Not really, because this idea didn't come up to me. o.o
I think I ask her/him whether there is an reserving option. :D
Not really, because this idea didn't come up to me. o.o
I think I ask her/him whether there is an reserving option. :D
Aprikoko, it looks like they breed Imps pretty often, and that the pair yours came from is an established one. I'm sure they'll be breeding the same pair again soon, and their range is limited to a handful of colors that are all similar to the ones your girl had. Their genes match, so those are guaranteed.
Aprikoko, it looks like they breed Imps pretty often, and that the pair yours came from is an established one. I'm sure they'll be breeding the same pair again soon, and their range is limited to a handful of colors that are all similar to the ones your girl had. Their genes match, so those are guaranteed.
Aprikoko Already sent you a PM reply, but just to reassure you. They're a permanent pair, and I'm happy to give you first dibs on their next clutch ^^. They bred a Banana/Crimson the last two times I've bred them, so fingers crossed they'll pop one out a third time!
Aprikoko Already sent you a PM reply, but just to reassure you. They're a permanent pair, and I'm happy to give you first dibs on their next clutch ^^. They bred a Banana/Crimson the last two times I've bred them, so fingers crossed they'll pop one out a third time!
Thank you both really much! >_< I'm full of joy, but I don't speak English well enough to thank you in a appropriate way, but be sure that I really appreciate your help! =D
I still wait for any answers regarding my request so this will be the very last step. :)
Thank you both really much! >_< I'm full of joy, but I don't speak English well enough to thank you in a appropriate way, but be sure that I really appreciate your help! =D
I still wait for any answers regarding my request so this will be the very last step. :)
@SeaCrest @Lunadriel @Meepas @Alphaeon @Lune @Lynnbug @TheGeek @Reneshi
Hi my friends,
Yesterday I logged in flightrising and went to my lair. I couldn’t believe my eyes, my little Imperial lady came back from Icewarden! *o* My first steps were to regenerate her image to put apparel and an accent on her, so nothing bad can happen.. XD Can’t tell how happy I am! In celebration of this I named her Prudence. :’D
Then I checked my e-mails for any support-messages. I had a really nice conversation with an admin and it was said, that if ever something like this happens to someone (or if you have any other problems) you should try sending a support ticket like I did. [url]http://flightrising.com/index.php?p=contact[/url]
Thanks to the FlightRising-Team for making an exception and giving her back!
Thanks to you people having some nice words for me and some of you even offered their dragons! Trust in humanity and dragonity(lol) restored. xD
And I swear to check every button I’m clicking on. :D
(Sorry for pinging you all, but I thought you would be interested in my result. ^^’)
SeaCrest @
Lunadriel @
Meepas @
Alphaeon @
Lune @
Lynnbug @
TheGeek @
Hi my friends,
Yesterday I logged in flightrising and went to my lair. I couldn’t believe my eyes, my little Imperial lady came back from Icewarden! *o* My first steps were to regenerate her image to put apparel and an accent on her, so nothing bad can happen.. XD Can’t tell how happy I am! In celebration of this I named her Prudence. :’D
Then I checked my e-mails for any support-messages. I had a really nice conversation with an admin and it was said, that if ever something like this happens to someone (or if you have any other problems) you should try sending a support ticket like I did.
Thanks to the FlightRising-Team for making an exception and giving her back!
Thanks to you people having some nice words for me and some of you even offered their dragons! Trust in humanity and dragonity(lol) restored. xD
And I swear to check every button I’m clicking on. :D
(Sorry for pinging you all, but I thought you would be interested in my result. ^^’)

Congratulations on her return! :3
Congratulations on her return! :3
Thank you for the ping! I was wondering how this was turning out... I'm so happy for you. Congrats!
Thank you for the ping! I was wondering how this was turning out... I'm so happy for you. Congrats!
I'm really happy for you, congrats! ^^
I'm really happy for you, congrats! ^^
I've kinda been following this and I am so relieved you were able to get her back! She's absolutely gorgeous and that accent is beautiful! Congrats! :D
I've kinda been following this and I am so relieved you were able to get her back! She's absolutely gorgeous and that accent is beautiful! Congrats! :D
Congratulations! Lesson learned yes? XD Good luck in your future endeavors
Congratulations! Lesson learned yes? XD Good luck in your future endeavors