doing a roleplay for it? If so please say so! I'm pretty hyped to do this rp!
Hey peoples!! I've just finished reading and watching Ready Player One, is anyone interested in doing a roleplay for it? If so please say so! I'm pretty hyped to do this rp!
Hi, I didn’t read the book but I watched the movie ( couldn’t find the book), and I thought it was amazing!! I would LOVE to RP this with you.
Hi, I didn’t read the book but I watched the movie ( couldn’t find the book), and I thought it was amazing!! I would LOVE to RP this with you.
We build walls up to protect ourselves from the demons outside... but what about the ones inside? - Lunashard

Every Rose has its Thorns~

YAY SOMEBODY ANSWERED XD!!!!!!!!! Don't worry about having not read the book, the movie covers everything major that happens in it. (Lol so actually I'm wearing my Ready Player One shirt and sweatpants, what perfect timing.) So, would you want to wait and see if more people want to join, or would you want to do a one on one? Whatever you want is good with me!

YAY SOMEBODY ANSWERED XD!!!!!!!!! Don't worry about having not read the book, the movie covers everything major that happens in it. (Lol so actually I'm wearing my Ready Player One shirt and sweatpants, what perfect timing.) So, would you want to wait and see if more people want to join, or would you want to do a one on one? Whatever you want is good with me!
I don’t care, lol
I don’t care, lol
We build walls up to protect ourselves from the demons outside... but what about the ones inside? - Lunashard

Every Rose has its Thorns~
Lol, currently I was thinking, since no one else has showed interest in joining, we could create our characters, and if no one else joins by the time we start, it could just be a one on one? If that works for you, that is?
Lol, currently I was thinking, since no one else has showed interest in joining, we could create our characters, and if no one else joins by the time we start, it could just be a one on one? If that works for you, that is?
That sounds cool! I’m still trying to come up with the idea, or rough sketch, of my character, so take your time!
That sounds cool! I’m still trying to come up with the idea, or rough sketch, of my character, so take your time!
We build walls up to protect ourselves from the demons outside... but what about the ones inside? - Lunashard

Every Rose has its Thorns~
Okie dokie then, I'll post up my character once I have her character sheet finished! ^^
Okie dokie then, I'll post up my character once I have her character sheet finished! ^^
Here's my character, no rush on yours though, I just wanted to write this all down before I forgot! Lol btw, you don't have to write nearly as much as I did, I just got carried away (and had been considering writing a fanfiction with this character)..

Name: Cyra Wolfe

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Apperance: Cyra has about shoulder length dirty blonde hair. Her eyes are hazelnut brown with gold flecks, and she has a roundish face. She has a few freckles splattered over her nose, but not many other distingushing features. She is short, and very small in build and body mass, due to lack of proper food. She has very pale skin. Cyra also has a scar running over her hip.

Backstory: Cyra is an orphan, and has come from a messed up family. Her father was abusive to her mother, so when her mom found out she was pregnant, she got the hecky-heck out of there. Cyra was named so because her mom thought it sounded like a warriors name. Cyra was often jelous of her moms looks, for she had bright blue eyes and long chessnut brown hair, not to mention a perfect form. Cyra and her mom lived happily in the Stacks for eight years, before their fairy tale life was snatched from them. Her dad had found them and murdered her mom. Cyra managed to escape with her life and her moms phone. She gave an anoynomus call to the police, and saw them take her dad to jail. After that, she lived in a junkyard nearby the stacks. Having a knack for fixing and hacking electronics, she earns her money and food that way. She currently is in her senior year at Ludus, and is a self proclaimed gunter.

Personality: Cyra is a very nice person. Just because she is nice and respectul though, doesn't mean that she isn't tough. She is rather shy, with social anxiety. In general, she prefers her time in the OASIS, instead of the real world. She often can be found playing through many quests, expecially ones having to deal with early 2000's music and pop culture. Instead of becoming obsessed with the 1980's like all gunters, she is in love with the 2000's, expecially their music, specificly My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Panic! At The Disco. Cyra still wakes up with nightmares from her past, and is afraid to reach out for anyone, afraid they'll backstab her the same way. Because of this, she has no friends. All in all, Cyra is a sweet person once you get to know her, but on the outside she has a rough edge.

OASIS Username: Capricorn

OASIS Apperance: In OASIS, Cyra made herself a few inches taller than she is in the real world, and not as disgustingly skinny. She filled out some of her features so she could look more like a women, but still made herself look realistic. Her avatars hair is platinum blonde that is dyed hot pink, then electric blue at the tips. Her hair is long and straight, cutting off near her waist. Her avatars eyes are bright blue with gold flecks, just like her moms were. She also has a tattoo of a circut board running from her neck down her left arm and left side, the tattoo stopping at her sleeve line and waist. Her avatars main clothing is a jacket that is an exact copy of Party Poison's from My Chemical Romance: Danger Days music videos, a white Fall Out Boy t shirt underneath, stacked Panic! At The Disco rubber bands, combat boots, and jeans. Unless she's at school she also has a belt with two laser guns ((also from the My Chemical Romance music videos)), and a guitar neck with a machete blade attached to it ((as seen being given to Pete in the Youngblood Chronicles)).

Here's my character, no rush on yours though, I just wanted to write this all down before I forgot! Lol btw, you don't have to write nearly as much as I did, I just got carried away (and had been considering writing a fanfiction with this character)..

Name: Cyra Wolfe

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Apperance: Cyra has about shoulder length dirty blonde hair. Her eyes are hazelnut brown with gold flecks, and she has a roundish face. She has a few freckles splattered over her nose, but not many other distingushing features. She is short, and very small in build and body mass, due to lack of proper food. She has very pale skin. Cyra also has a scar running over her hip.

Backstory: Cyra is an orphan, and has come from a messed up family. Her father was abusive to her mother, so when her mom found out she was pregnant, she got the hecky-heck out of there. Cyra was named so because her mom thought it sounded like a warriors name. Cyra was often jelous of her moms looks, for she had bright blue eyes and long chessnut brown hair, not to mention a perfect form. Cyra and her mom lived happily in the Stacks for eight years, before their fairy tale life was snatched from them. Her dad had found them and murdered her mom. Cyra managed to escape with her life and her moms phone. She gave an anoynomus call to the police, and saw them take her dad to jail. After that, she lived in a junkyard nearby the stacks. Having a knack for fixing and hacking electronics, she earns her money and food that way. She currently is in her senior year at Ludus, and is a self proclaimed gunter.

Personality: Cyra is a very nice person. Just because she is nice and respectul though, doesn't mean that she isn't tough. She is rather shy, with social anxiety. In general, she prefers her time in the OASIS, instead of the real world. She often can be found playing through many quests, expecially ones having to deal with early 2000's music and pop culture. Instead of becoming obsessed with the 1980's like all gunters, she is in love with the 2000's, expecially their music, specificly My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Panic! At The Disco. Cyra still wakes up with nightmares from her past, and is afraid to reach out for anyone, afraid they'll backstab her the same way. Because of this, she has no friends. All in all, Cyra is a sweet person once you get to know her, but on the outside she has a rough edge.

OASIS Username: Capricorn

OASIS Apperance: In OASIS, Cyra made herself a few inches taller than she is in the real world, and not as disgustingly skinny. She filled out some of her features so she could look more like a women, but still made herself look realistic. Her avatars hair is platinum blonde that is dyed hot pink, then electric blue at the tips. Her hair is long and straight, cutting off near her waist. Her avatars eyes are bright blue with gold flecks, just like her moms were. She also has a tattoo of a circut board running from her neck down her left arm and left side, the tattoo stopping at her sleeve line and waist. Her avatars main clothing is a jacket that is an exact copy of Party Poison's from My Chemical Romance: Danger Days music videos, a white Fall Out Boy t shirt underneath, stacked Panic! At The Disco rubber bands, combat boots, and jeans. Unless she's at school she also has a belt with two laser guns ((also from the My Chemical Romance music videos)), and a guitar neck with a machete blade attached to it ((as seen being given to Pete in the Youngblood Chronicles)).


Hi again! Are you still interested in doing this rp? I was just wondering, still no rush on making your character though ^^

Hi again! Are you still interested in doing this rp? I was just wondering, still no rush on making your character though ^^
I’m still interested, I’m just going through a LOT in the real world.
I’m still interested, I’m just going through a LOT in the real world.
We build walls up to protect ourselves from the demons outside... but what about the ones inside? - Lunashard

Every Rose has its Thorns~
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