
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | -| Makeshift Menagerie - Reopening |-

Uhhmmmm....if you ever have, I must have forgotten to add you, because I don't have you listed on the General or anything xD

I can add you now, though ?


Are you wanting to be on their pinglist ? You're only on the Update list at the moment

I'm dumb, you're on General , ignore me xD xD

Uhhmmmm....if you ever have, I must have forgotten to add you, because I don't have you listed on the General or anything xD

I can add you now, though ?


Are you wanting to be on their pinglist ? You're only on the Update list at the moment

I'm dumb, you're on General , ignore me xD xD
Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken
[center][b]Friendly Affiliate Bump![/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Friendly Affiliate Bump!
7GZL67L.pngZ1RkWWM.pngWj3N42A.pngM8iaT63.png qm3ofwD.png

yes please ^^

yes please ^^
What would you
if you could not
mirna_by_pupmew-dcgjmvo.png snapper_button.png
Could I be added to a pinglist for Bee and Wasp?
Could I be added to a pinglist for Bee and Wasp?

I'll have ya added !


Hiya ^>^ sure thing !

Edit: Only hatchlings with Wasp and Bee or hatchlings with either or ?


Yeah, no problem ^0^

Thank you all for your interest <3

I'll have ya added !


Hiya ^>^ sure thing !

Edit: Only hatchlings with Wasp and Bee or hatchlings with either or ?


Yeah, no problem ^0^

Thank you all for your interest <3
Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken
[center][img][/img] [color=teal]Happy ( late oops ) Monday ! Today we have new hatchlings ! @Gowenna, @Ballad, @NightingaleXIII, @Kybalie, @AwkwardTrashCant, @xLightningCore, @Psychology, @FoxOwl, @IllusionsInsane, @SageK253, @mystiki, @PandorasHope, @Toppazz, @jumbledbyrd, @Drakzaen, @serebronaga, @CatkinStarchild, @Epiphyllum, @Terhena, @ChatZNoir, @AnIllusion, @Lawcaldwell, @Moonlace, @Bog, @Rosekitten [b]Twisted Satyr [/b]has [b]Hatched [/b]with [b]2 Imperials[/b] ! @hetalia1 ( all ) This time around we have one [b]Male [/b]and one [b]Female[/b], named [b]Adalheid [/b]and [b]Castalia[/b], respectively ! They are available in [b]" For Sale "[/b] for[b] 30,000 Treasure[/b] each ! Other hatchlings remain, who will eventually be [b]exalted [/b]if not purchased ! [b]Astral Energies[/b] is set to [b]Hatch [/b]tomorrow with [b]3 Eggs[/b] ! [b]Inky Wetlands[/b] is set to [b]Hatch [/b]in[b] 3 Days[/b] with[b] 2 Eggs [/b]! Today,[b] Cloudfall Oasis[/b] has [b]Bred [/b]with [b]2 Eggs[/b] ! Thank you all for viewing ! Be sure to post here if you need any alternate currencies <3
Happy ( late oops ) Monday !

Today we have new hatchlings !

@Gowenna, @Ballad, @NightingaleXIII, @Kybalie, @AwkwardTrashCant, @xLightningCore, @Psychology, @FoxOwl, @IllusionsInsane, @SageK253, @mystiki, @PandorasHope, @Toppazz, @jumbledbyrd, @Drakzaen, @serebronaga, @CatkinStarchild, @Epiphyllum, @Terhena, @ChatZNoir, @AnIllusion, @Lawcaldwell, @Moonlace, @Bog, @Rosekitten

Twisted Satyr has Hatched with 2 Imperials !

@hetalia1 ( all )

This time around we have one Male and one Female, named Adalheid and Castalia, respectively ! They are available in " For Sale " for 30,000 Treasure each !

Other hatchlings remain, who will eventually
be exalted if not purchased !

Astral Energies is set to Hatch tomorrow with 3 Eggs !

Inky Wetlands is set to Hatch in 3 Days with 2 Eggs !

Today, Cloudfall Oasis has Bred with 2 Eggs !

Thank you all for viewing ! Be sure to post here
if you need any alternate currencies <3
Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken
For the pings, I meant either or ^^
For the pings, I meant either or ^^
[center][img][/img] [color=teal]Happy Tuesday ! 7.3.5 comes out today...without the main thing I wanted :v smh Today we have new hatchlings ! @Gowenna, @Ballad, @NightingaleXIII, @Kybalie, @AwkwardTrashCant, @xLightningCore, @Psychology, @FoxOwl, @IllusionsInsane, @SageK253, @mystiki, @PandorasHope, @Toppazz, @jumbledbyrd, @Drakzaen, @serebronaga, @CatkinStarchild, @Epiphyllum, @Terhena, @ChatZNoir, @AnIllusion, @Lawcaldwell, @Moonlace, @Bog, @Rosekitten @Ouji ( wildclaws ) [b]Astral Energies[/b] has [b]Hatched [/b]with [b]2 Females[/b] ! After the reservation delivery has passed, we have two [b]Females[/b], one being [b]Robin XYY[/b] and one being[b] Cyan XYY[/b] ! They are named [b]Andromeda [/b]and [b]Bellatrix[/b], respectively, and are available for [b]100,000 Treasure[/b] each ! Hatchlings remain in[b] " For Sale "[/b], get them now before they reach exaltation ! [b]Candied Quartz [/b]is set to [b]Hatch [/b]tomorrow with[b] 2 Eggs [/b]! [b]Inky Wetlands[/b] is set to [b]Hatch [/b] in [b]2 Days[/b] with[b] 2 Eggs[/b] ! [b]Blinding Bliss[/b] is set to [b]Hatch [/b]in [b]3 Days[/b] with [b]4 Eggs[/b] ! Today,[b] Frostbitten Flowers[/b] has [b]Bred [/b]with [b]2 Eggs [/b]! I've finally finished my [b]XXY Metals Tapir Striation Glimmer[/b] pair...which will be announced very soon ! Thank you all for viewing <3 Be sure to post here if you need any alternate currencies !
Happy Tuesday !

7.3.5 comes out today...without the main thing I wanted :v smh

Today we have new hatchlings !

@Gowenna, @Ballad, @NightingaleXIII, @Kybalie, @AwkwardTrashCant, @xLightningCore, @Psychology, @FoxOwl, @IllusionsInsane, @SageK253, @mystiki, @PandorasHope, @Toppazz, @jumbledbyrd, @Drakzaen, @serebronaga, @CatkinStarchild, @Epiphyllum, @Terhena, @ChatZNoir, @AnIllusion, @Lawcaldwell, @Moonlace, @Bog, @Rosekitten

@Ouji ( wildclaws )

Astral Energies has Hatched with 2 Females !

After the reservation delivery has passed, we have two Females, one being Robin XYY and one being Cyan XYY ! They are named Andromeda and Bellatrix, respectively, and are available for 100,000 Treasure each !

Hatchlings remain in " For Sale ", get them
now before they reach exaltation !

Candied Quartz is set to Hatch tomorrow with 2 Eggs !

Inky Wetlands is set to Hatch in 2 Days with 2 Eggs !

Blinding Bliss is set to Hatch in 3 Days with 4 Eggs !

Today, Frostbitten Flowers has Bred with 2 Eggs !

I've finally finished my XXY Metals Tapir Striation Glimmer pair...which
will be announced very soon !

Thank you all for viewing <3 Be sure to post here if you need
any alternate currencies !

Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken
Call Me Cealy | #303930 | She / They | FR +3 | 23 | Taken