
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
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@Akeeto That's fine! :3
@Akeeto That's fine! :3
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I've been digging through older posts on the art forum but are you still open? I'd love to commission you!

I've been digging through older posts on the art forum but are you still open? I'd love to commission you!
would you be able to do two tundras glaring at each other? (small accessories)
would you be able to do two tundras glaring at each other? (small accessories)
@Akeeto Are you still open? Because I'd love to commission you! ;u;
@Akeeto Are you still open? Because I'd love to commission you! ;u;
@BaraBear @Krin Yup I'm still open!
@felidae89 chibi or normal :o ?
@BaraBear @Krin Yup I'm still open!
@felidae89 chibi or normal :o ?
@Akeeto chibi might be cute but id be happy either way :) my one has gembond and a headband and the other just has a brown fedora. (First is a wall tagger artist and the other is the cop trying to catch him)
@Akeeto chibi might be cute but id be happy either way :) my one has gembond and a headband and the other just has a brown fedora. (First is a wall tagger artist and the other is the cop trying to catch him)
@felidae89 aww thats cute ;w;
just message me with how much you wanna pay :3
@felidae89 aww thats cute ;w;
just message me with how much you wanna pay :3
Would 50k per piece be okay for 3 things like this?

It would be of these guys:
Would 50k per piece be okay for 3 things like this?

It would be of these guys:

If it's okay with you, can you do a normal style fullbody of this guy?
Some noticeable details that I'd like you to keep in is that he's supposed to be somewhat stocky
(Artist note, sorry about this but, his head should be blockier to look a little bit more like a Snapper's uvu I'm not very good with anthro's)

If it's okay with you, can you do a normal style fullbody of this guy?
Some noticeable details that I'd like you to keep in is that he's supposed to be somewhat stocky
(Artist note, sorry about this but, his head should be blockier to look a little bit more like a Snapper's uvu I'm not very good with anthro's)
@Scissors I'll message you :O

@BaraBear sure!! just message me with what you wanna pay :3
@Scissors I'll message you :O

@BaraBear sure!! just message me with what you wanna pay :3
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