

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Sides Of The River (IC thread)
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Dapplefeather/ Warrior/ Stoneclan

Dapplefeather followed close behind the group as she emerged into camp. She looked around at all the cats. She still had a slightly disgusted expression from seeing the two love birds back at the gathering.
Dapplefeather/ Warrior/ Stoneclan

Dapplefeather followed close behind the group as she emerged into camp. She looked around at all the cats. She still had a slightly disgusted expression from seeing the two love birds back at the gathering.
Vulpes | Rouge | Stoneclan territory/ The deadland | Someone needs to save the kitten

Vulpes looked at the river, she needed to find a way to the other side. She walked next to the river for a while until she saw some kind of island in the middle of the river. She got ready to jump and jumped, she got quite near the island and swimmed to the rest of the bit. As she got up Vulpes got ready to try and get over the other part of the river, if she nailed it she would be on the other side. She jumped and landed very close to the other side. Vulpes tried to hold onto and tried getting better grip with her claws. She didnt manage to get up tho. She meowed the loudest she cold, in hope that she would get help from someone.
Vulpes | Rouge | Stoneclan territory/ The deadland | Someone needs to save the kitten

Vulpes looked at the river, she needed to find a way to the other side. She walked next to the river for a while until she saw some kind of island in the middle of the river. She got ready to jump and jumped, she got quite near the island and swimmed to the rest of the bit. As she got up Vulpes got ready to try and get over the other part of the river, if she nailed it she would be on the other side. She jumped and landed very close to the other side. Vulpes tried to hold onto and tried getting better grip with her claws. She didnt manage to get up tho. She meowed the loudest she cold, in hope that she would get help from someone.
Rocky | He/Him | CET [FR+9]
Art Fight | Art Shop
Dapplefeather/ Warrior/ Stoneclan

Dapplefeather walked up a ledge where she could hear everything in the forest. She tilted her ears at an angle, she heard a loud mew from across the river. She looked at the other cats, they weren't paying any attention to her, so she left to go find the source of the strange meow.
Dapplefeather/ Warrior/ Stoneclan

Dapplefeather walked up a ledge where she could hear everything in the forest. She tilted her ears at an angle, she heard a loud mew from across the river. She looked at the other cats, they weren't paying any attention to her, so she left to go find the source of the strange meow.
[b]Stormpaw | Stoneclan Apprentice | Wolfclaw, Bittenpaw[/b] Stormpaw purrs, clearly aware of that. "Oh, is that so? I am dreadfully sorry." They look around in mock surprise. "It's just so late, and everyone just returned from the gathering, I'm sure we're all as sleepy as I am, no?" They flick their bushy tail into the air. "We'd best get to bed!" [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Stormpaw | Stoneclan Apprentice | Wolfclaw, Bittenpaw

Stormpaw purrs, clearly aware of that. "Oh, is that so? I am dreadfully sorry." They look around in mock surprise. "It's just so late, and everyone just returned from the gathering, I'm sure we're all as sleepy as I am, no?" They flick their bushy tail into the air. "We'd best get to bed!"
Wolfclaw | Stoneclan warrior | Stoneclan camp | Stormpaw, Bittenpaw, open

Wolfclaw looked at the apprentices "Well goodnight then Stormpaw and Bittenpaw". Tho he obviously suspected that they only wanted him to leave. He walked towards the warriors den.
Wolfclaw | Stoneclan warrior | Stoneclan camp | Stormpaw, Bittenpaw, open

Wolfclaw looked at the apprentices "Well goodnight then Stormpaw and Bittenpaw". Tho he obviously suspected that they only wanted him to leave. He walked towards the warriors den.
Rocky | He/Him | CET [FR+9]
Art Fight | Art Shop
[b]Waspstar | Stoneclan Leader | Open[/b] Waspstar sighed as he watched the two cats leave, flexing his claws into the ground for a moment before padding into his den. He sighed as he flopped into his den, staring into the darkness. Even though he could not sleep, it was better than waiting for some cat to come speak to him. Hopefully he would fall asleep before sunrise, but if not he would join the dawn patrol. A walk would be good for him. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Bittenpaw | Stoneclan Apprentice | Stormpaw[/b] Bittenpaw's eyes widened at the other apprentice's brashness, and they glanced at their mentor quickly. They almost sighed with relief when nothing happened, and they glanced at Stormpaw when their mentor finally left. "T-Thanks..." they mumbled softly, squirming uncomfortably. They could never understand where Stormpaw's confidence came from. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Shellbrook | Sunclan Warrior | Maplebush[/b] Shellbrook giggled at Ivykit's shenanigans, a rare occurrence from the closed off she cat. "He'll make a great squirrel catcher." Her eyes fell on the rest of the kits individually, filled with an unfamiliar warmth. Was this how kits were supposed to make you feel? "Those are all wonderful names." She fell into a slightly uncomfortable silence after this, watching the kits as they squirmed and played. She glanced down at the ground for a moment, wondering the appropriateness of her next question. "Who's the father?" She asked, looking back up at Maplebush, "If you don't mind me asking," she added quickly, hoping she did not seem rude. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Salmon/Salmonnose | Sunclan Warrior | Vulpes[/b] Growing bored and too restless to stay in the camp, Salmon padded out into the forest. Naturally, her paws dragged her to the edge of their territory, back to the Deadlands. She leapt easily over the rocks, landing on the opposite side of the river with a plume of ash surrounding her paws. Her ears pricked at the sound of movement, and she dropped into a crouch. Normally, her bright orange pelt would stand out like a rose in a snowfield, but she hoped the darkness would help disguise her. The ashes made scents hard to distinguish, but the sounds of splashing confirmed there was another cat here. The sound of a yowl made Salmon run to the noise, and she blinked in surprise at the sight of a cat scrambling on the river shore. The cat was on Stoneclan's side, and Salmon tilted her head in confusion. She could make out the cat's bright orange pelt, and she seemed barely old enough to be an apprentice. Either that or she was just small. Although it looked like the cat needed help, Salmon could take advantage of it's inability to escape to ask some questions. "Hey! Are you from Stoneclan?" She shouted, appearing out of the darkness. "You don't look like you are, your pelt's too bright for Stoneclan." Unless you considered that golden apprentice, but Salmon considered that a rarity. [center][img][/img][/center]
Waspstar | Stoneclan Leader | Open

Waspstar sighed as he watched the two cats leave, flexing his claws into the ground for a moment before padding into his den. He sighed as he flopped into his den, staring into the darkness. Even though he could not sleep, it was better than waiting for some cat to come speak to him. Hopefully he would fall asleep before sunrise, but if not he would join the dawn patrol. A walk would be good for him.

Bittenpaw | Stoneclan Apprentice | Stormpaw

Bittenpaw's eyes widened at the other apprentice's brashness, and they glanced at their mentor quickly. They almost sighed with relief when nothing happened, and they glanced at Stormpaw when their mentor finally left. "T-Thanks..." they mumbled softly, squirming uncomfortably. They could never understand where Stormpaw's confidence came from.

Shellbrook | Sunclan Warrior | Maplebush

Shellbrook giggled at Ivykit's shenanigans, a rare occurrence from the closed off she cat. "He'll make a great squirrel catcher." Her eyes fell on the rest of the kits individually, filled with an unfamiliar warmth. Was this how kits were supposed to make you feel? "Those are all wonderful names."

She fell into a slightly uncomfortable silence after this, watching the kits as they squirmed and played. She glanced down at the ground for a moment, wondering the appropriateness of her next question. "Who's the father?" She asked, looking back up at Maplebush, "If you don't mind me asking," she added quickly, hoping she did not seem rude.

Salmon/Salmonnose | Sunclan Warrior | Vulpes

Growing bored and too restless to stay in the camp, Salmon padded out into the forest. Naturally, her paws dragged her to the edge of their territory, back to the Deadlands. She leapt easily over the rocks, landing on the opposite side of the river with a plume of ash surrounding her paws. Her ears pricked at the sound of movement, and she dropped into a crouch. Normally, her bright orange pelt would stand out like a rose in a snowfield, but she hoped the darkness would help disguise her. The ashes made scents hard to distinguish, but the sounds of splashing confirmed there was another cat here.

The sound of a yowl made Salmon run to the noise, and she blinked in surprise at the sight of a cat scrambling on the river shore. The cat was on Stoneclan's side, and Salmon tilted her head in confusion. She could make out the cat's bright orange pelt, and she seemed barely old enough to be an apprentice. Either that or she was just small. Although it looked like the cat needed help, Salmon could take advantage of it's inability to escape to ask some questions.

"Hey! Are you from Stoneclan?" She shouted, appearing out of the darkness. "You don't look like you are, your pelt's too bright for Stoneclan." Unless you considered that golden apprentice, but Salmon considered that a rarity.
Vulpes | Rouge | The deadlands | Salmon/ Salmonnose

Vulpes looked at the cat "No im a houseca... a rouge." she told the cat. She really hoped the cat could help her soon.
Vulpes | Rouge | The deadlands | Salmon/ Salmonnose

Vulpes looked at the cat "No im a houseca... a rouge." she told the cat. She really hoped the cat could help her soon.
Rocky | He/Him | CET [FR+9]
Art Fight | Art Shop
Fallowbrook|Stoneclan med apprentice|Waspstar

Fallowbrook woke up ony a few minutes later, unable to sleep. She slowly stood up, moving quietly out of the medicine den. She stepped carefully as she padded up the highledge. Trembling, she tsuck her head into Waspstars den, before fully stepping in.

"Waspstar, I'm so sorry, but I need to talk to you..." she meowed quietly.

Maplebush|sunclan queen|Shellbrook

Maplebush chukcled at Ivykit as he darted out from under her fur, rushing faster then hs siblings could towards Shellbrook. With a swift leap, he flew towards Shellbropok, landing safely on her shoulder. "Ivykit, stop attacking her please." Maplebush meowed.

"Don't worry, I don't mind at all." she purred to Shellbrook as ivykit rejoined his siblings. "The father is Blacktail. He went hunting just as you arrived." she meowed happily.

Fallowbrook|Stoneclan med apprentice|Waspstar

Fallowbrook woke up ony a few minutes later, unable to sleep. She slowly stood up, moving quietly out of the medicine den. She stepped carefully as she padded up the highledge. Trembling, she tsuck her head into Waspstars den, before fully stepping in.

"Waspstar, I'm so sorry, but I need to talk to you..." she meowed quietly.

Maplebush|sunclan queen|Shellbrook

Maplebush chukcled at Ivykit as he darted out from under her fur, rushing faster then hs siblings could towards Shellbrook. With a swift leap, he flew towards Shellbropok, landing safely on her shoulder. "Ivykit, stop attacking her please." Maplebush meowed.

"Don't worry, I don't mind at all." she purred to Shellbrook as ivykit rejoined his siblings. "The father is Blacktail. He went hunting just as you arrived." she meowed happily.

Red - He/They
Art Shop
Bio Shop

Dapplefeather/ Warrior/ Stoneclan

"A rouge?" Dapplefeather mewed. "Why are you here?" The she-cat padded coser to the young cat.
Dapplefeather/ Warrior/ Stoneclan

"A rouge?" Dapplefeather mewed. "Why are you here?" The she-cat padded coser to the young cat.
[b]Waspstar | Stoneclan Leader | Fallowbrook[/b] Waspstar lifted his head when the medicine cat entered, his tired eyes meeting her. "Yes Fallowbrook?" he mewed, shifting to a more comfortable position in his nest, "There's no need to apologize, you can always take to me." His voice was gentle, comforting. Fallowbrook had seemed slightly different since she had returned, and Waspstar wondered if that's what this was about. She should know that while Stoneclan was not always friendly towards outsiders, they would always welcome their own back. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Shellbrook | Sunclan Warrior | Maplebush[/b] Shellbrook smiled at Ivykit, ruffling his head with her paw after he leaped off her. "Really?" Shellbrook asked, slightly surprised. "Congratulations." She took another look at the kits around her thoughtfully. "They look a lot like both of you," she praised, dipping her head. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Salmon/Salmonnose | Sunclan Warrior | Vulpes[/b] Salmon jumped at the sudden appearance of the Stoneclan cat, whipping around to face the newcomer. "Hey! I was here first!" She snapped, lashing her tail. She was slightly bigger than the other she cat, and she smirked. Maybe she would get her fight after all. "Also, yes, why are you here?" Salmon demanded, looking down at the struggling cat. "I'm not gonna help you up unless you answer," she threatened, flashing the Stoneclan cat with a sharp look. [i]Don't you dare interfere. [/i] [center][img][/img][/center]
Waspstar | Stoneclan Leader | Fallowbrook

Waspstar lifted his head when the medicine cat entered, his tired eyes meeting her. "Yes Fallowbrook?" he mewed, shifting to a more comfortable position in his nest, "There's no need to apologize, you can always take to me." His voice was gentle, comforting. Fallowbrook had seemed slightly different since she had returned, and Waspstar wondered if that's what this was about. She should know that while Stoneclan was not always friendly towards outsiders, they would always welcome their own back.

Shellbrook | Sunclan Warrior | Maplebush

Shellbrook smiled at Ivykit, ruffling his head with her paw after he leaped off her. "Really?" Shellbrook asked, slightly surprised. "Congratulations." She took another look at the kits around her thoughtfully. "They look a lot like both of you," she praised, dipping her head.

Salmon/Salmonnose | Sunclan Warrior | Vulpes

Salmon jumped at the sudden appearance of the Stoneclan cat, whipping around to face the newcomer. "Hey! I was here first!" She snapped, lashing her tail. She was slightly bigger than the other she cat, and she smirked. Maybe she would get her fight after all.

"Also, yes, why are you here?" Salmon demanded, looking down at the struggling cat. "I'm not gonna help you up unless you answer," she threatened, flashing the Stoneclan cat with a sharp look. Don't you dare interfere.
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