
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | offer on anyone in my lair :)
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@tybaltcatulet Of course, I will update the other person offering! Thanks for your interest :)
@tybaltcatulet Of course, I will update the other person offering! Thanks for your interest :)
@tybaltcatulet They've upped their offer to 800g :)
@tybaltcatulet They've upped their offer to 800g :)
Would you do 300k for Scoop perhaps? ;u;
Would you do 300k for Scoop perhaps? ;u;
@Faulen Yes, I would! I'll set up a private auction :)
@Faulen Yes, I would! I'll set up a private auction :)
I've added two more, including a girl with 2 art pieces and a fully coded and written bio. Probably the only lore I've ever done start to finish for one of my own dragons, ooops. cx
I've added two more, including a girl with 2 art pieces and a fully coded and written bio. Probably the only lore I've ever done start to finish for one of my own dragons, ooops. cx
Tyvm! <3
Tyvm! <3
Sorry, I know I pinged some of you about a week ago, but I have this great new girl added that comes with 2 art pieces and very extensive, unique lore with a cool coded bio and I really wanted you guys to see! :) Pinged: w/ art, w/ bios, pearlcatchers (w/ art or bios) ... eliminated all obvious double pings, though I am sure I missed some and am very sorry if so! [size=7]DEFINITE SALES[/SIZE] Herza / Jera - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] - In lore, her name is Herza but her cult name is Jera, which means year. If you want to rename her to just straight up Jera, I can include a scroll of renaming. :) - She has a custom biography with coding & graphics that I've done, and she comes with two art pieces. - Really cool lore concept & in my clan lore, she is a clockmaker and hoards all of the gears and pocketwatches. I can send her over with her hoard...she probably wouldn't leave the clan without it. - Feel free to collaborate with me or write your own cool lore about why she left the clan :') - She doesn't like the Arcanist. [b]OFFER ME A PRICE! WILLING TO CONSIDER WHATEVER YOU THINK IS FAIR![/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][color=black][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][img][/img] [color=black]Name meaning: "Year" Derived from the Old Saxon rune [i]jera[/i]. "Governs realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse, invoking the power of time and cycles." - [size=2][url=]source[/url][/size] Fun fact: related to dragon #200 and #2264/2265/855/856 (all Gen 1 Imperials)![/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img] [nextcol][color=black][img][/img] The ever inquisitive Arcanist formed an interest towards time; it was such an abstract concept, that he wanted to see how it worked and why it affected the dragons who served him so greatly. His desire was so great that he created a spell to give time a physical embodiment so he could question it. When the Arcanist recited the spell, some of the energy seeped into the earth and resurrected the spirits of those who had passed in the second age. This awakening caused an interruption in the space-time continuum, leading to the creation of a demigod - a partial deity that controls a minor element, but is not as glorious or widely recognized as The Eleven. Along with the creation of the demigod of the Void came the creation of a wyrm who was called the Timeholder. As Timeholder opens her eyes, Arcanist carelessly flings a plethora of questions at her. The elegant and whimsical being deems Arcanist unworthy of her knowledge of time. He was far too abrupt and careless. She believed herself to be more powerful than he. With nothing to stop her, the Timeholder left the Arcanist, going further into Arcane territory and establishing a name for herself. Though her existence is not common knowledge among dragonkind, the Timeholder has built up a strong group of followers. She is considered a cult goddess: the leader of wayward Arcane dragons who believe that her abundant beauty and inexplicable qualities are far more appealing than the Arcanist's insolence and carelessness. [i]The creation of Timeholder is an idea by Seawings. I merely adapted the story for use in Jera's biography.[/i] See more on the previously-proposed Elemental Cults idea [url=]here[/url].[/color][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=black]Jera is fascinated by the intangible concept of time. Time is uncontrollable; there is nothing that dragonkind can do to stop it. It is beautiful and indestructible, abstract and self-sufficient. Jera believes that time is divine because no power or force could ever hope to stop it. She has nothing but disdain for the Arcanist and credits only the fact that he created Timeholder. She believes Timeholder to be the ultimate goddess, discredited because she was not one of the original eleven to rise up. Timeholder's powers, however, are indescribable! Fire can be extinguished, Earth can be shaken, Magic can be countered, Light can be overshadowed... but there is no counteractive force to Time. Much like the demi-god whom she worships, Jera is sleek and voguish. She is stylish and always able to keep up with the latest 'trends,' though she often rejects them and substitutes her own taste. She favors the gear-esque steampunk culture because it is reminiscent of the one she serves. She has a quick mind that is useful for keeping her out of trouble, and completing difficult logic problems is practically effortless for her. She is servant-minded and always willing to aid wherever she is needed in furthering the power of Time. She is spiteful towards others, though, and will go out of her way to harm other dragon's efforts. During the preparation for Starfall Celebration, she is known to slight her clanmates by "accidentally" ruining the posters they've worked on. Many times, she has also sabotaged Grey's best attempts at putting together an airship. Jera dislikes being told she is inadequate. She is selfish but operational; she puts in the work necessary to succeed. She lives out a quest to penetrate the Starfall Isles, spreading the knowledge of the Timeholder's omnipotence and of the Arcanist's belittling attitude. In Aster Clan, she functions as the clockmaker. She is knowledgeable about gears and dials, and she creates and fixes clocks to distribute to her clanmates and offer to other clans in peace treaties and trades. She hoards pocketwatches as she believes the more she surrounds herself with and becomes aware of time, the closer she is to Timeholder.[/color]
Sorry, I know I pinged some of you about a week ago, but I have this great new girl added that comes with 2 art pieces and very extensive, unique lore with a cool coded bio and I really wanted you guys to see! :)

Pinged: w/ art, w/ bios, pearlcatchers (w/ art or bios) ... eliminated all obvious double pings, though I am sure I missed some and am very sorry if so!

Herza / Jera -


- In lore, her name is Herza but her cult name is Jera, which means year. If you want to rename her to just straight up Jera, I can include a scroll of renaming. :)
- She has a custom biography with coding & graphics that I've done, and she comes with two art pieces.
- Really cool lore concept & in my clan lore, she is a clockmaker and hoards all of the gears and pocketwatches. I can send her over with her hoard...she probably wouldn't leave the clan without it.
- Feel free to collaborate with me or write your own cool lore about why she left the clan :')
- She doesn't like the Arcanist.

Name meaning: "Year"
Derived from the Old Saxon rune jera.
"Governs realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse, invoking the power of time and cycles." - source

Fun fact: related to dragon #200 and #2264/2265/855/856 (all Gen 1 Imperials)!

The ever inquisitive Arcanist formed an interest towards time; it was such an abstract concept, that he wanted to see how it worked and why it affected the dragons who served him so greatly. His desire was so great that he created a spell to give time a physical embodiment so he could question it. When the Arcanist recited the spell, some of the energy seeped into the earth and resurrected the spirits of those who had passed in the second age. This awakening caused an interruption in the space-time continuum, leading to the creation of a demigod - a partial deity that controls a minor element, but is not as glorious or widely recognized as The Eleven. Along with the creation of the demigod of the Void came the creation of a wyrm who was called the Timeholder. As Timeholder opens her eyes, Arcanist carelessly flings a plethora of questions at her. The elegant and whimsical being deems Arcanist unworthy of her knowledge of time. He was far too abrupt and careless. She believed herself to be more powerful than he. With nothing to stop her, the Timeholder left the Arcanist, going further into Arcane territory and establishing a name for herself. Though her existence is not common knowledge among dragonkind, the Timeholder has built up a strong group of followers. She is considered a cult goddess: the leader of wayward Arcane dragons who believe that her abundant beauty and inexplicable qualities are far more appealing than the Arcanist's insolence and carelessness.

The creation of Timeholder is an idea by Seawings. I merely adapted the story for use in Jera's biography.

See more on the previously-proposed Elemental Cults idea here.
Jera is fascinated by the intangible concept of time. Time is uncontrollable; there is nothing that dragonkind can do to stop it. It is beautiful and indestructible, abstract and self-sufficient. Jera believes that time is divine because no power or force could ever hope to stop it. She has nothing but disdain for the Arcanist and credits only the fact that he created Timeholder. She believes Timeholder to be the ultimate goddess, discredited because she was not one of the original eleven to rise up. Timeholder's powers, however, are indescribable! Fire can be extinguished, Earth can be shaken, Magic can be countered, Light can be overshadowed... but there is no counteractive force to Time.

Much like the demi-god whom she worships, Jera is sleek and voguish. She is stylish and always able to keep up with the latest 'trends,' though she often rejects them and substitutes her own taste. She favors the gear-esque steampunk culture because it is reminiscent of the one she serves. She has a quick mind that is useful for keeping her out of trouble, and completing difficult logic problems is practically effortless for her. She is servant-minded and always willing to aid wherever she is needed in furthering the power of Time. She is spiteful towards others, though, and will go out of her way to harm other dragon's efforts. During the preparation for Starfall Celebration, she is known to slight her clanmates by "accidentally" ruining the posters they've worked on. Many times, she has also sabotaged Grey's best attempts at putting together an airship.

Jera dislikes being told she is inadequate. She is selfish but operational; she puts in the work necessary to succeed. She lives out a quest to penetrate the Starfall Isles, spreading the knowledge of the Timeholder's omnipotence and of the Arcanist's belittling attitude. In Aster Clan, she functions as the clockmaker. She is knowledgeable about gears and dials, and she creates and fixes clocks to distribute to her clanmates and offer to other clans in peace treaties and trades. She hoards pocketwatches as she believes the more she surrounds herself with and becomes aware of time, the closer she is to Timeholder.

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