
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Dino's FREE dragon adoption agency
@Beewitched sure they’ll come your way, no need to pay me, but food donations is always welcome
@Beewitched sure they’ll come your way, no need to pay me, but food donations is always welcome

@dinonichus234 Is Ultron still available? He actually makes me appreciate Circuit, I rarely see it look that nice on a dragon.
@dinonichus234 Is Ultron still available? He actually makes me appreciate Circuit, I rarely see it look that nice on a dragon.
tumblr_inline_naxjlrHYbk1qg78ij.pngRun, Run Like The Wind!tumblr_inline_naxjlyAN6m1qg78ij.png
@gloria956 he will meet you at the crossroads, and yeah not that big of a circuit fan myself, but I do love my Iron man dergs
@gloria956 he will meet you at the crossroads, and yeah not that big of a circuit fan myself, but I do love my Iron man dergs

@dinonichus234 Thank you! And good point, it fits that aesthetic really well. Any similar ideas for Crackle? :p
@dinonichus234 Thank you! And good point, it fits that aesthetic really well. Any similar ideas for Crackle? :p
tumblr_inline_naxjlrHYbk1qg78ij.pngRun, Run Like The Wind!tumblr_inline_naxjlyAN6m1qg78ij.png
Lami is a qt ;)
Lami is a qt ;)
Proud Member of the DragonsDoExistSquad
@gloria956 sadly not
@gloria956 sadly not

@Incurious that she is, would you like to adopt her?
@Incurious that she is, would you like to adopt her?

@Dovlovely @LadyWinterfell @catmoodog @Brunch @Reebou @LiveSky @NuclearFudge @ArcticFire @MDarkness
Two new imps from Runic redwoods
@Dovlovely @LadyWinterfell @catmoodog @Brunch @Reebou @LiveSky @NuclearFudge @ArcticFire @MDarkness
Two new imps from Runic redwoods

@dinonichus234 Can I have Ludwing and Felixa?
@dinonichus234 Can I have Ludwing and Felixa?
I have a cloud-themed skin shop!
@bunnison as you seem to have exalted the last dragon I sent you I am uncertain about this
@bunnison as you seem to have exalted the last dragon I sent you I am uncertain about this
