
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | [W] Thundercrack[H] Items, UM accents

Treasure/Gems @ 1:950
Eggs @ 200k/200g
Familiars not in my bestiary @ lowest AH
Sprockets@ 1:800
Festive Favours @ Shop Price
Baldwin exclusives @ lowest AH
Prismatic Tokens @ lowest AH

I don't want anything else

My goal is 10k sprockets, the thread can and will be closed suddenly if I hit it aside from holds.

If it's not in the AH feel free to offer or I'll throw out a price, feel free to haggle with me on that
Holds until 10pm Saturday

I'm not subscribed, please ping me.

Kirmon64- 950

Treasure/Gems @ 1:950
Eggs @ 200k/200g
Familiars not in my bestiary @ lowest AH
Sprockets@ 1:800
Festive Favours @ Shop Price
Baldwin exclusives @ lowest AH
Prismatic Tokens @ lowest AH

I don't want anything else

My goal is 10k sprockets, the thread can and will be closed suddenly if I hit it aside from holds.

If it's not in the AH feel free to offer or I'll throw out a price, feel free to haggle with me on that
Holds until 10pm Saturday

I'm not subscribed, please ping me.

Kirmon64- 950
[center][b]Apparel[/b][/center] [item=nomad's sandwastes socks][item=bloodscale shoulder guards][item=stonekeeper emblem][item=bleached peacekeeping vest][item=bleached peacekeeping headbands][item=brown satin tunic][item=white satin tunic][item=duneglider cape][item=woodsdrake cape][item=woodsdrake cape][item=royal cape][item=umbral wreath][item=bloodscale bracers][item=bloodscale bracers][item=ornate gold necklace][item=ornate iron necklace][item=ornate pearly necklace][item=pink wooly coat][item=bleak birdskull armband][item=bleak birdskull armband][item=bleak birdskull necklace][item=purple birdskull armband][item=purple birdskull armband][item=purple birdskull armband][item=purple birdskull legband][item=tropical birdskull legband][item=blue and green flair scarf][item=dark red tail bow][item=pretty white tail bow][item=venomscale wing guard][item=chestnut feathered wings][item=crimson feathered wings][item=lemongrass feathered wings][item=sapphire feathered wings][item=sunburst feathered wings][item=chestnut tail feathers][item=rose tail feathers][item=sapphire tail feathers][item=sapphire tail feathers][item=sapphire tail feathers][item=sunburst tail feathers][item=wavespun tail feathers][item=wavespun tail feathers][item=wavespun tail feathers][item=battlescale bracers][item=battlescale tail guard][item=bloodscale helmet][item=brightscale tail guard][item=shadowscale chest guard][item=shadowscale greaves][item=shadowscale greaves][item=shadowscale helmet][item=shadowscale shoulder guards][item=shadowscale wing guards][item=brown renaissance shirt][item=black breeches][item=tarnished steel belt][item=tarnished steel boots][item=tarnished steel gauntlets][item=tarnished steel helmet][item=tarnished steel helmet][item=tarnished steel pauldrons][item=tarnished steel tail cuffs][item=burnished filigree banner][item=burnished filigree banner][item=burnished filigree banner][item=ebony filigree banner][item=ebony filigree banner][item=gold filigree banner][item=gold filigree banner][item=gold filigree banner][item=gold filigree banner][item=iron filigree banner][item=iron filigree banner][item=burnished filigree gauntlets][item=burnished filigree gauntlets][item=burnished filigree gauntlets][item=burnished filigree helmet][item=burnished filigree helmet][item=burnished filigree helmet][item=ebony filigree gauntlets][item=ebony filigree gauntlets][item=ebony filigree gauntlets][item=ebony filigree gauntlets][item=ebony filigree helmet][item=ebony filigree helmet][item=ebony filigree helmet][item=gold filigree gauntlets][item=gold filigree gauntlets][item=gold filigree gauntlets][item=iron filigree gauntlets][item=iron filigree helmet][item=iron filigree helmet][item=burnished filigree tail guard][item=burnished filigree tail guard][item=burnished filigree tail guard][item=burnished filigree tail guard][item=ebony filigree tail guard][item=gold filigree tail guard][item=gold filigree tail guard][item=gold filigree tail guard][item=gold filigree tail guard][item=burnished filigree breastplate][item=ebony filigree breastplate][item=ebony filigree breastplate][item=ebony filigree breastplate][item=ebony filigree breastplate][item=gold filigree breastplate][item=gold filigree breastplate][item=gold filigree breastplate][item=gold filigree breastplate][item=iron filigree breastplate][item=iron filigree breastplate][item=silver filigree banner][item=silver filigree banner][item=silver filigree breastplate][item=silver filigree breastplate][item=silver filigree gauntlets][item=silver filigree gauntlets][item=silver filigree gauntlets][item=silver filigree helmet][item=silver filigree helmet][item=silver filigree tail guard][item=silver filigree tail guard][item=burnished filigree wing guard][item=burnished filigree wing guard][item=ebony filigree wing guard][item=ebony filigree wing guard][item=ebony filigree wing guard][item=gold filigree wing guard][item=gold filigree wing guard][item=iron filigree wing guard][item=iron filigree wing guard][item=silver filigree wing guard][item=silver filigree wing guard][item=silver filigree wing guard][item=silver filigree wing guard][item=burnished filigree boots][item=ebony filigree boots][item=ebony filigree boots][item=ebony filigree boots][item=gold filigree boots][item=gold filigree boots][item=silver filigree boots][item=silver filigree boots][item=teardrop pastel spinel ring][item=teardrop ruby necklace][item=teardrop pastel spinel necklace][item=teardrop lapis lazuli wing loop][item=teardrop lapis lazuli wing loop][item=pink protective eyewear][item=white protective eyewear][item=white protective eyewear][item=gold amulet of alchemy][item=pearly amulet of alchemy][item=scarlet wooly coat][item=scarlet wooly coat][item=scarlet wooly antennae][item=scarlet wooly antennae][item=scarlet wooly antennae][item=scarlet wooly antennae][item=scarlet wooly tail][item=pearly cuffs of chemistry][item=electrician's crown][item=orange wooly coat][item=orange wooly tail][item=plum wooly antennae][item=plum wooly antennae][item=plum wooly coat][item=plum wooly coat][item=plum wooly tail][item=lab coat][item=red lab coat][item=searing crown][item=ivory aviator scarf][item=white aviator scarf][item=navy aviator scarf][item=navy aviator scarf][item=navy aviator scarf][item=crimson aviator scarf][item=crimson aviator scarf][item=crimson aviator scarf][item=green aviator scarf][item=green aviator scarf][item=leather aviator satchel][item=leather aviator satchel][item=contrast aviator satchel][item=contrast aviator satchel][item=navy aviator satchel][item=navy aviator satchel][item=navy aviator satchel][item=crimson aviator satchel][item=crimson aviator satchel][item=crimson aviator satchel][item=gold aviator satchel][item=gold aviator helmet][item=crimson aviator coat][item=leather aviator gloves][item=contrast aviator gloves][item=navy aviator gloves][item=crimson aviator gloves][item=emerald aviator gloves][item=gold aviator gloves][item=gold aviator gloves][item=gold aviator gloves][item=burlap mantle][item=starseer's crown][item=venom rogue vest][item=forest rogue bracers][item=venom rogue bracers][item=vibrant rogue bracers][item=bright rogue footpads][item=contrast rogue footpads][item=forest rogue footpads][item=venom rogue footpads][item=tanned rogue trousers][item=contrast rogue hood][item=venom rogue hood][item=venom rogue hood][item=bright rogue mask][item=bright rogue mask][item=bright rogue mask][item=crimson rogue mask][item=crimson rogue mask][item=forest rogue mask][item=venom rogue mask][item=venom rogue mask][item=bright rogue tail binding][item=crimson rogue tail binding][item=crimson rogue tail binding][item=dusk rogue tail binding][item=venom rogue tail binding][item=bright rogue gloves][item=contrast rogue gloves][item=contrast rogue gloves][item=vibrant rogue gloves][item=vibrant rogue gloves][item=crimson rogue wing guard][item=soft pink fillet][item=stonekeeper crown][item=conjurer's cloak][item=conjurer's cloak][item=conjurer's cloak][item=conjurer's cloak][item=conjurer's cobwebs][item=conjurer's cobwebs][item=conjurer's hat][item=conjurer's hat][item=conjurer's hat][item=conjurer's hat][item=conjurer's hat][item=conjurer's hat][item=conjurer's herb pouch][item=conjurer's herb pouch][item=conjurer's herb pouch][item=conjurer's staff][item=conjurer's staff][item=conjurer's staff][item=conjurer's staff][item=magician's cloak][item=magician's herb pouch][item=magician's staff][item=witch's cloak][item=witch's cloak][item=witch's hat][item=witch's herb pouch][item=witch's staff][item=sorcerer's cloak][item=sorcerer's hat][item=sorcerer's herb pouch][item=sorcerer's staff][item=frigid crown][item=dusklight alchemist tools][item=dusklight alchemist tools][item=googly confusion][item=googly confusion][item=bishoujo observation][item=bishoujo observation][item=starry regard][item=starry regard][item=starry regard][item=weary focus][item=weary focus][item=spiral daze][item=spiral daze][item=intense attention][item=intense attention][item=intense attention][item=wiggly sight][item=saucer stare][item=butterfly's wing fans][item=crane's wing fans][item=crane's wing fans][item=viper's wing fans][item=frog's wing fans][item=frog's wing fans][item=cat's wing fans][item=koi's wing fans][item=lion's breastplate][item=crane's breastplate][item=crane's breastplate][item=crane's breastplate][item=crane's breastplate][item=crane's breastplate][item=koi's breastplate][item=frog's breastplate][item=butterfly's breastplate][item=viper's breastplate][item=cat's breastplate][item=butterfly's helmet][item=butterfly's helmet][item=frog's helmet][item=frog's helmet][item=lion's helmet][item=lion's helmet][item=lion's helmet][item=swallow's helmet][item=swallow's helmet][item=cat's leg armor][item=cat's leg armor][item=cat's leg armor][item=frog's leg armor][item=viper's leg armor][item=butterfly's shoulder pads][item=cat's shoulder pads][item=frog's shoulder pads][item=frog's shoulder pads][item=koi's shoulder pads][item=viper's shoulder pads][item=lion's shoulder pads][item=lion's shoulder pads][item=crane's shoulder pads][item=cat's arm guards][item=cat's arm guards][item=crane's arm guards][item=frog's arm guards][item=frog's arm guards][item=frog's arm guards][item=frog's arm guards][item=koi's arm guards][item=lion's arm guards][item=viper's arm guards][item=butterfly's tail guard][item=cat's tail guards][item=cat's tail guards][item=cat's tail guards][item=crane's tail guard][item=crane's tail guard][item=crane's tail guard][item=frog's tail guard][item=koi's tail guard][item=lion's tail guard][item=lion's tail guard][item=lion's tail guard][item=viper's tail guard][item=mage's cranberry bag][item=mage's ivory bag][item=mage's ivory bag][item=mage's midnight bag][item=mage's peony bag][item=mage's sapphire bag][item=mage's thicket bag][item=mage's walnut bag][item=mage's walnut bag][item=mage's walnut bag][item=mage's cranberry gloves][item=mage's peony gloves][item=mage's peony gloves][item=mage's sapphire gloves][item=mage's thicket gloves][item=mage's thicket gloves][item=mage's walnut gloves][item=mage's walnut gloves][item=mage's walnut gloves][item=mage's cranberry hat][item=mage's cranberry hat][item=mage's cranberry hat][item=mage's cranberry hat][item=mage's golden hat][item=mage's ivory hat][item=mage's ivory hat][item=mage's ivory hat][item=mage's nightshade hat][item=mage's peony hat][item=mage's peony hat][item=mage's peony hat][item=mage's peony hat][item=mage's peony hat][item=mage's sapphire hat][item=mage's thicket hat][item=mage's thicket hat][item=mage's thicket hat][item=mage's walnut hat][item=mage's walnut hat][item=mage's walnut hat][item=mage's walnut hat][item=mage's midnight overcoat][item=mage's peony overcoat][item=mage's peony overcoat][item=mage's sapphire overcoat][item=mage's thicket overcoat][item=mage's thicket overcoat][item=mage's walnut overcoat][item=mage's walnut overcoat][item=mage's cranberry socks][item=mage's cranberry socks][item=mage's cranberry socks][item=mage's ivory socks][item=mage's peony socks][item=mage's peony socks][item=mage's sapphire socks][item=mage's thicket socks][item=mage's thicket socks][item=mage's thicket socks][item=mage's walnut socks][item=mage's walnut socks][item=mage's walnut socks][item=mage's walnut socks][item=mage's cranberry tunic][item=mage's cranberry tunic][item=mage's cranberry tunic][item=mage's peony tunic][item=mage's peony tunic][item=mage's peony tunic][item=mage's peony tunic][item=mage's peony tunic][item=mage's peony tunic][item=mage's thicket tunic][item=mage's thicket tunic][item=mage's thicket tunic][item=mage's thicket tunic][item=mage's walnut tunic][item=mage's walnut tunic][item=mage's walnut tunic][item=mage's walnut tunic][item=mage's walnut tunic][item=ruthless leather arm guards][item=wild banner][item=ruthless leather boots][item=primal leather boots][item=primal leather boots][item=wild claws][item=wild headdress][item=wild headdress][item=brutal kilt][item=ruthless kilt][item=untamed kilt][item=ferocious kilt][item=surgestream coat][item=Winterwatcher's Arctic Gloves][item=Winterwatcher's Arctic Tail Cozy][item=Winterwatcher's Arctic Tail Cozy][item=Winterwatcher's Arctic Tail Cozy][item=Nightglider's Arctic Coat][item=nightglider's arctic goggles][item=Frostfinder's Arctic Boots][item=Frostfinder's Arctic Coat][item=frostfinder's arctic goggles][item=frostfinder's arctic pants][item=Frostfinder's Arctic Tail Cozy][item=Frostfinder's Arctic Bags][item=Windwalker's Arctic Tail Cozy][item=Windwalker's Arctic Tail Cozy][item=Windwalker's Arctic Tail Cozy][item=windwaker's arctic bags][item=Dustrunner's Arctic Boots][item=Dustrunner's Arctic Coat][item=Dustrunner's Arctic Coat][item=Dustrunner's Arctic Coat][item=Dustrunner's Arctic Gloves][item=dustrunner's arctic goggles][item=dustrunner's arctic bags][item=dustrunner's arctic bags][item=Cloudgazer's Arctic Boots][item=Cloudgazer's Arctic Boots][item=Cloudgazer's Arctic Coat][item=Cloudgazer's Arctic Gloves][item=Cloudgazer's Arctic Gloves][item=Cloudgazer's Arctic Pants][item=cloudgazer's arctic bags][item=Ghost Flame Candles][item=Ghost Flame Candles][item=Ghost Flame Candles][item=Ghost Flame Cloak][item=Ghost Flame Cloak][item=Ghost Flame Cloak][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Collar][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Tail Jewel][item=Ghost Flame Tail Jewel][item=Ghost Flame Tail Jewel][item=Ghost Flame Tail Jewel][item=Ghost Flame Tail Jewel][item=Ghost Flame Tail Jewel][item=Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon][item=Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon][item=Haunted Flame Collar][item=Haunted Flame Collar][item=Haunted Flame Collar][item=Haunted Flame Headpiece][item=Haunted Flame Tail Jewel][item=Haunted Flame Tail Jewel][item=Haunted Flame Wing Ribbon][item=Gossamer Flame Candles][item=gossamer flame collar][item=Gossamer Flame Tail Ribbon][item=Gossamer Flame Wing Ribbon][item=Ethereal Flame Cloak][item=Ethereal Flame Collar][item=ethereal flame wing ribbon][item=Solar Flame Collar][item=Solar Flame Headpiece][item=Solar Flame Tail Jewel][item=solar flame tail ribbon][item=Solar Flame Wing Ribbon][item=Toad Companion][item=ranger's leggings][item=Toxophilite's Cape][item=Toxophilite's Leggings] [item=druidic sash]x28[item=leafy gladeboughs]x23[item=electrician's crown]x4[item=mesa mechanojets]x34[item=will o' the ember]x33[item=starseer's crown]x4[item=cosmologist fieldtools]x72[item=skeletal chimes]x23[item=stonekeeper crown]x5[item=bluffclamber belongings]x135[item=chillspike crown]x97[item=gloomwillow guide]x94[item=windbound mask]x183[item=diver crown][item=diver crown][item=warmwater wanderers]x152[item=druidic crown][item=butterfly's kiss]x138[item=luminous legguards]x135[item=black iron plates]x115[item=starlight cloak]x142[item=scavenger's tatters]x115[item=pyrite pauldrons]x154[item=snowfall robe]x111[item=trickster's magic cards]x134[item=bamboo breeze cape]x216[item=dryad's guise]x143

Nomad's Sandwastes Socks Bloodscale Shoulder Guards Stonekeeper Emblem Bleached Peacekeeping Vest Brown Satin Tunic White Satin Tunic Duneglider Cape Woodsdrake Cape Woodsdrake Cape Royal Cape Umbral Wreath Bloodscale Bracers Bloodscale Bracers Ornate Gold Necklace Ornate Iron Necklace Ornate Pearly Necklace Pink Wooly Coat Bleak Birdskull Armband Bleak Birdskull Armband Bleak Birdskull Necklace Purple Birdskull Armband Purple Birdskull Armband Purple Birdskull Armband Purple Birdskull Legband Tropical Birdskull Legband Blue and Green Flair Scarf Dark Red Tail Bow Pretty White Tail Bow Venomscale Wing Guard Chestnut Feathered Wings Crimson Feathered Wings Lemongrass Feathered Wings Sapphire Feathered Wings Sunburst Feathered Wings Chestnut Tail Feathers Rose Tail Feathers Sapphire Tail Feathers Sapphire Tail Feathers Sapphire Tail Feathers Sunburst Tail Feathers Wavespun Tail Feathers Wavespun Tail Feathers Wavespun Tail Feathers Battlescale Bracers Battlescale Tail Guard Bloodscale Helmet Brightscale Tail Guard Shadowscale Chest Guard Shadowscale Greaves Shadowscale Greaves Shadowscale Helmet Shadowscale Shoulder Guards Brown Renaissance Shirt Black Breeches Tarnished Steel Belt Tarnished Steel Boots Tarnished Steel Gauntlets Tarnished Steel Helmet Tarnished Steel Helmet Tarnished Steel Pauldrons Tarnished Steel Tail Cuffs Burnished Filigree Banner Burnished Filigree Banner Burnished Filigree Banner Ebony Filigree Banner Ebony Filigree Banner Gold Filigree Banner Gold Filigree Banner Gold Filigree Banner Gold Filigree Banner Iron Filigree Banner Iron Filigree Banner Burnished Filigree Gauntlets Burnished Filigree Gauntlets Burnished Filigree Gauntlets Burnished Filigree Helmet Burnished Filigree Helmet Burnished Filigree Helmet Ebony Filigree Gauntlets Ebony Filigree Gauntlets Ebony Filigree Gauntlets Ebony Filigree Gauntlets Ebony Filigree Helmet Ebony Filigree Helmet Ebony Filigree Helmet Gold Filigree Gauntlets Gold Filigree Gauntlets Gold Filigree Gauntlets Iron Filigree Gauntlets Iron Filigree Helmet Iron Filigree Helmet Burnished Filigree Tail Guard Burnished Filigree Tail Guard Burnished Filigree Tail Guard Burnished Filigree Tail Guard Ebony Filigree Tail Guard Gold Filigree Tail Guard Gold Filigree Tail Guard Gold Filigree Tail Guard Gold Filigree Tail Guard Burnished Filigree Breastplate Ebony Filigree Breastplate Ebony Filigree Breastplate Ebony Filigree Breastplate Ebony Filigree Breastplate Gold Filigree Breastplate Gold Filigree Breastplate Gold Filigree Breastplate Gold Filigree Breastplate Iron Filigree Breastplate Iron Filigree Breastplate Silver Filigree Banner Silver Filigree Banner Silver Filigree Breastplate Silver Filigree Breastplate Silver Filigree Gauntlets Silver Filigree Gauntlets Silver Filigree Gauntlets Silver Filigree Helmet Silver Filigree Helmet Silver Filigree Tail Guard Silver Filigree Tail Guard Burnished Filigree Wing Guard Burnished Filigree Wing Guard Ebony Filigree Wing Guard Ebony Filigree Wing Guard Ebony Filigree Wing Guard Gold Filigree Wing Guard Gold Filigree Wing Guard Iron Filigree Wing Guard Iron Filigree Wing Guard Silver Filigree Wing Guard Silver Filigree Wing Guard Silver Filigree Wing Guard Silver Filigree Wing Guard Burnished Filigree Boots Ebony Filigree Boots Ebony Filigree Boots Ebony Filigree Boots Gold Filigree Boots Gold Filigree Boots Silver Filigree Boots Silver Filigree Boots Teardrop Pastel Spinel Ring Teardrop Ruby Necklace Teardrop Pastel Spinel Necklace Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Wing Loop Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Wing Loop Pink Protective Eyewear White Protective Eyewear White Protective Eyewear Gold Amulet of Alchemy Scarlet Wooly Coat Scarlet Wooly Coat Scarlet Wooly Antennae Scarlet Wooly Antennae Scarlet Wooly Antennae Scarlet Wooly Antennae Scarlet Wooly Tail Pearly Cuffs of Chemistry Electrician's Crown Orange Wooly Coat Orange Wooly Tail Plum Wooly Antennae Plum Wooly Antennae Plum Wooly Coat Plum Wooly Coat Plum Wooly Tail Lab Coat Red Lab Coat Searing Crown Ivory Aviator Scarf White Aviator Scarf Navy Aviator Scarf Navy Aviator Scarf Navy Aviator Scarf Crimson Aviator Scarf Crimson Aviator Scarf Crimson Aviator Scarf Green Aviator Scarf Green Aviator Scarf Leather Aviator Satchel Leather Aviator Satchel Contrast Aviator Satchel Contrast Aviator Satchel Navy Aviator Satchel Navy Aviator Satchel Navy Aviator Satchel Crimson Aviator Satchel Crimson Aviator Satchel Crimson Aviator Satchel Gold Aviator Satchel Gold Aviator Helmet Crimson Aviator Coat Leather Aviator Gloves Contrast Aviator Gloves Navy Aviator Gloves Crimson Aviator Gloves Emerald Aviator Gloves Gold Aviator Gloves Gold Aviator Gloves Gold Aviator Gloves Burlap Mantle Starseer's Crown Venom Rogue Vest Forest Rogue Bracers Venom Rogue Bracers Vibrant Rogue Bracers Bright Rogue Footpads Contrast Rogue Footpads Forest Rogue Footpads Venom Rogue Footpads Tanned Rogue Trousers Contrast Rogue Hood Venom Rogue Hood Venom Rogue Hood Bright Rogue Mask Bright Rogue Mask Bright Rogue Mask Crimson Rogue Mask Crimson Rogue Mask Forest Rogue Mask Venom Rogue Mask Venom Rogue Mask Bright Rogue Tail Binding Crimson Rogue Tail Binding Crimson Rogue Tail Binding Dusk Rogue Tail Binding Venom Rogue Tail Binding Bright Rogue Gloves Contrast Rogue Gloves Contrast Rogue Gloves Vibrant Rogue Gloves Vibrant Rogue Gloves Crimson Rogue Wing Guard Soft Pink Fillet Stonekeeper Crown Conjurer's Cloak Conjurer's Cloak Conjurer's Cloak Conjurer's Cloak Conjurer's Cobwebs Conjurer's Cobwebs Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Herb Pouch Conjurer's Herb Pouch Conjurer's Herb Pouch Conjurer's Staff Conjurer's Staff Conjurer's Staff Conjurer's Staff Magician's Cloak Magician's Herb Pouch Magician's Staff Witch's Cloak Witch's Cloak Witch's Hat Witch's Herb Pouch Witch's Staff Sorcerer's Cloak Sorcerer's Hat Sorcerer's Herb Pouch Sorcerer's Staff Frigid Crown Dusklight Alchemist Tools Dusklight Alchemist Tools Googly Confusion Googly Confusion Bishoujo Observation Bishoujo Observation Starry Regard Starry Regard Starry Regard Weary Focus Weary Focus Spiral Daze Spiral Daze Intense Attention Intense Attention Intense Attention Wiggly Sight Saucer Stare Butterfly's Wing Fans Crane's Wing Fans Crane's Wing Fans Viper's Wing Fans Frog's Wing Fans Frog's Wing Fans Cat's Wing Fans Koi's Wing Fans Lion's Breastplate Crane's Breastplate Crane's Breastplate Crane's Breastplate Crane's Breastplate Crane's Breastplate Koi's Breastplate Frog's Breastplate Butterfly's Breastplate Viper's Breastplate Cat's Breastplate Butterfly's Helmet Butterfly's Helmet Frog's Helmet Frog's Helmet Lion's Helmet Lion's Helmet Lion's Helmet Swallow's Helmet Swallow's Helmet Cat's Leg Armor Cat's Leg Armor Cat's Leg Armor Frog's Leg Armor Viper's Leg Armor Butterfly's Shoulder Pads Cat's Shoulder Pads Frog's Shoulder Pads Frog's Shoulder Pads Koi's Shoulder Pads Viper's Shoulder Pads Lion's Shoulder Pads Lion's Shoulder Pads Crane's Shoulder Pads Cat's Arm Guards Cat's Arm Guards Crane's Arm Guards Frog's Arm Guards Frog's Arm Guards Frog's Arm Guards Frog's Arm Guards Koi's Arm Guards Lion's Arm Guards Viper's Arm Guards Butterfly's Tail Guard Crane's Tail Guard Crane's Tail Guard Crane's Tail Guard Frog's Tail Guard Koi's Tail Guard Lion's Tail Guard Lion's Tail Guard Lion's Tail Guard Viper's Tail Guard Mage's Cranberry Bag Mage's Ivory Bag Mage's Ivory Bag Mage's Midnight Bag Mage's Peony Bag Mage's Sapphire Bag Mage's Thicket Bag Mage's Walnut Bag Mage's Walnut Bag Mage's Walnut Bag Mage's Cranberry Gloves Mage's Peony Gloves Mage's Peony Gloves Mage's Sapphire Gloves Mage's Thicket Gloves Mage's Thicket Gloves Mage's Walnut Gloves Mage's Walnut Gloves Mage's Walnut Gloves Mage's Cranberry Hat Mage's Cranberry Hat Mage's Cranberry Hat Mage's Cranberry Hat Mage's Golden Hat Mage's Ivory Hat Mage's Ivory Hat Mage's Ivory Hat Mage's Nightshade Hat Mage's Peony Hat Mage's Peony Hat Mage's Peony Hat Mage's Peony Hat Mage's Peony Hat Mage's Sapphire Hat Mage's Thicket Hat Mage's Thicket Hat Mage's Thicket Hat Mage's Walnut Hat Mage's Walnut Hat Mage's Walnut Hat Mage's Walnut Hat Mage's Midnight Overcoat Mage's Peony Overcoat Mage's Peony Overcoat Mage's Sapphire Overcoat Mage's Thicket Overcoat Mage's Thicket Overcoat Mage's Walnut Overcoat Mage's Walnut Overcoat Mage's Cranberry Socks Mage's Cranberry Socks Mage's Cranberry Socks Mage's Ivory Socks Mage's Peony Socks Mage's Peony Socks Mage's Sapphire Socks Mage's Thicket Socks Mage's Thicket Socks Mage's Thicket Socks Mage's Walnut Socks Mage's Walnut Socks Mage's Walnut Socks Mage's Walnut Socks Mage's Cranberry Tunic Mage's Cranberry Tunic Mage's Cranberry Tunic Mage's Peony Tunic Mage's Peony Tunic Mage's Peony Tunic Mage's Peony Tunic Mage's Peony Tunic Mage's Peony Tunic Mage's Thicket Tunic Mage's Thicket Tunic Mage's Thicket Tunic Mage's Thicket Tunic Mage's Walnut Tunic Mage's Walnut Tunic Mage's Walnut Tunic Mage's Walnut Tunic Mage's Walnut Tunic Ruthless Leather Arm Guards Wild Banner Ruthless Leather Boots Primal Leather Boots Primal Leather Boots Wild Claws Wild Headdress Wild Headdress Brutal Kilt Ruthless Kilt Untamed Kilt Ferocious Kilt Surgestream Coat Winterwatcher's Arctic Gloves Winterwatcher's Arctic Tail Cozy Winterwatcher's Arctic Tail Cozy Winterwatcher's Arctic Tail Cozy Nightglider's Arctic Coat Nightglider's Arctic Goggles Frostfinder's Arctic Boots Frostfinder's Arctic Coat Frostfinder's Arctic Goggles Frostfinder's Arctic Pants Frostfinder's Arctic Tail Cozy Frostfinder's Arctic Bags Windwalker's Arctic Tail Cozy Windwalker's Arctic Tail Cozy Windwalker's Arctic Tail Cozy Dustrunner's Arctic Boots Dustrunner's Arctic Coat Dustrunner's Arctic Coat Dustrunner's Arctic Coat Dustrunner's Arctic Gloves Dustrunner's Arctic Goggles Dustrunner's Arctic Bags Dustrunner's Arctic Bags Cloudgazer's Arctic Boots Cloudgazer's Arctic Boots Cloudgazer's Arctic Coat Cloudgazer's Arctic Gloves Cloudgazer's Arctic Gloves Cloudgazer's Arctic Pants Cloudgazer's Arctic Bags Ghost Flame Candles Ghost Flame Candles Ghost Flame Candles Ghost Flame Cloak Ghost Flame Cloak Ghost Flame Cloak Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Collar Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Tail Jewel Ghost Flame Tail Jewel Ghost Flame Tail Jewel Ghost Flame Tail Jewel Ghost Flame Tail Jewel Ghost Flame Tail Jewel Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon Haunted Flame Collar Haunted Flame Collar Haunted Flame Collar Haunted Flame Headpiece Haunted Flame Tail Jewel Haunted Flame Tail Jewel Haunted Flame Wing Ribbon Gossamer Flame Candles Gossamer Flame Collar Gossamer Flame Tail Ribbon Gossamer Flame Wing Ribbon Ethereal Flame Cloak Ethereal Flame Collar Ethereal Flame Wing Ribbon Solar Flame Collar Solar Flame Headpiece Solar Flame Tail Jewel Solar Flame Tail Ribbon Solar Flame Wing Ribbon Toad Companion Ranger's Leggings Toxophilite's Cape Toxophilite's Leggings

Druidic Sash x28 Leafy Gladeboughs x23 Electrician's Crown x4 Mesa Mechanojets x34 Will o' the Ember x33 Starseer's Crown x4 Cosmologist Fieldtools x72 Skeletal Chimes x23 Stonekeeper Crown x5 Bluffclamber Belongings x135 Chillspike Crown x97 Gloomwillow Guide x94 Windbound Mask x183 Diver Crown Diver Crown Warmwater Wanderers x152 Druidic Crown Butterfly's Kiss x138 Luminous Legguards x135 Black Iron Plates x115 Starlight Cloak x142 Scavenger's Tatters x115 Pyrite Pauldrons x154 Snowfall Robe x111 Trickster's Magic Cards x134 Bamboo Breeze Cape x216 Dryad's Guise x143
[item=masked harpy][item=scythe kamaitachi]x3[item=sickle kamaitachi]x4[item=southmarsh podid]x4[item=common podid]x6[item=psywurm]x7[item=brilliant psywurm]x4[item=venomous toridae]x2[item=poisonous toridae]x3[item=blackwing croaker]x4[item=heartred croaker]x2[item=mistwatch shellion]x7[item=shellion]x3[item=marbled jester][item=mossy cerdae]x2[item=highreach bonepicker]x2[item=barred skira]x4 [item=cragbacked bouldursa]x9[item=wavebeak snarler]x3[item=sunbeam soldier]x16[item=lightning lancer]x30[item=molten marauder]x38[item=stardust scholar]x71[item=deadland disciple]x32[item=granite guardian]x73[item=cragward custodian]x47[item=insubstantial illusionist]x55[item=hurricane herald]x76[item=seawater savior]x69[item=sapling speaker]x101[item=shining goblin]x65[item=sparkling goblin]x72[item=blazing goblin]x56[item=enchanting goblin]x69[item=enduring goblin]x54[item=crumbling goblin]x77[item=frozen goblin]x51[item=obscuring goblin]x62 [b]Battle[/b] [item=ambush]
Masked Harpy Scythe Kamaitachi x3 Sickle Kamaitachi x4 Southmarsh Podid x4 Common Podid x6 Psywurm x7 Brilliant Psywurm x4 Venomous Toridae x2 Poisonous Toridae x3 Blackwing Croaker x4 Heartred Croaker x2 Mistwatch Shellion x7 Shellion x3 Marbled Jester Mossy Cerdae x2 Highreach Bonepicker x2 Barred Skira x4

Cragbacked Bouldursa x9x3 Sunbeam Soldier x16 Lightning Lancer x30 Molten Marauder x38 Stardust Scholar x71 Deadland Disciple x32 Granite Guardian x73 Cragward Custodian x47 Insubstantial Illusionist x55 Hurricane Herald x76 Seawater Savior x69 Sapling Speaker x101 Shining Goblin x65 Sparkling Goblin x72 Blazing Goblin x56 Enchanting Goblin x69 Enduring Goblin x54 Crumbling Goblin x77 Frozen Goblin x51 Obscuring Goblin x62


Skins & Accents

Skins & Accents

literally copy/pasted from my old thread so it may not be up to date will work on that in the mean time just ask and i'll double check
literally copy/pasted from my old thread so it may not be up to date will work on that in the mean time just ask and i'll double check
@kaitii can I get an enchanting goblin please for sprockets?
@kaitii can I get an enchanting goblin please for sprockets?

Sure! That'll be 40 sprockets

Sure! That'll be 40 sprockets
@kaitii How much do you wanna for [item=Skin: Come from Shadow]?

How much do you wanna for
Skin: Come from Shadow ?

1068 sprockets

1068 sprockets

Can you hold it for me please?

Can you hold it for me please?