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TOPIC | vinheim's writing shop [ PINGLIST ]

alright then! you have secured the fourth slot. thank you for commissioning me!

alright then! you have secured the fourth slot. thank you for commissioning me!
+2 FR time. my writing shop
@vinheim I'd be interested in getting some lore for my progens! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] For each of them I'd like a sort of backstory/personality description combo, which I figure should end up in the 500-1000 word range, but I don't mind paying for the next tier if it goes over. (In fact, I think you should be charging at least three times what you currently are...) So the basic backstory idea I have for them is that Shrike hatched alone in the middle of nowhere and essentially carved out a predatory life by herself, while Lucid had a family, but was accidentally left behind as a hatchling when his clan fled a beastclan attack. They run into each other while traveling and fight, but end up becoming unlikely allies and settling down together. Personality-wise, Shrike's mostly feral and antisocial (having grown up apart from other dragons) and her vocabulary is limited. Even after adjusting to living in a clan, she tends to keep away from other dragons, with the occasional exception of Lucid. Her main role in the clan is scavenging and cleaning carcasses to repurpose the bones. She's actually quite happy with her station in life--it's just that no one else can really tell. Lucid is silent, watchful, and fiercely loyal. Sort of considered the clan's godfather. At the rare times that he does speak, he's very brief and to the point. He's most often found sleeping, pretending to be sleeping, patrolling the perimeter of the clan's minuscule territory, or sitting and watching the goings-on of the clan with unnerving attentiveness. Most see him as passive and harmless, if a bit odd, but he can be immensely ferocious towards anything that endangers the clan. I hope all this isn't too detailed to constrict your writing style, and you're welcome to reinterpret it a bit if you want.

I'd be interested in getting some lore for my progens!



For each of them I'd like a sort of backstory/personality description combo, which I figure should end up in the 500-1000 word range, but I don't mind paying for the next tier if it goes over. (In fact, I think you should be charging at least three times what you currently are...)

So the basic backstory idea I have for them is that Shrike hatched alone in the middle of nowhere and essentially carved out a predatory life by herself, while Lucid had a family, but was accidentally left behind as a hatchling when his clan fled a beastclan attack. They run into each other while traveling and fight, but end up becoming unlikely allies and settling down together.

Personality-wise, Shrike's mostly feral and antisocial (having grown up apart from other dragons) and her vocabulary is limited. Even after adjusting to living in a clan, she tends to keep away from other dragons, with the occasional exception of Lucid. Her main role in the clan is scavenging and cleaning carcasses to repurpose the bones. She's actually quite happy with her station in life--it's just that no one else can really tell.

Lucid is silent, watchful, and fiercely loyal. Sort of considered the clan's godfather. At the rare times that he does speak, he's very brief and to the point. He's most often found sleeping, pretending to be sleeping, patrolling the perimeter of the clan's minuscule territory, or sitting and watching the goings-on of the clan with unnerving attentiveness. Most see him as passive and harmless, if a bit odd, but he can be immensely ferocious towards anything that endangers the clan.

I hope all this isn't too detailed to constrict your writing style, and you're welcome to reinterpret it a bit if you want.

May I be placed on the pinglist?

May I be placed on the pinglist?
[quote name="Sumatra" date=2017-04-20 01:38:46] @vinheim I'd be interested in getting some lore for my progens! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] For each of them I'd like a sort of backstory/personality description combo, which I figure should end up in the 500-1000 word range, but I don't mind paying for the next tier if it goes over. I hope all this isn't too detailed to constrict your writing style, and you're welcome to reinterpret it a bit if you want. [/quote] hello there! i am very, very honored to do your progens for you! i did have one question, upon looking at lucid's bio, the current code seems to not support an entire story. do you want me to change my style for his bio so he can keep the same code?
Sumatra wrote on 2017-04-20:

I'd be interested in getting some lore for my progens!



For each of them I'd like a sort of backstory/personality description combo, which I figure should end up in the 500-1000 word range, but I don't mind paying for the next tier if it goes over.

I hope all this isn't too detailed to constrict your writing style, and you're welcome to reinterpret it a bit if you want.

hello there! i am very, very honored to do your progens for you!

i did have one question, upon looking at lucid's bio, the current code seems to not support an entire story. do you want me to change my style for his bio so he can keep the same code?
+2 FR time. my writing shop
[quote name="Ximena" date=2017-04-20 03:19:17] @vinheim May I be placed on the pinglist? [/quote] adding right now! thank you for your interest!
Ximena wrote on 2017-04-20:

May I be placed on the pinglist?

adding right now! thank you for your interest!
+2 FR time. my writing shop

No thanks, just write as much as you like and I can adjust the code myself (I enjoy modding bio layouts). Thank you for asking, though!

No thanks, just write as much as you like and I can adjust the code myself (I enjoy modding bio layouts). Thank you for asking, though!
hello everyone! im bumping this as an alert: i slowed down massively because, in order, i had a personal emergency and then i got sick, and i'm still trying to shake the illness off.

i'm so, so sorry for taking much longer than predicted! thank you for your patience!
hello everyone! im bumping this as an alert: i slowed down massively because, in order, i had a personal emergency and then i got sick, and i'm still trying to shake the illness off.

i'm so, so sorry for taking much longer than predicted! thank you for your patience!
+2 FR time. my writing shop
so the life situation seems... to be over? getting back to these now! i am so, so sorry about the wait, it's been incredibly hectic. i'll be working as hard as i can, everyone!

thank you for waiting for so long!
so the life situation seems... to be over? getting back to these now! i am so, so sorry about the wait, it's been incredibly hectic. i'll be working as hard as i can, everyone!

thank you for waiting for so long!
+2 FR time. my writing shop