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TOPIC | Crowned Bonepriests give 0 exp
Today i fought 4 Crowned Bonepriests at the same time, i managed to kill them all and they gave me some food and stuff, but no Exp points. This happened several times on different levels of the Coliseum.
Today i fought 4 Crowned Bonepriests at the same time, i managed to kill them all and they gave me some food and stuff, but no Exp points. This happened several times on different levels of the Coliseum.
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What level were that dragons that you were using to fight the monsters? Because if they are too high a level, than you won't get any EXP.
What level were that dragons that you were using to fight the monsters? Because if they are too high a level, than you won't get any EXP.
they were level 13, but the monsters appeared in the Forgotten Cave. Every other monster gives me exp there, but the bonepriests don't ._.
they were level 13, but the monsters appeared in the Forgotten Cave. Every other monster gives me exp there, but the bonepriests don't ._.
6aedq.pngavseu.pngmbl0t.png tumblr_n4rnlnlsOx1sl6hkto5_250.gif
Bonepriests are still low-level monsters, so you won't gain EXP from them.
Bonepriests are still low-level monsters, so you won't gain EXP from them.
Bone priests are originally from the scorched forest area I think so your dragons are really almost double their level. You get no experience from weak monsters (I don't really know why they still appear in the forgotten cave really xD)
Bone priests are originally from the scorched forest area I think so your dragons are really almost double their level. You get no experience from weak monsters (I don't really know why they still appear in the forgotten cave really xD)
I'm usually asleep/at work between 12pm - 8am FR time
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Ok xD so the real problem is why do they appear in that venue, cause i think they shouldn't
Ok xD so the real problem is why do they appear in that venue, cause i think they shouldn't
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Actually I battled a Bonepriest/Death-Head Stag Pair in the Scorched Forest and got an exp amount similar to what I'd get from just beating the Stag's. I'm not sure if it's a Bone Priest issue but to get 198exp on a Level 8 team (Under the 20% bonus) when I average 500exp or so in that area.
Maybe they're just giving less then they should or are giving nothing.
Actually I battled a Bonepriest/Death-Head Stag Pair in the Scorched Forest and got an exp amount similar to what I'd get from just beating the Stag's. I'm not sure if it's a Bone Priest issue but to get 198exp on a Level 8 team (Under the 20% bonus) when I average 500exp or so in that area.
Maybe they're just giving less then they should or are giving nothing.
Wrath. Is. Back.

It's because they appear as a mob. So technically they should be harder to beat...BUT they're pretty weak, so there really isn't much difficulty.

That's why they appear on the Sandswept Delta as well; as mobs.

It's because they appear as a mob. So technically they should be harder to beat...BUT they're pretty weak, so there really isn't much difficulty.

That's why they appear on the Sandswept Delta as well; as mobs.