I am in love with grey dragons. This would be colors such as: [b]platinum, silver, dust, grey, smoke, gloom, and lead[/b]. Genes do not matter, but I would prefer not triple basic please.
I don't mind XXX, XYX, XXY, or XYZ coloring as long as at least 2/3 coloring is a grey shade.
If it is 2/3 a grey shade, I will likely not buy it unless the random other color is in the tert.
Examples of what I already have:
[img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/388389/38838825.png[/img] [img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/388101/38810067.png[/img] [img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/388269/38826841.png[/img] [img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/385801/38580085.png[/img]
//also if anyone is interested in a dragon from my lair, just ask. It is likely for sale. Other than my grey dragons, only the first line is not for sale
I am in love with grey dragons. This would be colors such as:
platinum, silver, dust, grey, smoke, gloom, and lead. Genes do not matter, but I would prefer not triple basic please.
I don't mind XXX, XYX, XXY, or XYZ coloring as long as at least 2/3 coloring is a grey shade.
If it is 2/3 a grey shade, I will likely not buy it unless the random other color is in the tert.
Examples of what I already have:
//also if anyone is interested in a dragon from my lair, just ask. It is likely for sale. Other than my grey dragons, only the first line is not for sale
@Nazna Hi there!
I have this guy if he is of any interest?
Gloom Cherub/Moon Paint/Moon Crackle
I've never sold a dragon before so I'm not sure what he's worth. I'm happy for you to take him for free though if you'd like (:
Nazna Hi there!
I have this guy if he is of any interest?

Gloom Cherub/Moon Paint/Moon Crackle
I've never sold a dragon before so I'm not sure what he's worth. I'm happy for you to take him for free though if you'd like (:
Lots of the dragons I see/sell myself end up going for around 5kt or 5g. Plus crackle is an unpopular gene, though I love it.
I'll offer 6kt for the wee fae if you don't mind~
Lots of the dragons I see/sell myself end up going for around 5kt or 5g. Plus crackle is an unpopular gene, though I love it.
I'll offer 6kt for the wee fae if you don't mind~
6k Is perfectly fine with me- more than what I would expect! I'm sending him through the crossroads now.
6k Is perfectly fine with me- more than what I would expect! I'm sending him through the crossroads now.
@Nazna I have these two that may interest you! The male has 2/3 of the colors you're looking for, and unfortunately the female only has 1/3, but she does look grey so I thought I'd put her in for consideration! 10kt or pay what you want!
Nazna I have these two that may interest you! The male has 2/3 of the colors you're looking for, and unfortunately the female only has 1/3, but she does look grey so I thought I'd put her in for consideration! 10kt or pay what you want!
+1 FR Time
I do quite like the female, I will take her for 10kt
I do quite like the female, I will take her for 10kt
if he strikes your fancy!

if he strikes your fancy!
I've got this kid which I impulse bought for cheap the other day... I was going to throw pin/trail on him because it fits his tert perfectly, but he doesn't really fit in my lair at all lol.
I've got this kid which I impulse bought for cheap the other day... I was going to throw pin/trail on him because it fits his tert perfectly, but he doesn't really fit in my lair at all lol.

I'll buy him but I can't do gems because i am saving to buy this girl bee
I'll buy him but I can't do gems because i am saving to buy this girl bee

That's fine! 8,500t sound okay? :)
That's fine! 8,500t sound okay? :)