@ Dierdre OMG THIS IS SUCH BEAUTIFUL WORK! Omg. So pretty ^_^
Treori said Hi, we had a chat yesterday and she hopes you're well. ^_^
Your art is as beautiful as ever! Just realized you're currently closed but once you're open again I'll have to jump fast to get my Joker done from you too ^_^ I am well thank you, on a bit of a weight loss journey atm and I'm nearing a whole stone in loss which is great! How about yourself? Keeping well I hope?
@ Dierdre OMG THIS IS SUCH BEAUTIFUL WORK! Omg. So pretty ^_^
Treori said Hi, we had a chat yesterday and she hopes you're well. ^_^
Your art is as beautiful as ever! Just realized you're currently closed but once you're open again I'll have to jump fast to get my Joker done from you too ^_^ I am well thank you, on a bit of a weight loss journey atm and I'm nearing a whole stone in loss which is great! How about yourself? Keeping well I hope?
Thank you so much, and hi to Treori too! It has been a long while since I last had the chance to talk to her~ :'D
Weight loss is so hard... those are amazing results and all the best with it <3
Do you have any tips on that? I'd dearly love to lose lots of fats for the year-end con, but somehow the scale remains linear and has been for ages. Been to Taiwan and back, survived yet another phone launch by the company and trying my best to catch up on commissions now xD
Thank you so much, and hi to Treori too! It has been a long while since I last had the chance to talk to her~ :'D
Weight loss is so hard... those are amazing results and all the best with it <3
Do you have any tips on that? I'd dearly love to lose lots of fats for the year-end con, but somehow the scale remains linear and has been for ages. Been to Taiwan and back, survived yet another phone launch by the company and trying my best to catch up on commissions now xD
Dierdre I've been using two different apps for my weight loss goals, one's MyFitnessPal and the other is Mapmywalk, both are free to download and use. My fitnesspal, tracks what you eat per day and if you wanna lose weight/gain it or keep as you are you tell it as you set it up, and then it allocates you a set amount of calories per day that you can use for food etc.
Mapmywalk is great if you're wanting to track how far you've walked, and the calories you've burned off during the walk. You can use both of these together as well, once synced then you don't need to worry about adding the walking in, as it'll do it for you ^_^
Dierdre I've been using two different apps for my weight loss goals, one's MyFitnessPal and the other is Mapmywalk, both are free to download and use. My fitnesspal, tracks what you eat per day and if you wanna lose weight/gain it or keep as you are you tell it as you set it up, and then it allocates you a set amount of calories per day that you can use for food etc.
Mapmywalk is great if you're wanting to track how far you've walked, and the calories you've burned off during the walk. You can use both of these together as well, once synced then you don't need to worry about adding the walking in, as it'll do it for you ^_^
Dierdre could i be added to the pinglist?
Dierdre could i be added to the pinglist?
Of course, thank you for your interest! Might take a long while before I reopen, though ^^"
Of course, thank you for your interest! Might take a long while before I reopen, though ^^"
Dierdre that's alright, thanks for adding me!
Dierdre that's alright, thanks for adding me!
Hi guys, I'm back in business! It might have been almost a year since I last posted any drawings here? :')
Pinging my personal pinglist and trying out C.A.P.E. for the first time. Sorry for any mispings, and for those on my personal pinglist - kindly let me know if you would like to be removed <3
Here's the [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1435168/1#post_1435168]link[/url] to the first page, updated prices and all.
Alestrius Noelblue @Treori @MoonGoddess @Turnipseed
@Sakrine @razzleberrie @mattykips @VixennSinnett @Kyles
@WillowTree @Ixia @Denise @PhantomSpectre @Minyassa
@ladyvelexis @Joydom29 @Apollomi @Larae @Phoenixfyre
@LilyBound @arach @Smoggybelle @Kuroida @gwenfoxe
@Jynxedbiohazrd @MadWhisperer @Anjoulas @Tafficat
@velvetpaws @Iriexiris @Aphedor @lome @Zoustache @Yaevinn
@Elpide @UnseenRangerGal @Astraya @ancelstierre @BaraBear
@Micheru @Jazz @TrixiesTreasures @ZatsuneDMiku @izzy123s4
@WhimsicalWolf @BlueDusk @DawnSky @ladylilitu
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2335577]Please click here to go to the CAPE thread![/url][br][br]Keywords selected: Digital, Bust, Full Body, Half Body, Real Life Currency, FR Currency, Sketch, Shaded/Fully rendered, Lined, Gijinka, Human, Anthro[/center][br][br][size=1]@epher, @Manhattan, @astromeme, @artisticRock, @Plushstiel, @wildewinged, @Kookaburra, @Meloetta, @Lup, @Imani, @mazurkas, @Robinton, @ErisFei, @forumsdackel, @Shiftie, @acinonyxjubatus, @vinsmoke, @Inoue, @Vovina, @Aztec, @Gimeurcookie, @Keyy, @Ragnell, @Laeyein, @Damindra, @Chaoyang, @balthy, @Xemnas, @Tiriea, @ColoradoBlues, @Nonstop, @Hikumi, @yusukekitagawa, @DoctorRosalia, @Boxparts, @0verdose, @Dis, @Mystiki, @TsarinaTorment, @Reiyn, @keydotzip, @AtticSaltStorms, @Laxi, @rosevoids, @Ember, @DarklightRaven[/size]
[quote=Messy Sketches (Bust)]AlisterGlory's Sydyk
[quote=Clean Sketches (Half Body)]Sample: Gladiolus Fan Art
[quote=Coloured Busts][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=48363]Phoenixfyre's[/url] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=2524187]Mr Pibbs[/url]
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=5837]Apollomi's[/url] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=21639]Ryssa[/url][img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/301/32067829051_97b214ec67_o.png[/img]
[quote=Half-body Partial Colour]
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=56899]Alestrius's[/url] Original Character
[quote=Full Body with Background][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=211742]Spinaria's [/url][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=23684247]Latte[/url] (Contest entry)
[quote=Two Characters Half Body with Background][img]https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1725/41787355544_3750dfc75b_c.jpg[/img][/quote]
[quote=Moving Coatls (Adoptables?)]
Hi guys, I'm back in business! It might have been almost a year since I last posted any drawings here? :')
Pinging my personal pinglist and trying out C.A.P.E. for the first time. Sorry for any mispings, and for those on my personal pinglist - kindly let me know if you would like to be removed <3
Here's the
link to the first page, updated prices and all.
Alestrius Noelblue @
Treori @
MoonGoddess @
Sakrine @
razzleberrie @
mattykips @
VixennSinnett @
WillowTree @
Ixia @
Denise @
PhantomSpectre @
ladyvelexis @
Joydom29 @
Apollomi @
Larae @
LilyBound @
arach @
Smoggybelle @
Kuroida @
Jynxedbiohazrd @
MadWhisperer @
Anjoulas @
velvetpaws @
Iriexiris @
Aphedor @
lome @
Zoustache @
Elpide @
UnseenRangerGal @
Astraya @
ancelstierre @
Micheru @
Jazz @
TrixiesTreasures @
ZatsuneDMiku @
WhimsicalWolf @
BlueDusk @
DawnSky @
Please click here to go to the CAPE thread!
Keywords selected: Digital, Bust, Full Body, Half Body, Real Life Currency, FR Currency, Sketch, Shaded/Fully rendered, Lined, Gijinka, Human, Anthro
@epher, @Manhattan, @astromeme, @artisticRock, @Plushstiel, @wildewinged, @Kookaburra, @Meloetta, @Lup, @Imani, @mazurkas, @Robinton, @ErisFei, @forumsdackel, @Shiftie, @acinonyxjubatus, @vinsmoke, @Inoue, @Vovina, @Aztec, @Gimeurcookie, @Keyy, @Ragnell, @Laeyein, @Damindra, @Chaoyang, @balthy, @Xemnas, @Tiriea, @ColoradoBlues, @Nonstop, @Hikumi, @yusukekitagawa, @DoctorRosalia, @Boxparts, @0verdose, @Dis, @Mystiki, @TsarinaTorment, @Reiyn, @keydotzip, @AtticSaltStorms, @Laxi, @rosevoids, @Ember, @DarklightRaven
Messy Sketches (Bust) wrote:
AlisterGlory's Sydyk

Clean Sketches (Half Body) wrote:
Sample: Gladiolus Fan Art

Half-body Partial Colour wrote:
Alestrius's Original Character

Two Characters Half Body with Background wrote:
Moving Coatls (Adoptables?) wrote:
Dierdre aah I'm too poor right now (just bought a Tatters...) but could I be on your pinglist?
Dierdre aah I'm too poor right now (just bought a Tatters...) but could I be on your pinglist?
Tsari; she/her; FR+8
Congratulations on the tatters, and thank you for your interest! <3
Congratulations on the tatters, and thank you for your interest! <3
Anytime for you <3
Hello again and may it be a pleasant flight~
Anytime for you <3
Hello again and may it be a pleasant flight~