
General Discussion

Discuss your favorites: TV shows, music, games and hobbies.
TOPIC | One thing that makes you happy?
Video games~
Video games~
I have my own website for things I've made!
Jesus and my family (animals included) of course
Jesus and my family (animals included) of course
Drawing, sleeping, animals, friends (irl and online), family, relaxing, watching what i like, almost any music excluding some genres

Drawing, sleeping, animals, friends (irl and online), family, relaxing, watching what i like, almost any music excluding some genres

Lots of music, feeling peaceful, and acts of kindness
Lots of music, feeling peaceful, and acts of kindness
Dragon in love with the stars. Been here for a while, feel free to message me!
My girlfriend. She makes me very happy.
My girlfriend. She makes me very happy.
{Puppy} {FR +2} {Goat Lover} {22} {They/Them}
every time i feel like trash (which is quite often) i just talk to my best friend and i'm almost always instantly much happier, she's really great

i know the thread only said one thing but certain songs also make me feel really good as they do most other people so yeah
every time i feel like trash (which is quite often) i just talk to my best friend and i'm almost always instantly much happier, she's really great

i know the thread only said one thing but certain songs also make me feel really good as they do most other people so yeah
my tumblr
Jiro my sweet little pooch!
Jiro my sweet little pooch!
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?
Quality music is a blessing~
Quality music is a blessing~
Hi. I just wanna interact with people on this heccn website.
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Disney World. <3 My energy fits with that place's energy and it just makes me feel better, and super happy.
Disney World. <3 My energy fits with that place's energy and it just makes me feel better, and super happy.