
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | {Closed Until Riot of Rot!}
[center][sub] [img][/img] An invite flutters in front of you, the soft paper crinkling upon contact with the ground. A magical aura seems to be radiating from it, drawing you to it... Hesitantly, you pick it up in your paws and open it, tearing the dried parchment with a clawed finger. The ink upon the page is fresh and [color=red][b]red,[/b][/color] and it almost makes you wonder what it was written in. But you digress and allow your eyes to scan the page: [quote=Invitation] [color=#8B0000][b][i]There is nothing to see. [/quote]


An invite flutters in front of you, the soft paper crinkling upon contact with the ground.
A magical aura seems to be radiating from it, drawing you to it...

Hesitantly, you pick it up in your paws and open it, tearing the dried parchment with a clawed finger. The ink upon the page is fresh and red, and it almost makes you wonder what it was written in.
But you digress and allow your eyes to scan the page:

Invitation wrote:
There is nothing to see.
[center][b][size=1550]END DATE GOES HERE./size] [quote=Rules] [url=][img][/img] [center][b][i]Conduct for the Masquerade includes. . .[/i][/b][sub] - Nothing that goes against FR's guidelines. - No spamming or harassment. [b][i]If found to be doing so, you may be barred from further events of the Clans.*[/b][/i] - This is a lore event as well as a giveaway. We ask that you draw or write something to go with your entry, but it is not required. The Clans would simply enjoy a fun Masquerade. [i]*(We cannot blacklist you, but we can send back your treasure/gems and erase your name from the document so you do not unfairly win.) [url=][img][/img] [/quote] [quote=Ticket Information] [url=][img][/img] [center][b][i]How to Participate. . .[/i][/b][sub] 1 Ticket = 1,000 Treasure / 2 Gems / 1 Fest Currency 10 Tickets = Writing about your dragons at the masquerade! Please remember to check your tickets [b]here:[/b] x Send your payment to either myself or @Kibawolff through private message or a crossroads. Please calculate how many tickets are with your payment, as he is going to be the keeper of the document and we do not want confusion.* [i]*Make note if you want to be put on the pinglist for the next event during Riot of Rot at the end of October! [url=][img][/img] [/quote] [quote=Prize Pool Information] [url=][img][/img] [center][b][i]Available Items . . .[/b][/i] [img][/img] x ?* [img][/img] x ?* ? ? ? [sub][i]*The amount of treasure and gems to be given away depend upon the amount donated through tickets, calculated before the winner is chosen. [url=][img][/img] [/url][/quote]

Rules wrote:
Conduct for the Masquerade includes. . .

- Nothing that goes against FR's guidelines.

- No spamming or harassment.
If found to be doing so, you may be barred from further events of the Clans.*

- This is a lore event as well as a giveaway. We ask that you draw or write something to go with your entry, but it is not required. The Clans would simply enjoy a fun Masquerade.

*(We cannot blacklist you, but we can send back your treasure/gems and erase your name from the document so you do not unfairly win.)
Ticket Information wrote:
How to Participate. . .

1 Ticket = 1,000 Treasure / 2 Gems / 1 Fest Currency
10 Tickets = Writing about your dragons at the masquerade!

Please remember to check your tickets here:


Send your payment to either myself or @Kibawolff through private message or a crossroads. Please calculate how many tickets are with your payment, as he is going to be the keeper of the document and we do not want confusion.*

*Make note if you want to be put on the pinglist for the next event during Riot of Rot at the end of October!

Prize Pool Information wrote:
Available Items . . .

treasure.png x ?*
gem.png x ?*
? ? ?

*The amount of treasure and gems to be given away depend upon the amount donated through tickets, calculated before the winner is chosen.


[center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Inside the antechamber in a chapel upon Stella Moriens's territory, a commotion was occurring. Spells were being fired left and right, tables and goblets were flying about, and somehow... None of this created a true "mess." The young Spiral who was to be in charge of this event knew that he had done the preparations later than expected--the masquerades were supposed to be week-long extravagant events that led [b]up[/b] to the final night, not something that he was to take care of two days before said day. He mumbled profusely to himself as he scrambled about, settling trays of drink onto tables formed out of magical shards. An Arcane Sprite fluttered behind him, offering her assistance where necessary, but ultimately winning out to the advice of the goblin (who was the newest addition to the familiar family.) But soon enough, he heard noises outside and quickly understood that the doors to the antechamber were to open soon enough. Excitedly, he scampered forward and laughed excitedly beneath his silver mask and pink hat, signalling for a spell to begin to play the instruments formed in an orchestral 'pit' to the far left of the room. Unmanned, the instruments lifted up and began to form a tune unlike anything that would have been heard before. The spiral just grinned and pushed open the doors with both paws before he chirped out, [b]"Welcome!"[/b]


Inside the antechamber in a chapel upon Stella Moriens's territory, a commotion was occurring. Spells were being fired left and right, tables and goblets were flying about, and somehow... None of this created a true "mess."

The young Spiral who was to be in charge of this event knew that he had done the preparations later than expected--the masquerades were supposed to be week-long extravagant events that led up to the final night, not something that he was to take care of two days before said day.
He mumbled profusely to himself as he scrambled about, settling trays of drink onto tables formed out of magical shards. An Arcane Sprite fluttered behind him, offering her assistance where necessary, but ultimately winning out to the advice of the goblin (who was the newest addition to the familiar family.)

But soon enough, he heard noises outside and quickly understood that the doors to the antechamber were to open soon enough. Excitedly, he scampered forward and laughed excitedly beneath his silver mask and pink hat, signalling for a spell to begin to play the instruments formed in an orchestral 'pit' to the far left of the room. Unmanned, the instruments lifted up and began to form a tune unlike anything that would have been heard before. The spiral just grinned and pushed open the doors with both paws before he chirped out,

[center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i] Adriel looked amused, his large ears pinned as he walked past the monotonous spiral and into the ballroom. Unlike many of the guest attending, Adriel did not wear a mask to hide his identity. His reinforced helmet adorned with a intricate swirl design kept his face hidden well enough. He plopped himself down in a corner with the intention of staying there the entire night. Despite born born in a vessel of arcane magic, he was never good with magic. Ironically enough his familiar was an arcane sprite which now perched upon his large ebony antlers. Adriel kept his eyes at the door, watching for any sign of the dragon that was like him. [/i]


Adriel looked amused, his large ears pinned as he walked past the monotonous spiral and into the ballroom. Unlike many of the guest attending, Adriel did not wear a mask to hide his identity. His reinforced helmet adorned with a intricate swirl design kept his face hidden well enough. He plopped himself down in a corner with the intention of staying there the entire night. Despite born born in a vessel of arcane magic, he was never good with magic. Ironically enough his familiar was an arcane sprite which now perched upon his large ebony antlers. Adriel kept his eyes at the door, watching for any sign of the dragon that was like him.
@phvntxms sending for 15 tickets!
@phvntxms sending for 15 tickets!
[center][sub] [img][/img] [i]"Bump!"

