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TOPIC | (help!) Time with your bf/gf/spouse??
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My boyfriend and I have had hardly any time at all together since the 21st, where usually we spend 2-3 hours a day together. It is an internet-based relationship, but only because there is 3,000 miles between us, but we still do most of the things you would normally do in a relationship, we just do things differently.
My roomate, on the other hand, thinks that 20 minutes a day should be more than sufficient, and the average ammount of time spent together by married couples. But from observing his relationship, and how he handes it, he definatey doesnt seem like the expert he claims to be.

How much time do you spend with your signifigant other per day? (including phone calls, internet, games, Ect.) And any advice for convincing my roomate to keep his nose out of my busness, and stop nagging me about how much time I spend with my boyfriend?
My boyfriend and I have had hardly any time at all together since the 21st, where usually we spend 2-3 hours a day together. It is an internet-based relationship, but only because there is 3,000 miles between us, but we still do most of the things you would normally do in a relationship, we just do things differently.
My roomate, on the other hand, thinks that 20 minutes a day should be more than sufficient, and the average ammount of time spent together by married couples. But from observing his relationship, and how he handes it, he definatey doesnt seem like the expert he claims to be.

How much time do you spend with your signifigant other per day? (including phone calls, internet, games, Ect.) And any advice for convincing my roomate to keep his nose out of my busness, and stop nagging me about how much time I spend with my boyfriend?
I haven't been able to spend much time with my girlfriend either since her computer broke, and we're also in an internet/long distance relationship. We used to spend 2-4 hours nightly, but we both have jobs now and she's got that broken computer, we spend a little bit of time trying to text each other a bit daily. I've been through that before since my last girlfriend was in a whole other country, but my current one is just one province over but still far.

As for advice, well... Tell him face to face to stay the heck out of your personal business and respect your privacy between you and your boyfriend
I haven't been able to spend much time with my girlfriend either since her computer broke, and we're also in an internet/long distance relationship. We used to spend 2-4 hours nightly, but we both have jobs now and she's got that broken computer, we spend a little bit of time trying to text each other a bit daily. I've been through that before since my last girlfriend was in a whole other country, but my current one is just one province over but still far.

As for advice, well... Tell him face to face to stay the heck out of your personal business and respect your privacy between you and your boyfriend
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Tell your roommate to mind his own business.

As for the time spent thing, my ex and I lived in separate houses so we saw each other off and on, but we spent at least a day together a week when things were going good.

Then we started to drift apart, and she stopped loving, well, it's a long story. Bottom line, do whatever you think is right. If either of you have a problem, talk about it.
Tell your roommate to mind his own business.

As for the time spent thing, my ex and I lived in separate houses so we saw each other off and on, but we spent at least a day together a week when things were going good.

Then we started to drift apart, and she stopped loving, well, it's a long story. Bottom line, do whatever you think is right. If either of you have a problem, talk about it.

We both have a problem, but its not with either of us, its with the lack of time.
My roomate deliberately finds a way to get in the way whenever its possible for my boyfriend to have time together. And yes, its deliberate.My BF works, my roomate demanded that I do housework during the time my BF was home. Well, my BF's schedule changed, and after I told roomate, so did the chores schedule. :/

We both have a problem, but its not with either of us, its with the lack of time.
My roomate deliberately finds a way to get in the way whenever its possible for my boyfriend to have time together. And yes, its deliberate.My BF works, my roomate demanded that I do housework during the time my BF was home. Well, my BF's schedule changed, and after I told roomate, so did the chores schedule. :/
me and my girlfriend live in the same room together, so maybe 10 hours a day?
me and my girlfriend live in the same room together, so maybe 10 hours a day?
@Ennthen Sit down and have a talk with your roommate
Ask them why they try to get in the way of your relationship so much, get them to be honest with you
That way you can hopefully work out whatever the underlying issue is
If you can't work it out consider finding a new place
@Ennthen Sit down and have a talk with your roommate
Ask them why they try to get in the way of your relationship so much, get them to be honest with you
That way you can hopefully work out whatever the underlying issue is
If you can't work it out consider finding a new place
My gf @Nicolas lives in a completely different state, a few states away actually. So hanging out in real life is 0 hours and everything, but online we normally talk over Skype all night and day.

Also, I wish I can help with your current problem. :c I would go with what Hera said, however.
My gf @Nicolas lives in a completely different state, a few states away actually. So hanging out in real life is 0 hours and everything, but online we normally talk over Skype all night and day.

Also, I wish I can help with your current problem. :c I would go with what Hera said, however.

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My boyfriend lives in the same town as me... We usually spend a couple hours a day together, every day a week, and we spend the entire weekend together unless he's with his other friends or whatever. But the times we're not hanging out, we usually text each other on and off all day, occasional half hour phone calls, playing Xbox late at night, etc.

However, with one of my more recent exes, who was an internet relationship, we Skyped once every other week, spent hours together on Xbox, played some computer games together, texted all day, and slept on the phone together, so I'd say we spent about the same amount of time "together" as my current relationship.

20 minutes a day is definitely not enough time to spend with a significant other, unless that's all you can manage x_x And I also suggest you do what Hera recommended.
My boyfriend lives in the same town as me... We usually spend a couple hours a day together, every day a week, and we spend the entire weekend together unless he's with his other friends or whatever. But the times we're not hanging out, we usually text each other on and off all day, occasional half hour phone calls, playing Xbox late at night, etc.

However, with one of my more recent exes, who was an internet relationship, we Skyped once every other week, spent hours together on Xbox, played some computer games together, texted all day, and slept on the phone together, so I'd say we spent about the same amount of time "together" as my current relationship.

20 minutes a day is definitely not enough time to spend with a significant other, unless that's all you can manage x_x And I also suggest you do what Hera recommended.
How much time to spend together depends entirely on the people involved. In new relationships, I spent very little time with them for the first few months. Maybe hung out for a couple of hours once a week with occasional texts. But that's me. If I feel like the other person is getting clingy or wants a monopoly on my spare time, that's the end of the relationship. Other people are different and it seems to work for them.

@Ennthen Is there a reason your roommate can dictate when you do chores? If both your names are on the lease and you share the rent payment, then it's not like he can kick you out. If there is a situation where he's got some control over things, then talking with him as suggested could work. But if he's not a talking type of person, then I'd get chores done early or don't let him know what your boyfriend's schedule is.

But I'd honestly be looking for a new place to live, because he sounds like this former roommate I had and even though we were friends initially, nothing good came out of us living together. She was way too controlling and wanted everything to be done her way.
How much time to spend together depends entirely on the people involved. In new relationships, I spent very little time with them for the first few months. Maybe hung out for a couple of hours once a week with occasional texts. But that's me. If I feel like the other person is getting clingy or wants a monopoly on my spare time, that's the end of the relationship. Other people are different and it seems to work for them.

@Ennthen Is there a reason your roommate can dictate when you do chores? If both your names are on the lease and you share the rent payment, then it's not like he can kick you out. If there is a situation where he's got some control over things, then talking with him as suggested could work. But if he's not a talking type of person, then I'd get chores done early or don't let him know what your boyfriend's schedule is.

But I'd honestly be looking for a new place to live, because he sounds like this former roommate I had and even though we were friends initially, nothing good came out of us living together. She was way too controlling and wanted everything to be done her way.
[quote name="Ennthen" date="2013-12-28 21:41:49"]@gruesomegoo We both have a problem, but its not with either of us, its with the lack of time. My roomate deliberately finds a way to get in the way whenever its possible for my boyfriend to have time together. And yes, its deliberate.My BF works, my roomate demanded that I do housework during the time my BF was home. Well, my BF's schedule changed, and after I told roomate, so did the chores schedule. :/[/quote] This is so weird to me. Is your roommate in love with you? I can't imagine what would motivate such mean spiritedness. I spent a couple days a week with my last boyfriend. We weren't very close. My boyfriend before that, we'd spend about two hours a day together.
Ennthen wrote on 2013-12-28 21:41:49:

We both have a problem, but its not with either of us, its with the lack of time.
My roomate deliberately finds a way to get in the way whenever its possible for my boyfriend to have time together. And yes, its deliberate.My BF works, my roomate demanded that I do housework during the time my BF was home. Well, my BF's schedule changed, and after I told roomate, so did the chores schedule. :/

This is so weird to me. Is your roommate in love with you? I can't imagine what would motivate such mean spiritedness.

I spent a couple days a week with my last boyfriend. We weren't very close. My boyfriend before that, we'd spend about two hours a day together.
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