
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Every Egg Raffle! [DONE]
[center][size=7]Every Egg Raffle[/size] Since summer's coming to an end for many, I decided to get one of each type of egg and do a free raffle! And yes, it is indeed free. No catch, just free eggs![/center] [b]Rules:[/b] [LIST] [*]Only one entry allowed per account! [*]You must select only one egg! [*]You can change your selection at any time! [*]Do not ping me, I am subscribed! [*]Once winners are drawn, you have 3 days to accept or another winner will be drawn! [*]Entries must be completed in the format below! [/LIST] [b]How to Enter:[/b] [s]Username: Egg: (Optional) Pings:[/s] [quote=Example] Username: coalthedragon Egg: Arcane (Optional) Pings: @Philopet13 @Moose328 Come check out this raffle! [/quote] [b]Enddate:[/b] [s]Once every egg has 15 or more entries![/s] Ready to start soon!
Every Egg Raffle

Since summer's coming to an end for many, I decided to get one of each type of egg and do a free raffle! And yes, it is indeed free. No catch, just free eggs!

  • Only one entry allowed per account!
  • You must select only one egg!
  • You can change your selection at any time!
  • Do not ping me, I am subscribed!
  • Once winners are drawn, you have 3 days to accept or another winner will be drawn!
  • Entries must be completed in the format below!

How to Enter:
(Optional) Pings:

Example wrote:
Username: coalthedragon
Egg: Arcane
(Optional) Pings: @Philopet13 @Moose328 Come check out this raffle!

Once every egg has 15 or more entries!
Ready to start soon!

[quote=Arcane][center] [item=unhatched arcane egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]RoyalSorceress [*]Bluebird88 [*]Nialatic [*]Heavenlyx [*]ArtsyDragon7 [*]gothcosmos [*]MythicalCookie [*]Stryder001 [*]Bluerose464 [*]dotpixis [*]laurastylinson [*]LadyTitanos [*]clw23 [*]Z0oXy [*]Zodiac753 [*]QueenLunaRose [*]MissFortune17 [*]Inkfinity [*]Vultis [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Fire][center] [item=unhatched fire egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]HerdOfTurtles [*]WolfTrickster [*]Willowdawn [*]MyNameIsTea [*]Aenye [*]Tsunami21 [*]Kageshi [*]FoxOwl [*]Blowfish [*]Aegwynn [*]Theuglyduckling [*]Kinni [*]Aquarena [*]Preach [*]Amizormi [*]Rave31 [*]Rlupy [*]Xanox [*]phoeniixfire [*]Ivythorn [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Earth][center] [item=unhatched earth egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]FaraliCrystal [*]Valligator [*]Strawbcream [*]Rolyo [*]MirrorMK1450 [*]Jazperz [*]Azaelic [*]Purplepurple [*]LiNaan [*]Siouxsie [*]EarthRising [*]Shaydas [*]sangobacow [*]hazy [*]phoenixflames [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Shadow][center] [item=unhatched shadow egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]Meowruff [*]AndlatRose [*]Lostie [*]sketchscientist [*]Moshipuppy [*]Spectra126 [*]clanguardian [*]OgBarbari [*]kuutoke [*]Crassodon [*]mellacherry [*]SolusPrime379 [*]Sommerbee [*]Revolutionary [*]TheJDub [*]Animmai [*]Shiranian [*]Zwolfoi [*]October [*]Hidd3nstare [*]BadBard [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Water][center] [item=unhatched water egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]Archsage [*]CloudWing378 [*]Ragnarok42 [*]hardcoreTALON [*]Intel [*]Rayania [*]dustclouds [*]Laterigrade [*]LancelotOfTheSky [*]Nightfleet [*]Lillypup [*]wetdog15 [*]Azaylium [*]haveahiddles [*]karramel [*]AwakenedSpirit [*]Sefaro [/LIST] [/quote]
Arcane wrote:
Unhatched Arcane Egg
  1. RoyalSorceress
  2. Bluebird88
  3. Nialatic
  4. Heavenlyx
  5. ArtsyDragon7
  6. gothcosmos
  7. MythicalCookie
  8. Stryder001
  9. Bluerose464
  10. dotpixis
  11. laurastylinson
  12. LadyTitanos
  13. clw23
  14. Z0oXy
  15. Zodiac753
  16. QueenLunaRose
  17. MissFortune17
  18. Inkfinity
  19. Vultis
Fire wrote:
Unhatched Fire Egg
  1. HerdOfTurtles
  2. WolfTrickster
  3. Willowdawn
  4. MyNameIsTea
  5. Aenye
  6. Tsunami21
  7. Kageshi
  8. FoxOwl
  9. Blowfish
  10. Aegwynn
  11. Theuglyduckling
  12. Kinni
  13. Aquarena
  14. Preach
  15. Amizormi
  16. Rave31
  17. Rlupy
  18. Xanox
  19. phoeniixfire
  20. Ivythorn
Earth wrote:
Unhatched Earth Egg
  1. FaraliCrystal
  2. Valligator
  3. Strawbcream
  4. Rolyo
  5. MirrorMK1450
  6. Jazperz
  7. Azaelic
  8. Purplepurple
  9. LiNaan
  10. Siouxsie
  11. EarthRising
  12. Shaydas
  13. sangobacow
  14. hazy
  15. phoenixflames
Shadow wrote:
Unhatched Shadow Egg
  1. Meowruff
  2. AndlatRose
  3. Lostie
  4. sketchscientist
  5. Moshipuppy
  6. Spectra126
  7. clanguardian
  8. OgBarbari
  9. kuutoke
  10. Crassodon
  11. mellacherry
  12. SolusPrime379
  13. Sommerbee
  14. Revolutionary
  15. TheJDub
  16. Animmai
  17. Shiranian
  18. Zwolfoi
  19. October
  20. Hidd3nstare
  21. BadBard
Water wrote:
Unhatched Water Egg
  1. Archsage
  2. CloudWing378
  3. Ragnarok42
  4. hardcoreTALON
  5. Intel
  6. Rayania
  7. dustclouds
  8. Laterigrade
  9. LancelotOfTheSky
  10. Nightfleet
  11. Lillypup
  12. wetdog15
  13. Azaylium
  14. haveahiddles
  15. karramel
  16. AwakenedSpirit
  17. Sefaro
[quote=Plague][center] [item=unhatched plague egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]Rosie1450 [*]Blauw [*]RedHerrings [*]Yukired [*]frameofreality [*]Shimadamada [*]Blazichu [*]Karilara [*]Isaac [*]Sinkeeper [*]Ghoulcats [*]Junn [*]Nalabyte [*]Kyoki [*]Thornfell [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Lightning][center] [item=unhatched lightning egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]5megamoo [*]Necrovatai [*]Raccoongirl [*]Exlann [*]MaddieTheTurtle [*]Ilovepits [*]dragonlover1003 [*]Hexi [*]Polyhymnia [*]Aethris [*]Szora [*]Cascarones [*]Saphirosa [*]Recko [*]TheSabreImperium [*]Hayley0614 [*]Everyone [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Wind][center] [item=unhatched wind egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]Mayflower2705 [*]SerenityBreeze [*]m00nbird [*]BraveEguana [*]SerigalaMenarik [*]Yorstra [*]FrozenLake [*]Teasugarsalt [*]Gaia [*]FizzPopp [*]WestSea14 [*]WEENY [*]GoofyGoober [*]Maybellmay [*]Dalison [*]ShadmeTheAngel [*]colimethecawcaw [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Light][center] [item=unhatched light egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]dragonqueen45 [*]Fr0stB3rry [*]Th3MagicalWizard [*]Hiame [*]PurpleFox [*]Idari [*]iokru [*]DreamingDragon [*]Shadowangel [*]Nebulacloud [*]Arkanjel [*]arlyn [*]MageofHearts [*]Gloomyreaper [*]Frostt [*]Layenne90 [*]Jadeflame [*]BrightMarble [*]Ichored [*]Cresta [*]Dragonation [*]KittyHawk98 [/LIST] [/quote]
Plague wrote:
Unhatched Plague Egg
  1. Rosie1450
  2. Blauw
  3. RedHerrings
  4. Yukired
  5. frameofreality
  6. Shimadamada
  7. Blazichu
  8. Karilara
  9. Isaac
  10. Sinkeeper
  11. Ghoulcats
  12. Junn
  13. Nalabyte
  14. Kyoki
  15. Thornfell
Lightning wrote:
Unhatched Lightning Egg
  1. 5megamoo
  2. Necrovatai
  3. Raccoongirl
  4. Exlann
  5. MaddieTheTurtle
  6. Ilovepits
  7. dragonlover1003
  8. Hexi
  9. Polyhymnia
  10. Aethris
  11. Szora
  12. Cascarones
  13. Saphirosa
  14. Recko
  15. TheSabreImperium
  16. Hayley0614
  17. Everyone
Wind wrote:
Unhatched Wind Egg
  1. Mayflower2705
  2. SerenityBreeze
  3. m00nbird
  4. BraveEguana
  5. SerigalaMenarik
  6. Yorstra
  7. FrozenLake
  8. Teasugarsalt
  9. Gaia
  10. FizzPopp
  11. WestSea14
  12. WEENY
  13. GoofyGoober
  14. Maybellmay
  15. Dalison
  16. ShadmeTheAngel
  17. colimethecawcaw
Light wrote:
Unhatched Light Egg
  1. dragonqueen45
  2. Fr0stB3rry
  3. Th3MagicalWizard
  4. Hiame
  5. PurpleFox
  6. Idari
  7. iokru
  8. DreamingDragon
  9. Shadowangel
  10. Nebulacloud
  11. Arkanjel
  12. arlyn
  13. MageofHearts
  14. Gloomyreaper
  15. Frostt
  16. Layenne90
  17. Jadeflame
  18. BrightMarble
  19. Ichored
  20. Cresta
  21. Dragonation
  22. KittyHawk98
[quote=Ice][center] [item=unhatched Ice egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]ShuraKen [*]Thornasaur [*]MadameDuMal [*]Twisted0bsession [*]aprelle [*]mithrel [*]cosmicanomalies [*]TrustRae [*]flightyvandal [*]Litoriadraconis [*]DracoKrys [*]DarkNiiinja [*]queenofclouds [*]OneHellofaButler [*]FightingDreamer [*]Subzeroo [*]DaShipLordIsHere [*]DreamMorpheme [*]glacevoleur [*]MOMOFSIX [*]CuteLinzar [*]Atariel [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Nature][center] [item=unhatched nature egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]BurritoRay [*]liffy123 [*]Unelore [*]bluesardine [*]Guppies27 [*]Festival [*]DragonWarrior333 [*]TomSwifty [*]Alvanara [*]Azera [*]Allegoy [*]huntingroxgirl1 [*]Ithric [*]redwolf56348 [*]Firoztaverbi [*]KingMab [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Nocturne][center] [item=unhatched nocturne egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]Redtiger7736 [*]lilsadist [*]Staarlite [*]destineazn [*]Llama5 [*]Padraigin [*]TieflingDKW [*]cass99 [*] Mizs101 [*]Eliatrope [*]Yuiiko [*]Theoretically [*]darkstarlight [*]Daisyrabbit335 [*]Shadowdawn199 [/LIST] [/quote] [quote=Bogsneak][center] [item=unhatched bogsneak egg][/center] [LIST=1] [*]countthestars [*]StormDragon21 [*]SilverPhoenix [*]nadraws [*]ZincAlloy [*]gunklord420 [*]chuuyas [*]Syceris [*]Liontooth [*]HeartOfHearts [*]brightredjem [*]Wolvenrose [*]Hoosier [*]Harpyy [*]Kensaku [*]UtopianAngel [*]Kallistrate [*]Inviporcelain [*]Vikusen [/LIST] [/quote]
Ice wrote:
Unhatched Ice Egg
  1. ShuraKen
  2. Thornasaur
  3. MadameDuMal
  4. Twisted0bsession
  5. aprelle
  6. mithrel
  7. cosmicanomalies
  8. TrustRae
  9. flightyvandal
  10. Litoriadraconis
  11. DracoKrys
  12. DarkNiiinja
  13. queenofclouds
  14. OneHellofaButler
  15. FightingDreamer
  16. Subzeroo
  17. DaShipLordIsHere
  18. DreamMorpheme
  19. glacevoleur
  21. CuteLinzar
  22. Atariel
Nature wrote:
Unhatched Nature Egg
  1. BurritoRay
  2. liffy123
  3. Unelore
  4. bluesardine
  5. Guppies27
  6. Festival
  7. DragonWarrior333
  8. TomSwifty
  9. Alvanara
  10. Azera
  11. Allegoy
  12. huntingroxgirl1
  13. Ithric
  14. redwolf56348
  15. Firoztaverbi
  16. KingMab
Nocturne wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
  1. Redtiger7736
  2. lilsadist
  3. Staarlite
  4. destineazn
  5. Llama5
  6. Padraigin
  7. TieflingDKW
  8. cass99
  9. Mizs101
  10. Eliatrope
  11. Yuiiko
  12. Theoretically
  13. darkstarlight
  14. Daisyrabbit335
  15. Shadowdawn199
Bogsneak wrote:
Unhatched Bogsneak Egg
  1. countthestars
  2. StormDragon21
  3. SilverPhoenix
  4. nadraws
  5. ZincAlloy
  6. gunklord420
  7. chuuyas
  8. Syceris
  9. Liontooth
  10. HeartOfHearts
  11. brightredjem
  12. Wolvenrose
  13. Hoosier
  14. Harpyy
  15. Kensaku
  16. UtopianAngel
  17. Kallistrate
  18. Inviporcelain
  19. Vikusen
Winners: [item=unhatched arcane egg]- Zodiac753 [item=unhatched fire egg]-Theuglyduckling [item=unhatched earth egg]-EarthRising [item=unhatched shadow egg]-October [item=unhatched water egg]-Archsage [item=unhatched plague egg]-Karilara [item=unhatched lightning egg]-MaddieTheTurtle [item=unhatched wind egg]-Yorstra [item=unhatched light egg]-Frostt [item=unhatched ice egg]-DreamMorpheme [item=unhatched nature egg]-huntingroxgirl1 [item=unhatched nocturne egg]-lilsadist [item=unhatched bogsneak egg]-HeartOfHearts
Unhatched Arcane Egg - Zodiac753
Unhatched Fire Egg -Theuglyduckling
Unhatched Earth Egg -EarthRising
Unhatched Shadow Egg -October
Unhatched Water Egg -Archsage
Unhatched Plague Egg -Karilara
Unhatched Lightning Egg -MaddieTheTurtle
Unhatched Wind Egg -Yorstra
Unhatched Light Egg -Frostt
Unhatched Ice Egg -DreamMorpheme
Unhatched Nature Egg -huntingroxgirl1
Unhatched Nocturne Egg -lilsadist
Unhatched Bogsneak Egg -HeartOfHearts
User: Mayflower2705
egg: wind
User: Mayflower2705
egg: wind
@doodling._.noodle on Instagram ;)
Egg: fire
(Optional) Pings:
Egg: fire
(Optional) Pings:
It's just gen historical
hetalia fanfic, mostly
oneshots. Pretty much
exclusively about England.
Please send me Turtles
@coalthedragon need to ping =P
@coalthedragon need to ping =P
It's just gen historical
hetalia fanfic, mostly
oneshots. Pretty much
exclusively about England.
Please send me Turtles
@Mayflower2705 Please complete in the entry form (Sorry, it's to help me make sure people don't enter more than once!)
@HerdOfTurtles Added!
@Mayflower2705 Please complete in the entry form (Sorry, it's to help me make sure people don't enter more than once!)
@HerdOfTurtles Added!
Username: dragonqueen45
Egg: light
Ping: @Skrael Look at this raffle!
Username: dragonqueen45
Egg: light
Ping: @Skrael Look at this raffle!


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