

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Draw of Avenda (Modern Fantasy) LFG
Joshua felt a little defensive at the man's berating. He'd been defending himself and his companions. But he let it go. This new guy had probably just saved their lives. "Thanks," he nodded and looked back at Rhys. They'd been on a bit of a roller coaster, and who knew what they'd discover by following him. But they'd come this far...

He turned back to the door, held open by Mandy. When had she gone inside anyway? At least she was safe. His mind was now free to start analyzing what had just happened. "Magic" the guy had said. Magic... Joshua was having a hard time accepting it. But what else could it be?
Joshua felt a little defensive at the man's berating. He'd been defending himself and his companions. But he let it go. This new guy had probably just saved their lives. "Thanks," he nodded and looked back at Rhys. They'd been on a bit of a roller coaster, and who knew what they'd discover by following him. But they'd come this far...

He turned back to the door, held open by Mandy. When had she gone inside anyway? At least she was safe. His mind was now free to start analyzing what had just happened. "Magic" the guy had said. Magic... Joshua was having a hard time accepting it. But what else could it be?
Rhys looked towards the man after exchanging looks with Josh. He didn't seem to be a threat, though Rhys did a double take seeing Mandy at the door. He glanced towards the car, where he last saw her, and back to the door where she now was.

He gave a mental shrug, and glanced down at the jewelry. Now what? He didn't want to put them on, with all the rings and bracelets and was all rather gaudy all at once. Rhys looked around, shrugged, and shoved them into his hoodie pocket.
Rhys looked towards the man after exchanging looks with Josh. He didn't seem to be a threat, though Rhys did a double take seeing Mandy at the door. He glanced towards the car, where he last saw her, and back to the door where she now was.

He gave a mental shrug, and glanced down at the jewelry. Now what? He didn't want to put them on, with all the rings and bracelets and was all rather gaudy all at once. Rhys looked around, shrugged, and shoved them into his hoodie pocket.
The big man assumes you follow and as you cross the threshold of the door Mandy throws her arms around both of you.

"I was so scared," her voice sounds like she's holding back tears, "I thought she was going to kill you--"

There's three others there who are all staring pointedly at the three of you. One is a tall thin man dressed as a butler, another a short average sized woman dressed as a maid, and the last an average height man heavy set man dressed as a chef. The whole time the big burly man is grumbling under his breath about rules and how dare there and stuff. The eyes of the staff members flick from the three of you to the man and back again. Finally the man speaks.

"Get to work you three," He practically barks at them, "Mirana, get three rooms ready, nice ones. Eliodin send a message to Grimior and tell them they are banned from my establishments-and if you value your ears you'll make it sound like a dragon wrote it and *not* an elf. Michale, food and drinks."

There's a bunch of" Yes sirs" and the three scatter.
The big man assumes you follow and as you cross the threshold of the door Mandy throws her arms around both of you.

"I was so scared," her voice sounds like she's holding back tears, "I thought she was going to kill you--"

There's three others there who are all staring pointedly at the three of you. One is a tall thin man dressed as a butler, another a short average sized woman dressed as a maid, and the last an average height man heavy set man dressed as a chef. The whole time the big burly man is grumbling under his breath about rules and how dare there and stuff. The eyes of the staff members flick from the three of you to the man and back again. Finally the man speaks.

"Get to work you three," He practically barks at them, "Mirana, get three rooms ready, nice ones. Eliodin send a message to Grimior and tell them they are banned from my establishments-and if you value your ears you'll make it sound like a dragon wrote it and *not* an elf. Michale, food and drinks."

There's a bunch of" Yes sirs" and the three scatter.
Mandy pounced on them as soon as they stepped in. Rhys didn't reply, completely unsure as to how she got by them and into this hotel type place. He gave her a comforting squeeze while looking around.

This wasn't like any hotel he's been in before. It seemed snazzier than usual...especially with a stereotypical butler, maid, and chef with uniforms and whatnot coming to peer at them. Well, a maid wouldn't be out of place, but he's never seen a butler or chef in a hotel. Usually there's a concierge desk, or one of those do-it-yourself continental breakfast things. While his family was more well off, they weren't that well off for the ritzy places either.

"Where are we...?"
Mandy pounced on them as soon as they stepped in. Rhys didn't reply, completely unsure as to how she got by them and into this hotel type place. He gave her a comforting squeeze while looking around.

This wasn't like any hotel he's been in before. It seemed snazzier than usual...especially with a stereotypical butler, maid, and chef with uniforms and whatnot coming to peer at them. Well, a maid wouldn't be out of place, but he's never seen a butler or chef in a hotel. Usually there's a concierge desk, or one of those do-it-yourself continental breakfast things. While his family was more well off, they weren't that well off for the ritzy places either.

"Where are we...?"
((Sorry for being slow this week - I've been a bit sick and not very on top of things. XP ))

Joshua awkwardly patted Mandy on the back after she threw herself on him and Rhys. He was glad she was okay.

As the burly man barked orders, Joshua's heart almost stopped when he mentioned Grimoir. Was he turning them in? But he went on to say they weren't welcome here and he sighed in relief. Maybe he was on their side after all. At the very least, he wasn't with Grimoir. And it seemed they'd be provided rooms and a meal. He hoped for free, though he supposed he had his emergency credit card if it came to that. The didn't want to seem ungrateful to the man who'd saved their lives.

He was about to say thanks again, but Rhys beat him and asked where they were, which was an excellent question. "Yeah, I've lived in this city all my life, but I've never noticed this place..." he chimed in.
((Sorry for being slow this week - I've been a bit sick and not very on top of things. XP ))

Joshua awkwardly patted Mandy on the back after she threw herself on him and Rhys. He was glad she was okay.

As the burly man barked orders, Joshua's heart almost stopped when he mentioned Grimoir. Was he turning them in? But he went on to say they weren't welcome here and he sighed in relief. Maybe he was on their side after all. At the very least, he wasn't with Grimoir. And it seemed they'd be provided rooms and a meal. He hoped for free, though he supposed he had his emergency credit card if it came to that. The didn't want to seem ungrateful to the man who'd saved their lives.

He was about to say thanks again, but Rhys beat him and asked where they were, which was an excellent question. "Yeah, I've lived in this city all my life, but I've never noticed this place..." he chimed in.
"You're at my Inn," the big man says walking away. You get the feeling that he expects you to follow. Your heading the general direction the chef went.

"Never noticed it before because you weren't looking for it. Human's tend not see what's right in front of them. Or at least they don't see things they don't believe in. There's also an obscure spell so normal folk don't notice the place."

You guys round a corner and walk into a room with many table settings. The ceiling is vaulted and there's a ballroom feel to the room. Perhaps that was the purpose of the large room when the tables and chairs weren't there. One table is set for four. Each sitting has finely crafted silverware and a drink. It's a circular table and the big guy sits in front of a large, Norse looking mug. It's hard to see inside the steaming contents.

Mandy blinks and looks at the other sittings at the table. One has a tall glass of what is either coke or Pepsi. She takes that seat. The other two seats have.... ((whatever your character would find most appealing at this specific moment. Doesn't matter what it is, it's there, perfect temperature, in a cup/mug they would be comfortable with using, just the way you like it.))

((and it's more than okay if you're sick or busy! Things happen))
"You're at my Inn," the big man says walking away. You get the feeling that he expects you to follow. Your heading the general direction the chef went.

"Never noticed it before because you weren't looking for it. Human's tend not see what's right in front of them. Or at least they don't see things they don't believe in. There's also an obscure spell so normal folk don't notice the place."

You guys round a corner and walk into a room with many table settings. The ceiling is vaulted and there's a ballroom feel to the room. Perhaps that was the purpose of the large room when the tables and chairs weren't there. One table is set for four. Each sitting has finely crafted silverware and a drink. It's a circular table and the big guy sits in front of a large, Norse looking mug. It's hard to see inside the steaming contents.

Mandy blinks and looks at the other sittings at the table. One has a tall glass of what is either coke or Pepsi. She takes that seat. The other two seats have.... ((whatever your character would find most appealing at this specific moment. Doesn't matter what it is, it's there, perfect temperature, in a cup/mug they would be comfortable with using, just the way you like it.))

((and it's more than okay if you're sick or busy! Things happen))
Rhys followed warily, but yet curiosity won out. They were safe for the moment, it seems. They were lead to a room that left him with the impression of a wedding reception his family had attended several years back. A cousin's on the other side of the country. It was rather nice looking, but, with the exception of one table set for four, it was obviously not being used. Not was ridiculously late.

The innkeeper sat at one of the settings, which had what looked like a stereotypical Norse mead mug. Mandy, after a quick examination of the table, went towards a spot that looked like it had a glass of pop. Rhys made way towards a spot with a large mug. Coffee, he thought, until he sat down. Hot cocoa, which he didn't think he would have wanted until he saw it.
Rhys followed warily, but yet curiosity won out. They were safe for the moment, it seems. They were lead to a room that left him with the impression of a wedding reception his family had attended several years back. A cousin's on the other side of the country. It was rather nice looking, but, with the exception of one table set for four, it was obviously not being used. Not was ridiculously late.

The innkeeper sat at one of the settings, which had what looked like a stereotypical Norse mead mug. Mandy, after a quick examination of the table, went towards a spot that looked like it had a glass of pop. Rhys made way towards a spot with a large mug. Coffee, he thought, until he sat down. Hot cocoa, which he didn't think he would have wanted until he saw it.
Joshua followed the others, mulling things over. "Humans tend not to see it." That's what the man had said. Humans. He'd also told the butler to make the letter sound like a dragon had written it, not an elf. Joshua had thought that had been a joke of sorts, but now he wasn't so sure. Did that mean there were really other beings besides humans? And would that be so hard to believe if magic did indeed exist?

Joshua shook his head. He was too tired to process anything properly. He hardly even appreciated the grandeur of the large room as he took the last seat at the table. But he was happy to find a tall glass of iced tea waiting for him. He took a large gulp and relaxed into the chair. He felt like he could drop off to sleep right then and there, even as a hundred question chased themselves around his head. Maybe all the "magic" was catching up to him.

"So... this is a magical inn?" he asked, unable to keep the skepticism out of his voice.
Joshua followed the others, mulling things over. "Humans tend not to see it." That's what the man had said. Humans. He'd also told the butler to make the letter sound like a dragon had written it, not an elf. Joshua had thought that had been a joke of sorts, but now he wasn't so sure. Did that mean there were really other beings besides humans? And would that be so hard to believe if magic did indeed exist?

Joshua shook his head. He was too tired to process anything properly. He hardly even appreciated the grandeur of the large room as he took the last seat at the table. But he was happy to find a tall glass of iced tea waiting for him. He took a large gulp and relaxed into the chair. He felt like he could drop off to sleep right then and there, even as a hundred question chased themselves around his head. Maybe all the "magic" was catching up to him.

"So... this is a magical inn?" he asked, unable to keep the skepticism out of his voice.
"What? No, of course not. Well, the walls aren't magical or anything. Inanimate objects, though they have life to them do not have magic," He took a long drink from his mug, "Jackle didn't have much of a chance to explain things, I see," He thumbs his chin, "Poor timing on that," his voice and tone is softer, more speaking to himself, "Gonna have to call his wife and Veritas."

While he's musing things out loud the chef approaches, doing a very good job juggling four dome covered trays while weaving around the tables. From the door you see the butler enter the room and stand by the door, though he isn't in your hosts view point.

"What is it, Eliodin?" His voice sounds exasperated and the butler while forward while the chef places a plate in front of each of you without uncovering the lid.

Once close enough to the table, the butler gives a partial bow, "Sir, Redinald is here-"

"Did he have the idiocy to enter the Inn?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Tell him if he enters I'll incinerate him before he gets a chance to speak. If tomorrow they want to talk to him, I'll consider letting him in. After that give Veritas a call and explain what happened. And sound as elvish as you like with that one."

"Very good, sir."

The butler bows again, though this time hair falls in his face. As he straightens and turns you see it. His ears. You're not sure how you didn't notice it earlier but they are, well, pointed. And not the soft little hint of a point,they are very much what most people would call elvish and very much pointed.

((Sorry for throwing delay! Things got busy. If you lift the dome from the plate you'll see food. And much like the drink it's whatever you happen to be craving at this moment. The exact cut, or taste, it's what you want the most. And it's as fancy as possible, so if you wanted a sandwich you got it but it looks fancy))
"What? No, of course not. Well, the walls aren't magical or anything. Inanimate objects, though they have life to them do not have magic," He took a long drink from his mug, "Jackle didn't have much of a chance to explain things, I see," He thumbs his chin, "Poor timing on that," his voice and tone is softer, more speaking to himself, "Gonna have to call his wife and Veritas."

While he's musing things out loud the chef approaches, doing a very good job juggling four dome covered trays while weaving around the tables. From the door you see the butler enter the room and stand by the door, though he isn't in your hosts view point.

"What is it, Eliodin?" His voice sounds exasperated and the butler while forward while the chef places a plate in front of each of you without uncovering the lid.

Once close enough to the table, the butler gives a partial bow, "Sir, Redinald is here-"

"Did he have the idiocy to enter the Inn?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Tell him if he enters I'll incinerate him before he gets a chance to speak. If tomorrow they want to talk to him, I'll consider letting him in. After that give Veritas a call and explain what happened. And sound as elvish as you like with that one."

"Very good, sir."

The butler bows again, though this time hair falls in his face. As he straightens and turns you see it. His ears. You're not sure how you didn't notice it earlier but they are, well, pointed. And not the soft little hint of a point,they are very much what most people would call elvish and very much pointed.

((Sorry for throwing delay! Things got busy. If you lift the dome from the plate you'll see food. And much like the drink it's whatever you happen to be craving at this moment. The exact cut, or taste, it's what you want the most. And it's as fancy as possible, so if you wanted a sandwich you got it but it looks fancy))
The innkeeper answered Josh's question, in a rambling way it seemed. Magic? Rhys figured he might need to have his head checked after this...maybe a CT scan? The chef returned with covered plates and places each one before them.

Rhys wasn't hungry. So he rather ignored the covered plate before him, though he could detect what smelled like a nice grilled steak underneath it. He peeked, and yes...a nice delmonico, grilled just the way he liked it. There was a little cup of zip sauce next to it, and some steamed asparagus, and a nicely steaming baked potato with butter and sour cream. He moved to cover the plate back up.

Jackle? Rhys assumed that that was referring to Jack. Interesting. Even though he didn't really know the man, certainly not for more than an hour, if that, but it did give him a little twinge to know the man had a wife. That made Rhys think of Piri. She had just graduated, and while both were out of school at the moment, there might be something permanent there. Once schooling was done. How would this affect them? Would she be in danger? How would he explain this?

The butler had returned, so the conversation was directed away from them for a few moments. Rhys realized suddenly that, while he was watching the innkeeper and the butler, he absently began to eat the food before him. He wasn't that hungry, but it did seem like he was always eating...something his mother and Piri always teased him about. The asparagus was gone, and he was most of the way through the steak.

Elf? Dragon? Rhys paused in chewing a tender bite of flavorful steak. It was then that he noticed the butler certainly had pronounced that implied "elf". "What is happening here...?" he couldn't help but ask, after swallowing that bite of steak rather hard.
The innkeeper answered Josh's question, in a rambling way it seemed. Magic? Rhys figured he might need to have his head checked after this...maybe a CT scan? The chef returned with covered plates and places each one before them.

Rhys wasn't hungry. So he rather ignored the covered plate before him, though he could detect what smelled like a nice grilled steak underneath it. He peeked, and yes...a nice delmonico, grilled just the way he liked it. There was a little cup of zip sauce next to it, and some steamed asparagus, and a nicely steaming baked potato with butter and sour cream. He moved to cover the plate back up.

Jackle? Rhys assumed that that was referring to Jack. Interesting. Even though he didn't really know the man, certainly not for more than an hour, if that, but it did give him a little twinge to know the man had a wife. That made Rhys think of Piri. She had just graduated, and while both were out of school at the moment, there might be something permanent there. Once schooling was done. How would this affect them? Would she be in danger? How would he explain this?

The butler had returned, so the conversation was directed away from them for a few moments. Rhys realized suddenly that, while he was watching the innkeeper and the butler, he absently began to eat the food before him. He wasn't that hungry, but it did seem like he was always eating...something his mother and Piri always teased him about. The asparagus was gone, and he was most of the way through the steak.

Elf? Dragon? Rhys paused in chewing a tender bite of flavorful steak. It was then that he noticed the butler certainly had pronounced that implied "elf". "What is happening here...?" he couldn't help but ask, after swallowing that bite of steak rather hard.