
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Twisting Lights Post-Happy Flameforgers!
[center][font=Century Gothic][url=]What is this thread?[/url] | [url=]Meet the Team[/url] | [url=]Archived Articles[/url] | [url=]Latest Article[/url][/center] @Amaranth41 @unidra [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [font=Century Gothic][size=4] News Reporter: Twisting Lights Owl Post Delivery Owl Sir Hadley Bartholomew Lightsworn Light Corespondent Sir Hadley didn't usually come out of the office and deal with the crowd of dragons who regularly congregated outside the HQ these days. It wasn't that he didn't like other dragons or that he couldn't put on a happy smile. No... it was because of the others; well Hedwig, to be precise. She felt he was a bit too "fragile" to speak to the masses. Maybe she was right but the tundra just shrugged to himself and sighed inwardly. The others were busy getting the new edition of today's Post ready for publication and, to be honest, Hedwig was in no shape to be making announcements. This recent news struck close to home to many of the Twisting Lights dragons, including the staff at the Post. Amidst his rambling thoughts, Hadley noticed several more subscribers had added their addresses to the subscription box. He eagerly retrieved the notices and smiled when he saw one of the recent sign-ups was from the Sunbeam Ruins. It looked like he would have another delivery route today. Then the tundra noticed the Wildclaw with the glass like wings holding a letter. He gasped, "Is that a letter to the writers of the Post? I'll gladly take it inside and add it to today's edition!" Hadley noticed another dragon with a letter, a pearlcatcher with bright purple wings, "I'll take this one too!"
@Amaranth41 @unidra News Reporter:
Twisting Lights Owl Post Delivery Owl
Sir Hadley Bartholomew Lightsworn
Light Corespondent

Sir Hadley didn't usually come out of the office and deal with the crowd of dragons who regularly congregated outside the HQ these days. It wasn't that he didn't like other dragons or that he couldn't put on a happy smile. No... it was because of the others; well Hedwig, to be precise. She felt he was a bit too "fragile" to speak to the masses. Maybe she was right but the tundra just shrugged to himself and sighed inwardly.

The others were busy getting the new edition of today's Post ready for publication and, to be honest, Hedwig was in no shape to be making announcements. This recent news struck close to home to many of the Twisting Lights dragons, including the staff at the Post. Amidst his rambling thoughts, Hadley noticed several more subscribers had added their addresses to the subscription box. He eagerly retrieved the notices and smiled when he saw one of the recent sign-ups was from the Sunbeam Ruins. It looked like he would have another delivery route today.

Then the tundra noticed the Wildclaw with the glass like wings holding a letter. He gasped, "Is that a letter to the writers of the Post? I'll gladly take it inside and add it to today's edition!"

Hadley noticed another dragon with a letter, a pearlcatcher with bright purple wings, "I'll take this one too!"
[center][font=Century Gothic][url=]What is this thread?[/url] | [url=]Meet the Team[/url] | [url=]Archived Articles[/url] | [url=]Latest Article[/url][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [font=Century Gothic][size=4] News Reporter: Twisting Lights Owl Post Delivery Owl Pern S. Roth Earth/Lightning Corespondent The earth-toned coatl in his fancy steampunk suit walked outside and a pleasant, if not slightly bored, smile graced his aristocratic face, "On behalf of the Twisting Lights Post Team, I would like to inform everyone that the newest paper edition has been published and is now being distributed to your various clans. Several letters were submitted to us before this addition went out and both made it into today's edition. Please continue to write to us as we very much like to hear what you have to say and we look forward to helping calm your fears if we can." @ShadowPiper @Eiira @QyetLady @Polyhymnia @unidra @ShardofSun @Thace @Nydra @effervience @drawingdeamon @Argante @Sidegrinder @Elisse @LightningShatter @CrAZDragon @Demonskid @RingsofSaturn @Mistwing608 @TAisreal @Whitefeather @Lykomancer @Turquai @LotusCandy @ToxicToucan @DawnSky @TheWhiteTigerGod @RobotNix @nika @Tomata @CrazyassBat @Minstri @MerryClarinet @Matou @TwilitBard @Hinumi @Tigenki @Amaranth41 @Harmonywish @EarthTiger ((In other news, go ahead and give this thread a comment or two if you liked today's post to keep the thread from getting buried. I'd very much appreciate that if you could :D Also thanks Amaranth41 and unidra for sending in letters! They were a lot of fun to answer. Enjoy today's post! Its a bit emotional because Wind is my home flight and I wanted to get it right!))
News Reporter:
Twisting Lights Owl Post Delivery Owl Pern S. Roth
Earth/Lightning Corespondent

The earth-toned coatl in his fancy steampunk suit walked outside and a pleasant, if not slightly bored, smile graced his aristocratic face, "On behalf of the Twisting Lights Post Team, I would like to inform everyone that the newest paper edition has been published and is now being distributed to your various clans. Several letters were submitted to us before this addition went out and both made it into today's edition. Please continue to write to us as we very much like to hear what you have to say and we look forward to helping calm your fears if we can."

@ShadowPiper @Eiira @QyetLady @Polyhymnia @unidra @ShardofSun @Thace @Nydra @effervience @drawingdeamon @Argante @Sidegrinder @Elisse @LightningShatter @CrAZDragon @Demonskid @RingsofSaturn @Mistwing608 @TAisreal @Whitefeather @Lykomancer @Turquai @LotusCandy @ToxicToucan @DawnSky @TheWhiteTigerGod @RobotNix @nika @Tomata @CrazyassBat @Minstri @MerryClarinet @Matou @TwilitBard @Hinumi @Tigenki @Amaranth41 @Harmonywish @EarthTiger

((In other news, go ahead and give this thread a comment or two if you liked today's post to keep the thread from getting buried. I'd very much appreciate that if you could :D Also thanks Amaranth41 and unidra for sending in letters! They were a lot of fun to answer. Enjoy today's post! Its a bit emotional because Wind is my home flight and I wanted to get it right!))
This is amazing! Please add me to the pinglist!
This is amazing! Please add me to the pinglist!
@CrazyRedFire [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] The speckled tundra circled the area, coming in for a practiced landing near to the headquarters of the paper. It hadn't been overly hard to find- the constant activity of reporters and deliveries coming and going had made it easy to spot. Shaking herself off after her flight (and sending some loose soot particles flying), she reached into her satchel and pulled out two letters that were postmarked for delivery to this address. Striding with purpose, she approached the front gate, knocking twice and waiting for someone to answer her. She would have loved to explore the printing facility- even just a peek in was quite exhilirating- but she had a schedule to keep, and more mail to deliver yet. ------ Dear Twisting Lights Post, Hello. My name is SimpleLullaby, and I was hoping to get your opinion on a theory of mine regarding recent events. As you have seen, several strange happenings involving various flights have been occuring as of late. They seem to be at random, BUT what if they are all predicted, or even expected? I theorize that these events are either caused by, or at least forewarned by the deities themselves. Not long before the sudden increase in intensity of the winter storms near the Fortress of Ends and the Crags, the Icewarden had proclaimed that "The ice reclaims". In addition, Stormcatcher has been quoted as saying that "The lightning.... it surges" but a few weeks before the increase in lei line power that broke the ancient Lightning glass. On top of that, our very own Windsinger briefly appeared to say that "The winds... they change". Now that we finally have our winds back after months of stifling under the smoke and doldrums, they are blowing [u]in the opposite direction[/u]. Coincidence? I propose not. While I am still attempting to gather information from friends in other far-flung clans as to the activities of their deities in an attempt to predict events, I feel that the connections thus far can not be overlooked. I would very much appreciate your input on my idea, as well as if you should like to recieve further notes on any findings I may stumble across in my research. Thank you for your time, SimpleLullaby City of Caesura Wind/Fire border Wind territory ------ To the Attention of the Twisting Lights Post: Namesong Postal requests a subscription to your esteemed paper, as well as delivery to our headquarters location, 246 Libration Street, Caesura, Wind Territory. We also hope to work with your group to establish delivery routes within our city, so as to provide your news outlet to other local businesses, such as The Roundhouse Pub, Lucky Eight Tavern, South Shore Trading Company, and others within the city proper. Such a partnership should prove most beneficial to both of our businesses, I should think. Please consider and send your answer. Sincerely, Chief Manager MorningLight Namesong Postal Service City of Caesura Wind Territory ------ Once the pair of letters were safely in the custody of the Newspaper Office, she took off once more, quick to get back to her mail delivery route. (This is awesome, by the way! I love reading this, and found it quite fun because my clan runs a postal delivery service. ^^)

The speckled tundra circled the area, coming in for a practiced landing near to the headquarters of the paper. It hadn't been overly hard to find- the constant activity of reporters and deliveries coming and going had made it easy to spot. Shaking herself off after her flight (and sending some loose soot particles flying), she reached into her satchel and pulled out two letters that were postmarked for delivery to this address. Striding with purpose, she approached the front gate, knocking twice and waiting for someone to answer her. She would have loved to explore the printing facility- even just a peek in was quite exhilirating- but she had a schedule to keep, and more mail to deliver yet.

Dear Twisting Lights Post,

Hello. My name is SimpleLullaby, and I was hoping to get your opinion on a theory of mine regarding recent events. As you have seen, several strange happenings involving various flights have been occuring as of late. They seem to be at random, BUT what if they are all predicted, or even expected? I theorize that these events are either caused by, or at least forewarned by the deities themselves. Not long before the sudden increase in intensity of the winter storms near the Fortress of Ends and the Crags, the Icewarden had proclaimed that "The ice reclaims". In addition, Stormcatcher has been quoted as saying that "The lightning.... it surges" but a few weeks before the increase in lei line power that broke the ancient Lightning glass. On top of that, our very own Windsinger briefly appeared to say that "The winds... they change". Now that we finally have our winds back after months of stifling under the smoke and doldrums, they are blowing in the opposite direction. Coincidence? I propose not. While I am still attempting to gather information from friends in other far-flung clans as to the activities of their deities in an attempt to predict events, I feel that the connections thus far can not be overlooked. I would very much appreciate your input on my idea, as well as if you should like to recieve further notes on any findings I may stumble across in my research.

Thank you for your time,

City of Caesura
Wind/Fire border
Wind territory

To the Attention of the Twisting Lights Post:

Namesong Postal requests a subscription to your esteemed paper, as well as delivery to our headquarters location, 246 Libration Street, Caesura, Wind Territory. We also hope to work with your group to establish delivery routes within our city, so as to provide your news outlet to other local businesses, such as The Roundhouse Pub, Lucky Eight Tavern, South Shore Trading Company, and others within the city proper. Such a partnership should prove most beneficial to both of our businesses, I should think. Please consider and send your answer.

Chief Manager MorningLight

Namesong Postal Service
City of Caesura
Wind Territory

Once the pair of letters were safely in the custody of the Newspaper Office, she took off once more, quick to get back to her mail delivery route.

(This is awesome, by the way! I love reading this, and found it quite fun because my clan runs a postal delivery service. ^^)
[center][font=Century Gothic][url=]What is this thread?[/url] | [url=]Meet the Team[/url] | [url=]Archived Articles[/url] | [url=]Latest Article[/url][/center] @GrinningWolf24 [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [font=Century Gothic][size=4] News Reporter: Twisting Lights Owl Post Delivery Owl Hestia Jones Nature/Shadow Corespondent [/size][/font][font=Century Gothic] As Hestia Jones made her rounds outside headquarters she noticed a tundra with travelling gear on. She knew that gleam in her eyes! That was the gleam of a fellow postal worker! She rushed over in a fluff of feathers, nearly knocking her cornsake George off her shoulders, and gladly accepted the two letters the messenger handed her. Then she waved happily as the tundra flew off again, "Thank you and safe travels!" She opened both letters after the tundra was out of sight and read through them quickly. The first one was a "Letters to the Editors" letter so she tucked it safely inside her vest. She'd have to add it to the publication pile for the next day's edition. The second letter made her eyes widen in surprise before bursting out in laughter, "This is fantastic! President! We just got the [i]best[/i] business proposal!" She flew excitedly back inside the office after emptying the subscription box and carrying its contents with her. More delivery routes to make for tomorrow's edition! ((Thanks for the post! That was totally awesome to read and reply too! The Post Owls will probably send a letter back tomorrow to Chief Manager MorningLight too. President Hedwig will make the journey personally since the address is from Wind.))
@GrinningWolf24 News Reporter:
Twisting Lights Owl Post Delivery Owl Hestia Jones
Nature/Shadow Corespondent

As Hestia Jones made her rounds outside headquarters she noticed a tundra with travelling gear on. She knew that gleam in her eyes! That was the gleam of a fellow postal worker! She rushed over in a fluff of feathers, nearly knocking her cornsake George off her shoulders, and gladly accepted the two letters the messenger handed her. Then she waved happily as the tundra flew off again, "Thank you and safe travels!"

She opened both letters after the tundra was out of sight and read through them quickly. The first one was a "Letters to the Editors" letter so she tucked it safely inside her vest. She'd have to add it to the publication pile for the next day's edition.

The second letter made her eyes widen in surprise before bursting out in laughter, "This is fantastic! President! We just got the best business proposal!" She flew excitedly back inside the office after emptying the subscription box and carrying its contents with her. More delivery routes to make for tomorrow's edition!

((Thanks for the post! That was totally awesome to read and reply too! The Post Owls will probably send a letter back tomorrow to Chief Manager MorningLight too. President Hedwig will make the journey personally since the address is from Wind.))
@ShadowPiper @Eiira @QyetLady @Polyhymnia @unidra @ShardofSun @Thace @Nydra @effervience @drawingdeamon @Argante @Sidegrinder @Elisse @LightningShatter @CrAZDragon @Demonskid @RingsofSaturn @Mistwing608 @TAisreal @Whitefeather @Lykomancer @Turquai @LotusCandy @ToxicToucan @DawnSky @TheWhiteTigerGod @RobotNix @nika @Tomata @CrazyassBat @Minstri @MerryClarinet @Matou @TwilitBard @Hinumi @Tigenki @Amaranth41 @Harmonywish @EarthTiger @ThornOfStorm130 @GrinningWolf24

Sorry for the non-new-edition ping but I wanted to let you all know the next installment of the paper will probably be another evening addition because I'm going to an ostrich yes I said ostrich festival tomorrow and wont be here in the morning when the next lorebook comes out.

Also is everyone liking the letters to the editor section so far? I think I've decided to do the section if I get letters but if I don't get them for a certain day I'll do a funnies section instead.

And if there is anyone who would like to be pinged whenever the Twisting Lights Staff make a cameo appearance in the thread for non-new-edition-front-page posts, let me know and I'll make a separate pinglist for that. I didn't want to use the full pinglist in case it got annoying to some folks. Let me know here in this thread!

@ShadowPiper @Eiira @QyetLady @Polyhymnia @unidra @ShardofSun @Thace @Nydra @effervience @drawingdeamon @Argante @Sidegrinder @Elisse @LightningShatter @CrAZDragon @Demonskid @RingsofSaturn @Mistwing608 @TAisreal @Whitefeather @Lykomancer @Turquai @LotusCandy @ToxicToucan @DawnSky @TheWhiteTigerGod @RobotNix @nika @Tomata @CrazyassBat @Minstri @MerryClarinet @Matou @TwilitBard @Hinumi @Tigenki @Amaranth41 @Harmonywish @EarthTiger @ThornOfStorm130 @GrinningWolf24

Sorry for the non-new-edition ping but I wanted to let you all know the next installment of the paper will probably be another evening addition because I'm going to an ostrich yes I said ostrich festival tomorrow and wont be here in the morning when the next lorebook comes out.

Also is everyone liking the letters to the editor section so far? I think I've decided to do the section if I get letters but if I don't get them for a certain day I'll do a funnies section instead.

And if there is anyone who would like to be pinged whenever the Twisting Lights Staff make a cameo appearance in the thread for non-new-edition-front-page posts, let me know and I'll make a separate pinglist for that. I didn't want to use the full pinglist in case it got annoying to some folks. Let me know here in this thread!


Please add me to the pinglist! Love this idea. :) And kudos to your well-thought-out Clan lore.

Please add me to the pinglist! Love this idea. :) And kudos to your well-thought-out Clan lore.
@CrazyRedFire i enjoy the letters, and i'd love to hear more from your staff!! :>
@CrazyRedFire i enjoy the letters, and i'd love to hear more from your staff!! :>

fr +4
@CrazyRedFire Can I be added to the pinglist please?
@CrazyRedFire Can I be added to the pinglist please?
@CrazyRedFire [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The skydancer land right front of the headquarters of the Twisting Lights Post, he need to hurry, the letter that he brought is a special delivery, so without hesitation step to the front gate and knock in. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sir or Madam, I'm Euryn Sharpclaw. I'd like to requests a subscription to your newspaper. It would be a great help to us, so we can inform our local citizens and travellers as well, about the strange circumstances of Sornieth. I'm sure your news saved several lives of adventurers, because they got inform about the storms of The Southern Icefield and the current situtanion of The Ashfall Waste. Sincerely, Guard Captain Adhara Sharpclaw Fortress City of Windsong Valley Cloudsong Wind Territory


The skydancer land right front of the headquarters of the Twisting Lights Post, he need to hurry, the letter that he brought is a special delivery, so without hesitation step to the front gate and knock in.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm Euryn Sharpclaw. I'd like to requests a subscription to your newspaper. It would be a great help to us, so we can inform our local citizens and travellers as well, about the strange circumstances of Sornieth.
I'm sure your news saved several lives of adventurers, because they got inform about the storms of The Southern Icefield and the current situtanion of The Ashfall Waste.

Guard Captain Adhara Sharpclaw

City of Windsong Valley
Wind Territory
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