
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | No Longer in Service

Ello I'm Wingate and so far I really like wildclaws fancying tan colors to greens , and similar apparel ! Thank you so much!


Ello I'm Wingate and so far I really like wildclaws fancying tan colors to greens , and similar apparel ! Thank you so much!

Hello! I'm Jester, and I joined during last month's Welcome Week. I would love familiars, apparel, or Baldwin materials. Thank you!
Hello! I'm Jester, and I joined during last month's Welcome Week. I would love familiars, apparel, or Baldwin materials. Thank you!

Hi! I'm Mali, and I just joined today. I'm kind of in love with everything I've seen so far, and the artwork is so beautiful. I'd honestly be over the moon for any kind of grab bag... I'm just happy to be here. :)

Hi! I'm Mali, and I just joined today. I'm kind of in love with everything I've seen so far, and the artwork is so beautiful. I'd honestly be over the moon for any kind of grab bag... I'm just happy to be here. :)
I joined last month and I'd love some apparel or familiars if I could get some.
I joined last month and I'd love some apparel or familiars if I could get some.
I added a section where I'll put up dragons that you guys can ask for if you like ~
I added a section where I'll put up dragons that you guys can ask for if you like ~
Hi! I'm Kye! I would love literally anything pink! Thanks guys! <3
Hi! I'm Kye! I would love literally anything pink! Thanks guys! <3
'Ello there, my names Brycen and I only joined a little over half a day ago, so well into the early morning and I'm quite enjoying it so far, I can't believe I'd never found this game bloody sooner. As for what I like or am interested in, I'm quite easy to please, dark or armory apparel and a familiar or two and It's like Christmas to me.
'Ello there, my names Brycen and I only joined a little over half a day ago, so well into the early morning and I'm quite enjoying it so far, I can't believe I'd never found this game bloody sooner. As for what I like or am interested in, I'm quite easy to please, dark or armory apparel and a familiar or two and It's like Christmas to me.
@Aesel isn't it your lucky day? I have a fine pink wildclaw boy and he is yours!
@Aesel isn't it your lucky day? I have a fine pink wildclaw boy and he is yours!
hiii i'm tay, i just joined today and love essentially every dragon i've laid eyes on so far. i'm not picky n would be very thankful for anything, but i really love the familiars and only have 1 so another would be cool!
hiii i'm tay, i just joined today and love essentially every dragon i've laid eyes on so far. i'm not picky n would be very thankful for anything, but i really love the familiars and only have 1 so another would be cool!
@xalix wow!! thank you so so much i love them!! ????
@xalix wow!! thank you so so much i love them!! ????