Hey everyone, finally have some free time so i'm doing commissions again! :>
I'm doing fully coloured dragon busts
They will be 200g/200kt each (gems are preferred)
I have 3 slots available
Comment below with a link or pic of the dragon you want me to draw and maybe a little about their personality or anything specific you're going for
Once I have received payment i will start your commission
[*]cemeterycalamity (paid)
[*]rinkhet (paid)
here's an example:
Hey everyone, finally have some free time so i'm doing commissions again! :>
I'm doing fully coloured dragon busts
They will be 200g/200kt each (gems are preferred)
I have 3 slots available
Comment below with a link or pic of the dragon you want me to draw and maybe a little about their personality or anything specific you're going for
Once I have received payment i will start your commission
- cemeterycalamity (paid)
- rinkhet (paid)
here's an example:
Pinging myself for when I have the funds. Right now, all I have is 200kt in my name. Your example is gorgeous, and I hope to get one of my Hekabe some day. <3
Pinging myself for when I have the funds. Right now, all I have is 200kt in my name. Your example is gorgeous, and I hope to get one of my Hekabe some day. <3
@Emmaplodocus Beautiful art :0!! Could I snag a slot and have Mavrinn done?
As far as personality goes, she's pretty aloof and lazy
Emmaplodocus Beautiful art :0!! Could I snag a slot and have Mavrinn done?

As far as personality goes, she's pretty aloof and lazy
I love this art!
Can I get something of this guy? He's very mischievous in personality.
I can pay in gems :3c
I love this art!

Can I get something of this guy? He's very mischievous in personality.
I can pay in gems :3c
all done! :>
Emmaplodocus Thank you so much for this!! You did a really nice job with her she looks great <3<3
Emmaplodocus Thank you so much for this!! You did a really nice job with her she looks great <3<3
@rinkhet finished it c:
rinkhet finished it c:
OH gosh I love it thank you so much!