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@Cheza [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ooo I love his gold accents!!!


Ooo I love his gold accents!!!
@BadgerArtillery The red against the light purple just pops so much and it's stunning! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

The red against the light purple just pops so much and it's stunning!

I lost all my bones in the war
@Remuta [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Divantae (and I assume her mate) are so pretty! Aaaah, white poi/tox with those pops of colour are fantastic!


Divantae (and I assume her mate) are so pretty! Aaaah, white poi/tox with those pops of colour are fantastic!
@Wolfheart93 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Megaera has such lovely soothing colours, and the accent works surprisingly well with the feathery wings!


Megaera has such lovely soothing colours, and the accent works surprisingly well with the feathery wings!
@Nzhobbes [url=] [img][/img] [/url] omg I think your girl Peri is the prettiest little thing <3 She reminds me of the ocean and I absolutely adore the colours she has! I wouldn't have even considered those genes together but now that I've seen them I think I might make them into a side project! Good job!


omg I think your girl Peri is the prettiest little thing <3 She reminds me of the ocean and I absolutely adore the colours she has! I wouldn't have even considered those genes together but now that I've seen them I think I might make them into a side project! Good job!
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@Exnihilo [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'm a big fan of her fog runes and the gossamer candles! Now I kinda want to have a fog runes dragon of my own *-* it's a gothic and elegant air, especially paired with her midnight petals.


I'm a big fan of her fog runes and the gossamer candles! Now I kinda want to have a fog runes dragon of my own *-* it's a gothic and elegant air, especially paired with her midnight petals.
@Aloice *sobbing because your lair is full of imperials that are beautiful beyond description and it's so hard to choose just one* [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ophelia lost just by a hair on the last thread so I decided to remedy that^^ She is eerie, she's elegant, she is absolutely magnificent!<3 The dark, simple colours and the accent are a perfect match and the apparel only enhances that. So. Freaking. GORGEOUS!<3
@Aloice *sobbing because your lair is full of imperials that are beautiful beyond description and it's so hard to choose just one*


Ophelia lost just by a hair on the last thread so I decided to remedy that^^ She is eerie, she's elegant, she is absolutely magnificent!<3 The dark, simple colours and the accent are a perfect match and the apparel only enhances that. So. Freaking. GORGEOUS!<3

To find the dergs with bios, check the list on my userpage.
@Paperiahma [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Woa her colours r so amazing?? I never thought I'd fall in love with thylacine honestly- but it really makes her look fantastic! :o Huge fan of the apparel choice as well hehe :')


Woa her colours r so amazing?? I never thought I'd fall in love with thylacine honestly- but it really makes her look fantastic! :o Huge fan of the apparel choice as well hehe :')
@Dali [url=] [img][/img] [/url] hhhhhhhhhhhhh she so beautifulll i love her gorgeous purples
hhhhhhhhhhhhh she so beautifulll i love her gorgeous purples

Perhaps you've seen it,
maybe in a dream.
A murky, forgotten land…
@Vergil [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Stunner of a girl with that accent, colours and those apparel! Never noticed how the companion comet is position behind her foot, that's neat!


Stunner of a girl with that accent, colours and those apparel! Never noticed how the companion comet is position behind her foot, that's neat!
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