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TOPIC | The Elysium Bazaar
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Creepy circus is my jam

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Creepy circus is my jam

art by frithsamur
Alright, you're in~
Alright, you're in~

I love this concept.

I love this concept.
Sure thing!!
Sure thing!!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] “It’s going to be alright young ones, no need to be afraid! Come come, come closer! I have something for you all, but only if you’re good little boys and girls!” The white and violet fae stood up tall on the box he was set up on. It was hard work being the ticket master at the Elysium Bazaar, but it was highly rewarding. He got to see all the smiling faces before everyone else! And….he got to see the hatchlings and beast clan younglings first. He got to eye them up and determine who would best fit in with the band of misfits….who wouldn’t be missed if they were left behind or lost. He took small bags of treasure in returns for tickets, smiling all the while. “Say...I know what you all need! Here, enjoy!” In his claws were candies of all sorts. Hatchlings clambered over their parents for the overly sweet treats that would cause their stomachs to hurt later, but would be worth it now. “Easy now easy, there’s enough for everyone!” Euthymius laughed and handed out the treats. That’s when he saw the next victim, er...performer. A freckled wing fae. Smaller than he, as she was only a hatchling, she seemed to get blown over by the hoard of younglings and no one seemed to be making sure she was ok. No one would miss her. As the other younglings scampered away at their parents heels, he kept a close eye on this one tiny fae. She was behind the pack, like she was just trying to sneak in and have some fun at the circus. That didn’t bother him in the slightest. In fact it gave way for a great opportunity. As there was no one waiting to purchase a ticket, Euthymius fluttered back inside the small shack he was given to rest in and wrote down a detailed description of the fae. The parchment was given to his trust Rasa who knew exactly who to hand it to. The small familiar scampered off to Crystalline. In the meantime Euthymius would have to keep a close eye out to make sure that this little fae wouldn’t leave. It was easy enough, since there was only one way in and one way out. In the meantime he settled back in his little booth and contemplated how he had joined this twisted circus. He was too old to be taken in by Crystalline and Torque, but that didn’t stop him from hanging around. Charismatic, charming and most importantly, he made any hatchling that came near him smile. Important, in running a ‘circus’. And honestly, he didn’t really care about what happened to the hatchlings once they were made to join. It was the will of the Eleven, so who was he to argue? No no, he was just doing his part. Besides, who wouldn’t like working in a circus? The food was free, the performers had interesting stories and he got to travel for no cost to him. He was living the life! And so were the hatchlings! They got all these amazing things, all they had to do was get some..adjustments, so to speak and they got to go all over Sorenith for free! Nothing was better than this life. Nothing...was better. @Metroid @fricklefrack @Xotik @SybilRamkin @TigerMigo @Immuno @zzzhorses @Kivetre @MintyDragon @Anemis @Lola3227


“It’s going to be alright young ones, no need to be afraid! Come come, come closer! I have something for you all, but only if you’re good little boys and girls!” The white and violet fae stood up tall on the box he was set up on. It was hard work being the ticket master at the Elysium Bazaar, but it was highly rewarding. He got to see all the smiling faces before everyone else! And….he got to see the hatchlings and beast clan younglings first. He got to eye them up and determine who would best fit in with the band of misfits….who wouldn’t be missed if they were left behind or lost. He took small bags of treasure in returns for tickets, smiling all the while. “Say...I know what you all need! Here, enjoy!” In his claws were candies of all sorts. Hatchlings clambered over their parents for the overly sweet treats that would cause their stomachs to hurt later, but would be worth it now.

“Easy now easy, there’s enough for everyone!” Euthymius laughed and handed out the treats. That’s when he saw the next victim, er...performer. A freckled wing fae. Smaller than he, as she was only a hatchling, she seemed to get blown over by the hoard of younglings and no one seemed to be making sure she was ok. No one would miss her.
As the other younglings scampered away at their parents heels, he kept a close eye on this one tiny fae. She was behind the pack, like she was just trying to sneak in and have some fun at the circus. That didn’t bother him in the slightest. In fact it gave way for a great opportunity. As there was no one waiting to purchase a ticket, Euthymius fluttered back inside the small shack he was given to rest in and wrote down a detailed description of the fae. The parchment was given to his trust Rasa who knew exactly who to hand it to. The small familiar scampered off to Crystalline. In the meantime Euthymius would have to keep a close eye out to make sure that this little fae wouldn’t leave. It was easy enough, since there was only one way in and one way out.

In the meantime he settled back in his little booth and contemplated how he had joined this twisted circus. He was too old to be taken in by Crystalline and Torque, but that didn’t stop him from hanging around. Charismatic, charming and most importantly, he made any hatchling that came near him smile. Important, in running a ‘circus’. And honestly, he didn’t really care about what happened to the hatchlings once they were made to join. It was the will of the Eleven, so who was he to argue? No no, he was just doing his part.

Besides, who wouldn’t like working in a circus? The food was free, the performers had interesting stories and he got to travel for no cost to him. He was living the life! And so were the hatchlings! They got all these amazing things, all they had to do was get some..adjustments, so to speak and they got to go all over Sorenith for free!

Nothing was better than this life. Nothing...was better.

@Metroid @fricklefrack @Xotik @SybilRamkin @TigerMigo @Immuno @zzzhorses @Kivetre @MintyDragon @Anemis @Lola3227
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] “Come on come on, try your luck with the cards.” The lovely Imperial sat at her booth with cards spread out face down in front of her. She rested her head on her one arm and smiled mischievously at the crowd gathering around her booth. The hatchlings weren’t looking at the cards, they were eyeing up her lack of wing and arm. She winked at them. “Ever seen a one winged dragon kiddies? Born like this, medical anomaly, they told my folks.” Tsillah repeated the script given to her when the stitches were removed. The scars were still there, at the corners of her mouth, going up in a twisted grin. The hatchlings looked on with sparkles in their eyes, lured in by the story. Even the adults were interested, even though they couldn’t think of ever hearing about a one winged Imperial born in the Tangled Woods. Ah well, some stories weren’t shared. Tsillah flexed out her one wing. A beautiful, yet scarred butterfly pattern reflected the sunlight and coated the hatchlings in a rich shade of purple. “Yep, I can’t fly to save my life, but that doesn’t stop me.” “What about your arm miss?” A small Wildclaw pointed to the stump. It was on the same side as the missing wing, the left side. “Well, that’s the same deal. Born without it.” She did a one armed shrug. “Doctors are surprised I still have my left leg.” She chuckled a bit. But that wasn’t the truth. The truth was, when she was young, she was lured into the circus. The fun lights, the happy atmosphere, she wanted to be apart of it. Somehow, she had gotten in. It wasn’t like how she had thought. When she came, she had both wings, and both arms. When she was first put out in the big top with the rest of the hatchlings…..she only had one of each. A shudder ran through her at the memory but she hid it with that big smile. At this point, Tsillah was dead inside. She didn’t feel pity for the new recruits, she didn’t feel sickened by the their want to join. No, if anything she felt a sort of sick joy brought on, knowing full well what they would get themselves into. All because they wanted to join the circus. She could have laughed, had she not been in the middle of a game. “So, back to my original question….would you like to try your luck with the cards?” @Metroid @fricklefrack @Xotik @SybilRamkin @TigerMigo @Immuno @zzzhorses @Kivetre @MintyDragon @Anemis @Lola3227


“Come on come on, try your luck with the cards.” The lovely Imperial sat at her booth with cards spread out face down in front of her. She rested her head on her one arm and smiled mischievously at the crowd gathering around her booth. The hatchlings weren’t looking at the cards, they were eyeing up her lack of wing and arm. She winked at them. “Ever seen a one winged dragon kiddies? Born like this, medical anomaly, they told my folks.” Tsillah repeated the script given to her when the stitches were removed. The scars were still there, at the corners of her mouth, going up in a twisted grin. The hatchlings looked on with sparkles in their eyes, lured in by the story. Even the adults were interested, even though they couldn’t think of ever hearing about a one winged Imperial born in the Tangled Woods. Ah well, some stories weren’t shared.

Tsillah flexed out her one wing. A beautiful, yet scarred butterfly pattern reflected the sunlight and coated the hatchlings in a rich shade of purple. “Yep, I can’t fly to save my life, but that doesn’t stop me.”

“What about your arm miss?” A small Wildclaw pointed to the stump. It was on the same side as the missing wing, the left side.

“Well, that’s the same deal. Born without it.” She did a one armed shrug. “Doctors are surprised I still have my left leg.” She chuckled a bit. But that wasn’t the truth.

The truth was, when she was young, she was lured into the circus. The fun lights, the happy atmosphere, she wanted to be apart of it. Somehow, she had gotten in. It wasn’t like how she had thought. When she came, she had both wings, and both arms. When she was first put out in the big top with the rest of the hatchlings…..she only had one of each. A shudder ran through her at the memory but she hid it with that big smile. At this point, Tsillah was dead inside. She didn’t feel pity for the new recruits, she didn’t feel sickened by the their want to join. No, if anything she felt a sort of sick joy brought on, knowing full well what they would get themselves into. All because they wanted to join the circus. She could have laughed, had she not been in the middle of a game.

“So, back to my original question….would you like to try your luck with the cards?”

@Metroid @fricklefrack @Xotik @SybilRamkin @TigerMigo @Immuno @zzzhorses @Kivetre @MintyDragon @Anemis @Lola3227
It wasn’t always like this.

The Bazaar was a normal place. A happy place. Dragons of all kinds would come from afar to see the shows, eat the food and have a jolly good time. The tents were (relatively) clean, the members happy and mood jovial. Crystalline and Torque had genuine smiles on their faces. The joy they brought ended up bringing them joy.

It wasn’t always like this.

When the crowds stopped coming, bored with the same old shows, the same old tricks. Even the games were getting old. Dragons refused to come when a circus couldn’t excite them. Crystalline and Torque were at their wits ends. Performers were leaving, since their salaries couldn’t get paid, and those running the booths got bored trying to entice the few dragons who came to spend their meager coins. They too left.

It wasn’t always like this.

Crystalline and Torque scrambled for ways to get anyone to come by. Then one day, a one legged wonder hobbled into the show. He attracted attention. Dragons came from all over to see this one legged dragon. The wheels in Crystalline’s mind started turning. She shared her ideas with Torque. He agreed.

It wasn’t always like this.

Their first was a hatchling. A Skydancer hatchling, left alone in the Tangled Woods. They brought him in, promising food and shelter. He got those, at the expense of his legs. He lost one. His tail was split in two. Even more dragons came to see this wonder. A two tailed dragon! How amazing! The crowds spilled in with each ‘freak’ they brought in. It was a twisted turn of events.

To the hatchlings who were taken and forced into the bazaar, it was always like this.

@Metroid @fricklefrack @Xotik @SybilRamkin @TigerMigo @Immuno @zzzhorses @Kivetre @MintyDragon @Anemis @Lola3227
It wasn’t always like this.

The Bazaar was a normal place. A happy place. Dragons of all kinds would come from afar to see the shows, eat the food and have a jolly good time. The tents were (relatively) clean, the members happy and mood jovial. Crystalline and Torque had genuine smiles on their faces. The joy they brought ended up bringing them joy.

It wasn’t always like this.

When the crowds stopped coming, bored with the same old shows, the same old tricks. Even the games were getting old. Dragons refused to come when a circus couldn’t excite them. Crystalline and Torque were at their wits ends. Performers were leaving, since their salaries couldn’t get paid, and those running the booths got bored trying to entice the few dragons who came to spend their meager coins. They too left.

It wasn’t always like this.

Crystalline and Torque scrambled for ways to get anyone to come by. Then one day, a one legged wonder hobbled into the show. He attracted attention. Dragons came from all over to see this one legged dragon. The wheels in Crystalline’s mind started turning. She shared her ideas with Torque. He agreed.

It wasn’t always like this.

Their first was a hatchling. A Skydancer hatchling, left alone in the Tangled Woods. They brought him in, promising food and shelter. He got those, at the expense of his legs. He lost one. His tail was split in two. Even more dragons came to see this wonder. A two tailed dragon! How amazing! The crowds spilled in with each ‘freak’ they brought in. It was a twisted turn of events.

To the hatchlings who were taken and forced into the bazaar, it was always like this.

@Metroid @fricklefrack @Xotik @SybilRamkin @TigerMigo @Immuno @zzzhorses @Kivetre @MintyDragon @Anemis @Lola3227
*slams hands down on the table* Pinglist. Yes. Please. Gimme more.
*slams hands down on the table* Pinglist. Yes. Please. Gimme more.